HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98- 177 Granting Right of Way to Yellowstone Park Railroad 465 ..I \ I I I I L.. Anardlnancegrantfnga "crassed,and keept$;sa~e in gaOd.,.re~ ". b'.Y~~ila?n orthed~reotfve caustructfo~'.""" ' to' We Yenawstan'ePark ' ,i,y,pafr,and wlieneverthecltY,"!Dacadam-: "6r,I\:O~oper guardi~(fl'l~:faUingt6re, succe~orsand asslgns,over,lzes:,orpaves anysliclLstreets, the said 'pairainybril.lge or,\,illduct.buUtbyth~'1 upau andlllang certainstrtl.ts;,a:~~.,,'- Yenawstane Pan: Rltllway...1ts SUCIle8' ~a1dYlll1a'WstanePa;~k;Rail\\ta)1liit8; , uesandaneys in the Ulty at .sazetJiii~," '.sars ar assigns, shallpUt.Jn stone 'I?ai". su~~essors r'lr IIssiins,;;~rthe def~ctl~l1; Be1it ordained by the CauncH'of/th:e Ing instead af pl~kas abave lOen. cO,nstrll;otian,arthe l~lprap~r1?l~n~lng , 91ty bf Bazeman; >;'I.."L ,.Uaned.. ". ,'. ..'. '.' ' .prfl1~lh)~to keepinrepait,anr'~lt,.l),e ." ~EC. i.-That a rlght-af-waYl:lllab.~ ::lIlC. 4.-That wbenver,the 8aldl"all-crossmg~ oHhe ~Md Yeno\\fstoil~F'al;\~\ same Is hereby granted to' the Yeliaw,:" w~fiJhan cross ant'of the said sttellts.,Rallway, I\S he~elubefaretJie~ton.~:i sta?e Park Rail\\fay,.lts successars~ntl:..i~leys,.avei:mes, alor near the surf'ace .,!f'lll.ndSpllcified: . Jlra~l~e:4'al~a1~.t~~~" ,'asslgps,.thraugh .the City af;Bp~!l~Q:i;i;or,.. e.stabUsbed.' gr'Me (VI'h~r~ .tbet#illles~ld citysM,llgl ... !s~I~,~N~~~1~ ..aI;1d a,:er, thraugh;upan and. al(1ti~r,%,~~:>.:saihe'has heretafo.re beeneBtQbl111Jl~ll),'~~s successar~a~a$sl .' ",,;I;tl~~~ot,~qll'~~ ,f?llawlng named streets ana. acveni't:e'$'!.i~!1e ,said railway, Its ~ucces8or$at dB.,,~yclaimM. sm~ f~,d~I1,1ft8'!'l~'ll1"lll:\e(l~.. '. a'lld alleys therein far said rMlwl1y" /slgdll, shaH make the grade af sucb .. '~~.;~1l....,~.h..t...a:ga.lq.....~t,t~e.~it~l~(li,~y'6tt~e, ta,wlt: - , . $tr'llet, averlue arlalley conforIJI !a tbe~lli*J~safares:a1!'..'~ Frant street, wherever the same :Httii I ,('"Meof said rl\lbfay $0 j;hattravel .,.,.. ~~~16.?rr ' ts, pat beel! vacllt~d !J.nd~'natto l~cIUde Sh~n,pot,b~lmpeded:. proV'14ed;,that ,s~o~~:thaft;Y~llowst~~(,\",.:::, that part af ~lud street nawOlfcupied !J.llb$sts ot,and damages~Elsultlpgfrom Rauvh,y,.Its,.. .."'.', .1l.,,~fI,~rasslg~~f'$'i~t}i by the Farmers & Merchants.' .e1eva,tarthephangeof thepresel)testabllsbed Whel)d,\rE\iJted,bY~h cqu*411'i~t:, Ca.'s sidetrack; Ellis, Brandly"&Co.grQd~, If suchthare be, ,Of allyl'lt. jjuchsaldi/3~~,replace .Il.n ,!f;"t\t\,~l'\~:' and .I abn Mltchellar anyotlie~)lght"af. .streets, avel'.ues'iorall11YS, accasldnedstrellt,(jtPBsing It fillY" . .... . l~~Ol't~t' way therein ar . therean. . trerEltafare bY.i~uObcut or fill, ShQU"be barneaM'mMllln~~ll\lonstruOtlI9nOlf.:~.P~!r,(\~ granted, and PlUm AvetIue, ana Ida paid hy the said YeUawstane Park sald.rall~,llty. .... . .... "':.i A. .ve.. i:m,e an. d. acr.?ss .11,11... streets,.. a. 