HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 96- 140 Providing for Registration of Voters and Qualifications 401 " I I I ~ ! : ~~~," \' ", I ! '\... ; .~ '-, ",. I' " .....~. ~. ! \. \ I (I '.. \ I ,\;.", ......... .,.."..'{~- ...",.".,......... ',.:'1'1 '1"" ,',c.",.,. .. """,."". ," ,~"",",. '"',,.,-.' """""""""..',,..,", :,r:"1\" ';\,',' '~'~"'''\'.' 4()2 .-,..,';',.,.'" .ptiil"~.~""", iiiWth' ,.1;",-.;, "'~h "gc- titled',CQ ,:,~i judglllent.'IlJ:lIfelqny ,,' Jlltryagent pursuaIit.totbis or,dlnance,. infUUfO"l'~{lI~~t. tbepersoiJ. regi~..mustbepreser"t\d and,tloarrsrilltted by 'teredo ,"''''2; , ,,', ". "',' tlIeil:ldll:,eof electIon .tothectty qlerJ!:. . .:m~ttb,--.-.up'b~' . ,,"'t'bductionof acer'~lliJ~lIrt .of the "~Iection re~ns;~as, "1 tItled copy,Of.:-lli,:j:(ldlg,mentororderof pro\!ldedby law; If anyregist,ry'llgent " thecoff~~~ctliigthecllncena~ioll to,~lIil ,or_,refuse to, furnish," ~o, the ! be ma~< <", .,,) , " ',; 1.;:Judgeo~,electlvn of any ward.lIsts'of w,,". ..,.... Se~t1~nli'9,TUhe registryagentre- tbEjregJstered votl:>rs In saldwardfias fuset?<Wt~{\t,b.ElnaO)I'IOfllrryqllalitl~d,', provided for in thls,sectlon, the judges , vot'lli;?!~~'1I\i~oj,tyuj)On theoftjci/jfr~gi's-'! of election ,ar~ authorized. to, t~ke .a \ ter~~~~~r:li!~erl)J!typroce.edllr-actlohin: ooP.y of thaprmtedor. wntten list of " thedl~tl)\llt'oourt to compel sUich enur!,' regIstered voters III saId ward. a~ pro' Se6tibti10, Any person may proceed vlded for in this ordinallce,and con-' i byaot{~,,jwtho district c~,~rtto com. ductthe election inSilid.~ardin a~- pelthe(cl~rk to, cancelaJoly"entry made ,'cordance wIth th'e prOVISIOns of thIs, onthtl otlicialregist(>r i1Ieg'ally,orlhat ordinllllCl.\(and their returns must show' oughtlt;ohe cancelil'dhyreasoii"of facts the reason for using the printedor thath/i.vl'lOcCurred subsequent to the wrltten list. instead Of the registerlld I tlmeo'f IlU'C?erltry. list, at such election. 8ellUOJilll.;"6ntbe day next succeed - Section 14. Whenever the j udgei,of . 11lg't~atlln,w!lIch the registration of election shall have lloodreason to be." electortl?~i~~~!!M l"lection men)i'med lie~e,?r ~hen they, shallbe" informed ,,' " ill tbis,u'iiaplr, 'Ilhall have beellclosed, b}l"a qualitled elector that any person " the{~g,!8trY:' 'If~~nt' must, with,ali 'reas. onerlngto~ote ,. i~ 110t .>t)l\iE.lJIi~on whol' .. 9I)ahle'"'ell:p~cj\til?n". aud wit'hin thre,1' was so regleterea'm that name, the vote .. days,prepare and causeto be written ()f such person,shall not be rl'celved un- :"",,,r.:P~itltlld,a,)il4ddlllld complete ll11d true til he shall prove his identity, by the' 'list'of'iillthenllmes registered' 'by him, oath of at IlIast two reputable ciUMns ana, tll~n remaillihg on the otJlclal reg- and qualllled electors - of the cIty of -~._--,.".,.._. I ister,..alpl~ahetically.arranged" com-' lloz~man that he is the ~erso~ who WHS mencmg with the surname of eitch, and registered III the na...)e III whIch he off" . he must wrHeor print such reasonable ers. to vote. numbl'lr of copie~ as" he inll.Y deem Section 15, Before the openmg of necessary.... showln'g on on'e she~ bUt the polls the registry airent shall post at $md!I@)Dl~. under Sl:lPllrate headings in su list" theyolling plllee ill each ward. one copy the registered voters ill each ward in of IQe olllclal reg1ster of the city as the city, at least one copy of whir.hsald last printed or, written aud.the copy so lists ha -must caiJ~e) to. be pGSted up in posted must be maintained during t.he a pubUc-and cvnspicuous place within time of voting~nd must not Ill,any each and every ward to which theyap. mauner be tof.ufol' defaced. ply; Eileb registrpgent must,as soon Section 16. Any parson who shall as .su;~ !lsts are pri<nted or written, sub- fraudnlantly cause or procure his name ;scvJ~~llnd makeollth to .one Mpythere. or the name of uny other - person to ba being first (h~lU sworn, of~sbElllJgatrue, correct,a)ld .complete registered in more than one ward or .,....L., list:of~Ir.