HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 00- 212 Providing Rules for Government of Water Works and Setting Rates
.. ,"-., - .
-O;F TltS-
Boz~man City Water Works.
OtdlD"nce No.-, '''2.
An Ordinance g.tabli,hlng Rnle.' for tb.. Goyer".
ment of .the Bozeman C;::ity Water Work., and
Providing Pcnaltieofor a Vluiation of Sa.....,
and Also Establlsb.lng Wat.r Rat.s,
Section 1. '('he following Hules and Reg"latlons ....'
made for the uovernment of the Bo.eman Ci/II Wat..
Work. :
,Bn 1'1' Onn..u,MHU lIY 'tIlE; CI1'Y COUXCIt, 0" 'r'HH
EVLlll., A:lI"p"roon. d..lri"g to t'ak. ....t.r
mUst make :4pplication at th~ office of th~ Wa.ter
Cot1ector and sign a.. register stating fully and trul,.
all the purpo$~s .f.or:. '.~YJJ.kh it is to be u8ed; that they
"'ay be ass"s<<lllccordJng to the ..t~bllsMd ratt,
and pay in advance for tappIng the street "'aln a"d
for ~h. ..rvle. pipe. \
NOTE, The service pipe for connectin.s:' all prelt1~
tees with the street nlEdri and extc:nd:h:i,g. (r;OUi the
",ain to tb.. cur~. will be put 'in by tb.. Clt,.at the
expense of the holder of the pr-cmhlem. The CO.J;'por~
ation 8tOp~ cock and curb stoP-cp.c:k,. wit~,",:bo% and
cover, will. be, controlltd by the "City. Water COn.
IIItl"mers will not iJe p~rXJ;1itted to use OJ" di,turb the.e
6topaCOcks; but there will be placed by aud. at the
, expense of the COnsumer\ at t.hc TIl"St suitable point
b~yond the street limitsj a ,!:.It.op and waste cock to.-
enable every CODSUinel":. t'Q shut oft the water ~nd
d:rain his pipes when ncc~l!I$a.ry t~. prevent fl'eeZin,r,
01' In ca.. of acoid.nt to his pipes:'
RV:L1l2. WIltej:'~ateo 111U.t b. paid montb.ly In
"dyanc., or quarterly, at tb. option of the City,
RVLll 3. Full wat.r rates, mu.t be paId for
....ry pllrt of a bUll,l'lng In whi~h, wat.r 10 Intro.
duccd, and for all fixtures Or outletl!l conuected With
tl1e'$ervice pi1?es, and no deductions will be li1ade
for roon~s not in actual use, ,Or 0", the plea that
SOnIe of the Occupants.~o qat tl~~ the wa.ter, or that
~onl' ofth. fixtures ar'- llot used, The charg. for
the use of tixt~res, as long a~ the water is turned
on" ~an only c~4se, wh~n they a.rc permanently die-
conn~cted from the st',r"dce pipe.
RULE 4.. All wat/,:r rates. :m.Ul!t be paid. by the
o'wner of the pJ;"eolises when Aeased to mOre than
One t~na.t1t. Parties renting.,.,w;hqle pt'emJses and
:!Sub..ren.tlng, willlJe required to pay the,: }.v~t~r rates
for the whol~ premises.
No water"'W~l1 be furnisbed nny ~COnsumer~, for a
water closet, urhuil Or other fix,~ltre only, unlc:tts the
rcgull'" rate 10 paId by the consu",.r for th." build.
lug occupi.d by him.
Rut.l<~. No p'rSOn or fa"'lly ,,,upl'llell,,wltb.
water,by this City wlll b. pe..",itted to uo. the
water for,.Q~Y otber.purpose than that stated in the
appIic{l.tion or agreement, ,or that estimated, for_ in
fixi:l:lg the ratesj or to Supply water in any way to
any other peraun Or perSOns without a written pC!!rmit '
from the Water Comn1ittee; llor ~hal1 they permit
others to use their hose, or ~ttachmenh, or le(l.ve
them eJc.posed to ,1.1~e ,by othe,r,s. A s~pa.ra~e sel'vice
box Yr"ill.be required for ea~b' s~pa.r{l.tc customer .or
USer of wat~r.
