HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98- 170 Providing for Calling of Election for Submission of Bond Issue to Purchase City Water Works 456 tY , ,. ~ Ordlnanoe No. 170. An ordmance providing for the call~ Ing of au ~l~ction for the purI-ose of submitting ti,l' ,qUI stloD of, thl' clly of Boz\Jm3D issuing till; bOllds of the said city ill the sum of $165,000, the proceeds from t'le sale lJf said bonds,to lJe used to pu rchase the IV Itter plaut of the Boze. mltn Water WOI ks Company, and to exhmd and impr<1\'e saId Wall'r vlant. lle It ord!linedb)'-th".City Council of the city of Hoz\'man: :Section 1. The cit.y Clerk Is herl'by.cli- rected to give u(ltlce of.1I special t'lel'- t\OIl to be h...ld Iu thll city ilf Bozemau un tllll 4th !Iay of Octohllr, 18\18, aa pro vldeu by Jaw, hiI' the purpos" of suu- mlttiug to the taxpayers of said ciTy, the que~tion of said city issuing bonos upon. the cr\'dit of said city m Ihe sum of $165,000, the procel'ds from Tbe sale of said city bonds in the Sllln of $155,500, to be nsed to purchase the wlttl'r 1.lallt onhe B..zemali Water Works Cou'}Jltny, aud the procl'eus from tho; sail< of sll.ld bonas ill the SUlD nf $!l,5QP to bl! usea to extend and improve said plant. At said election th", ha11nt shallh.. pfllvirl- edjp accvrdaoce with Jaw, and shltll c,)utain the words, "llouds- Y ..~..' and "Ronds"-'l.;o;" Thel'hctlou sllll11 ht! COllduct~d, the rl'turns (Hade .1I1I1I can. vassed as provided HI other city d~c- tloos. ' I:lection 2. If the majority of the \'ot..s cast at said election ahllll be Cllst ff)r "llonds-Y~s." the city coupciJ shall, as sonn as practicable therea,ft~r, gi ve', .no. tlce by ItdvertlsHilelJt HI th" AV A:NT COURIElt, /I weekly IJeWspa.per puulish ed in tbe city of i::\nZI:lOllln; IInd also in some newspaperpuulillhed ill the city of New York, for a period of not ll'ssV thall four weeks, to the elhlCt that the city of Bozeman will s..1l tilt' bOllds voted at such election (brll!lIy descr! b- ingthem), lit public :luctlOn oit Ult less tbau their pa I' value alld shall statf' the time Whlln, and the plac", IVIll're snch sllle shall take plaL'tl. I:lection 3. Thatthe Ma)or lInd City OJl'rk of tbe city of' Bozeman arl' bllr~by authorized aud Instructf'd to sigo IIl1d executll after the sale tberf'of, tlle saiel city bonds to /In amollllt not to !'xc\'l'd tile sum .of $165,000. The honds issu!'d .l,Jy virtue of. this ordinance shall be known as WATER WOltKS BONDS, "nd shall be of denominations of one thou- sand dollars each, as may be m,Ist de sirable and practicllbh;, and shall bear Interest at tbe rate of five per cent pf'r annum. Interest payablo; s.eml.anDual. ly. Said bonds sball have ltttacbed seml.annulIl coupon notes for each in. stallment of ill~erest; and t he bon'~$ and coupons attfll,lbed tbereto shall each be signed by the mayor and city clerk, In- terest shall be made payable in tbe city of New York, or at sllch other conven- ient place as may be agrl'ed upon be. tween the. treasurer and tbe party bold- '\. Ing said bonds. Eacb bond sball be consecutively numbered ::Jeginnlng at number one. , ' Section 4. (A tax of.... mills on the dnllar shall be ]evled~aQh year upon tbe t>xable property in said city for tile purpose of paying the Interest 01,1 said bonds so Issued IInrl to create a sinking fund for their redemption until tile same are paid in full anrl rede"llled.) Tbe city trausurer shall pay in lawful money of tho; United :States on the first day ot January or July (aOOOf(Ung to which of tbese montlls comes Ilrst aft-er the ISSUP) succeeding tbe issue or said bonds, IInd ~..ml-annually tbereafter on each llrat day of July and the Ilrst, day of .Tanuary,and interest due on such boods, ,upon presentation \l,t his office o,f, Ihe"proper coupons, wbichshall sbow the amount dUl',and the number nf the bonds to