HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 96- 142 Providing for Licensing and Keeping of Dogs and Destruction of Running at Large ..'1" 4@5' , ,~---""" . .- ~}i;' ....... .:::'"f~, -', ~ Rl!IW~~f.C6',f(i..ltg.,{t.;,;~: -' · e.:F-, "'-""eo'''''''\ "....... I ,. A. ' <: : ~ '.' '.. '.. ." ',\ ,i',' ".~.:-:';')\',:::':: ' II, OftDINANOE n2~ "'B~O~4'~c}lY;:r.~~t&~nfuunlfilel~':'\i;"~!r,,1 - "," in8"lilYltlihlt\1c,tllt~iil!llrflinBDOe1fr\vllb'Yi.!\;.:+,.':,~ AnOMtnanoe rrQ1ttdtbgfO~.. .'teeDSO 'Shl\l.e;t~'f~itlt~,":al1~$fiOhllnl~h':"i;;:~~::" ""1 11111' ll.od''i(ee;lifng or'1)~s ,,:,nd-t'he-' maP' """J'q-gtci' > ~i!,~\~p'ythJta"\""" I. ' Destruotion.Thel'eO'I.)lr,Found tberedti;Wr:IBI\;!'-lI....(~Xl';';"~~rsi:'lt(,rlf.~>..:' Runnmg at:ba1'ge.ttJ'eil'am~Ji~U\l;Hb~,fSl1'~Je~i;~,Q,Il,ntl~',(lf 1'1, ....... ". .... , - ,...... - .'. ."., .' .notles& ..' @IliIW'Opll':\l'Or'tffbtEl't\ilIli1"tlln' ......:' , ,Be It ordained by the (t)ountll\of 'the, :dollar~;\';'I~,t~>":i',,' ....,':>' City of Bozeman: . . . ...., seettonll.'fhepr9vlSFonaofpllis()r. ."li'~ L H."."" ". ",,_.of. di..." ...r!!"'lpJ#. ..."""... "'''hMI...",.rlY, ..d wilhln~)rty :' ..im......a~t:ti'~i~cm.. days afte~ _the first d!'y Of~aym each rnlilnjng t~pc;irl\,tjIYltl or passing year,pIlY' 0 the City Treasu'r!l1thuum .~ ~hro~th~clt$,Q~btlllWh~--1'titQ,thiS of o nt' eo lar for each male dO!ri:M the ';(ility flltllX bitlo1');:,~: :V'f':.. . , ",." sum of three dollars f9reverfe~l\le Sectiotl6;,).0:l'1"cq"!'!~!~~~t~eitl'gtnade ~og. On receipt,~ said tax by sll.ld to ,the ~Qhiefijtl'ol.'fU~o/~;a~Y's'~~bani, City Treftsurer hes 'all regfster the am- ...ma.f~itbin,thlJCit~W~j~lIllhllHb~bl\tk' mal tor. which thesanJe Js,paid a,ndde- in:~.j'bi~lngA:l1':'h~, li9~i)~rl-l~tttli'ti!lall- liver to.'t,ne uwner ll. brass . ()~~c?pper ".' 'fie~<!T'way,,~ls,t~!,~~;t~~;~~,~~~\k~~q!1iet .' check whICh shall benllrn1:l'et~ednl'the:~:f{~Y .per$bn('j}\:\'PEiI'~I).~':&Y~P.~~dtlVElr" regu III rcurrespo.n dingortlerofthetl1g-,Jtfj~'Plttef.of .1'~119~ .,.pei~~iJs,~ttijjlldof' is try book ntQ.a also be stampe(t'withthg'~~~:o~sU(lil....:cOlrlillll: nt.:::~hll'nglve ,..- the dllte (If the jeltr in WhICh~tlitlSame~ottCei~W~teofto~et)erjlmi'6f:P'er~~t)a Isi!l8ned. The cheCk so "delivl'red by keepIng d:ir.perdH ttlf~, auc}ji:a'~fiimlll':to the treasurer shall be secllredllron.nd remitlll'inhlsorhe\'-ilouse, oro1\';hl~ or the nllck of the animal registerlld, and hllrpreii'ilseS.lI;bdln,c.asllSQcb'll11rSOn any person wlro'sfiilll put 'upon a dog ot'per'sons'shii.lf' fo-r-tbtli'lpace o1'>one at)y check of. the kind rderred to' here- day after suchnot\!ce.;neglectto,:cause in.' except it sball be .received from the the same to bedestroyeqor remo,ved;ao treasurer, shall be tined flvedoJlars. and as to 'prevent tbe dlst~lrbl\nCll, be,Shall 'it ahall be. the, duty of the' Uhief ;of f,slTcflllt and paYil~\1,*~l:li~,t:'.:1e,~stbali'ten Police to consider sucn animlll a nuis-dollitrs for eVllr'y'~~~':w11"'h~~an tlrltp~e ance and dispose of, the same as is pro- '\lntllsdch anlmll.lberell1o'il'll,dat,dlv' vided in sectiollgo{thls ordinance. stroyed as afote~idd.' .:. ..... ...'. .' ........ ...'. ~ectlOn2. Any such animal found ' Section1r:',TheChillt~f':J?pliceis rQ.nnill'g at large at Itllytlme Of",iji'q,herebytl;uired t?klll-'ll.nyfell1ltUldog ye~r''\Vltho\lt ltcheck,aS'proylded fo~ 'at)argll n l\1eatrlt-llhjJf/the'cltY;vvhile. insllctioll 1 of ~hisO~dhIJRnCe,jsl~rllby in ~~Il.t, ~nd tbekUl,!