HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 97- 154 Regulating Riding of Bicycles
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~ C\ OJtDlNAl'\CE NO. 11:><1. '
,~o-- '. '.' _.' . '.. . thlR sectlon'lluddlhldtbe pUnlShild'illl ' :
! _ ~ An orillnanee regnlat~ng therldlrigof hereinafter provided. :> ....., ' ......, ".' : I
V" I/), J 4<;/- tiloy.cle...s in th.e. city Of. Boze.m. .an,". ....en.. .-'. . .......SE. O...TI... ....O.....N.....,.. ,4.......-:-.. .,N,... ....0... '. .p......e.....rt..... ....o..,.n..,.,...'... .o.....t...........p.... II.... .~.....8,....,O.....~. ,8....,...'......'
r V /;. r tana. ' IIIhalltlde1UlYbicycleC)n,jnyst~t,~lIiJ,
, . Be l.t.....'.o......r.d.....M..,.,,_n. e...d.,' by .theClt...y... cou...n.. en'o.. fl .e.y.. 0... r.,.-,.J.) ij.":..~.._..!....l.e..,..,. g...rQ.un.rd.S.;...:o.J...........t..'Jj...~'.C..'..t..t....y.:".....,.:a..:.'.t1..'..".:......'..'..,~...:......'.'......"
t~fr~ity;l:I:t'j:Jozeman: ' .. '. gr'~rv.,rll~7'of8P"e~'thllD;2ten,:i~'1r~.;::;
i ~JIlO:tt6N,I.-+/rhat hereaftettt-sha)l perho.ur~and .()n<atiy.ll~ae\\llli.lt?~~1'!t
\ be.utl}i'Vfjll'for a~1 pers/.lll'/:I1 perBons ,great~!"ratEhOfll~~;ithal:liit\J1l;~n~:',...,
i tQ. rid. hny bIC.yc...le. uPo.11 anv .B.i' .'de..w.al..k .a.n.....h. onr.,a.,n..d. ...."w.h..e.li. .....turnl.llrr.....,,:.....~.o.....tn..... ..et..., .'o.....n.................'..
I on Main street between TblJ:illltrtlettaes dewalks, at the Interselithini'lf.'
i and.. .CbU. r. cb st.' rEiet, . and anypers.o. n so s .,0......ralle.'. 1S th. e'. ...,.,.8. pe..e!ls.ball?1l..0.'..t.' .....be....'...'.. '.'.
I riding any bicycle on any IIldewalk reatet'tball tbr~mnes per hOur.>It
I herein n.amed shall bllflned as hel-aln- Is allIo'speclallyprovldlld thMt10tblnit
i after provided. \n thIS section shal beconstrul\d .II.S g1t-
I SEOTION 2.,Any person or persons. Ing any person or' paraonstbe rlgbtto
I who sball, In t~city .lImlts, . ride any ride .iny blcycleon'illdeWlIlksmentiontld
I , bieycle on any of tbe sidewalks, streets, In sQtionone, A1?,y pers~n wbo ....h~1l
; alleYlI, . or public grounds 'of tlUl city violate thlli provisions' of this ,sectIOn
[Witbout bavlna In connection there' sbaUbe punished as . hereltlaftetprQ'<
i wltbatall.tlmesa(gong, b&!l, born or vlded.. .' .'. .'. .... ..' .............
i whlsUe of "i'umCieutsouud to warn 8EOTIO~ 5._Wb~nll.Il'YP.eI'8oriI1dltJ~
I .persons of its approacb, and whenever a bicycle meetsauotber blaYeleory~,
IlXIeeting orPll.8SlDg any pedestrian, hl(l1e,the rld,erBor dl-iVers>.tber~otl'
" borse, wagonor"other vehicle, or ap- must each ttirnlleasODableto thetiglft
: 'proacblngany comer at the tntersee- for passage; so as to pUB,wlthout inter.
i tion of str!lets, sball fall or refuse to ferenee. .' . ·
I sound sucb gong, bell,l1orn or wblstle, SEOTION 6,-An)'. personwboshaJl
; within forty feet of ,DY corner all violate any of tbeprovlllions df'~1'Jt-
aforesaid, orwitblu forty feet olap- dlnance shl\llbeflne4,ln;any ,sum,n(j~
proaeblng or vasslnlt. any pedestrian, less than on~dollar nol"Jb0t6th_f1fty
norse, wagon, or: veblcle, shall be dollars and costs cif pros,,",cution. . .
deemed guilty o.t.a vlola...t10n,Of this SECTION..7.-.0.td.l.nanC6..._.....n.....nm.. ber12..p.... I
.oMlnance, and sball be punished as and all ordmsnees and ..pfli'tII,of ordl-
berelnafter provided. .. ,Dances In confllet'berewitb''iYebereb I
8JtO'l'ION a.-Any person orpel'Mtlll -repealed. '-'
who sball use any bicycle on Qpf Bfde-- 8l!:OTION g,-Thls ordlnaJ1(i~18bllll
walk, street slley, or.pilbllc' groun~of tak~ effect November 1,1897. '..'
the city between one hour aftersunseti ,passedsndapprovedtbls2tstdayof "
and one bo,?,r before suntise wlthQut ~ber, A. D. 18i!7. . .1
having a lIgbted lantemor.lamv' "... J. V,BOG:&RT,
tnereon, .socoll'aplcuously placed there- GEO. D.. Pl!;ASE, " Mayor.
on as to warn persofiil of. iis ap,proach Clerk.
_ ___~h~l be ~,~~~_~~_~~lltY_~~8'vlelition of \ ,J
.-.... .... .--...--.-",.^'.-'-- - - -- . - ..__...._~._--_.... .,.._---" -----~._, ~--~
Plf@})(t)il (t)ii P1!l1!b>1l1~gtloll.
Stl/,te of' ,]Jfonll/ I.LI.)', ~
C t f (' 88.
,,,u4l;'~uCdIJlnlin, ..' . .' '. .
uun,umn~inJ!first duly sworn,
deposes and 8UYS thnt hI'< i8umuL!?~
n""n.....'" "u nuu u" m mof the
." ,. . .e/(:,y newspnper, published nt Bozernan, in :
(' II . I
.III" ntllt County. in the Stnte 'of .Montlln/~ thnt 11M", I
"""'~ ~' .... .:.-~,.,.,.um'.."..,........'n
"~ /.L
...... ................_ .... .,. ..A........n ......~..,.. .,..,............nn_.........."
ofwhioh) 0(1)1 ;.{ 'I 1
. ,(, / J"" Wi co (I,UaO I.er! wnq first ,"I'llll'st'ed' 'd
, ., "" ,.1" . I,ll, s/Lt, news-
paper in its issue d/dl'd,..,~uuur.,:1.,Z89..m, r.md was
published in eaoh weekly i$8ue of sai,d newspaper fi)r,..n.C.....m
",-, con%ilutive weeks, in the retulnr and entire iSSlW of every number of
eaoh edition, completing' the full period of mm"...'''..................................... n'mn'
dnys, the ll/st publiCl/tion being in the is,~ue dated mm~
.,n ...n."--y~.."....". u-w7 _n' ............
. SUB~ to b'I'" ~,th~:Z~~
, daYafmmm...........~:=~
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