HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 99- 190 Relates to Improvement of Sidewalks, Streets, Etc., and Repeals Ordinances 103, 122 and 147
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~EC, 2. All sidewalks, paving, ma-
cadamizing or other improvements up-
on streets where nu grade has been es.
t.ablished, shall be built ulJun the grade
given therefur by the str"etlJummis.
siolllJr, If any plJrson shall build or
assist in building any sidlJWll.Jk, paving,
macadamizing or other stl'lJet improve-
mellt where 110 g'rade has beeu lJstab-
IishlJd, without IIrst obtaining a grade
therefor from the strlJlJt commissioner,
or contrary to any grade which may
have blJen obtained from said street
commissioner, or shall build or assist in
building any .sidewalk or other street
improvement coutrary to the grade
which is established by ordinanclJ of
the city, or coutrary tOilny ofth" provi-
sions of this ordinance, he shall be lined
ill each case wlwn con victed thereof, in
any sum not IlJSS than teli dollars nor
more than one hundred dollarS and thlJ
costs of proslJcution; and shall be sub-
ject to a IiklJ lJ..nalty for ,mcli 'aild lJVlJry
day he shaH fail to remove Or r,,-con.
struct tlllJ same. after receiviug noticlJ
so to do frol.n the str..et cOlllmisslOller.
l'i}<;(;.:J. No si(!<'walk, !l:rading, curb.
ing, paving, macadamizing or other
strelJt iml'rovelTlell.t silall be con.
strncted, "liess the question of such
improvement shall have Ilrst been in.
vestigated by the street committee and
by it reported Up'ln to the city council
concerning the necessity or advisability
of ordering such improvement, and
whether or not the street in the imme-
diate. vicinity thereof requires grading
before such improvement is made, and
if It does, at whose pxpellse said grad.
Ing should be done. ~ald committee
sha.]] submit with said report an esti.
mate of the expense of such gradillg (if
any Is required), and also an estimate
of the cost of constructing such im..
SEC. 4. When said report. shall have
been filed the city council, by.~ vote of
two.thlrds of all its members, may, r-
del' such sidew(llk, curbing, grading,
pavlllg, nlu(:adamizing 'or other stre,et
improvement to blJ built, re-constructed
'01' repaired; such ordlJr shall describe
the kind of walk or improv~ment to be
built or repairs to be made, and ne,me
the estimated cost thereof, and declare
what part of the expeuse of such im.
pl:ovement. if any, shall be borne by or
assessed to the abutting property, or to
property to be henefitted, in prop/)rtion
to the benefits npon the property bene-
fitted thereby; and naming It and nam.
ing the ratio of benefit tbe property
affected thereby will receive from such
improvement. After the passage of
such order the strlJet commissioner
shall forthwith llOtify the owner of the
property tn be affected thereby, or any
of his known agents, by serving upon
him or them, a notlelJ in the mauneI'
herein prescribed. The notice may be
written or printed or partly prmted,
substantially in the following form:
"('ityof Bozeman, --189-
"To~ You arlJ herlJby noWitd
"that the city council of th.. city of
"Bozeman has ordered (naming the im-
"provements as described in said order,
"or referring to the approved speclflca-
"lion therefor,) to be constructed (or
"repaired according t 0 the terms of the
"order) on the - bide of -- street,
"betw~en - street and - street in
.'this city, and upon which certai.n real
"eatate owned by you abuts, tOWlt: Lot
,,_ of block - in - Bozeman,
"Montana. Said improvement to be
"constructed in accordance with said
"order and at the grades corresponding
"to th~ established grade of said street.
"You will be allowed until the - day
"of _ 189- in wblch to construct
"(repair or rebuild) that portion of said
"improvement adjoining the estate
"ownfld by you, according to said order,
"and according to such quality, manner
"and f(\l'm as will be llccepted by tne
"street commissiont'r; and his cIJrtifi.
"cate of acceptanclJ tn..reof will hlJ nll-
"cessary to dischargoe and rellJase yOllr
"said property from assessment for
"such improvement.
(8igned.) "- - ~treet Commissioner.
~EC.''- The nntices aforesaid may
b.. served personally, or by leaving the
same at the resiaence or placlJ of bll.si-
ness of such owner, or of lIny known
agl'nt of such owner; or, if no owner
or agent is knowll t@ the street com.
missioner, thensnch notice may be
served bv posting the same upon the
property of such owner where the im.
provement is to be made.
SEC.&. If any SIdewalk, work of
grading. curbiug, paving. macadamiz-
ing or other impnlvlJmlJllt. shall ],ot be
constructt'd within the time mlJrltioned
in the notice aforlJsald. such fallllre
shall be rt'ported hy the said stwet com-
missioner to thlJ ultv council. The rt'-
pnrt ahalJ statlJ the ,;ame of Ow ownt'!'
or his agent IIpon whom notic.. has
been serv...d. and th,' manlier of serville,
and the dt'scl'iption of the lot or prem-
SEC.,- After the street commission-
er's sam report of failure has been ren.
dered, the llity council may order th..
construction of such sidewalk, grading,
paving, macadamizing or othl:'r street
Improvement, in clinformlty with its
origir.alorder. An accurate account
Shall be kept of the cost of every such
improvement constructed by order of
the city council, and the council sha-II
order, npon a two-thirds vote of its
members, an assessment, Rssessillg the
wbolll.or any part it deems proper, of
the expense of the constructIOn ther...-
of, including the necessary SllrVlJYll and
maps, llpon the rt<al t<stat... (lescriloed as
having failed to hav.. IlOlllplit'd with
the said order for allell imlJrov\Jmel.,ts.