't....1 e. n.ll.. ..es., .R... .... ,a..ilW.. . "a..y,. I..t..~. .suc.. c.essa. r. s ar. as. SI.g.n. ~,a. n. d . . :s.'E.Cl.,.'.7...... '-.'.'.'1:.'. ......,..I\.a..,..t. ..t. h. e.. ....s......a....l..d,. '.' '. ..l... ...Il.....1...1.n.... .~Ilt~,~ alle3's and public wa.ys. necess'/try, to' provid.ed further, tha,t. said railway' PafItRlli,I,"':~Y;, Its, B:ucce~~al'sal\ " crass. in the canstl'uctlanafsaldran.. shall,'\w!jen c,mStructe(i, crass Main shll.1Lriat.ll,t'~t1y.. t1lrtjJl:l'uull,n . way In "S&ld. cityajang the gentlrair;?ute.' '. streeio. h'the present establishlld gradll engine ar QIWa" in t1r upon, Q,JQn~ designated. . Provlided, that theJIg-lIt-1 thereat': . acrass, any st~~lIt, avenue. ar ",lierl ~ of-way ~ereby:grailIted slntll inipw'ule;, . SEt).~5.,..:i'I'lI,atJthis. grant Is .lOade to' betweett ~IlY _tve.n palntslnth!ld,d/lP<il~:.. ....., he ca":sldered t? ca~erorextendma:~ , t\l.e saldy,'~pawstalle Park Railway, Its atel1p!lts'~f theOlty.afal)~ell1l\n,.~,~~ tha~slxty feet III Width W'herethe s~ld" sue,cesllors;~~d assigns,.. .\'POI1' the ex, gre~ter'rateoel\P\ledtbal} ,l:ll~,~l'~~(,< railway ahal} crass the~llbUI' st~eets, press COlid!~~!lnMd nl,jl:lc~.t~t\~lllgthat .W,!leilper haul'.,.. .... ......'............. ,... <,)" .', aV!lnuesall,tj alleys. af said city, w,htor,e the,saidYl!n~~stonePar~<<l\tt,Wayao. S:tiJO.8,-1;'liat M ,~l1~l.lrt~h!~& .... tbe samelilavll herlltp~are b~en.14w,(ully' Cl:lPt~,thisg.r'~llt ,and entet~'\I~ol'\ the chlsll diallii.le'c t~(1:toltivl(~~\I". ..,,} lalq aut8n~opened;~?dPrOVlded '\1.16'0', prl,~~l~,ges h'ftfeby conferred,Iy'.\ttl,:the ranwa, anlllllelU,~~n,tarP.~l~n~~~ that ~he nght,at-way pereby granted un(1:(jrsta?~tl'lg and agreemenUl,\,ll,\ thebuttl1'llclty Bltpr .' "Elset\testhll',rl,~t l!hll.ll In na.cas!l be cansldered to !lOver, sal~.'i/Y 11119~'tg.pe ParK R",/IW'l/;YI its ,to' make sucn. ~theffranch\sl:l3i'hQt' '" OTextendta. m~re than twenty fee,t In' SllCaeS8pr8~'~or,it:ssigns, shal! sav~ ..'.. thegrant3 fat the ..use/;lf:ts~ld '., .~tf~~;:. Wld,t~,: ~bere;.the said rallwny}gns.. '.' CltY,afFBazafrill'n narmless; and e"H~ ,~venue.~ or alleY8,asJ~ ~a~~r~n':Il,~< Y)lI~ltudman~ .aver, In,' thralIgb;' ullallind~mnify Ule.ll!l.ld cIty from \\'Q,~ to' ~1lI!~d~terlnllle,nQ.~IQ.l,J~;'~!~~ o~,~lang any stre,~t. strellts, avenues .ar' .sll'alUst any andp.l1 damages ~hat ..~~~, this. gdlnt. '. . ...... ...' .... ..' :,...t,c alleys In tbe City af .8azemall, In, said city ma;ysuitainby reason a.f~~a.;sm:q.. 9.