Tbe City agrees to furniMh water for certain
specified tti:'es for n certain specified aum. ,If, thC're~
fore, CO:l1!lumera' hav,ing a license fOr the.L1ae otwater
in a sho.p,ot dwelling ouly, USe water'for5prinkling.
or thoa(!,h~v~ng a license for :-lpr:l.nkling onl~y, use
water t;o'r household pltrposes, or fltruish oth~r peo~
pIe with.water for any PUI'PQse wbatsoever except
for use On the premises fo1'\ the ,purpoaes sp~ciB.ed in
the applicnt.iOl1t or permit it to be taken without
permis!:liOll from the City, it i!::l n violation of the
rul~s and any violatio'ti of the rule $hall subject th~
offender, ou con"\pctionl to H fine of not more than
RULE 6. C01'l~tlmers shall prevent ,unnect.l!l:sary
wa.ste of wa.ter a.nd shall keep their plpu, '\1'al'V"clII,
faucets, hydrant$, hos<l, fount-ai-t1$/ and all appara-
tus in g60d c01Hlition, nt theil' OWll expeneei and
keep all water outlets CI.,.OSil:D WHEN ;NOT IN 4.CTU.4.L
..uSR. Keys to hydrant!') are not allowed to remain
exposed to use by 9thetSi not shall hose be used
without a noule, or to throw water beyond the
lin1its agreed to be sprinkled. Goose.ueck.8, 9treet
or yard hyd.rants will not be allowed except b;r
special contract.
RULE 7. The Water at wflsh basin:!, water
closets" urina.l.!::!, bathoS, or any othcr place!! mu~t
not he /eft running to prevent water fronl freezing
in the :lipe!.j Or for any other purpose: and for all
unnecetsary wa~te of water the CHy l"e5erv~$ the
right to shut off the supply,
RULB~. Water for sprinkling and irrigating
shall be used. onI:-." during the following hOltrd:
From 6 a. m. to 9 a.. m, and from 4;. p. Ul. to 11
p. m. and water must not be left running all ulgb.t.
. ;..,'.,~
. >.....
'The rate for apr:lnkiing and irrigating as g:lvea.
hi, the ta.ble ot HMonthy Watcl" Rates" include9 only
the uSe of one (1) hos~ w:p.en u.sed with
on. noul. not ."c..dlng ~ inch III diameter
and does NOT include the u.e ()f lawn
fountains. for whlcb. an additIonal ,1lo.no.
"'ust bo tak.n out and Iln addltlonlll charge will b.
made (see ra.te IIFountainsH.)
When. water has bce'p. used fOi' sprinkling by a
conSulUtr and the water turned off, if it is desired to
again use the water for sprinkling during the sam.e
BeaBon, the expen:!!e of turning On and off the water
($1.00) ",ust b. paid,
RUt.l< 9" During aU alarms Of ftre the us. of
hoae, yard fou,nta.ina, hydrauHc motors and eleva-
tors and all outlets where Q. constant flow of water
i. maintained, Is positively forbidden. This rul. will
be striotly .nforo.d and If ..Iolat.d shllll subj.ct the
offend.r on conviction to a fine of not more
than $/10.00,
RULE 10, Licenses for water {or building pur~
po'~~ will be issu.ed only upon the certificate of the
builder of the work to be done, specifying the num..
b.r of brick. perch.. of .tone, and aquare yards of
pla.terlng. fOJ' which water will be requIred; and In
all cases, PQ~~nt {'or the water shall be a condition
preced.:nt to the Issuance of the license.
