HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 96- 145 Licensing Gambling I .- i I ,::} 409 t i '704,;f3, O~~ ~f), /c/j.:/' ~ ~------------ l.ii~;:ANOii-~~.-~--"- ....... -.._"-- _~l__ - n_ ;::::~::;.:~:::;: Pl!l'~ii ~ii P1!llWI_ttOl!!!.. II \..... 'gl,~~1E,OI'rYOFHq~~M~~~:,. .' ". '. . , . .. ".s',~c,1:E:yerypetsl:\t1,,~.it~~~?ns,or '"., ". ~<L=..,+~, aSsOCil\tlonof"pe~sons;'*ko~elWS JIllY" '. "\'/ ., G="'r,' .,:~..I....10..,.u.).e.,.,,'..':..-.l.\.,...rr....:..,..8.....l\....I.......o..'.o.'.'.p........i.:9.,..,.r.:ro....~.m.,..., o. r...'...,'..C.....l.U..'...........b.........r.....o.o..ms, . Territory' Ol..M.... on;tana,. ..~ ......,' ....; ,tellt,\!?pJjthi~~~tnent:or~:t~rpJtlc!(" ",' .. ," 8S. ,..., ,~' ..::: ' wherll..any.,harrkliig ~gaIhe'"o1hgame,of i::O nil! ol~a.. din. .. I ' ~~an<\!l,~S'condncted or,permitt';'d, with- ,.". .. ":: ';~, > .". I III the Ilm1ts of the (,lty ohBo~?man, ~_ ___nu. _'_._ _ .c_'O&~~ ve(n[f first duly sworn, I shall,'be~ore, ~nysuch ~affii) I~"dealt~r ...' ':... .... ~ ,I ..'plaYild for money,or anythlpg,J.;epl.e- deposcsn1ul says that he iScn_.. .._'.. ,~_,.______m___n.J)l the ! sentingmoney, or having mone)' vahle.. 'Ie... I Is:u~.ed',;b:t., or v.en~ured, ~r,ba~ar~ed, <~ V .I1J{~' em.JJu. E...ll, CL we.. ~l9.'.J.(,.n.'l;.u.:,'...,J..,<rf!aper, p. l~bltShed. at.Bozernan, In "!.' P.fl.Y.' . .a. 11.c.e. II. s.e. O.f. 'I we. nty fi.1V'. tl d.<l.~lars, Crn7.litt(,n, Cannty, 110 the Ti!1'rttOl',!'J,:'of M iJntana, thnt ~~'"___mn___''' \.....1 ($25,00), Il,er, qtlltrt.'el'; and i,n, ac1dltlO~\ ~" · ' ' ......,.~,," , ~ ~! '.. 'l.t......h.....,e. r..e..t.,.o..... .._..S...'.?11..li.,..I.~;v~.e...r..s...OI...fl.'.'.O...r..,.,.y.,.,\l!~on~, ts,.'al!B~.l.!.,. n ~__~ m ~_~n~~_.' __L_Y-~_...~-f!l2. = =/' -'. ....... .pay:'a 1C~n~e -,,()r . ea."..l , " 'J<o '. ' ,\ ~ ,Qliwhich ...'t'lle" g'lpn,e. 'Mmmonly , ~- r!P~ : !, ."~..~.~.l~t.c.if"q~.~..~.~~y~~;:~~.: t~~fiV:.'.~...J~.O~t~.{;'"' (:;: wh~~;:-~-'-~~~y. ~:~-~:~re/l~~~~~~;,~;(~, -~~:~~ fi:;~~ p~~~~-;~;---- i ';~:~:;;'~f;;~':~ ~.: , ($.25,00), ~ermonth; and for ..<:acll tahle ~~" ,~ i.: ',ll. p. on.. W....h..I.cha.n..y..o.ther ba.;nklllgga. n1,e-iS., pnper in Us iSSli:e dttt~d'.____ ".n___ nL_l..__~_____ll!;;,(;i (tlu/' WI1,~ . d I dealt or pIlLyed,t1:).efurt~er sum.of'\ "7l,, l t,~.en.AAU:;\rs, ($mOO), per: muntpY.Wld! pnblishecl in cllcl~ weekly ne OlSCLid newspCLpel' f'or_-~." ~-." III ,for each table used for, .or upon whIch, . I '. ..' .", ' :i;h,e-gamecalled and kilO W 1.1 as "'rottnq' ~"M"''',t'l.'f H'I!C.~(i, 'In th(} reflulrtrand entll'C tSSlW at every number oj I I tlie .f~bYll~oker,'~ or, "rol1lld tab~e:;, ,', ." , , ", ," . A.. ' I p.ok..e..r,. l.s.dealtor. Pia.. yell, th.e f.urther.1 I.aeh erl.l.twn, tompZr,tmfj the full perwd Ojn..._..~~._n- ."__..n_n_Un - I,!... snm of''''fwelve an,q., fifty one hun'i ' '. . I \1 dredthil: dollaJWl, ($12'.tiO), per month 1 Ii' (('I/s'1 'J( publicntian being in the issue dlded --- -,.--- nn_ ,\ sball be pa,i'd. Provided, nothing in, '; . ( I, I: I tl.1iS.. s.' ectiOl1Sha.Il..~e eO.I.lstl'.u.ed. t? 'O.I~.- "___ ______:____~---un3r,f'../7J;j. .' I I thorize or permit any gmnewI\lch,ls ~ If! @~ \ ~ I p..r.Oh.ib. ited. bY. the laws.. O.f. thO.. clt~te or n..___.".'n~___n_~.____cn~_.-..'''''''n-nn''.~.n---''- '.'. ,--.--,...' I' . MontanK And the City Clel'k lses. '. '.' I pecially forbidden to issue any license "u B S'C'1'11JEJJ 'l" ", t b f' ., ." a' L':I' \ \ ....h.... '.'.' . h. '. .' "" l.aYI'n' (f.. . I.. ,_I,. . J. a.r.H sw.orn 0 e 0.](, IIU, "u.S..___.- n.-.-..-----.n.n--n.- ~. to aut. on~e t. ernnlllng or P g) '. 1 any games of any kind or description '1 l H ..181''1:,./1 _. v1 : III any of the "streets or alleys of the ( ay 0 nn - . ..___n__~ " 'Oi~~o~r \ionl~~ o~:~s~~~t~:~:~:;s, orr-n" n .________"'nn__n___nm...____ _u ._~m_ I. ' ass0ciation O.r:'P'MSOl~ having ,any ~', ~" ( 'I' ,. . '.' . 'h" '. ., lic.:ense ull.d. er. ,tho" prO)~IO.ns .Of t 18. nn_~".nnnU__n_nn ___n . --...... - n" _n"'" : ordinance, anfl.wbo aIlO\\.'s minors to , ~ 'resol'ttoanyr'oomorplace'wheresllch' . il" gambling is carried on, or-wbo aliows ,1 any minor to gamhle, shall upon con-I, viction, forfeit bls-.or their license. [, SF:c..3. Ordinance Number 135, and I : an ordinances and parts of ordinances In contlict with this ord.iuance are hereby repe:tled. , SEC. 4. Tbis ordinance shall take t effect, and be i n_Jorce on and after it s passag~ and pnlllic:ttion. Passed,adoi)t.ed and approved Jhls 10thdllY of .July, 1896. r Fc-L,llENl'PE, : Attest: Mayor. ~.D.~~ I I City Cieri" ' :1 II :1 , , ,( I( Il 1'.1 [1 1:1 I' , u