HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 00- 209 Establishes Uniform System of House Numbering 56() ..."'r.:;.-';"',Cl,":~i.~_- \..A~:::~~~.~:"7:' ",J 'Syst8m, Of house nllm5ering, within the, cltY9f Bozeman. . '! Be It ord;llned by tbe City COl,lllclr.of I ltbe City of Bozeman: <'. i Section 1. ,That Inorder,tnlt'!,t,atl~~ la uniform system of n"iDberln~h6l!ses, iwitbln tblil City uf HozelUan, all '.hO'\ls8S:: Ifronting on streets,AlVenues; and pub; :lic highw.ays within said city shl\\~ b~, : Numbered' in conformity with the f()l~ : lowing provisions: c".::,;, I First. B9zema.nl\VllnUe, North, and' I Soutb, shall be taken and used as a basis for numbering honses fronting on S'trellts within said City, and MaIn Street, East and West, shall be taken and used as a basis fo,r numbering', houses fronting on' avenueb withlni: said City. SeCORd. Oda numbers shall be given I to houses on the north and west sides of streets, and avenue!! and highways; ! and even numbers to those ontbe south a.nd east side of same; Sectloli 2. On the avenues within lsald city the numbering shall com- : menCl! with thl! numberl at Main, ~ ! Street, East and West, and Increase one:\' , i hundred numbers for each block, In i each direction north and south. I " Section 3. The numherlng of houses ~ ' fronting on streets wHhin said city shall I commence with the number 1 at Boze- man avenue, North and South, respect":,! ively, and Increase In each direction from said Bozaman avenue, east and west,one hundred nllmbers, of each I block. Section 4. Every alley running east and west shall take the name of thO\ street south 'of it, and every alley rull" n10g north and south shaH take the f on,IDe of the street or avenue e,ast of it. , All alleys slpll take the samellumhers as the s,treets from which they are <!lamed, tbeeven FlUmbers being on the' . ",sonUl an(l' east slde~ and the odd \11100' ' , bersbeing Qn the north and west Sloes. , , sli ' The city engineer or other otficf/l" rized by the City Council, shall nate the llumbers of all honses in<conforrnlty with'the preced. ing provisions, allowing one number for each twenty. five feet of front In each block, except on East and West Main Street, where every tlfteen feet shall be allowed a number, aDd Shall furnish the owner of each house, now or here. a.fter to Le built, with Its proper num- ber as soon as completed. Each en. trance used for a residence or plaCl\l' of business shall have a separate number, and each stairway from a street shall have a number; where necessary one"half or one.quart.er number, ,as 206% may be used. When any house is not correctly nllmbere<J, or not num- bered at all, the city engllleer, or other authoflzed ofIJcer, shall give such housl\ Its proper number and'require the sanie to be ,put uJlon such house in a con. '3picuous place nllxt to tbe street or avenue, as tile case may be,at the ex- pellse j>f t.he owner, IncludIng the cost of furllishing the number, which shall be lift)'l Mnts and when collect.ed shllll , be paidltnto the city treasury r. SectiQn 6. All numbers sMU be not less t.han three (3) !Iwhes long, and shall be: placed In a conspicuous place whilre the same can beea'siiy SeeJI from the middle of the street" "or -alley" UpOl~ whiCh they are. '<,:, .' . 8ecti'on 7. In case any OWnl!lr; or oc. cupant or agent, after having'b~w iw quested:bY the City Engineer or 6Uier authorized officer, as aforesaid,sotn do, shall refuse or ne~lect for ten'days to' number a houseas'~4!q'llfed by the fore- gOIng provisions o'f";l;his ordinance, or to numbafor atterll'ptto number auch , house otherwise than in cotlformlty with thi~ ordh'l:ll.llce aJ.ld the require. ments ~. said city enginE'er or other authorizOd otficer;\~~ch person shall,up, on conviction there'of be fined l!lot less thaD one dollar ,ot more than twenty five dollars, and when such tine is Paid tlle said city engineer or other author- Ized officer, shall cause sllch hOllSe to be. correctly nllmberl\d at tbe expense ofc the city. Passed, allopted and approved' thistth dllil<Of April, A. D.. 1900. GEo.D. PEASE, W.M. ALWARD, " ,'"City Clflrk. Mayor. I j';' "'. I. >i.J::.",. Plf@)~it ~If JP1m1D>>lil~a1{li1@)I!\~ ii I: Ii II Ii i: ,: II I I, Ii I I ,I I' .1 I' II 1.1 II \'1: II "><H r I I Sfrtte of Monfann, ~ S8. Co~ofGaJla,fi,n. '77 _ J ' / ~ ~eillg firM; duJysworn, . ",""7' _ -'. d('{!oses anti suUs thrtt 1u' is ----------.;~--------of the .,j v'Jl.N'l' COURIER, n 1I)""j,;Zy TU'wspnpPr, puJili,~hed nt Boum1,an, t.n, rf .//1 onto na,. Mud the____________________ "fwhi,h" '''P!l i, I~,,,,, ''''w,h"l, "a,' ~:,':,;;,h~t~=:,,' ~aper in its iS8ne dl/.t"d(~--71J11}1!P nnd wns pu.blished in Nwh wwk1V issue of 'oni.d npwspapa liJr____,~, I I II I day'. "'7'''/;'''';;: ;:"~ in /h, i~u,d"t", m ..~.... I --"---'---N;;fufY'hibtj~ a,j~iii; i ,. .,..."..," ,Glllll't~m.C:.ltnljl,MaI;rl,":': ll'Xc\c'f{ol\c.. I II conger-u.Jive wepk.q, in thp regulnr nnd 'entire isslle 'if euery n1~mbr;r of , ' each edition. (:OInplelin:: tl-M f'nll period of t '~ ~i