HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98- 178 Defining Purpose of Water Works Bonds and Directing Disposition of Revenue ......"...~M_..__ 4()6 ... I~J \~ I~. dr'lW'nae~8., n f'd*\ligI~be yurpasSQf 'f 'I,,, lty Ql~o~eman} for P, ,." .'wa~et'iipplya~4f~jc i~> ii, ,', Ispa6itial)()~~lIer,Y.~~, detiVe,!lfram, 8ucb Wlj.tllrSYBt!ll'ltI:"" B.dt orflltined,by the CltyCOUn(l~1 af !the Ci" , tq!tQl,:' ,'. i , ,';i:8EC'l'lON ," at' t(wiij!l.J:je " aft(opds ,', "",'/;fil,ret, a,fare P"""r"""", .".",.0" ,rdin",U"""',I,,.P, ?.M"" 1,'No. 170 af tb \pan, Q~~Pit ltl1lJliSIUl:l~li;jl.lI: " " ' ,', "aredt'~~ r'.":i'i;/.1i~li.,sa, rY,i,',ti, '" (),',..,.,,'~,., II" ry), 1'" f',Q"U,'"r, e. a, ,811,1',,$1,1,"," i ~it ',Vater r!>~;~1If~!ht"oft~ozemanali4 . lIs mhaiJJtants., ,II 1:l"l.llQ";'i",2"",,',,...,,','l, t l"S""be,', reb", 4,', ~,'l, ~re" d,' t, a, :~,."l;l,.""",a,.'",. /l~pe8'.tty tl;lllttbe saldlCI~Y of~~~, \ !pall;@l~l ~~~;Ure6u cb ,'tl\t~r6uppl~;t1'pr ',:~tlle.~ld mUn\~~P~~itY,~n41~s In~~I~'; \1:1\",,0,', ','~, 6" '"II, ",M"."W"" qenii!le, ,0"".,", .,'i~,Ii,'i,',P",', 1if""",?',P,:,."""e"""., ,'.""s, ,a",l,'d, ,',':,'Ip"" '" f:I",.,',l,l,.t ',;', "lllpaU,ty Sll,ijVn,}!;Q,~ I\l'lIlttol:!'l1i\2'!J ~(l,ters "deb~Jk~~v~te l~tMi'ij.t I ~\!ar lyre ~ejl;I1""" ,,~4e~;i:r~Cl:(~b.'ere f.r,Q~<, ~p .,i tllll p.Y~\lnf\<;lftb~,6Mlf bandillt';II1" qe/ltei.t~'!I8sautho,riZ\l,d by 8l\ltj Qr41' naJ:lge.:~o.J 70.I,tl(.;\' "",/ " ,,'. . ~:!Jiq.3,.,--That'ls. )~r41J:ll\ncEl'~~!~ ~!l:!i:""$llll~t, u ponJtilpQ$~~ie, "ll<l>PJlPf31 p;:ud publlcatlan..;" "",,' . ,. . ' "-\' ," . Passed, l\daptElc{ '_I' cl appraVlld.:t~I$, 27tb day af DElceD\l:I~ A.:p. 1898. ' , J. 'V. QGE&'l', Majpf, ' ~;Jll?'.P:~~EASE. if CierI!. l I x.' I:'~; <},. ,~~,-,..:.~,"'~-. --------------~._-~~,-,- PIf@>OIt @Il, e.1>>1l1(Batil... ..><.. Stnte of' .!I1onfrnUt, ,I, ' }M. , ..cZ:lI!:~~~,:,:~.~, being first duly swom, I deposes and suys thr~t hfJ ~~ ...........,.....of the .11 V' .I1.NT CO UBI EE, a wfJr'kly new.~p(lper. pu,blished o,t Bozeman, i~ , t?J"L a4:. f " Gal/a,tin County, 'in the S I1,te Ii{' .!Jlontnna-, thnt the.....t:;::C"/.:1..,...~.-:..):~ '--' (?t<'..../7.L~..T..,) ............. ...... ..:,#..?7~~~i.......22~> of which (I, copt}, i8 hm:ap nf fac ,ed, llJrM first pnblished f.n sl1Jd news- paper in its fssu,e d,(,tN/..C2Q~~.:...~~ .....189~andl(J(),8 pu.blished in encnwerkly issue of sai,l newspaper fiir ....~~,~,=:::-/ con~e(lu.tivl~ week.i, in the "":;;tulnrJLnd a~tfre issrw "~f ever!!num?~J.;'ol I moh edition, ()()/npletinf! the full period of.. ,..."......................,......................,;....,... days, theJnst publi~f1t;on being in f.hl1 issue,dat(Jd.CK:2~i,<...'.... ..~~(..:,.., lSVc5:2i:i' '::\ ' <"; ~;. ,J:::;7 54 /'e " ;", ~? "'~~---.~.l_.t;._:,'_~_~~,:.- ",;:", (' ,n4 Sn~~S~:;D nn~.su'()rn to b~qr((' ~e, this...........}!....>,;..""........... d"y;?/..~VdlT~__, ......,........::::~,~... ~ ~_._y - ~ ---.,. 1>1.1. "',.....J ~I