HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000605 ---- THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION M E E T I"N G AGENDA June 5. 2000 Page 1 of 7 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 1. Roll Call - 3:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - Aug 16, I:ip~:::g, 1999t Jan 18, 24t 31, Feb 7t 14, Mi.I::::I:~::::!t::l:ll:t~l~ 30 and 31, 2000 4. Ordinance No. 1 518 - providing for revisions to prohibitions in public parkst to not Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for allow skateboards in or on pavilions or stages final adoption Ii 5. Request from Gerrard for $1 OOtOOO loan from Community Affordable Housing Conduct review; motion and vote Funds for Aspen Meadows, a low-income housing tax credit project Commission will hear from staff (HRDC) and applicant and receive public comment 6. Request from Reacht Inc., for assistance with repairs to living facility at 434 North Conduct review; motion and vote I Tracy Avenue, either through $25t400 in Community Affordable Housing Funds or ! I through lifting of deed restrictions Commission will hear from staff (HRDC) and applicant and receive public comment 7. Application for Kennel License - Robert Oakbergt 2526 Landoe - Calendar Year Conduct review; motion and vote 2000 Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public comment 8. Application for Kennel License - Donald Burtont 409 Park Place - Calendar Year Conduct review; motion and vote 2000 Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public comment 9. Application for Kennel License - Twyla SallYt 1307 Cherry Drive - Calendar Year Conduct review; motion and vote 2000 Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public comment City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinatort Ron Brey, at 582-2305 (TOO 582-2301). - THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA June 5. 2000 Page 2 of 7 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 10. Application for Kennel License - Denise Fettt 433 North 10th Avenue - Calendar Conduct review; motion and vote Year 2000 Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public comment 11. Application for Kennel License - Elizabeth Scherrt 126 East Peach Street - Calendar Conduct review; motion and vote Year 2000 Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public comment 12. Application for Kennel License - Douglas Clingnert 217 South Tracy Avenue - Conduct review; motion and vote Calendar Year 2000 Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public comment 13. Application for Kennel License - Glenn Barrettt 407 West Dickerson Street - Conduct review; motion and vote Calendar Year 2000 Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public comment 14. Appointment of members to Downtown Bozeman Business Improvement District Motion and vote to appoint Board 14A. Appointment of Commissioner to Gallatin Development Corporationts Business Motion and vote to appoint (new) Retention Committee 15. Discussion - FYI Items - Updates from Commissioners - Updates from City Manager and other staff members , -~~- THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E M A Nt MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA June 5. 2000 Page 3 of 7 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 16. Consent Items - Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions a. Commission Resolution No. 3363 - revised rules of procedure for the conduct of City Commission business b. Authorize City Manager to sign - Annexation Agreement with State of Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation - 32.894 acres situated in the W1f,. t Section 36t Tl St R5E, MPM (bounded by 1-90, Baxter Lane and Gardner Simmental Plaza) c. Commission Resolution No. 3364 - annexing 32.894 acres situated in the W1f,.t Section 36t Tl St R5Et MPM (bounded by I-gOt Baxter Lane and Gardner Simmental Plaza) d. Authorize City Manager to sign - Professional Services Agreement with MSE-HKMt Inc.t Bozemant Montana - Lyman Creek Reservoir Rehabilitation e. Authorize City Manager to sign - Release and Reconveyance of Easement to SBA Partnership of Bozeman - 60-foot-wide easement along east line of Lot 2t Minor Subdivision No. 135 (for temporary access to the Bozeman Ponds) f. Ratify City Manager's signature - Montana State University Standard Research Agreement - A Preliminary Investigation of the Mission Canyon Formation of the Madison Group for a drinking water supply in Bozeman -~~-- ---.- THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E M A Nt MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA June 5. 2000 Page 4 of 7 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission g. Ratify Mayor's signature on Agreement for CTEP Project STPE1299(8) - between City and Montana Department of Transportation (historic lighting in downtown) h. Ratify Mayor's signature on Maintenance Agreement for CTEP Project STPE1299(8) - between City and Montana Department of Transportation (historic lighting in downtown) i. Ratify City Managerts reappointment of Jim Drummond to the Police Commission, with a term to expire on April 30, 2003 j. Claims k. Commission Resolution No. 3365 - intent to vacate portion of North Ida (new) Avenue right-of-way extending north from East Main Street and alley right-of- way extending westward from North Broadway Avenue; set public hearing for July 17 t 2000 I. Cancellation of regular Commission meetings to be held on June 26 and July 3; (new) schedule special meeting for July 6t 2000 m. Acknowledge receipt of application for annexation from the City of Bozeman - (new) 200 acres located in the SE % and that portion of the SW% lying east of the County road in Section 30t Tl S, R6Et MPM (Iandfillt 2143 Story Mill Road); refer to staff n. Authorize City Manager to sign - Public Street and Utility Easement - R & 0 (new) Holding - 60-foot-wide strip across Tract 1 t COS No. 1846 (for Fallon Street extending eastward from Cottonwood Road) THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E M A Nt MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA June 5. 2000 Page 5 of 7 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission o. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order - J.C. Billion Amended (new) Minor Subdivision (allow relocation of 1 .149 acres of open space on Lot 1 to be combined with existing open space to the north) (northwest corner of intersection of US Highway 191 and Cottonwood Road) (P-0013) p. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order - Sundance Springs (new) Southeast Major Subdivision (subdivide 14.97 acres into 10 lots for residential development, 1 lot for open space, 1 lot for open spacelpark, and subsequent modification of an approved zoning PUD) (northeast corner of Goldenstein Lane and Morning Sun Drive) (P-oOl1) q. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order - Gillespie Minor (new) Subdivision (subdivide 0.4479 acres into three residential lots) (southwest corner of East Davis Street and North Plum Avenue) (P-0009) r. Exemption from subdivision review - Cascade Enterprises, LLC - aggregation of (new) Lots 5At 6A and 7A within Amended Subdivision Plat of Lots 2At 5t 6 and 7t Block 5t Corcorants Rearrangement of Blocks 3t 4t 5 and 6 of the Werre Rearrangement of West Side Addition into new Lots 5A-l and 6A-l (along east side of South 15th between West Koch and West Curtiss) (E-0005) (KC) 17. Ordinance No. 1519 - amending the zoning designation from" AS" to "M-l" on Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for 18.906 acres located in the SW~ t Section 36t Tl St R5E, MPM (lying north of final adoption Baxter Lane and bounded by 1-90 and Gardner Simmental Plaza) 18. Recess 19. Reconvene at 7:00 p.m. 20. Public hearing - City Managerts Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2000- Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 2001 (MDG) Commission will hear from staff and receive public testimony - - -- THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA June 5. 2000 Page 6 of 7 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 21. Continued public hearing - variances from Sections 18.50.120.K., Conduct continued public hearing; motion and vote (REMINDER: four 05/15/00t Item 17 18.50.100.D.5.(A) and 18.50.120.B., Bozeman Municipal Codet to allow affirmative votes needed for approval of zoning variance) continued non-conforming site conditions on Lots 1 through 14t Block 3t Durston's Second Additiont including parking which encroaches 25 feet into the required 25- foot front yard setbackt without screening from the public streett and to waive the requirement for perimeter curbing along the north side of the property - Connie Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public Hochhalter for Darigold (Z-0030) (JM) testimony 22. Continued public hearing - Conditional Use Permit and Certificate of Conduct continued public hearing; motion and vote 05115/00t Item 18 Appropriateness - allow addition of approximately 1 t300 square feet and two 55- foot milk silos on Lots 1 through 14t Block 3, Durstonts Second Addition - Connie Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public Hochhalter for Darigold (2-0030) (JM) testimony 23. Public hearing - intent to annex Lot 1, Minor Subdivision No. 253 and a portion of Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 05/01/00t Items 8a&b the W%t W%t SE% and the E%, SW%, Section 3t T2S, R5Et MPM (northeast corner of intersection of Durston Road and Flanders Mill Road) (A-0001) (TB) Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public testimony 24. Public hearing - COA with deviations from Sections 18.50.10.d.5.c.ii.