HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 00- 207 Appropriations for 1900 558 AUUll/!;i APPl'OP~i/!;Uou,aud '.loll'lllry ordlIl,atlce For the CI9'lilN!lozp. nu~n,. 1\>1' theYlla,,~.1dOO'<' and 190J,~ .~:.. BElrTO~PAJNEDBYTifEl OI'l':yOOUN- elL OF'THE Crl'YOF,~EM;AN: t~" Sectionl,'~ 'fhat";,\6l<,,)\tIIOWll1.g' t amountal).re hereby lippr@prlatedfrom 'J the Gllneral:Fund fo!< th~l\"i~~r y eat" ,ending May 1st, tOOl: For t.he salary of Ma.yor, at th,t,rate of $lI!O,OQ;,per annulil1....~"..., ,'$120.00 For the salary ofi:\lderman, ''" at t~e rate oU3,OO per m~~~- " _tbll'iellc~ net:t!xceedJog tWo., , '~ Iileetings a mO\lth..,....." ~ 576.00 For the sal~ry of City At,!,,o~' ,,,,. ., ney, lit the rllte $88.113?,i per ro09~h. . . . , . . . . .. ... J.::' rii"'i,J'400j)0 POf th<t.tl:ldaryof Clt)i4~I~r1t,~ , at the rate of $25.00 ; per month.... : '....... .... ... ,", For the aalary of Oity{)~erk and Attorney, when. th~re com. bined,at the rate'~~O per month, and $25.00 -per month otlice rent, total $65.(10 per month.. .... . ..... .. . . '" , For the salary of 01 ty '.freas- urllr, atth0 rate of $10,00 per month. . . . . ." . . . . . . . . ,. , .". . For tlile salary. of Police Judge, at the rateQf$88.33?,i per month.., ,........ .... ". For tho salary of Chief of Pollee, aft-he ra~r of. $7/),00 ~.f "'.'V. e. n'ID...ont...h..... ... ......'. ...... . ......'... '. '.' ''I$\Ii\'lrForthesalaryoftwo 1'0' 'llcemen,at the ratfl of $65,00 per month flach......,....... 1,560.00 For tllesalluyof Reltlstry Agent, at the rate of $8.00 per dl\y, for 15 days. . , , , . . , . , For. tUll;' sahlry of J ant tor and Jailor c$he Glt1'Ii~1I, ~t:,,: the rate of $66,00 per ~tb.') 780,00 For lighting thaCHYBulld. ing '. . . . '. ",.' . .' '. ..' 1:' . ,:.' . '.'..f{~,~,':~~:t ~",i~:"io"~, For fUl<l, and'lr!1l\ting City Building...,. . .... d.. '.'" "." )< ",,"~ ORD~N'ct1\1(JIl1l>!O.20"'. "~ " . . , .'. .'.'_.'-"~"."'~'.~~-~"."~-"-.~.~-----:._-,.", ,; ,ff'. .,l..'~' ' i ~ S '" "':;., ;:" .. ..1 ,~""" '"t: . '~ -"....."':'". ~ '- '- ~ , .)',: ,,:, ':;.:~,'I ," .' ::1 '1',' ...~;;t;:Dii,~= ...... '~'\I. I ~~c ~i ~ ;i~ 0) ~~ ~ J~ I ~ '~c:> .J Lt ~. 1\)" 't::li" ~ c3 ' :e ~ ~ ~ ~\ ~ a ~ Q ~. ~ ~. . C1 ~;,,::.~ .- ~~ .", '" ,;;,' ~ ..,.~ ...: ' :e ~ ~ '" ~ '" I . I ".,.. ~ '" ...: .;,:' ~ "" ;s" . - ..., rf\ ~ "" ~ \.vi g , ~ ; ~~o; < ~ti ~ ~ : ~.~ .~ ~"; ~ "<: ~ C ~ ~ :: ~ ~. .~~., ---.t; -' ,: ..~ <:l.} ,j!> i "" ::li ~ l ~ .~ c hi ~ l)) .~ ~1" :e :';; .~.rs:..: -g,$ .~ .1 ~ a... ~.'-* S ~ \:5<.\'\" ~ >t ".""-.."."<",,,:.:.,i'w-:,""- ,';,',,", 300,00 780,00 480,00 400,00 900.00 45,00 600,00 .