Such order Ill:l}' be Sllbstfllltially
as follows:
"It IS h..r\Jby ordere/I hy t.hll city
counCIl of tht' llity of Bozeman that the
seveI'll I snms set opposite to the follow-
ing named lots an<l parcels of laud, to.
"Name of owner ur ownlJr nn.
knowTJ, lot ~, blocl( - in - ad-
dition to Bozem<\n, $-.-, or name 01
oW'fler or owner~ nnknowll, (description
by metes and bounds), $-.~, etc.
Be and the sallle are respectively as-
sessed thereon, to defray the expenses
of (naming the improveulen!.) con-
structlJd by the city council, inpnrsu-
anClJ of an order passlJd on the ~ day
of -, 18\:1-, and that tl1lJ saia aums
be colllJcterl (I'om the respecti VlJ owners
of the land herein df\scribl-<d. I f any
tax llJvilJd ulldlJr tldssectiou shall prOVlJ
iusu tliciellt to pay the CllSt 01' propor-
tioll t.hereof, thlJ city cOllndl rnay levy
an additional tax tOlna,ke goou thlJ
. ~Eo'3' 011 the passage of any order
for the cnllection of any assessment or
spt<cial asslJssment, the city clerk shall
certify the same to the county clerk of
the county of Gallatin in the state of
~EC.~ _ When any sidewalk, gutter,
pavement or other street irnprovlJment
shall become broken or otherwislJ olit
of repair, and thlJ cost of rlJp,Lirs will
not exceed ten dollars, the street. corn.
missioner shall give writt.en notice to
the parties or their agents, subject. to
the assessment for the repairs thereof,
if knowll and residing in said city, and.
if not known or not rlJsidents thereof"
then may post}written notices in three
public places in the city, that unless
such sidewalk, gutter, pavement or
other street improvement, therein spec-'
ides is repaired. to thl:l Hatisfnctioll of
the'stret'r. l:,.mmissiolllJr within threlJ
days therlJafter, he will r('IJ'lir the saine
at thlJ expense of the proplJrty. I tallY
persnn or plJl'sons shallneglt'ct or rlJfuslJ
to rlJpair any sneh sidewalk. gutter,
paviug or other street improvlJnlllnt,
after notiee, hlJ or they shall he sllbject
to a penalty of fivlJ dollars and costs of
auit for each day that said !rnprovlJ-
ment re(llains out of repair, aft.f'r the
expiration of the ti me specified in said
notice. He or they shall also be liable
for all damages which the city mar in,
Cllr by reason t,hereof; to be recovered
by the city ill an a.etlOn therefor in a
court of competel1t jnrisdictinn. In
all cases where the party or parties
shall entirely refnse or neglf'ct to repair
as aforesaid, the samo shall be repaired
at the expense of the city, and the ex-
pense thlJI'pof shall be assessed against
the prnlJlJrty, and clJltilierl t.o the countr
c1erk.to be eolleet(',j as other delinq 1.1 lJn t.
taxlJS ',b) thll connty treasurer.
SEc~l/J ~o p,.rsol1 shall insert any
smooth piece of glass in any sidl:'walk
for any pnrpose whatever; ,I.nd for a
violation of this section shall be dned
five dollars and costs for each and
every day that the same shall be In
""Eo.M. Every opelling.m any vault
or coal hole or aperture in sidewalk
over said cOlil hole 01' vault, shall be
covered with a substantial cover so as
to prevent accidents, alld the entire
construction of said coal holes and
vaults shall Qe subjed to the directions
aIld supervisions of the street com mis- .-
~EC. J.f- Any person who shall keep
or leave open any cellar door, or grating
or cover of any vault, or coal hole, on
any highway or sidewalk, or shall suITer
the same to be left open, or who shall
suITer allY sidewaik in front of bis
premises to become or continue so
broken as to t'lldflnger !if" oJ'limb, up-
on cOII\'ictioll theleof, sllflll ht; fined ill
any SUIll not exceeding fifty dollars awl
custs or prosecutioll for each oITlJllse.
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~EC. PI If,. any cartman or other
parson ,s.hall break. or otherwise .lnjuJ'lIl.
linvfuotpltth or side\Valk, heorthey-,'
shall within twenty-tollf.h.onrs there..
after, cauSe ..thesame'to'l'jeweI1'and;
. sufficleutly. repaired and mended, under
'II penalty ofnotIDQre,than ten dollars.
and costs of prosecution; .
~EC. Ak"'ltshallbe the 'duty of the .
Chief of Police andalLpollMmen to
take note of all defects In sidewalks,
IInd to reportthlJ same ,tothestreet
commissioner, andincaSjl of I\c.cident
they shall report the same to thecfty
attorney,to!!,etherwj:th;the.naDJes of
any.witnesses jf known to.them.
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