Rut.1l1i. No Illtetatlon" Or ."t.nslon. .haU
be made in any water pipe or fl.xture8 without firat
givtUg notice of B'\.1Ch propqsed alteration or c:xten-
alo,,;' aud r.ceivlng a permit from the City Iluthorl.-
ing the sa.me, at1d the work must be done by a
llceni.d plumb.r., ,
RVLl< 12. Wh.n any job of --plum bin I' 1ib.all b.
eompl.ted and the work approv.d by the In.pector
ofth. City, and the wat.r rai. pai~"the water will
be turned on, and not otberwise/::"''''
Rut.1l1S. The City reset,,,..-~'f;;. rlgb.t to s.t
meters at the cost of the ,conBumer, and chargt
meter rates ,whe:l:1ev~r ther~ Is any doubt .Q~ to the
quantity of water used or wasted. Cotl~umeu a.c-
cepting meter rlttes in preference to spe.cial Of
e;tllhli$hed rat.s will pay the oost of m.t.r, and
. placing the liI"Qme. 01" pay '('enta.l. as nlay be agrce(l
upon, but no wat~1' will be,furnillhed to any meter
con$UJ;ner for Jess than $:,i;..0.0 per tnonth, Inehl.ding
the rent of the meter. In Case the meter~ are .0
plaO.d that they are relld.r.d dlffic:JI,t of acce.. to
the officers oftbe City, or',exp9sec; to danrer from
frost, the water sh..llb~ Bhut.'o,frfrom sJ.~cb pl.emises
untll the obstruction I. remov.d or thed,ang.r,
If m.t.rs owned by the City should b. da""al'.d
while 01:1 the premi~cs of. the cOnsumers either by
c:a.relea!ine!8 of the owner$ or occupants of th~
prcmlsu or their agents, the OW'J;\er$ en:, O(;I..'}~~puute
must pay the damages. Meters owned by ',con,.
lun1ere wUl be uttdet. the control of 'the CitJ~ a.i1d
&ny repair~ necessar:.'-' will he done'., hy th~ C;'~;V o.t
the cipenstof the cOn~'1Intr.
. ltt.1':r.....14rA. The ~u.thorbe:d &gellt of the City
shall have a.cceu at all reasonable hourI!!! to all
pre~i~es supplied, to eee that these rule. are ob-
RVLl< 115. The City r...t"Tea the rlll"ht at any'
time to'shut ,off tb.e wat.r In th.ir ",alns for th~
purpose of making repairs o't e-xtel1!loue, or rOf..'.,
other purposes; and all persons having boUet:'1lI 'W:lt~~
In their pr.mlses, should supply th."'..i.... wltl\
tl1nks or Cistern! fot' the storage of a temporary
oupply of wat.r.
Rur...a: 16. Water rate., once. pai~. are not reo.
funded under any eh"cunu!ltances,' except ~here: tlle
premises become vacant, a.n,d the ~ater is turned of( '"
by the City; in s\lch case, on: surt'en,der of the.U~ett"~" ' :' ,
" ,'ebate may be allow',d for the uneXl'lred',terlll,.:",(,
leo. the expense of sb.utting of tb.e, water. ,But
licenSC5 may he hnfisferred frot1.1..,' qp.e'-.,party to 'au.
oth.r UpOll application alld oousent atthe offic. of
the City,
Rut.l< 17. For/the vlollltlon of..JjY"ofllte::,fore.
going rules-, and, for the non-paym'ent ofwa.t,~r rate.
when due, t~~ City t"e1ger"V'~..s the rlght'i}to tutti. off:th.~
water without' notice" I a.nd 'forfeit. '; 'any paytnctl,t
ma.dej and aft~r the water haA been tur:~e~ off' fi'o~
any ..r..lce pipe on account ofth." 'flolation of an1
rule of the City. or for tb.e nO,n-pay",.nt of wat.r
rllt... th...a",. will not b. turn.d,on,untlI the rul., ':,-
Is, strlotly compll.d with and IlII bac,k r,ates ...r.
paId, together with the'expense of'turtting off and.
on the water, which in each cal!lt wilt not be Ie..
than $1.00.
