HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 00- 206 Provides for Submission to Voters Issue of Bonds for City Hall '::":':;,"1' ,':.~'~'::.' ordtnl'u,:". NO.;~(),~~;"t...i'......., AnordiJ~rice. PttiVidiOg,;~~'tJt;;'iifi ... "m,18iJl~pi't0'..' .t'lie......ql1'!IJl;~lt'i~I~~t()i!liel..' ~lIe 'C~ty.~OfBoz~~ti;'>' '/,t~~i~ .' ..' ',!o, queat~~nof t.beaafd'loi '.' .... . ,.tnti~":': bO~MQ~t~eaaid Clty<~r'oz~QtBr" 0:\ . .,u., .~',.,'."...'.'.'i }4<'1~tllll~'imtlwaum, \tli~ " . ....,,';... proclf)e411fro~theaallli ',be '".8., .... .J.)~t~6\...1.i~'...f'!i u~edt'o"fu~d<$20,OOO,.i ". '. 't- in~i,< .,..... ....,....... ... ...bon&.~*l'b'e' atlulding'Mtyhiil1horida',~~t'J)1l ' Ei' . .. ". CO,!l..'a,.il....~.....):t. t...l....,t.......,il.'....l~.' .:......~n.. u.'.'ft.b., .,....6.. .til.Q,I.'......b..... ..e...lt....i..D.. 't!l....n. g,.' .....,...,.6...,..'t..........'.','.'.'.'...'.' payable July' first, J899.~tId;l$ld.OOO' lludlber'6n~\. ",.'1( ,....'..,...."." . '.,'.',,' ...... ".'i",' outstandlplt city hall b'ondll,t,hl).t., b&:" S \..: ' , (lome ..payable.,' N'bvember."!fi'st, 1900, '.El((tiOI14;.~'tM".6~orie,rotllShal~be.l::< ,andtlXlngthetlmeof votlngonaald levied each. '1,oo.rup6,ntbe . taxable )'1'tre~ti~~.> ....,.,....... .' . ""'. .. .Prop~t:t~nsaidF.ltY~r'the,l!l1rpOSllOf :Be.t.t'o.......r~. ,.,i.l'1. ~dbY'. 'the. c.itr Council Of"'payin~)fA1eitl\~te~toffsaid.,..\\lOndSIi'o th Oi!;'f B . . issuild;alllI~ocre3'wa~lU1ii,~i:eu)3dfOr e,}'",o . '.' o~emlln: theirretlemptlon\untUllbesa~eare Se~tiori l.'J:heOltyClerk ill hereby paid 1m fUI,l,:~~d< l"edeem~d;''rhe 0itl' .... dli'ee,t~d,to.give no~lce asprovld6d .bY\~ Trllasu~ers~,1l~y;1n.laW'tul'!!10neyof ~.'1'll:\Ill' that t'\lerewillj)esu~mitted to the ,_.t.b.., e..... U. U.l...t.....e,.d...... . .s...t.~..'. ............;If.I.'\O.......l,l......,.th...tl.....'........ ,.fI..!. a..t.." ,.,...,..d.. ..ay.. ..,}.ll~ " \qU~llfle<lelectorsui,theCit}'ofBO~El- J;Uly.LlextllUllCeEldltt belsaueOf' saId tl1~~,Montau,a,J,t'thetlme ofthegen"bol,lda;..aB~.,l!~mi-a .. lyt<.';~h.~eaf\~ era'tsprl ng,ele.Ctf6n;.>\prll,second, 1900, on"eachfirst>~'ay . of J t1t~~tt*d'lirat .'. 'a'dY. '. ,,,,,:th,~qUe.ati6I1;' of t\lesaid~ltV'::'iasuing ""of January, the iDter~~due:on SUCh' _ '...boilQa'tlp.oQ: \lul creditOfall:ldcitYitl'bOndS,uponpresentatlg.r(fllt"Jl,ia,~ce '. ., tbeaum of $30,000, the proceeda. from of th~"proper couponll whltihslil~UshoW, , '\, tM ~ale of .said llon<la.to the' affi(>l1nt .of the amount due a'od,thetlumlle~o"t the ,: "Ii $2q,OUOto be URea to' fund a.balance.f bondstowhlchth~fseveral1ybell)iigl :, ol1tata.Oding c1ty\laUbonds, that bv- bu'tin case tbe hOlderof,aucb bonda i'''. ca1be paY!!!l.'e.J uiy':6rat,1899,sa.