HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98- 161 Providing for Submission to Voters of Bond Issue
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t~..r Ordlnllllce No. 161., between the. treasurer and. thepllrty
-- r - owning or holding said bonds. Each
. An Ordinancl:l providing for the sub- bond shaH be consecutively lIumbE'red,
'\Lr mission to the qualified electors of the bell'lnnlng at number one.
~ City of lloz'lmau, Montana, the ques- t>ec, 4. (A tax of _ mill,S shall be
--f'- tion of the said city issuing the bonds levied each year upon the taxable
of the said City of 13ozeman, Montana, property in said city tor th~ purpose of I
] in the sum of $7.000, the proceeds paying the interest on said bonds so
trom the sale thereof to be used Issued, and to create a sinking fund for
, t,o fUl1d $7,000 balal1ce out stand- thdr redernplioll m,til the same are
~ iug' city hall bOllds that fell due Aug- paid in full and. redeenwd,) The city
~ ust first, 18\)7, al1d I~XIlIg the time of treasurer sh,~llray In lawfl~1 mOIleyof
~ voting on stud questlOn. the United States all the tirst day of
'X ~ec. 1. The Cit;' Clerk is hereby dl- .Jalllu....y next succl:leding tl>e issue of
,'\ rected t,) give n.,ti ce as provided by silid bonds, and senli.annnally there-
rJ law, that there will be submitted to the after. (JU..~ad) Ilrat day of July and
\' qualitied ,.leClors uf th!:l City of Boze- the tirst, day of January, the interest due
mall, Mont.ana, at the time of the g('lI- Oil sueh bouds, upon \Jresentation at his
eral sprillg electioll. Api'll fOllrll', 18H8, otii"e uf the proper coupons which
1I,e quesUnll of said cit:>, iHHuillg bOllds shall ahow the amouut due and the
UPOll (he <:l'dltt of said Cily ill tile ~Urn number of the bOilds to whiCh they
of $7,01l0 00, the proceeds frurn tile sale sevel'ftlly belong; but In cllse the holdei'
of said b<'Hlds to the amount of $7,000,00 of such bOllds shall givl:I the cIty treas-
to be use(lio fUlld a balance of out- ure,' notice, In writing, that he or they
Standillg'City Hall bouds that fell ~Iue wi~h the bonds so held by t,hem, and
August Joi'rsr, 181J7..AtS:~id'degti"n the the inter€st to bl:l paid In New York
ballots ~hall be .provided ill "ecurdance City; tllen such bonds and .coupons
with law, and sll',1l contain tile words shull bl:l pay"ul" ill New YorkCit)' at
"llollds.._.Y,'s," and "B""d~-:-J"." 'rl:e sll"h b""k as shall be deRigllated by the
ele<:t.ioll "Iilllbe cOI1'lucted, 'tllu returus city treasurer, al1Q all bonds and cull.
nHu],~,and canvassed, as rl'uviued in pOI'S So paid shall be retul'lll..d. to the
otlle!' dry elecliuIiS.,. '. city coullcll at the llext till"'! hly meet-'
~ec, 2, I f tile nlaJilrlly I)t the VOles ilig and the saHt" bunds fu,d coupons
cast at saill elecriol' 011:-[11 be {<II' ').lIJHds sllall be caucclled in t.llt:! WHllner city
.. -~YeR," tll,; "ity cl)ulieil roll"ll, a~ ",Hltl 'warrants are now cancelled.
I us praer.ie:II}IIJ t1lerel.\frer, give nlJtice by Sec. o. Tile bonds, the issue of whieh
adveruSelrlellt in tlm A v ANT COUHIlW, is Iwrt'in provided for, shall lie redeem-
a IVeekly lIe\V~pap<'r l,,-,hlished 111 the able in tell yeltrs andpayalJJ.. III twenty
Cit.yof fiozewllli, a',d als,} ill.. S.OIl"! years, illld if at allY time ai'!.r ten year.s
llewspar,\"l' \JIIIJI"hed III the CIty uf frol1l d.a,e of isauance of Baltl bonds, the
.New YUl'k, for a period "f 1I0t less than slim in the sinking fund shall equal or
fUIIl' weeks, to the dIed tllltt the City exceed $1.000,00, or from time to time
of Buzemall will sell! the hOlds Voted thereafter when it may occur, the city
at socil elt'cUulJ (bl'ietly u"scribillg treasurer shall cause a llotice to. be
f Ilem) 'II rul)lic allcciolJ at IlIlt less tllan published in one nl'Wspllper in the city
I hell' par' vallie, all,) al1lll1 st.ate ttle t!lne of Bozeman, that he will within thirty
whel1 am! tll" place Wlllll'" suell sale days frolIl the date of such notice
shall take rlace, . redeem said awpullt of bonds whiCh
Sec, 3, 'I'hattlle M:\y,,,. I\II'.! l.Iw City lIlay be pilyubl~, giving the number
Clerk of the City of Buze",an, aI''' thereof, preferenC!:l bt'illg given to the
hereuy a'lthol'iz,.d alld ill~trlleted to oldest issue, A similar notice shall be
Rig-II ';11<1 tjX""llle aileI' Ihe ~ale 1.he"eof, giv<Ju by ul!lil to such bank In the city
I the slid ('ity !Jollds to an alllollllt 1I0t of New York HS the treasurer has
~ to eX'~"H.t the Slllll of $7,OQO.OU. The desiguateGl as the bank at which said
bonds iSRIH.,d (,.1' virtue of this ordi. bonds aDd Interest thereon will be paid,
nill1Ce shall be known as "City lJ>>ll and if at the expiration of thirty days
Fundin" Bonds," >111(1 ~hall be of de- the hOlder or holders of said bonds shall
nOllllllatiOllS of $1,00000 ~ach, as fail or neglect to present the same. for
may be most desinlbJe fwd prac- payment, interest ~hall cease, and the
ticallle, and shall bear interest at treasurer sllall be ready at all
the rate of 5 \Jer cent oer times to redeem said bonds on present-
annum, Illterest rayal,l.. semi "nnu- atlou, '
ally, Said bonds shall have attached Sec, 6, 'fllls ordinance shall take
semk\l1llllal coupon note~ for each In- eil'ect from and after its passage and
stallment of interest; alld Ih" bonds approval. '
and coupons attached thereto shall each Passed. adopted and approved this
be sign'.d by the mayor and cIty clerk, llrd day of March, 1898,
Interest shall be made payable in th\l J. V. .BOGERT, Mayor.
city of New York or at such other con- GEO. D. PEASE, Clerk.
I vellient place, as may be agreed upon '.
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,f.lr:11.N'1' 90URIER, fL w(:ekly TU<UJ8pnper, publi8hed (l,t BozemaTt{'t'li .'.!" ,
ounty, in tit-!! Stllte of' Montrl7ln, thnt the.. .,....... ../~e...'-'..
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of whioh ((, COp!! is, hr;rfJio nlfaeherl, 'Wft/i first plr/)/.i.5hed in~ news- .
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paper in Us issue dll,tf,d,...~....~. .,~nd~(./;s
published in NI.Qh\uedoly issue of said nf,wspaperllir,....:~
COrbgec.utiveweeks, in the. regulnr nnd u/,fire i8SIM Ilf every rJ>umber of
I each edition, oll1npl etinj t-he ful Z period 01"....."-=. ,.,... ...,.....".",.':.",,,...............
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days, the l'~:~~ubl;io((tirm being in tht(ki88ue dated.. ....,.........__...:.<t':::..,...."..
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