In case two or mOr. partle$ ,or famllle. ar. .up-
pll.d wIth wate~ from the oam. ,..rvlce l'\'pe", If
.Ith.t,ofthe parti.s violate any of tb.. for.golng.
rules Ot fa.U to pay the water ra.te when dU~j
sam. prlvll.ge of turn\rilji"off th,'-' water I.
by the City."';
RULl< 18. Wh.re sp.clal rat.. are, requIred .am.
"',ay b. fix.d by the City Councll.
s c.-c.5 . ;Z~4r,,{,U~~.b(
}ILl- (1-0. Z If lo -
if!'!!. rllL z-
tf) y;7-/ '/
...._.." ,..'" ..',_,"-:_ -I'":._.{."-:_,....,_---,--"~~.--:rT,l\
Ro..,.19, Tho rlgl1t 10 re.erved to, ",Iter. ame"d,': ,". t
or 'add to th.se rul.. a"d r.gulaUo,,!..from time to' -,'
time... in the jUdgnlent'-- of the City It .hallb.
d~emed.,ex.pedicnt or neoes2ary.
lWI,E ~O';lt I. e"pr..sly stipulat.d by the City a,,4,.'
It. co".um.rs,tb...t nO' Cla.l,in ,oh,al.!",b' mad. agal".t
said, City by'rea.son of the lJreakliIg of a"y, ..nice'
pipe, or cock, or 'Cor any accidental" failure in ,th...
.upply ofw"ter.
'V t""'. SeoHon 2. Tlls iollo,:",lng r..t;;s' ..r. harebyut..bllall.'
I' I ed for the uoe of w..tilr, p..y..bl. <!ul;W'terly In advanC\l:'
~ ,.-, Per Month." '
B.."k.. wltb one, waah 'b..Bln"..,........"..... $1,25'
Boil!-ery. e~hoven...."............."......... .....$1.60 t'l 8,00
I B..rb.r .bop. first cbalr.................,...;......" 1.00 j
B..rb.r ohop. elWh addltl"nal cb..ir......... .50'
ll..th. prlv..te........................................... .4--0
B..th. bo..rding bou... 1st tub........."..... .80
B..th. .Mh ..ddltlollal' tUQ, ,bo..rdlng
hOU..,..,..,................., ""........',.,..........
B..th. puhll....... ..................:......:'.....,.....1>
Bllll..rd oalooll. ,....,h tahl.......,,,.........,...."
Bo..rdingli.6u.~(no 1I0el)sole.s:'titj,j,$' ~
, por annum) p.r rooin......"."".........~.
Brlck work. p.r' tbous..nd 1..ld........"....,
Britcher ahop,~ ~...~~ ~.. f"' ".. .~.;t:.........,........ ~...,.
Clg..rlMtory, (no 'licen.e I... th.." .15'
" ", p"r y.ar) ,!i.r band..:............... ........
..<~.~~:~, e=.~.ft;:':::::::,:::.:::::::.::::::::::::::::::::
Forg., .lWb additlon..Hlr...................".
FountMns (~tatI9nary., port*i.. or
I..wu fountains,' .jeUi ;Jor eoda, foun-
tain., ete.. l-l0inch 'orHlce,,,..........,
FQr Ulonths of May. Jun.. July, August
..nd S.ptemb.r. or any frlWtion..1
p..rt 01 ..ny month.., ......................' l.50'
H..ll and lodg...from:............................S, ,2~ to 2.00,
Hor.. or ,mule, on.. Inoludlng waahln~
...rrl..ge...........,...... ............,..,........... .50
Horse ..ud mule. eMb ..ddltlonaL......... .2~
Hor.e or nlul.lor prlv..te st..bl...........,;' .85
Ice cream ...Ioou............",............... .....,$1.26 to 2.00
'Laundry (no licen.e I.ss than $80 p.r
, year), per hllolid. up to lour bands..,
Laundry, ....,b additional ba.nd ..bove
Offtce or sleeping :room.......\.~..,.....~~.,.~...,.. ,.75 to
Oy.t.r sMoous.......,...........,......,..;.....i:....1.215 to,
Printlug office, six handS 01';:', leas............
