HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98- 162 Amends Section 10 and 14, Ordinance 107 ." , )~ 1 443 ~?\ .....-- --....------. ..._,....._...._..._-~._._- _.~~" '~~~ r.-""---- ...n .. ~,i.L ~'~" ':1~."LI~iiOO~ ,," ~~ " I '" " ~la, , , ' , , " . .. .,!b'~1!~ft~~,~tij"jf'r~tli~ %i~ P Ii It P 11>>11 lfll. ., .. " .. /' ..... . ,. 111.,. (I ",... "'. .' 1',m~lltl~aa';iI!t1if~6ifi~wt"m;nWfliltil6elt;,:';':';j;,:\ i lfOtfDl t>> . .ea tfDllll.. ~c'i."Jlij't~1n"''''''.'''tl1'i~ti1.:i!...,{'Mi.'\a'i'..~''.. ' I~'ic. ',ti"" ~,.!il!1M~~<I'tt~1;1~,~~~ i. : ..><.. /" 'V .'ila'dt.(i~I'l)"f)ll~~e.. .. 'It':"",.!:,i>'?'!::':'!'"":"\,,,, rl!b\~ 11;~~~tt6U'i'f<':~"rb~~,\t,ifti~(\*'f~li'i04mt'J Stnte oj'Mllnll1nn, .. ~ .'imrte~Il{~t'~~aff{all'~~:jX~u ", ~~t~iia7:H!lir i .. S8, ~ ~'Rij(.lFt'hIl":iill.me;'f1I'~hete:lj ,:,ltM~i1~a;$6iaB' ~ G:ti;II,n, . 11Wl,.",.,.",..,..,.,...~t.."......t""." ....."",.".,."-,, ...... ,dE~ '.' '.'r.~~d"'alrf6nd8.;'''''''''''..'.''''''''''''.''.'.'.' 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' .. ... illlrQ'aB'El,MiaIlSi,kitja,'bij'i~li'Yor.(Jthe~'i: Gnl/ntin County. in the otolf! oj' .MontaM, thatthe..~ ..d~~~[:;i~t~~~rt:J'~~~~~f1~~i~ie'::lli>':Ji. ....,......~7",....ezof.:....../....6....,~.'u....... ......"",...."....,.....,. I .~~~l'riisesdc'cuPled..byhlmto~li~r(86<,a~;:1 ... I , i,~~:lieCOmEldllngetiouS6l'~tfen8ivetoaa)d iJf whioh (l, !:opu is herelo nlt()"IJhed, wns first pnblished in srdd news- ljQlulng propilrty'or premises, or shall1r i ~ 'placellny' pipeI' ,(ir ri1tlllil$h, ill lIltllll'l paper in ils issue dnted :L ff; ,18.9 e: rmd was 111I:1:.oe o~ ma/luer l\ll tPi:be ;I\~Il,le,'to",b~ ,~lJ.w,!- uPOihllin)! ~f"th;lo\~t~~e~~ or al~ey~~, pu.blished in each uw!cly issue IIf Anirl newspaper fill' ~"., llf!:,.llltt!er CM~' l/uch ~ersoh !It!Nllie lfe~rq,,;, j i ,-.lld,gu~\ty,/ol'\ co~mrtilJ!f a. Il:ltlsanee, al~4 oon~er,u..tive weeks, 'i n the reglllnr and entire issne 1)1 every number of I'~P()~ ep~vlct1l?t1,'sl$llbe',fin~~,ll.n tin)}, . . I:l,ltill,bi'i~tle$!:,thl\ij,~VI);Mlllii's,nUrml)r~; each edition clllnpletin& the IIlJl period f ---> . 'tihif.I'j""t'.'d'I1'i' .".a:""'ilt:$"'f ..' .. ...... "~i. , .', I. , ',. . , 0 ...'m...m..m........,..........,.....,.................... i:'.':}~iRt,Y,.",...I)..ar~<'n...,.;,:l(~".}(l",;pr~s:~;,: I ~ ::9~1,~'~i;rll'ifi"~":\{:}"')"t';,.~~I\{-",i,:'~i/'i'\days, the l'lst pllbliOfltion bein.g in the issne dated ...... ..... i\.'.,~\ltO\]': ...ltJy:pe~Il()'ilIW' 0' ,1\ at . . 'I '''m. ..,....,.,....,.. :....'....' fdep'(lBttb(jf:ij"utl'i~'dr;;fl\~Ii(f:tb.b~:depQBit. I ~ l'r.; ,( y .... ., "lld'oi'b:il'i'I16d,iu?anYlltrillll?<ir'jrtlil'tif I, ..m.... ,," ..'if"""""'"'''' 18.1.., ,~~!lqiW""'li~ch, is'':91>~ri't~'I.tit~vlll;lfn, ~. ;(is ~~ .lUly;;:~~t;llw;pall~rjWi)oij~...h~ardllt!bo;z:es: I ..m........., ................",.."-;.,L.......",,,........,......,.,.,.,.. ......'m... Ii. '~I'O.t'lllli'rlt.~biSh()r.1D'lltfjl'jal,witMuta';: " . f.....f '$pilclalperrt'tttt<lirl:trV~,Btre.~i'cOb.1mls. I S UJJSCRI BED (Ind sworn to be/oT thi~...... ..,.;?,..'.. '\ ai6ner;.s'll~llbEl'd~&fi\'!l'd\~dl1tyQr.com. .' .. .. " .' .... ..' ", '" ..",...... .m.....' lmlteilig'it :hU:1s'liuee:aii&t'ip'rin<lonvic- ..' .. . , . . ~~~~E~~,;~~~~~:.~:tY"f..;$'~..ild:'V~mmmmm o..~.so,proell..OI1.,...."."......... . .~". ",<Sect~on:2.; .:'fJi~(thlsotal*ail~,~,.t3ke j .... . . ..' . ' . ...."~~~~~'\'~..~.'" ~..mm .._: ~~E~:~~di.adoPted,~an~apprOY~d"t:~~$;~ .. .. ~h1~'" .24~h;;a!tiiot'M~Y:::&1j)\';1,$~8(:.............. ........ ...:'.'1'1 .' :". ..r.V:qlO(j'Ji:RT,Mar\?r. : ~ ,.....;;.. .Hlto. D.t'~tn.,(Jl~rk:.' '"' \ ,__ .'.-~~_._ ....._n_.__, \ ';:~-.. _... ...-...; ~ " --...-."., .,-,....,,-- '.,... 001_ 00- _..,.." . '. ~~.~... ,....-- Affidavit of Publication. ..-----'- STATE OF MONTANA.} I ss, County of Gallatin. i l A. K. Yerkes, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That ,j hc is one of the publishers of the Bozeman Chronicle, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed and published in Bozc- - mEln, Gallatin County, Montana; and that the notice hereunto - annexed, (....~~,*-~,.,/.~,...b....,........................,.... ...,............................,....................."..,......,.....,..,..........), has been correctly published in the regular and entire issue of evez:v number of said paper for..............~......................,.....consecutive weeks, commencing on the..........,......,..,........,day of.........................................,..,...189,...... and ending on the ............................'l=.day OL...j~........189...... ~ _ "".,.."""..""""'.....""'...,.,......~.......y SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO this............,~..,..,.,....,da Of......,~........189...... . . . ...J