HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98- 176 Directs Form of Water Works Bonds - 1899 464 "r.. ",I ,) Ordinance Nt). 176. An ardlnH.nce directing the farm aT the $165,000.00 water W:!lrks bands. . Be it ardained by the City Cauncil ot the City af Bazeman: SEcnaN I.-That the bands issued pursuant to' the vate af the tax.pa~ers af the City at llozeman, Montana, on the :lth day of Octaber, 1898, far the purpase af purchltslng, extendillg and Improving the Water Warks plant at the 13elZeman Water W:?rks Company and pursuant to' Ord,lllance NO'. 170, ot tbe said city, sbalf be iuthe jallawing farm, ta-wit; NO'. United ::ltates af America. $1000. State af Montana. City af Bazeman. W aterW arks Ban.ds. Baztoman, Montana, I J anullry 1st, 1899, \ Knaw All Men By These Preseuts; That the City af !3azeman, a municipal carparation af the state at Mantana, for value~ received will pay tu the bolder hereaf ane thausand ($1000) dallars, in lawfullllaney of the UmtedStates af America, at the office af the City TrellS' Urolr In tbe 9ity of Bozeman, Mantana, . ur.' at.the aptian af the halder at same Qank in the City af New. Yark to' be designated by the said City Treasurer at Bazel(lan an thll first day at,Janu- ary, 1919, with interest tberean .at the rate af .five per cent, per annum, pay. ~ble semi-annually all the llrst days af ,,~ulyy.nd January in each year an the presen tatian and Hurrender af the cau. pans llereto attached ,!-s they severally became due, at the TreaSllrel"S affice.ill 'the City of Bazeman, ar at the aptlOn af the hl)lder thereaf,'at same bank iu tbe City af New York, to' be designated by the'afaresaid City Treasurer. ::laid caupans are numbered seriatim fram ane to' ~ bath illclustve, and bear the numb~r at this bond. This bond is anll',af a series af ane bundred aud sixty.five (165) bonds all af the same tenor and date numbered consecutively fram. one to' anll hundred sixty. five Inclusive, eqllaHysecured by the credit Of the City. And issu~d far thepllrpase of pUl'llhasing water warks far the City af Btizlmlf'n, under the r.utbarity af ::lectlan'4800af the Paliti. cal Cade af till" state af Mautana as amended by au act af the Illgislative assembly of Mantaua, knawn as . nse bill ~ a, 203, appravlld March ,1897, and uuden,autharity af an act at said legislative' assembly appraved March 6th 1897 knawn as hOuse bIn .N a. 206 and ardl~ance NO', 170 af the said Oity af Bazeman, llppravedfugust 1~.th, 1898. \..' The said City t~~erves the rlgb~. to' pay and fl~tirll sald.bands at any time after January 1st, 1909, upan the pay- ment af the par value thereaf with ac. crued interest. In l'esllmany WMreGf and in ac- cardance with tbe ,requlremel\ts af tbe statu tes in such case pravlded, tbese presents have be'!}1 SIJ;n~d by the~, ~layar and Clerk af said City, aud Its 'seal affixed,on this,.." ,day of,... ..., A. D. 1800,' . -' ... . . . . .. .. .. . . Attest; '.f." ., .,.. .... "., Mayar, City Clerk, ' ::lEC. 2,-That the number of said bands mentianed III ::lectian 1 af this ardlnance shall be aue hundrlld sixty- five each af the denominatlan af ane tho~sand dallars, ::lEC. 3'.-That the mterest caupans attached to' said bands sh.'lll be In farm as fallaws, ta.wit: N a. $2~.OO Tbe City ot Bazeman, Mantana, will pay. to' the bearer at the afficII af.the City Treasurer, af said Cit)., iu said City, ar at the electlan af the balder" at a bank to' be designated by the CIty Treasurer in the Olty af New Yark, in the::ltate of .N ew IYark, an the first day af, , . . . ... the sum af twenty flve dollar in lawful mauev at the Uufted ~tates, being thesemi.annual inte~est af the Water WarksBand, hear.ng tbis number and datea January 1, 1899. NO',....... Attest; .." . . . /. . . . . . ,. . . , . Mayor. City Clerk. Each af said bandS sliall have as many af said caupans attached theretO' beanng tbe number at said bands as there are installments af int",rest pay- able all said band. . SEC. 4.- This ardlnance shall take effect fram and after the date of Its passage and appraval. Passed, adopted and appraved this 15th day af December, A. D. 1898. .I, V. BOGERT, Mayar. GEO. D. PEASE, City Clerk, . ...~" "~l;j:.bond is an:~f a series ar hundred and sixty.five (165) ban~ af the same tellar and date num, cansecutively fralD ane to anH hul sixty.live Inclusive, equally secur! Stnte oj'.Mont(lnf7" l the credit of the City. And ISSIli ) S$. ~~!i:.:~~::~:t~:;~~:'C2:'r;:eI~.. b'ing ft", d.'y'=m, cal Cade of th~ state af Manta am\luded by all 1II.ct af the' legl deposes and says t}u~t 1M iN ......~:... PIt..fi ~I PUlIllJJlI~.tl.*.. I ) ,J ..><.. ... oj' the IJ~ ",' .r1 PANT COURIER" f7, lueddy rWWNpnper, publi8h~d n;';);o1:an. in G(J,lIl~tin County, in the 8t(de oj'.A:[ontflnrf,. th((,t the.,~ ~'~"'~~'~'''~'''~f'''~~;r..~......~ of which {f, copy is hm'(!to nttached, WIM first plJ,blhhed in o9nid new,~- paper in its io98U,(I dfttM "~" ....~...~. ......189L:; nnd U.kM . "'published i,n NtOh:weekly issue of S(J,id n('.Wo9paper j'or:.....~..,. '- cltn98nutiue weeks, '7 n the retulnr {f,nd entire issl~e of every I1dt,'mber of each edition, C~;:Pleti~;'t~.....:,^,:..,...)....__m...'... days. the lWlt p/lbliMt/on beint in th(! is8uedated....~,.,........ ......,~...~....., 180..r '~<m~ S U Bs;dBED nod "",m to "t'r 'h".?G, . df7,Y()f,.............'.,!~. 1M . '. .'