(.ngin' extra)..........;. .......................
PbotOgr"!ib g..llery .................................$1.215 to
~.:6tetlng, per .qn..re yard............"......
l\tiBid.nce, occnpied by on. f..mily lor
': d"""...ti\in.., offour"room. or I... 1.0'0;
~.ltl.sne', .Mb addltl<i>rial room............, ,,20
:~~t::;~~~::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::: ::: ::::::::::::i:~~?~ ,~;gg.
Sprinkling. 10r'Mh lot'h..viug IIlty feet /:ront ~r 1...
with re.ld.ncB ther.on. to regular dOlne.tlc cu.tomers
01 w..ter,lrom Baid w..ter worke lor the y...r at th.
r..te of 7&. per montb addltlon..l. or $4.00, per .e"Bon
lorth. months 01 May, June. July. August and Sept.m-
ber OI.lWh c..lendar y.ar, or Sl.50 p.r month or fr""-
tional part tb.reof lloIJd SO. lor ea.ch ..dditlon..l front
foot over /SOleet. p.r m:onth. And when not oth.rwlse
p. COllsUl:neti..of wOiter lot aafd water works; ,a.nd tor
VlWant 10t.iIor tile y.ar at tho rate 01 $1.00, por \
month. O~:.,~;~O per.e..son for tbe montb. 01' M..y.
Juno. ;ruly--, 'Augu.t ..nd Septenlb.r. or ..ny fr...,tion..1
p..rt of .Itb.r of Bald mOllths, a.nd S.. p.r m,onth lor
....,b additional front frOllt over 150 leat.
For ....,h ,.,ddltlon..llront loot 15 conts per B.a.on
';wb.n the $4.00 .......011 rate I. p..ld. Provided/that the
-sprinkling rate. h.r.ln m..do sb..lI not t..ke .fleot until
';ranu..ry 1, 1901, ..nd the' .xi.tlng rates .h..lI bo ill
'force uutil th..t time:
"'Sprinkling o..rts. publio, per Cart. wbile
ill use.. ..,. .........'...;...., \_. ,..... ..., ......~....
.,,'Stable, liverY, ~,..Ie o'r \JOardlllg, six
, , hor.es or, Ie..,. 'luclUdlng o..rriage
St..bl.. .ao;ll,..dditlon"lhor"",................,
i Steam bollers, rated pel' horae power
i ;from one to ten-horse power. work-
ing ten hours per day, or. .less, pel"
horse pOYo6r ................ ....... ... ........... ...
St...m bor.. power. 'Mh addltlon..l
bor.. pow.r up to twenty..............,
lIt.am boiler. over tw.uty horso pow.r.
Stone work. per p.rch........"...................
Store. a.nd .hop..........,.. ..,__..................$1.25 to
UrjnaJ~, pl'ivate hOUl!IEl8j self-closing, eacb '
Urlnale in .tores. b"nk. .."d otllceo. ...JI.
closing, elWh (size of orlllce ..t'leer.-
tlon 01 (,'1ty)...................,.................,
Water closet.. soll-clo.ing, private. .lWh
.' Water closets, self-cloaing, public, ea,eb
.'W""h baain. private. ....h.....................
:j:"k:.WMh b...ln. pub,lI.. ea.ch........................
,,',,;. 100 to 500 gallOn.. p.r d..y. per 100 g..1I0"s, 5e.
. i ,--i' 5.00 to 1500 gallon.. p.r d..y. p.r 100 gallo"s. 40.