\d bondalltlilll.give lhe"OIty. Treaslir~r . notlc6:.1n belug 10-20s,and 'oearingsix percellt. writing that he or they Wlah,:'tli\,ebonds intereat~and the proceeds from' the so held by them and the interest to be sa},e.of said bonda In the amount of paid .In .New . Yor~>City. then. allch $10.000 to be ua'eI'\ to fund $10,000 out.bouds andcoupo~a~l1.al1b!l.pa:Y,Ilble~p: . standing city ball \;louds, that become NewYorkOlty:a,t's,uc,h b,ank".BS1AI\Y payable Noyember first, 1900, said honds be designated by the Olty Treaaurer, b~lngt020a and bearing six per c@nt. aud all bondaand cQuponsso.paid Interest. At the said election the bal- shall bereturnedtotbel()itWOounoll lotsshil.llbeprovided inaccortlance at the n~xt monthlY'> ille~tl)ilir:ii.ll,dthe wlt~Jaw,andshllll contal~theW()rds aaid bOl;\d8andIlOupon~jj~lilt>be(lBn; "Bonds"'" Yea." MId " Bondi!l-N 0." The celledinthil maliner city ,warrllnts are electioll' shall 'he conducted, the retnrns now cancelled, made and canva,sel'l, aa provided in Sectiolll 5. The bonds, thlllasue of other city electlona. which Is herein provided for, shaH be Section 2. If tM majority of the redeemable In ten years and payable. in <votes cast at said election shall :be for twenty years, and Ifat any time after "Bouds-Yea," the Oity Council shall tBn y~ars from date of Isauance of said s soou aa practicable thereafter, give bonds, the aum. in the sinking fund notl~e by advertiaement in lhe AVANT shall equal I!r exceed $1,000, or from COUltlER. a weekly newapaper phh- time to time thereafter wh&u it may ished in the City of Bozemlm, and Rlao occur, the city treasurer shallcauaea in aome newapaper prt'l))[shed in the notice to be publahed In one newapaper l)ity of New York, for 9, perioti of not iu the City of Bozeman, that he wl1l leBa thau four weeka, to the effect that withiU\thirt,y days' from t,\jedate of the City of Bozeman will aell the bonda such notice, redeem aald amount of voted at auch election (briefly deacrib- bonds which may be payable, giving Ing them) at public auction at not leas the numher thereof, preference tieing than theIr par value, and sha.ll atate the Iti ven to tae oldest isane. A aimllar time when, and place wbere, auch sale notice shall be given hy mail t6 lluch shall take place. bank In the City of New Yorkaa the Section 3. That tbe Mayor and tha Treasurer haa desl.ltnated as th~ hank City Clerk of the said City of Bozeman at which aaid bonds and interesttllere. are herehy authorl~ed and Instructed onwlU bepaid,andltattheexplrBUon to aign and execute,'after tile sale of thirty days the holder or holders 01' thereof, the sMd city bands to au said bonds shall faU ornell'lect to pre- amoumt not to exceed the sum of sent the same for payment Interest $30,000. The bonds iasued by virtue of shall ceaae, and the treasurer shalL be this ordiuance ahall be known l\S "City ready at all tlmes;to redeemsaidbOl1.ds Hall Fundiug Bonda, 8':lcond Series" on presentation. ..' ..... and shall be dat.edJanuary 1st, 1901, Section 6. Thisordlrtaucesha11ta.kif and shall lltl of denominatiolllB of $1,000 effect from and atter itspasa'age abd each, as may be most desirable and approval, practicable, and shall bear llltereat at Pasaed, adopted anel aT,)provedthia the rate of f@llr (4) per cent. per an- 16th day of February,)900, ' num. Interest payable S6mi.annually., W.:M. ALWA.RD,Mayor. Said bond~ shall have attached semi. GEO. D. PEA.SE, CIty Clerk, ' , '~~""".