HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98- 166 Providing for Calling of Election to Submit Bond Issue to be Used to Buy Water Works Company 448" , ~I .....-....-"'..... "'...,"~....""""',.,., . \f,' "~,,,,\ I 1'0 1 " "{', \' fUll 0 ,"'" 117 .: ORDJNANCE NO. 166. . ~ ". . . . aQd the party oWlllng or' holding said , An Ordinance Providing fur tbe Call.. bonds, Each bond shall be consecu. , in&' ohn ll:leotion furthePurpOlietlve1y mimbered, begining at number ofSllhmlttlna- tbe Que8tion of t,be one. 'CUy ofllo",elnan l/j/juhlg tbe Section 4, (A tax of ~mms an the Bonds of the ~ald City tnthe Sum dollar shall be . laded each yellr upon of $165,000,' the Prooeeds Frolil the taxable property In said city for the the Sale otSald Bonds to be Ulled purpose of paying the interest on sllid to Pur<'hase the Water Plant of bonds so IssUed and to create a sinking the Bozemall Water Works Com- fund for thl'ir Nldenlptlon until the pany, and to Extend andlln rove~ame ,are paid In full and r,edeemed,) Said Water Plant. p TheClty tr"Qsure~ sball pay In lllwful money of the Umted !States on tbe first - day of January or July (according to Be It Ordained bytbe City CounCIl of which of these mortths comes lirst after 1 the City of Bozeman: the issue) succeedmg the .Jseue of said , !Section 1. The City Clerk Is hereby bonds. aud se!>1i annually thereafter on directed to give notice of a special elec- each ilrst day of July and tne first day tion to .be .held in the Uity of Bozenlan of January, and interest due on sucb on the 26th day of July, 1898, as pro. bonds, upon presentation at his office vided by law, for the purpose of sub- of the proper coupons, which shall mitting to tbe taxpayers of said city, show the amount dUll, and the number the qu.estlon of said city issuing bondS of the bonds to whicll they severally upon the crlJdit uf slud city In tlle sum belong; but in case the .holder of such of $165,000, the proceeds from the sale bonds shal! give thl:! treasurer notice in of aaid bonds \lIthe sum of $155,500, to wfltillg, that he or they wish. the bond3 . be USe4to purcbase tbe water plant of so held by them, and till; Interest, to be the BOZelliau Water WorkS Cumpany, paid in New York. City, then such I and the proceeds from the sale of said bonds aud coupons sllallhll payahle in hoods III the sum of $9,500 to be used New Yor.k Oity at such bank as Shall to ei"lend sud iwprove said plant. At be designated by the cIty treasllrer, aud saidelllctlon the ba,Uots shall he pro- all bonds and COUPOIlS so paid shill! be vided III accordance With law, and retUl ned to the city council at the next /IhaJl <<ontain Hie words, "Bonds-Yes," coupons so paid 8111,:11 be re~urned tV' I and "Bonds:-No." 'l'be election sball monthly meeting IInd said. bonds and be conducted, the I'eturns made and coupons shall bt? cancelled In the mllll- cllnvllssed, as provided in other city ner city warrants lire now cacnelled. elections, Section 5. The bonds, the issue of Section 2, If the llrajority of the whiCh Is herein provided for, shall be votes cast at said election sbaH he cast redeemable in tell years I'ond payable in . ,~" for:'llonds- Yes," the city council twenty years, and if at any time after sbalj, as