':" J '1500 toS.oOO gallon., p.r d"y, per 100 g"lIon.. 8~.
. , 8000 to 5000 gallono. p.r do.y, per 100 gallons. 8c.
, 5000 to 10000 g"lIon.. per d..y. p.r 100 gallon.. 2)00.
10000 or moreg"lI~~., p.r day, por 100gallonl. 2c.
.~ ..
P.r :Month
AP..lITMIIlNr. ..ND FI,.qs ov.r stores, etO.
For one Or more l..mlU'. ..t .a.me r..te aa
dw.lI\ngol, ' '
POl!NT.u".- \
(St..tlonary. portable or lawn lountaln.,
j.ts for Bod'" fount..lns, atc.)
lO InOhorlllce............ ...............,...........,$ 8.00
~ lnob orllloe.;.;.......;.......,......,......,......... 10,00
~ Inch orlfic...;...... ..,.;................,....'..... 25.00
, ' Portable or lawn lountain. of ordinary size with "'
nUlIlb.r of .m..1I orific.s will be claB..d ... 01 lO Inch
qtjllce. ",nd the r..te a. given above will be ch..rged -in
Q,dd\tion to the rate for ho...
"', '(See olllce,O" .lJjW;>ing room.),
R..t. to be cbarged to I..iidlord..
Per Month
Stqll"s A"D 8HO".-
Stor.. with.. width of not ov.r 25 feot ",nd
oue .tory higb..................................,.......$
For .ach ..ddltlon..1 story u..d in conn.ction
wltb .tor. or .bop. not over 25 I.et in
widtll~............ ...........,... .... ;~i';';.....; "';!"" .,..
For each addltion:..f 10 f..t or l... ill .wldtb
of atore or shop......;....,..,...................,....
For ee.eh addltloll..1 10 fe." or Ie.. In wldtb 01
.lWb .tory ..bOv.""."......................,...............
STalt>!:T 0.. P A- VJ!:M:.:Nt W ASHllli'o-
For .prlnkling sldew"lk ..nd to' .ellt.r 01
.tr..t. for ...cb lot h..vlng 50 loot front
or I.................".... .............. "........ "......,
For e...,b addltionallront loot".",.."..;.."......
RULI:S, M-tD,~ RC,<:iULAiIONS" ,.
_pol'- Tn":"""'"
Oovernmentoi' Plumbers.
. i
S.ot/em 9, TII..following rul.. ana rogulatiom Me"
It.rebll adopted Jor tile government of plumber..
GElfR.AL BO~D.( ,';:.
RULE 1. All p.rson. or IIr"'. ca.rylng On a...,
pll1.nbinB" bu.lu..., before they oan do a"y work
I1pO" any 0{ tbe pip.' or ..ppurt."..nce~ of tllo,
BOlemo." City Water Work.. or upon w"rk CO".
,,,ected th.rewith. mu.t ~lve bo"d In tlle .um of
one thou.and dolla.. ($1,000.00) with two l/;ood
..nd 6uffi.de~t sur'etiest holders1of 'tu1incumbered real
..t..te In. tb. City of Bo..man. ta' tie 'approv.d by
the w"t.r Committe.. condltlC;'nOd'thar- th.y 1\',11,~
have all the work clone by them. or und.r their
control, executed in a workma.nlike ma.nuel', &J:).(1 ill
accordanc. with these Rule. "Dd Resulatlo".; a"'"
that thcy wlilind.mnify and .ave tbe City of Bo.e-
ma.n ba.r'mlcas of and from all accident. and dam.
agea catised by any negligence in doing 01" protect..
ing tb.ir work, or hy any unfaithful Ol' inadeq"uate
work done by tb.mseiv.. or their ~mplo",.",
When any sueh p.rs,?n or, firm have not dle4 ',,'
~ond..'to,cover general work to be done, bonda, may
be flied hI the cue of ,.p.clal '..tto.cnmento, co"di.