~ 450.00 ~ <l)' "l. :e ~ - .~ '" ~. "" '"" ~, 0.' :: . ..~,,:~.,.,~"'.,. "r'."'",,!,"".''- Fllr prt'ntmgandstationery 5,00,00 .F'or board of.:City prisoners 200,00 ]1or.MlsceUaneous expenses 1,000,00 ~~?~1S:!l:.2,-,'rhetollowing amounts arllherepy' . appropriated from tile $t~~tlJ'q!lIi:. .\ll'or.. Sallily .of Streat Com- llJIS'slonel"at th~ tate. of $75 perplonth; f1?r !lot 'Ixceeding .. 9months,paryelu.:.. . . . , ' ,. $ f\75,06 F1Jr lighting 5tree.ts.. . . . . .. 3,500,00 For streetJmprovf@ents.. 2,000,01)' Section .3,-The following amounts are hereby approprlatedfrllm the J<'i'r.e F~nd: '. For the salary of tbe Uhief, af",tl1e rate of $40,00 1\lJr month.. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 480,00 . J.'or tb~sall.lry of Eng!(leer, '", at the rate qf $10.00 pel'''' .7 t.mont,h.. .. .. .. :. " , . .. . .. , . :~ 12o.,:pO ":. 'Fodi1iseeUaneous Expan,sts; 200,0;' S~ction 4.-The following amounts are lwreby l'lppropriated from, ~e LI: brary Fund':." .,,' , . For the purchllse of Books, _ ,,_,etc .... ...., ".. .... .. :'. ...... For the salary of Librarian, at the rata, of $20.00 per rnonth.., .'. .." ",. ,.......... ' 240.00 Section G,....,The following amounts I\re h~tebY"a,ppfopriated frdm the Wat: er F,nnd: For thaal'JlJJry'.ofWater Col;. ,1, lector, at thll rate of $60.00 per montb .......,.. ',' ... , .. $ 720.00 For tkle salary of.:'UtilitY" Man" at the rate of $50.00 per ;J11'lritll~,. .. '\" '" '.' ' , .. .. .. . . 60000 , j<'or1\ri'1lcel'lara;ou\l Expenses 500,00 For ,extensions,of Water,. Mains.. . . . . . . ... _ ,. . 3,000'~!,;,\,. B.ectlOQ 6....-'.fhlS Ordlnance. Shall go ':1', " int~.(~:ce"and' effect 'Oll, and llQ.er May 1st, 1900, 'f.assed,adopted and apPfoved",this .... .1st'duYQij\'[arch,I900; lll"' W.M.,ALWAHD, Attest:' Mayor,' , " GEO. D, PEAf;E, City Clerk:, ~, ..' 800,00 ) .\~i:i "i'i I ~ }, \ '"' ,', ""' ~ ...: ... J, ""r; j S _,,~ ~ '"t: : 'e ~ ; '~ " '" C. ,.S ~< : ~~ , ~ ~ Ii ~ ,:e '" , c t ';-,:" ,,'- J; I E: ';i ~ ;:" '- ~-' 0) "S- O) ';! .~ .,~ 'f. '" 'e ;::: :e '- ~ '"" ;:! ~~ '-. '" ~ ... "" .~ ',~" -II)' "" I::l 'e 0) ::li '" .;3 '" oS "" ..... i '" .;:, ~ <:)' '1:': 0) I:l.. '"" 1 '" ~ "" '~ll ." ... '" ~ ~ <; " i .! .., :; 0) ...: " I::l '" '5'i ... 'os ..0 ~ ,~ ;::, ::it' '" <; ::l ~ ~ '" ~ .", ~ <l) ~ '"" ;.c:> ;:! "l. ;:':~ e"t ~-', ~..,~ ~.,~...~;. 10::1 ' ~'. . .... ~"" ..';'~ \,),,' , t; ':' ; ',': "')'.' ".' >q" ' .' b";' CI:! C ;:" ~ ~ ~ '" .... ~ ~ .., ;s" '!; 0;; '"" 0) ~ -. ~ '" 2 '" ;:, .", ~ .' ~ " '" ;:;: c:> \:l ~ ~: ~ ~ ,.:- \ ~; ~;, ,/ ..~;-. " - ',~" ..... .' . '" f',. i I ..-._..! - ~"""'.~~--=-==~-. - - ------~_., --~ -