HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98- 171 Amends Section 4 and 19, Ordinance 140 ~'~";;' I, rI ()-"' f:\J . ordlnanoe No. 171. 1, . V An ordinltnce llmendilllt ~ecllona ol and 19 ot ordinance nunll\er 140entitlli'd "An ordlnllnce rr(atillg 1,0 tlleregistra- . tio:land qllallficatlon of vott'rs." Ue it ordaint!d by the Council of the city of l3ozt!lllan: 8l!CI lOll 1. That sectlollS 4 and 19 of ordlnallce nl1mber 140, entltle<l "An p~- dlnanee rl'latinl!" to tbe rl'gistratioll and qualilJcalioll of voters" be Iltld the same lire hereby amended so as to read as fnUow. : ~I'ction 4. The said Rl'glstry lIgent shall open the otllcial register at It. place III the dly of Bozeman to lit' dea1ltlllltl'd by the Cii.y C<lnnciJ. for the relotlstratloll qf Volers, twenty da~'s prior to any gen: , ",ral '~It'otiUII fur municipal 'I,ur~"ses,' a,I\d I.lle said reglstl'r shall continue opl)l),fvr a pNiod of 10 (lI1YS from the day of\lpenillg, I'xl1!nsivl:l of Sundays lInd legal holldays, and sha\\. also be opeu the lallt legal day hl'fnre election' fill' corr"ctlon Itndregllltratloll of voters who are Ilnavotdably abaent from tile citydurlllg the teu'd'ays "rl'ced~. the 11\1l~ rn"lIt1onl:ld datI' In which SaHt reg-- later was kePt open fM regliltration of voters, and all snch nam..s added to the lltllcllll regisl0r shall be by him added to tile poatl'd III'IIS and to the book and "check lists" f\lrnished to the jlldl!"l's <)f election. And for all special el..ctions the rl'gistl'r ~bllll be openl'd lit l..ast ten days prior lu tbe day of said special electl<lII, and shall be kept opened tor five <lays only, and shall be opened thereafter on the last legal day betore the day of said bpeclal election for cor- rections and for.registratlon of voters who were unavoidably absent from the city during the preceding time that the 457 i said register Wl\ll open; and all such nam1lll lidded to the dtrlmal register shall be tit him addiM~ .to the posted lIsis Qrid bth)k and "check lists" turn Ish. ed to tl111dl1l1gea of election. Provided, that for an special election a occurlng withm sixmontbs of tbe last regular election within the city, It shall not be necessary for thos'e havipg- registered for the last preceding election to regis- ter for such speCial dection, unless the qnestlun shallbfl one submitted to the tllx"payers In that CllSlil all voters must rl:'giater fur sl.\ch apeClal election. f :;ald register ~hall be open during the following honrs: From 9 o'clock a.m.to 1 o'clock p.m.; from 2 o'clocjl:p,m; to 5 o'clock p. m.; and from 7 il'olock p.m, to 9 o'clock p. m.of eachQaY~urlOgWblch It Is re- quirt'd to be kept openlld: ::;..ctlon Ill. The. rl'glstry IIgent IIhall cause to be published IQ at ,least nne newspaper within the, city f.or twenty day~ befllre thll i;1xplratlOo \If the. time provided for reglstratlonptlor to any general or sPec 1M election,a notice signed by lu01"\' rllglstry agent tit tbe l'il'ect thllt thll tlrPe for the regls- tratlon of the lI'a!l"\llS of ~hll qualllled lllectvrs in the city of Boze\"flan to the election--(~PllcltyiI\g the election)--;- to be held ol\t~e---;-day of.."...- .A. D. 18-, for the city of;aozeman, .Montana will expire at II o'clock p. Ill. tbe-day of--A, D. \8;,.... Section 2. That thl, ordinance go into force and e11'lilct npon Its passage and publloatlon. Passed, adopted and approved this 25th day of Augnst, A, D. 1898. J. V. BOGERT, Mayor. 011:0. D. PEASE, Clerk. . Plf.ol .It JPaI>>JJlI..tloll.. " ..><.. Stllte of Mvntana, ~ ss. ~Ga!'/!J.' ... . ..'~ ( ~.. < ~ 4f 4-1~ beinj first duly sworn, deposes and slIYs tlMtt he ill.........~~,...-~-.~.....uof the .11 V' ANT CO URfER, a weekly newspnper, publi.9hed at Bozeman, in GIll/ntin County, in the Stute oj" Mont(wn, thnt the...~........ ........................ .......~....___....../..7JI..rrj-ik---~n.~-~-~ 1Ij" whioh (1, copy i8 hereJo nttached, was first pnblished in said news- paper in its issue dntuL ..nnn..n .......r-l,... Z 89...f", and was published in enoh weekly issue 0 newspaper tilrn.-~"----' corHecutive weelcfl, in the rejular and entire iSS/M of every number of I'ach edi Uon, compl ding the full period 0(.......;......-00-.....,........------0000...................... day'_ th, 1m" p,"'U,,,!;,n ~~ in the i,,", dat'd...~ ..r}I......n........,189....~. .' ......._______.......,....'..n&......._~ S U Bj/ff BED ond >awn /, "I';' m,. th"......l....:"':;......... day Ofnn....11!.~~ln~ lx9 1- -..t:)., ..............~n~_..!n'_.._.~4...1~..----~.. ~..... ~ ...................._:_..._~._.:::T:..........______.n..............._._nJ........ ,..... . I