~:-':'".~-". '~i;(.)~,l,"J~F; .,"~:....~~.... ..,,~-~,_.,., 0'''','-' - .. 1;""----"1 $;,,'~' , , :<t'..... ..........<. '....'..1 f'" I l~C.' ", ~\?~,:~l:~',; /,) .r,~t '\' ~"r . \\~ L \ 'V I). l\ '\ .~';{ . ..'J. .. \\ \ '"\ \ \ \\9 ~\~ \ \ \) ~C\ ^' \? \ f).. ( ~ ~~ ~_______ ~ _...............~__~~~__~~..............-_. ~.. ~~..,."'"~.____"'_~_~._ _ ' _w_.,._~~~ __ _""'0" ""'....- " I i ,',,' 1"\ '! I , ' I ;:,~ '.1 1 \ .' ,~. I,; ~ .... .........,.."~~.,....."............--._.. f .._~~~",,,~.,.,,.,,. .,' ). f ":.~',\ \ ),.:~',~,i,~".:.,;::,....:,.t.,i!", ?,',:""~'.~: ",',' ' ,. , \. r , .. '.' ..... :.',1'f., ." "., /'~t'\'... ~~C',( ..~i;"::;,(:\; .' '. !!'. .", (>rdiRI'Dc:e. No,:20~.' .'., / . ,a~inl"d'G)!i~o'& 'Db'tIl!l,J'or' '. ':i118tall'~i\ 1": . . . ..'" .' -,.'i meDt or,l'tl!i'est;+liDd ,th:dsIRnd~, AD ordmRnce prtlvldlng,fortbe'llub-; conpoDa.at~hed't~~retoll'ilaolibll ,'i,,'.'~': mlsSI?n . to tbe. qualltledelectorso,t... Signed bYlth~(J.iiyot.jtnd ity, plerk. . ~.h.u~. s.c...t.~~. Y.n.'."b.~. .t.B.'h.~Z:.~.tl}....,It.O..'I..t. ~.).:. n..tt.!. :f..Da.g...........~.~.e. :~'~~.....~fesp '. . . ...ad;f.i,.~~.....~..~.b. ~e.t:.".. .,.:..6b....::.t.hn.. e._ bondsof.the said CitY,~6/';ozelilaq. :Ve I' '(ij.)JI,grelil,u~oll ~~&::::'f~~~h:h~~~je~~~~~: .~t'. '.. . ..... '. .*J~~~;t~~l~~ used po . fUnd$20,OOO~1~~c~'~n1t- inlt~~t~. .,;'~'EdI$ bond Ilhallbll sta. n....d. m. g. OI.tYh.a.I.I. b.ondS.... t.~,.. t.".be~.. e co.nl!ll..oq.. ...t. .'.it... ..l:l.. ........'..'.'........'D,U....l'h...b. .'.e. .tM..,be.'.ll'...i..D. nin... g...a.t...... ' payable July ftrst, 189~,and'''$ld,~., numbllfiOl,iIi:. .'~.'....r, ',: ...... ..' outstandlpll'cUY"hall bondlJ"tb~t.,;be- ~eetion,~\A'taX'6f, one mill shall be, J,~.. COma. ~N'able 1!lIovember1f1'llt.1900, levledeachte6r upO;n the taxable ,and flXlngtlle time of votln~~n..aald 'prop~t!lullaid.clty ~ti the purpose of <juestlon. . '. .. '. .,,'paYln!f;tlb:eJnt~re~too.aald.bonds. 80 Be Itor./}~I,nedby the City Council of Issued, aMt? crea.peaslDliing'jjund for the Clty",ofBozeman: . .... theIrretlillll1>tloDnntll tbesameare Se~tlon 1. The City Clerk. is hereby paidil'l fdU"al1d,rtideemed., ~he my ,dl~tedtolllve no~lce as. provIded llY\'. Treaau~er $b~:~J!tn]awfUl~on6i'Y of .nl;w, that t)lere Will besuQmltted tothe.theUmtedSt:~R',{jJltht! flrat:,daY,l:!~ ' qUllllfled electors of,the CltYQfBoze- ' Julyne'll:tsu~elldltllt,. e'lsaue'ofsald 't. ma~.M.Qntana,.l,l,tthetimaofthe.geti- .l:ionda,~~If~.seml'a 'r.\;theveaf~' eraYsprlng,elec'tlOn,\A.prn,sec'?nd\.J900, .......... .oJl':~aOh~fst'>\!'il;yof.. l,lll-at 'd)'Y .