Which thflY severally belon g; but In case the holder oLeuch bonds shall gi ve the tr!'aeurer notice In writ, ing, that he Or th..y wish the bonds so ho;ld by them, and tht; il1tl'rest, to be Vaid in New York City, then such bonds and coupons shall hH payable In New York City at such bauk as shall be defJ-- igllMed by to", city tr"'a.surer il~l~.. all bOllds anu coupons so paid shull be 're- tl\rHl'd t,) the citycounoilat the next month I)' me~ling and sllid bonds Ilnd COllpO.IIS $flail be cllnc\'\lIeu in the man. lI..r city warrallts arenow olUleellt'd. ~pdion 5. The bonds, tbe Issue of . which ill h~rpin providl'rI tor, shall be r..dp,..mahll' In tt;I' years and payable III twenty yearR, and if at any time. after ten years Ir<"n t.he. date oJ:, issuance of saillbo'l1da tIIll sum in the sinklllg fund sh;lllf'<l.ual or px('el'd one thousand dol- l lfS fir". frllm time tf) time thereafter w h~lIit IlllyocCnr, tht; city treasurer shall cause ahotfce to be. pnblished in IllIe lIew~pap"rjn thedty of Bozeman, that he wiJl.witliillthirty d~ys from the date of .such notil"" Iedl'em said amount of bonds w IIlCll \lIay be pa) aule, giving the IIIlmher th..r..vf, and CI1J]jng for said hOllds in theiruumerical order. A similar notice shall he givelluYlDail to such ballk III the city of Nl'w York,. as the treasurerha~design!ll~el HS thl' bank at whiob saId honds IIllel interpst thl'n- 00 will tie paid, ana it at tht! l'Xplratioll of thirty dllys the hold~r or holders of Raid boods shall fail or neglect to pr~- sent the samt; fill' payment, interest shall ceaSH alld tbo; treasurer stJall be ready at all times \0 redeem said bonds. on presentation. :Sectioll 6. Ordinances number 155,158 !llld 1Ii6 and ail ordinances alld parts of ordinances In conlllct Ill'rewithare here- by repealed. ,- Section 7. This nrdinan,ce shall tak", effeot from and attl'r its passage, liP: proval and publication, Passed, adopted !lnd approved tllis 18th day of August. 1898. ,TOHN V. llOGERT, Mayor. GEO, D. PEME, City Glerk. al --~) '7'" .."1. .' I, UV\J",I U11 'U. j.'II.tllI. U"', .J..........J...... ....,. Clerk of the city of llozernan arl' authorized lllld instructrd to sig, execnt8 after t4e sale Iherl'of, II! citr bonds to fln 8mollHt not 10 C' the sum of $165,000. The honds :l;ly virtue of this ordinance sh State of JltIontana, 'known as WATER WORKS llOND~' shall be of denominations of one 0 Y of Gallntin: sand dollars each, as may be m. . . sirable and practiCllbltl, and .sha H.. ..... . .. .. .. .......... ~. I,t first duly sworn, interest at the rate of live per c( , annum. Interest payable s.emi-a deposes.and says that he is ............. . ;.... . .. ... of the Iy. Said bonds shall havl' at seml.annual coupon noll'S for en .J1V.J1NT COURIER, n Iveekly newspr.tper, publi.9hed at Bozeman, in stallmellt of iI)~rest; and I he bOll coupons att4ilhlld thereto shall E GI.tlll1,tin n1Jy, iri)he Strde oj" Mon.tnna:...ifJ<0 the...................................... ~~~:Betds~~Ji~ee ':~o; ;8ny~~::yl~J~ ..:...........:.....~~........=~.......L.7Q........n....... of New York, or at such other c . lent place as may be agreed ur/ of which r(, copy ~,s.herhto ((ltac} "wrul. first plJ.,bli5hed in srdd news- tween the'treasurer and the part: paper in its issue dnted...... .... ...:. ................-::tt2/189..1 and was )f" JP!f~.il 011 Pal>>lllea1tlQl).. i ..><.. ;, , published in Nwlb .weeklV issue of. nid neW8paper for... COfb98(\utive week,9, in the l'eJ!ular ru~d entire iMIU~ (If every number of '< each edition, completing the full peri,od of.......................,.. .................................... days, the l"st publication bp'J in thp, iS81M dated .....~.H..... /-Q/ lS9JT~ ~ e2'~. S U BSOR! BED nad ,wo" to b'I";:::'" th".... . .f',,;'..'!!.. dayo' ~~~~).~~.m ~a?LvI m......n............"....,,-)m.m__m..................(__ I .j