~ That;~he !trant,.an t~ro\lgb, u1;lOn, aver or alang whICh.~ .grantlng afthe,sald franohlse. ;Qr.'~i lI11reJll are m!l.de.~!1dl1:lvllll .' ..., right-af-way IS here.by granted.. " -rea~an af any suitor jlldgllll,lot, braugM., beaccep~e,d(1.Vbehaocepted) a~ ... Sll:~' 2.-ThatdurlllgthecollstructfQil Ii~ penderlld orreco,veredagalnst't~ll, \I~~.~\aIl6n canc1ltJOllthatt~e r pf Bald railway thrallgb.. the. Pity?f Ball\l city, by any: persan, orpersQ..1\8, llllil!'l OOll~t~*~~~~hraugh th~ :,s"zeman the Yenawstalle, Park Rail,: aWning prapertyin.,apautor a~png ,!loy " ,~ell1a,~\,a,sh~)Il!'t~:Rr~vlde~, way, Its successarsPr f!.sslgns, shall'Pfa. street avenue. allq\lfientlaned' .pr 'In,Omllnall:f~Ilr:,tbeq vide and mainta1!l at the said cro~slngs 'cluded in this 'grant "'lInd l'lv~r,acr(;ss al'lce,.... ......i "...... ." af ~treets, alleys ~\n~ avenue,S, sl}l:llclllnt .w.hlch t!wuldrlght,1f. way)agr'l\nt~d, 'lil\at,~~illiq, wag~n,ways of reasonable widtl\l\nd or !lilY damagfllltheY.:,;l1r~llysuCh,p~t'. ,.,~~~:b crasslUgs.far fOot passengers, whllrever sons, . mllysl~stain bY: reasan:ofthe .~.' 'r1ecessary, and of sufllcient size to' afford granting otsaCh righ~+af-way,a\'l by RaUW free p?IJllc travel, andsball alsO' In 900-, reMan otthll uSing'a~~1 accupylngaf the gran~ structlllg said . rlj;llway acrass slJ.cb the said streets, aV:.eniXe~ar alleys.. 'ar cepted by t strel'ts, alleysand,acvenues, prav1de any part thereaf,bYt1;i~'el\ld Xelij:lw.way, Which SljCll ather ways'!lnd':9IIlverts, as may stane P>f.r~ R ~llw>lY, ItSi' 8uccessars ar th~/offil,)e a.f'th . be,d"ire(Jted bythe:.c'ltyeITgme~rl'li' assigns, far the pUrPOl!~",~f this grant, of .Ellil~\\lOltn, . strc:\'et,commisslanet'i .'.... .... .' . and thll sl~ld YenaWStlille:hrk Rail, ds.ys~tef thepas:l :SEo,a,-That wlIet:!e:v~r,the tra.(Jk. of Way,ltssucb~ssara ar~~$tg,us, turther aftl!lsatdlO!l;nce. said, railway shallcras~,~y af the said agrees thatIt will sa!ve .tJ;i~.'clty harm. Pa.lllI~d;:~dQ",ted and a strellts,aUeys ar ava~~es?\)an. the su~. le~s from any, and aU s~.lt~.;, damageS ject to aC~~lltanceby. s!l.ld' Y ,lace ar atgrade thll',~a.\(l,\:Xellowstane. and easts that the said city,mlght8uS' Park RauW:....:.."'..I ,.i.'.W..'.......i.'....h.. ......i. \'I............ a..,....i...X..'. .t,y..'.'.......d.............a..'...y.........s..'...'...'.'.'...' Park Railway, Its sh(Jce8sr'll's Or'asillgnS,\ talu by, rea.~an of tl!e canStructian at 27th dlliY otll~Qlj\m.bep;.A, D;1898;,'.. , shall be required to 11\~,dO\Vri plan~ tl\ll,~~UowstanePark Raltway, In, '..'. ...T."Y,B~.E;Rt,\"l\laYQl'{ upan each side and between the tails. 