soou as practICable thereafter, ten years from th" date of issuance ut l' give notice by advertisement in tl:te said bonds the sun. In the sinking fUlld 1 A v ANT COURIER, a weekly newspl\per shall epual or exc"'l'd one thousand dol. publisbed lu the CIty of llozeman, I\pa lars, or from time to time thereat ttJr . also in some newspaper publishel;iin when it may occur, tbe city treasurer the cit:Yof .New York, tor a perl6d, ,of ~hal1 cause a notice to be published in not les~t1lan four weeks, to theetr~~t C)l!e newspaper in the city of Hozem/ln, that tbe city of Bozeman will s~lI th~ thQ.t he will within thtrty days from the bond8'~.l>t~d at such eltJction ~Pf!.,tly dMe of such ,notice redeem ssld amo~nt descripll)ll' them), at public aucHon at of bonds wInch may be payable, giVIng not less than their par valUll, ari4shall the number thereof, and calling for state the time when, andthe'ph4ce s~i~ bonds ,in their num~rl~al order. A where, such sld<l shllll take place, . SImilar notICe shall be gIven by mailto ~ection 3, That the lllloyor 'IIo11Qcity su.,h !.>ank in tLe city of New York, as clerk pf the cl ty of Bozeman are here- the treasurer has designated as the ~y autborlll;ed and instructedtQlllgn bank. at which said bonds and interest and e;x:ecute after the salethefe?t the . thereon will be paid, and If at the ex. .~ald city bunds to an alljount ndt to. piratiOli of thirty days the holder or exceed the s.um of $165,OOO.J'he bonds holdersof said bonds shall fall or neg- ~ssuedby virtue of this orlljpancel!haJ.l lect to present the same for payment, be known as W ATER WoIi~ I!p;NJ)e Interest shall cellSe, and' the treasurer and shall be of denomln~~1,Q1IjlotQ!l~ shall be ready at all ti~es to redeem th.ousand. dollars each, ,l)ll' m~! be:ll1ost lIaid b~nds <In pre~entatlon. desirable and practlcQ'!lle, IIn<l,1I1)311 SectIon 6. Qrdmances num,ber 155 bear interest at the rate' of . IIve<,per Ilnd l58 and all Qrdinances IIm\ partll of . cent per annum. Inter6lltPlyablelieQli- ordinances in ,conllict herewlt.h are annually. Said bond"sh.a)) have at. hereby repealed, taclled sellli.annulj.lcoupon not&ll. for Section 7. 'fhls ordinance shall take each If\stallwE'nt of ~terest; and the effect from alld after its passageap bonds 'and coupo~s attacbed'tbereto proval, and publication. shall each be slgneq 'by the mayor and Passed, adopted and approved tbis city clerk. Interes.t .!Ihal1 be made pay. 16th day of June, 1898, able in the city of NeW York or at J. y. BOGERT, sllch other convellient place as ~ay be GEO, D. PEASE, Mayor. agreed upon between the' treasurer City Clerk. , " . \ 'J 'l......-_"._,~_,_. ..~~-~- ':-..,,,, '" I .- votes cast at said '-electiou'-sIiilIT-i.le cast rim .---.---.-.-.----.-.-.-.-.--- for "Bonds-Yes" the city coullcil tw~ sbal', as soon as p;actmable thereMter, tell glvenoticfil ,by adverti.sem~llt ill tile sail l'--~fj '~~'p-. ~ AVANT COURIER, a weeklyneWSp/l,~er ShB5""!fGGa Gi. I 1Il1U~Il!~ml4~~!Bii\'\Im ..... . ' pu\)lishect lnthe city of lluzeman, aPd lar! U wvalllJ!l"CIo/lal& also insowe newspaper published iu wh. ..><.. the city of New York, tor a perIOl:l.()f s'~" :11~ , " uj)t lea~t.ha.lI four wellks, to th. e.. e...tf..lI.ot 01) c. Sta,te rif.,Montana" I that the city of Bozemau ,,:11I sell the th t County of G,dla,tin, ) SS. bondlls.