(E)(3), Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 18.50.160 and 18.50.120.B.l, BMC, to allow a six-foot-wide landscape island in parking area rather than required 8-foot; allow expansion of non-conforming structure that encroaches 6 feet into required 25-foot front yard setback; and allow a 25-foot two-way driving aisle and a 20-foot service drive rather than the required 26-foot width on Tract 2t COS C-23-Kt Northern Pacific Addition - Vilano Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public Beach Development Company t 11 04 East Main Street (2-0043) (TB) testimony 25. Public hearing - appeal of Planning Directort s decision that one of the three regular Conduct appellate hearing; motion and vote on-site parking spaces on the south 50 feet minus 6 % feet of Lot 22 and the south 50 feet of Lots 23t 24 and 25t Block A, Tracyts First Addition, must be Commission will hear from staff and appellant and receive public provided for restaurant use - John East (Z-0035) (TB) testimony THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA June 5. 2000 Page 7 of 7 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 26. Public hearing - Preliminary plat for minor subdivision - aggregate lots, create two Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 05/15/00t Item 6 lots, and relocate a common boundary in Amended Subdivision Plat of portions of Block 28-30t Block 33-41 and Blocks 46-48t Northern Pacific Additiont further described as being Lot 2 as shown on Block C of Plats, Page 23-A4; that parcel described on Film 93t Page 1968; and Tract Ct COS No. 68, located in the NE~t Section 7 t T2St R5E, MPM (north side of East Main Street, east of North Broadway Avenue) - Alpine Hotel Partners LLC and BRC Investments LLC Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public (P-0018) (TB) testimony 27. Public hearing - Preliminary plat for South Meadow Minor Subdivision - Eugene Graf III and Yvonne Jarrett - subdivide 97.69 acres described as remaining portion of Graf's Fourth Additiont located in the SW~t Section 19t T2S, R6Et MPMt into four lots for single-family residential development (north of Sundance Springs Subdivision and south of Spring Meadows Subdivision) (P-0015) (OS) 28. Public hearing - variance from Section, Bozeman Municipal Codet Conduct public hearing; motion and vote REMINDER: four affirmative to allow obtaining a partial building permit for foundations only on Lot 1 prior to votes required for approval installation of infrastructure improvements - Spring Creek Village Minor Subdivision (northwest corner of Ferguson Avenue and Huffine Lane) - Michael Delaney, Ileana Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public 'ndrelandt Delaney & CO.t and WBWt LLC (Z-0042) (OS) testimony 29. Public hearing - variance from Section 16.22.040t Bozeman Municipal Codet to Conduct public hearing; motion and vote allow obtaining a partial building permit for foundations only on Lot 1 prior to installation of infrastructure improvements - Spring Creek Village Minor Subdivision (northwest corner of Ferguson Avenue and Huffine Lane) - Michael Delaney, Ileana Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public Indreland, Delaney & CO.t and WBW, LLC (P-0017) (OS) testimony 30. Public hearing - Preliminary plat for Spring Creek Village Minor Subdivision - Conduct public hearing; motion and vote Michael DelaneYt Ileana Indrelandt Delaney & CO.t and WBW, LLC - subdivide 116.31 acres at northwest corner of Ferguson Avenue and Huffine Lane into two Commission will hear from staff and applicant and receive public residential-office lots and two business park lots (P-0017) (OS) testimony 31. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn For written testimony to be included in the Commissioners' packets for the first and third meetings of the month, it must be submitted to the Clerk of the Commission by 5:00 p.m. on the previous Wednesday.