HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 99- 197 Relating to Management of Water Works OHmNANOR ~~~~~o~7r ,amount of delinquellcles for each of the I month. Be ~hall also keep a correct account of all delinquent water con- of the summers, With a descdptlonof the prope~ty on which the wate~ was used and if,the amounts so delinquent ar~ not paid to him or before the 15th day of September of each year to certify the :J"'u'-"~_ Oil that day to the City Cle~k with a desc,rlptlon of the property where such wate~ i~ used, and It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to ce~tify the same to the COIl,nty Clerk, who shall place the amounts upon the tall: ~ook. sO that they may be collected as ara other city taxes. The Water Collector shall make a report to the City Coun. cil in writing on tile tlrst Mom\ay in May of each year showing the condi- tion of the several water funds and amounts received from consumers, from other sources, and expellses of running tile plant for U,e preceding year, the number of consumers and a detall statement of all servlclls put in, and extension~ made, and In every reRpect a complete report of the affltll'd of his office, The Water Collec. tor shall perform such other dnties as may be prescribed by the Water Com- mittee. Sec. 4.~The City Council shall au- thorize the extension of all water)lO ')J ~ mains and no mains shall be extended ; q l' vi I / ~C~ until it appears that the annual reve- ,--,,~,-J--O >>~<'1...~--- nues from the proposed extension will ~. amount to at least ten per cent of the cost ot such extension. (L,I + Sec. 5.-All amounts dne for water 0/,j CI-~ ~' //'( ~~~ (( shall be and a~e hereby made a lien ' upon the property where such water ri:J 'I: (] ..........1 ./-IJ! i!J> was used and In case such amounts ~,;;:-~~- .. ~<tU~("">_), 'I are not paid they shall be certitled as IvY' 0 0 above set forth to the City Clerk and ...{/ /Lo"/,, I, t1L.C\klAz_?"2"- f-J,-,",-<---,,'---9 Connty Clerk and coUected the same / as other Clt.y ~axes. L.. . _ I J A -' Sec. H.-The present rules established () -~ ~7- "~~ t;F<Jd~ I by Bozeman Water WorkS Company, /hi 1'1 wh~re they do not conflict with this '--<.-'l.-~ ".rJC~--yV C -. ~ ~ ..h'rc....c., - "1",1 ordmltllce, shall be and remain In Gf. / ,il fectuntilother rules are adopted by 4..'f~Lp ff,," -...J'.: 4~u>-"./iLH':",,~' 1,,1,','1' the Water Committee or by the City / )'k" CL--v <~-4' \.:0~<~ <-'"I Council. Iii ~";-Ihf-<A 1,1 30~~~:;'O~~~:~~, ~,dJ).ai:~~ved this 4( /V. ~ -~~, (/ '-V--eA^Ir~.t' I!I J. V. BOClEU1" ~ 17~" 17 '" Ii.', GEO, D. PEASE. Mayor. ~ fl City Clerk. 11II ! illll ~/~;::~~~;Il ~~,t~!~J!!.",-'f1~ Lu/;- Ii o>>-~ .l\/J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ill! ~ :h ~, .-J.JJ:). ~ ;.J; j'Ttf ~ VJ'AA ~J :: ~ uC0.~ 'w"1./iJ~~~ 1~J- 1v.A/dJ~ Hr-, ~,' ,Ii r (j o iii' 1 _ _ J _ ~ "" - d,. \!i" ~(.NV"<i ,Ilo'Y'z.k/t:.,,1 - /"~ ~~ ~ ~....... ~ "l ! ~ ~ ~ "~~tx:-- ~~ )Lrli ~ '/, _________ d'J';' rh ~ ~A ~ !i .~ ~ ~",Jr-W ~ 1J-/01 1/ ~I\l\ I )tJLD->" it uJvv-... I ~~&.-. ~J- ~~ t-,,~~ ~~ ~L ~~~ ,1\1 ~II I~ 910 ~,~,C1~, ~~l II~ ~23' , ,) L ~ ~i j ~- p-J- ~oI' ~~ $/4L- ~/i )U~(Jp~' pri9, ~~4~ ~ HeguJating the management Bozemall Wnter Wo~ks. He it ordained by the Conncll City of Bozeman: Section l.-That the Mayor shall at the t1~st regular meeting of the nilW council each year appoint a st,mding comlmttee to be known as the Water Committell, conRisting of one alderman f~om each ward. See, 2,'-11 shall be the duty of the Water CommIttee to take charge of the generalmanagernent !md have control of the water works. subject always to I the approval of the Clt.y Council. They shall check up the books of the Water Collector and audit all bills drawn on the Wat.er Fund and Water Extension Fund, also all reports of the Water Collector. They shall employ by and with the consent of the City Couudl a general utility mlln, who shall receive such cOlllpensfltlon ilS may be fixed by the City Council, and whose dnties will be such as are prescribea by said com, mittee, also employ all llecessa~y labor , to keep the water plant in good repair, i it shall be their duty to order the ser. I vice cocks closed at the premises occu- pied by consumers of water who neg- lect or fnll to pay for water, upon tha Water Collector reporting such neglect o~ failure, and to order Ihe same re- opened upon notice from the 'Yater I Collector showintt that tlle amount due , IInd penalty for closing bas bf'en paid. They shall regulate the distribution and use of water, provided that the present rates, established by the Boze. man Water WorkS Co" shall remain in eft'ect unti! the gross revenues from the Water Works, together with all taxes levied and collected for water purposes shall exceed operating and mainteriilllce eX\Jenses and interest charged by II sum eq ulIl to at least 2 per cent of the city's bonded indebtedness incurred for water pu~poses, except In caSll of special rates that may be made by the City (Jouncil. Said Water Committee shall report annually to the City Coun" cil on the li~,t Monday of May the con" ditioll of the Wllt.e~ plant, showing the r"vennes and expellses for ope~ating the plant, the ~lIlour~t of cash on hand ~nd the amount paid into the Water Slllkillg Fund, and ill every re~pect II full, II'lIe aud complete report of the I mannglment aud condition of said_ , pl~nt. 'Sec, 3.-That the City Treasurer Ie" hereby made Water Collector for thE' city. ne shall give II bond to Ihe city iu the sum of $10,000,00. It shllll be his duty to kef'p a correct account be- tween t.he city and all consumers of water, showing the kind of service, and the rate chal'ged, and description or the property Oil which the water IS llsed; he shall collect monthly In ad. vauce all SUlllS dlle the c:' y for water, in acconlance with the rules and rates referred to in this ordiuanc!\ :lond place the Sll ms so collected in the Water Fund; his books shall be at all times open to inspection by the City Council. On the first se~ula~ day of each month he shall repo~t in writing to the City Coutlcil, Showing the amounts collect. ed during the preceding month for the nile of water, aud amounts collected as fines or pen~lties for ~e-openlug service cocks that 1ll(IY havn been cloeed for lion-payment of water ~ate8, the sum I collected for putting in new service " cocks, the arnount of warrants drawn