HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98- 167 Council Resolution Creates and Establishes Improvement District No. 1 ~._~- "~~-~~~ -- 449 ~tUtu~ i!!~~ ~,/6( 15Y'u- ,t{ t~~ OncUUct~~~~~- . fIJ 1W7/1-ff~~ dt;4~~ 'Jh. / <4 ~ U1 ~1~ , hu,,(.dLf1'h~ ~ ~d~ t4 k~~;) i~:::{~~~;;;t;L1~ ~~14()-~~~ ~ ~r~ t4~~tnt1rrt1~ ~~~'I O~~~~~. "~. ~'~. ~:x,{l")~~40 j~a/~~~'et ~,/ y~0 ~~Z ~!;J~ ~~~~.,L,.,~~~~ i~,da~~&-d'~~, !~ ~~,?n lU;4~~ 1~~ j~~ ~q;/J~ , J .lp~..J7 ~ )h';l. filM ~ C/Yt-(, '. rju- )6~. ~ ~ file laLf~.. . ~ ~~, I negi~~~i'-rlg ~~POi~~'Oll the west line ' ' ~ "' oithe alley running through BlockG, , of Alderson's Additlon whero said alley I intersects thenorth line 01' Kuch street. I thence north along the west slcle n1l0y , tOlthe middle of Babcock street, theuce west !\lung the middle of BabcoCk street to the west line.. 'of Central ave. hue, then<;llnorth along the west line of Central gvenue to the middle of mock II of Story's addition, thence west along the middle of said HIock to the south" east corner of Lot 9, in said lllock, thence north to the sOllthline of Main' street, thence west along the south line, of Main street to the northwest corner of Lot one in BlockC, i:itory's !ldal- Uon, thence south to the southwest corner of saId Lot thence west to the southeastcorner of lot 9 in said l3!ock; thence north to the south line of ~1ain street, thence west along tlW south lme of Main street to the northwest cor.- nei, olLot one in Block D, Story'snd- dition, thence south to the sontl1\vest corner of said L'lt, thence Wl'st to the I flOl'tll\\'eSt cornel' of I,ot 31 in said ' lllock, thence due sonth across Bab. cock street lInd along the west side of the alley between school grounds and , Rouse's '\'hird addition aud along the ' west sIde of Fourth street to tile mrd. dIe of Onrtiss. street,thence east along tll(l middle of Curtiss strcet to the cen. ter of Third street, theuce SOtitil along the middle of Tlllrd street to fl point on a liue with the south liue of Lot 20, in l3lock .J, Alderson's addition, thenco, east to the oast liueof tho alh,y in said Block,'thence south along the eust lino of B,lir! alley to the north liue of 1\>,oh streect, thcuce east aloug the nor(h lilie of Koch street to the place (It hegin" !ling, 71'4 di~ {!~ 4'~' .~ r/~ :/{~;;b~ 1ln. Qxl :, {/..---. /A-t ~ . ~~ ~-//.rYO'~~1 ~ .. ~~ rh-:i22;::#'t;tfIJ-, ~~/YO- --.--------.-....--.,...-...-- --..- ---.. 450 ..7;(af. 7;(bl ~cz-a f1~u ~ iA7~ · ~~ /O,/bd~/77~ &;- I ~ - d.P~ IlJu ~ - h:trL:1 /Lr/-~~ . ;k otl ~~ J{ Qu4 ~/Y(7d fflIZZ )IF /77, /4 ~{/ ~- ~~ ---6? ... f ~ a~~.4 4/i!~e~ I _ 4- ~~~~.- ~_~#74 I~.- vu-Ut k ~ ' 'firJ2~~C~~ .7 r"MA - -,1,.- X---o~'~~/- I ' If1!. ... --? . , (' -- .' L.,. ~ I~~~~~ i~4 ~&~4 tiAi.'~. ~ '. I~() ji ( .f , , /:n e~4.J I~ ~ ~uy i~~-~' )V (. ~ ~ 'W I. a-ee~ /t-~. / .~. .......... ~ :~ ?r~~ ~ ~ /JC( 1~1v~ ~ py-')tf~. f~ Il~ ~. '~~~~. .~." .Lb- ~ -' t2--v1- .d ry*- 'rP ~ I~' kd ~ ~ ~ · .l5f~4 ~ ' ~ 7L,;. r~if:?~ :t~~Z-~ : I~i&z-~ e;:L~ <?r~. ~-, ; 11M ~~~ ~/, I . tP~"~ ~~/......-uql~; 14 ~ /}?Y / : I .~ ~. &- J~7~ " ~~ ( --- ",v ~ ,.".. .... 45] I i~1/t/~~ !C~.9aPt~}'<1" _ .~p. '~~,~~(~~r '-C0 t::J~ ~ ~ ~~ . 474- 9 f. ~ rf.i, .2;l ~..'v:{ ir '1 t;j;{ 17 ~ ~tL../4'-:'/~ ~1- , ~. . i ' /}dA,j~ ~ ~~~' .~,--~jL~pl1 ~r~~' :. ~'aJ.... h. rf? ;v p../;d, ~ a( ~;'" ~ tih-u. cd-. tP~1r-'c..r ~ ~ e~~ pt?~ ~ ~ ~~ -4-~~~ ~,~ au IL,~ ;-2c.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~()~;;;: ~ ~ ~~ '':;J 1-Uf~ it:~ ~?-~'c{, 1 ~ .- ~ /"7 /~ ~CL~( ~\, ! I I . \.' , 1 I ..