:"',' ,j .y', ",' :'
tion.da,' tne gen.."l bond ab_o,'Ve .t"tod., for the
'.umofftv. bundr.d doUars ($8QmoO) ~n,'\,~h.'1'\'.'
which' .hall b. o.pprov.d bV the w..t~r:'dOil1mltt~.
A.tJTlJORIT"f" 'l'0 DO 'PL1]M.BIN~.
ROLB:2. .Autbority to do work 0" ',pipe. and
"PPllrt.nallcesconnected with tbe water work. will
be grantcd by the City to "n'reliable ..nd practical
pIumb~rs who have had experience in thejr businells.
upon appli~ation for such authority, which mu.ilt
be ma.qe.in wdHc.g. they must t.'u'rnis,~ the Clt.,
Batlsfactory' .vld.nc. of th.ir abliity '1,'0 ...do .,.1\;'".
cl.... 'work. Sucb autbority 'granted to an7
plu,uber maybe r.vok.d by the.City. for .au.'.
R'OL'R ;3. Any person or drm carrying on. 81'
plunl1?Ing busiuess, who shall int~rrupt or t'eBi~t all
inspection of ~i$ or their ,,~ol"k done upon the pipe.e
I I,'.'.
or appurten~nc.. 0{ tb. Bot.mau City Water'
works or its consumers, sha11 be liable to a .,'for..'."
f<!ture of hI. Heen.. and bo"d and miy i on .onfie'
. doni befined in any sum not ,:more than '10'O~'OO.
RULlt 4. Any person or finn Carry1'O:g on a
pI umblng business. desirous of introducing water
from the1work9 t~, any,pretnises, ot' of making atly
a,Iter~tlon~'" additi<;ni. or ~xten8iona for consumers.
shall first procure a permit fro1n the Wa.ter Com-
pany for euch purpose, and for each a.nd every
opening, exca.vation' or cbans. requlr.d. -"-11 appU-
cationa for permits, must be ma.de in. writins upon.
b la"k. furnl.hod by tbcCity. stati"S the full "..Ille
of the OWll.r of the prop.rty and ~thl' purl'o.' or
purl?.~...~elil for wh~ch t?e wa.ter .is to'~,~sed. ..>
. ~',~
RUI.& 10. Within forty-eight hours after the, cop><, 'I'
pleHou of any work, the plumbor doing the ",ork
shall make the: Water Collector afu~l rct,urn,:stating
the, ordinary and spedal liseS to w,hlch the water Is
to be 's-u.plied, giving .0. c1eSC1"iptlon of the apparatus
and arrrulgements used, the number of' B.tQpe's and
rooms in the bttiIdiugj,and all the pnr_tiq,da.r~.'the.
C~U!le may call for. ,.'.
For any miarepresentaticrna~ or omi(tsions it\
thC:$e t'eturn$ Or for lea.ving the, V'I{~tet t1.1rned O,l1,: ,i
,afte" completIng 0" te.ling, any' pIU"1hln!;" he: shall i
i",'lie Ha.ble to.a forfeiture of bond a.nd may 'qu. con.."='-:i
I ....iction be fined' in any sull1 not exceeding' $,30~,OO!,
RIILlI ll" No plumber orfittor shall, allow hi.
n~uhc to be used by fitly person, directly ot" indit:"ect~
ly, ,either to obtain a permit Or, permih, or. toO. do,
any w()rk.,utloet' hi~ ,bond.
RULE 12.. The license of any plumber violating"
any.>of the City's rules and regulations governing
1;.~~ ~introdt\ctiO!l, 8upply and consu.mption of wahrt
Ww..l 'b~ fe!voked or ~nl!'jpended at th~ discretion of the
f:jtYi and will 110t be tl;:newed under an~V" circum..
~,'tatH~e~ 11t1til the City h::\s. been r~Mimbur8ed for all.
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