~",t~~ que.stlA~, <;If. thesald:Olt~:'issu~t1g~~'ih~.Jall1fIa~~,t~~~~t""", ~'9nsuch . . , "boiuja'llpbl$\l16credltofsaW,cltY""1Ii '''li'bondll;''i.l!Onlptllll~J1P.,i\l'~,'lll.is"p.~ce Ute sum of $~O,OOO, . the proceeda' from of th~,p~operco~~?~,l1,I,dh;$'~Wl.ShOW , thll~ale of sllld bOnds to the lImountof the llililQlmt due al!-d,the'll,Uf'ibet,\\}ot tli:e , $20,OUO toM. u~edto fund' It. balance,.f bondato whlchtffef:severaIlY'beli.\f1g; ........ :>outstll"ndingcity h,llll~onds, thatl3e_b~!llncllsethe .:holder (l,f,sUCh ~9~l1~ _.",cathe pa'Il.!!.le.July,f1rst, 1899, salabondssh~lI.gjvet.he,,(JltY Treas~rl'lr~tlce..in being 10-20s, aDd bearingsixperq,!ln't. wntmgthat he or they wlsh,:,t~ Donds interest,. and the proceeds from . tbe so held by them!l.ndthe interest to be aale of said bonds hi the amount 0: paid mNew York City, then. auch $10,000 to be us'ectto. fund$lOpOOout- bonds aDdcoupo,~~:$h~ll.bQPaY.a.bleil1 ,standing city ball bonds, that. b~come New YotkClty :at:s.\lc,l,!b,al'lk,.astpay payableN o.vemberfitst, 1900, said hOllda be deal/tnated byth~CltyTr.Ra'urer; \)elngl020sand bearing six perclilnt, and .all bonds and Mup~nssopald Interest. At the aaid election thebal- shallbereturUl'ldt?the'()it$"-,pounllil lots ahallbe provided Inaccort\~nce at the next monthly m~etlnil'and the wltblawandshall. cont.alnthewords !Ialdbo1;ldsaudllouponsllMll bec,an' "Bonds....:Yea."a>ld. "Bonds-No." 'l'he celled in the manner city "'~rrantll are eleotion:'shlill 'be conducted, the retnrns now cancelled, ~",,~".l;"'':' "I: ""....no l,n:p. ( I 1- +--'f .0" ."~: i. "~'I 1 I PIt@)@)(t @)Il Put>lIltleatlom. IsSue' .of shall be yable In e after of said g fund or . from It \Day cause a wspaper he .w1ll. datil Of ou.nt of ,giving e lleing similar 6l1uch, :.lIoS .the ..li\....bank tRElr.e>; . ItatIon , ers'Qf tOl'rll-. )Itereat ....allbe. . 'bondS ..><.. Stnte of Montnnn. ~ ss. ' ,nCZZ:)~~~i~g~)ting first ihdy sworn, Ill'poses and sl/Ys thltt hi, is'n,,,,,,,,~:,,,,,,,,of the .d V'.11.N'T COURiER, a IUf!f'kly neW8pnper, pu,bli9hed nt Bozeman, in GnllnUn CalU/ty, in the Stllte lit .Afontrrnn, thnt the""""""""m,,,""""'" ,,,,~~mn,~",',,m'~P"'~/m,,zf:~ of' W!d~ co:/: hald 0 II.t ,ched, WII.S first pnblished in ,9nicl news- paper in its ;S81,U; dlttNI",~~,'",CMc'T" 19,,(!?t:? and WIL,S pu.blished in !!Iwh week),!! Issue o/..nid newspaper f'or,"'~m con~e(',utiv(j UJI>dC;9 ,in tlw l'I<glllnr nnd entire issne "f every number of' eaoh edition, co/np/din::! the f'ull period of'. ''''~:::,,'''"'''' days, the last puhliordion bei~,~ in the issue dated"""~~!"",,,,,, 'm~1 ....".m.....".,.",..lr((:~:,.,,'~"~~ :J.. b. a... a"a".. \\ ~ \) ''\ \ C\ \ \ \\si \~ J" \ \ I). S U B8.IJf:I ~'_D rr.nd ~1(;orn to be/ore me, this. dny of' tI4~~"t(}JI'lf~, / tj:) ......~~,._a__.au. ."a'u"u""u"".a.~~~.~,....<3~...'''....''.....a....u.u..u.......u....... ~~,111 ^'t I <? t ~ r;.' \...... l\ \ " "i,I.;i',