~'~,?ratJr.a~al deelart'd a pubhc n\llsallce,aod Itahall named Jnthlsorditlllincebrhhlhlh ..' be the duty of the Chief of Police t07 p6undstiall bedol'Je,i~,a~y::rnll<nn(lr,.~X't,;", "; caus~ t~e ani~aI so found: to he killeq cePtbYH!'~OD, ~s~emll<y"~~~n~:,,p~~~r.~\~:,.,; 1i' upon Sight, m. :my 'II1aOIlilr be may SPrctl~rt"8. It l~ber\lbyma ~thll'a:~f"\;I" chO<lse;-or to.be taken np andpJaCed 1n of thepOlic~~ntoenfo_'this.o~ai:"t"Il, a pouhd to be provided by th~Chief of nancllln tl;1,e-liameruanne. . :~l::J,nlef!' Police. and sball be kept there for t.he '"of Police le <therebY reQ.nlrt';, " ..<'" period of two days. "wb~n. If no person Sec. 9. 'Allll~nSeS isslle'l.mder;~piS..;." .....~ shall claim the same'tbeChief of Police ordillanee Shall 'p.ire ontM ~'rat-dfly'\ff ' ... ','- ., shall offer 'the said animal at auctIon ,JuneOf each year, and the RllIl'J\.mt ot Without notice, and if llobid to the Iic\lnstl herein specltled shall bll paidr , cost 6f two dollars be received there- whether auen IicenserUllS forllnerttire fo\"{" it shall bll the dtlty Of the Chief of year Gr for a ira~nal partofthl:,;yea,r Police to kill suchaniroal. only."..... ' Section 3. Any person applying at Section 10. This..ordinan,ce~9haUgo' the pound for any such ll.nimalthat Into effect on May 19t,1896. ........ '. . ..' .... may have been impo~l'ded shall, before Section If: All ordl!1aD'C~$ ;llnll parts' regelvmg thll same. 'from .. t~e"~hlef of ordinancllsln conflict hetewitlI.are )llire- Police, pay Into his. hal.:\ds.!l,lltlUltltY.Jlf byrepealed..' .... ........ two dollars for each animaL,delivered . PasBlld, adoptlldandllpprovedtlJ.ilJ. to the' said applicant and shall inaddi- '16th day of-April.i\.D,J896., tionpaytbe-ta!lr and. cause the aameto Attest: .,.' bereiistered; as provideafor lre-ctivn [Seal] . F..L. BENEPE,MlIyor. 1 of this ordinance'. .... . GEO. D. PEAiSE,CityClerk. ,- ,I ~ ..,L.u -....-.., , : ~ E..... . ,''. '",,' "''''''',!..-." j....., ._.....~ -- -.....-. JPlf~ol @>I. hl&lleatlloUl:. I 414;-" .' ~Ig'"--- ......;'1 , ~.. i' " I Y of Montana, .~, ~ ". " "':' . a Connty of GaUa,tin. .S.~." '\ ~. :, . _ / nm---~~~__"n.. being first d~tllJ SWorn, I ,1'''-' ..~. ,., deposes and saps t7tat heiL.:. n-n~n'm-'-~m---n-..."-~n.of the .~-V'.dJY?' OO~RJ~R, a ~4~;wspaper, pnbl~shedat Boze.ma~t, in (raJlatm Connty, In the ". .' of Monta.na, that the_ _.._ m'_"_ _ ~. . .... . .~. I ".-------~ ..f ~y .__ _ _ _._C_. ":______n _ _~___ _ .____ _ "___ ____". ....n."___'~ _ _ n_.. ____ _ __ _.. ,- - - - ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - - - - ~ ~ - - ~ - - - ~ ~ - - - - ~- - - .~~- - - ~~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ ~- - - -. - - - - ~ - - - ~ -. - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ -~~-- I of whir:h a'oopy is hereto attached, wa,q first published in., said news- pl.tper in its is~ue _rlate~'u~n--~..mm_l1t; o."u1 was 7ff...tblishje~ in ("..f-I./h lJvr.:-r:,k~,V llJ;)u,,.f::' Vi ~ j)U/I:G~ 'wl.,,-bufJ....,pt.. AfJru____u____ .____u~__ ,......". ~1'1I1Itit'3 1..d...7,~ in the.rfiular and entire iSS1U: of' every number of , I ~h editi;n. ..6I,opld,:,vJ; "he; J (kU pCI ~'--',.Z Vfn__n____"u nn._m_O__.__n__"". 1 ~<<b"7, :J~v :.~.{.{)t fJubl'lCa-cl,On vel.r~g ~"iJ ;,'LV :'_"J~t-L-' ,.z,"":{.I.l_u____U~__N~~_~..~____._ L - --~~---~-- ---~- ---