1,lpQll bracrp.si\anystree~av;t>nlleor G.E;O.D.PEA8E,\,l't.~.9Ietk~ . .,).} an l.he streets, alleys 0'1' avenues sa aueyhere~nipl.a~l;tJoned?r'incli.ided.ar ".'.~., '.... ..... ............. rt c~~,,:-,-- ...~.. -~~. ,. . .' f.Bozornan..Mont..ana.Febrtlary 2Ot.h, 1899. ..:TO,TiI HQNO~fIR..'" r,S HA.YOR.. A!iJD.' COm-lCU. OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: . . . ,The Ynllowstono :eal"'k Rnil1'1ay .byL.A~I~nce, its, Attornoy and ~ent. ~tho rount oallthot"1zed,hereb,~ f1Creept, s ordinance No...> 171. ant it led.- Arl 'ordinaneo gram,ing n !"i~t of way tf)tho ,Yttllowstonn Park RBi lWftY it".. 8~lO(M6Sor8' and nss,ir-P"...o'Tor,acros$If.tPon a.nd along oertain . 8t,1roQt l!I,alltentlos and nl1eys1n. the Cy ejf. Bozeman -an ord1n~ot.lof lIhldhcit1dnrtt'ltTlhi ch said Qrdinanc d,Adopted and approied :Oftoomher 27t..h,1898,and hereby ac '. Ti containod upon the tAms and ooff'd:rti~ th~root ,and ft ordinance is hereby ac_ptod upon all tho term~itnitation. and ~h~cO~r~ I' Plf~@)f!,@)it PaU>>1l1(9atlilom. ,1 ..><.. .i Stnte of'J/lIontana., . ~ 8S. // . :1.d(;:1..~:A::r?:~.:#q(;~4~g first duJy sw~rn, I . I / /--13. '--<- t,l.,1 de,poses and S!/ys thn,t lw is,/,<q.?~,,,:...:::.!c.,~,;...,,~:-:::~ ...............of the ~ _ l~ 1\.!1 V.!1N], CO U RI E if, a !/Jf!I;kllj newspaper, puhlished nt Bozemltn in :11 , . /11/1 . j-GnllntinCOU/d;/!;/W 8~rtte ~!' Jl~"'-f!/nn, thnt the...~:~ 1~~:~,~"~/~,,,:Zt?;:7:;;,~,;:::==: .' Ipaper in Us issue d!/,tr.d~,.~t ..... " 189 Kand was !If' ublished in ertch U'el!lcly issue of'said newspaper fi)r""",,,,=.":<=,~d I,.,. on~e('.I'/'~i, ~c weeks, in .the regUla,r a, nd enti7'e iSSIW of everv number of [1011, edl t1.On, cmYlpl ehn:;, the full period of.............................................,........... ,; ~aY8" the lllst Pllbllord/on being in tAr. issue dated...4.~-::?"'~:.~.... ", L,~;z--, 1 '1) 6' .I....m~m.mmm.'....~ai'~ , ?}) tT} hJ ,SUBS BED and sworn to lJlJjiJre me this ...-(........ fay of.... . , 'X9/" .... ..;....x " i ~.~~... ~ ..~..~. (\ ..... - - --G'M~ ~-t> ~ ~.cti~c/c : ll, ar perSQ.M. lIt or, alonga;llY ntlah~dOr.ill- ~ aV~r, '"Ilcrass ~ ay 'i~gra.llt~d, ! allY'such per, Ir~!lsallQttM f-way,a~by .accupylng af' \if alHlys,>Qr ;sald Yell~w- ; .iluct\easors ar ~r this gran t, 'e\ Park RaH. ~(g.na, further tie<clty harm. 'i1i'~~; damages ity.might sus. ~.Mont;ana.Ff)brll8,r.:r 2Oth.1899~ ,THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: ~oe,1t8_Attom$Y and ~ant'.. [di',n"nn" ",06 NO,1If' 171,ont1tIod.'Arl, he Yollowst.one Park Hal bray ,8iJtfpon and along oertain . r of Bozeman' an o~d1nt.mooof E~:~;~;~~r~~:: ~~itio>> thQPJlin oo~aJ~ " ~~ ~c Irqt-- ~ adiL4v k &.a: d!u~~ - 2 ~Q~~ 1-