-9ted at such election ~Pf!etl.Y dl\ . '/.I~ .I~ _ J /J describing them), at public aUotion at off . .:~".I.,/ll'.-.-.~.t.{PI-::'S;;',~,K..~ ' 1I0t less than their par value, an4shall thl ... ... "," be~nt first duly sworn, state the time whell, and the place s~1 . ..' .' ;".. ." /.i) ~ ~ '~ .. where, such salOl shall take plllci/.. Sll . deposes and ~lIlJsthnt 1M; 7,.~ .-.-.-.-.-.- ~.-.-.-.-...-...-.-.-..-.-.-.-...-.-.-.,.-.-.....of the ~ection ii, That the m"yorl/.uPcltyS~,.., . ....,., . .... . '.. '."" . olerk ,of the city of Bozemallafehllre- t~ ..illV,!!',!T"COfj5nrER, (" lur;"kly new-'paper, pu,b/.ished ((,t.Bozeman, in by autborized. and instructed.tQsign b~>,..(; .,..'. '.' .. .' ..' ". . ~. a...n.. ..4 !lx. ec. ute. after the. sal.e. tb...ll...f~().f,.th. e. :t~ .' .........".,.l.I.I". ..~I.n... o'....to..u..,nty,. .1-......~.~ th...e /:>" 'tll.,.tl}. IIf.'. J11..on. t.d'.n. ,. "Ithtit the.-.-{...-.-.-'".., ,: .,....-:.....-.-.-.-.- "aid city bunds to all aJ)).oullt not to .P~ ,Al..:"1.-~.~. . , .,~. ru. '" J.LL.J A- ~\ ~ exceed thesum of $165,000. '.rile bOllds. 11, ,..J..Tr:~60...1lJ1..-Jrq\P..-tj,q,';Yl~'- ..-.-.-.-.-.-..-.) jssued by virtue uf this ordinance shall Ie.,..... ........ . be .known as WATER W... .0.. .&.'.'.KS. .a..PND. e,' ij'" (1ft. whwh l(.er~P!t,z,I;/~(;r.t!lo '1.,,~q(;hWl, .WfI.'S Iii. '.flt, puJ)lishNl ins.aid. news- and shall he of denomlnliltiOJlsof one s " . ".. " t7 thousand dollars each, M lDlIY be lD.ost s .-.-' .. .~"..:/Q.-.-..-.-.-....-.189.K ILnd WIL$ desirable and practICable, andsbalJ . '.' '. .." r,; , .,. bear interest at the rate of live per ~ publisli:edin ;SSH,f! of sldtl newspaper fiJr.. .-.-~........ cent per aDnum. Interes~ vayahle sewi- . .'. .... . ' . . . . annually. ~aid bond. B . sball bave at- . '. .;;.' .'. ...... '.~." ....!..I.J.:......vel. .'. ". inthe regUZ,,,.r (7,nd rm,{in, ;ssl"e "f every nu,mb.er of taclled seml.annual coupon notes for: .. . .'.~ .,.. each iQ~tallml'nt Of. mterest; a.lId the I '. ....... '. ,',i.tio.n.., (J 1I.';'I.pletint;' the fuJl period of....~....."L~i bOllds 'and cc)uPUI1S attached'thereto I . ..... . . . . ""''''''...='''-;,...., shall each be slglle4by the mayor and "Ij''llfi"' ~ "I, 7'1 rt '-"I.I'1,i,8';"~;r'r,,,..,,,,",g 1 n ildils8ue l!<<~",d ' city clerk. Interest /lnaU be made p,ay- .. .........,. ...., ,'. ". . .. .' .. '. " .' .,............ ....-.-.-.-.-.-......... able in the city of New York, ,cj'r at , ,""- ' ij'O SllC..h other COnYlI..n.l.en.t place, as may be. '" ".' :.., Tf"~ agreed upon' between the treasurer ..#:' . , ' ~....... . . " .\ I" , Y( 1...-_ "/ll;.' . · -.----~,..~i!IM,.lt1!~?'!j) and 8l(;Orn to. before me, this .. .../..f!........, dt:iY~..JI'Itn..'.:'..,.;.'.".'.:..'....'............. ......-'.'........:........ ;&"9 "'-lVl' " ,r:.;';: ., ':' ", ,," ,,,...... (l 1: . "':,".' ','. ... '. ......, . .' ,.-........... .-.-.-.- . '-.LJ!.-..... .. .-.-.- ...-...,.. .... ...-.............. . .....: .... ~. .-.-.-.-.-............ .-..-.-.-.-.-.-........-...-.-.-.- ....'....,.... ~~ . ..-.-.-.-.-.-,...-........- '-'-'-7J'-'-'" ."'-'-'- . ,,", . . v . .__n. . ....'.\t--.... 'j~ou,,, :, '. .it