}ilect.QrB 'l'gistered ill, thl:l. city, shall causEll?r procure his llame or that - ~--"----""--7-__"ol-th{! J,;:irQ\1&thecommencemerittQthe close of of any other person to bl'l rl'lgillteretl, thll,reilstrlltion"lll the. city; and must knowlngthatMor the person whose "Ushed a,b/Jozerna,n, in 'within two days aftkr thA pllblicatioh llame he has caused. or procured to be " tlwb ___~_-:_ .or writing of such lists deliver person- rl!gisterlld is nol entitled to vote ill the ally or by rE-gister'ed letfer snch verified Ward whel'el.n regi&tered at the ensuing -copy to the city clerk t)f the city, to be election to be held therein;' or >lny per. ... -~ ~ --- ~ ~ ._--"." -- - _ _ _ _ __ _ r ~ ~_ __ _.._ by him posted in a conspicuous place in SUll ,who shall vote or attempt to vote his otllce until election. day, Ulld tl)er~- under an)' name except his own. or ~----- ----- ~-----~---~--~-~-_. after flIed aWll.Y as areoth~r records of slm.ll falsely personate allY registered ((,~llsherl insriid news- the city....and the remainder of such lists vot~r. shall be punIshed for each and must be dis!lrlbuted among the electors every ~ilchO.ffense by .tine not exceed- _.._n_l~nn(l was of the respecti ve Wards: ing twohundred dollars ur by imprison- Section 12. TII~ regIstry agent js au. ment for' a.. term not exceeding thr\ie thMlzed,to make an." correctionlil!ie::the months. . ~'-~-7n"n_'_ _,-n'_n_. entries ort theolllclll'lregister upOIlPer- Sectil:lnI7.. '.rhe registry agent shall of' eVe77j,'nnm,{Jel' of ' sonal llpplicatil)ll being made to him be entitled to reCelye such compensa- 011 the Jaatday.thatthe,otllcil1lregia- tion as the councH may from tlmeto - -~---'-~--~ 'ter Is ()Pllll Priortothe election. ..... time deterplitill, 1 Section lll:,i During the Ume Inter' Section 18. The registry agl;!nt III :';e.' . vening.bl1t~le;/iln.the closillgof aIlyreg- herlJbylluthQrized to issue tOlmyper- _~ __,~u__ __~____....__~_~ - \ istration I)f'~!~ctors anli.the day of the son ma.klllg personal .application at his l' next. ensuing election each registry office on tbe dflY of eI~ction a certillcate ,laR'lJlIt must MrefLllly copy from the of registrl\tion, 'which c~rtitlcflte shall ~-- oltlclal register Into suitable books, one ellUtllJ such person to vote upon his for each ,,It!ctio'n ward within the city" presenttn!l" si).cbcertiOcate to the jqdges , ,\ the .names of electors}registered for Of election in. the proper ward: Pro. \ ----~---_....,...- snch ward, alphllbeticaJ~}'arranged (the Vided, that before, allY such Cl\rtitlcate surname -tirst), entering OppOSI!t ~'ach shaUl)lJ issued to any person sucb per- name thelIum'ber it/lJears on the olliciai SOlI shall tllkeland Subscribe an atllda. register, togethl;lr with WOfds requirlllg vitt,hat,he Ulllkes.such a'pp.llMtion from . - - ~ .. - - -.. - - ~ ~ ....-- __. chnUelll;ea .lIlId all other antrle!\ therelll hisiIlabHlty to rl.\gisteroqllny one of '~~ fOIUla, opposite the nA.llle. Th(l)',llgls~ry the d~ysset apart for reg'istratiGIIOf agent rnl1st!ll~o Comp/ulland COlllpJllte yotllrs(stay,ng the causes) ttnd the.atlh , ~- -~ ". _ __W~, in a. bo.o~,l,I?tlll.teFtlJ.an two da)'s ne~t, . ". da,Ylt9(J~o,iep.~tablelloQseholaer~: i precedlng:lJljl-~,9Q )vhlChtheelecUon IS. apqfre!tKO,~ijl'lr~WhOllreknow,nt.O tlw . I!? behe!d:9,nll~9r each w,ll.r~1 a~,~h,lCI"1 Tl-j~~t;llg~titlll,lqarll clt!z~~s,th~~ IlsklJownt~~.p~I'cheCkI'jt,'a lIst of .. tller, n9\V.;theIltPpUqltn~to't>Ba bon~ \he na!J1e$of arc ,leetorsfol.lp.<l, on the tld I'ltsfUll.ntand'll.qli\UifllidYoter of olflciall'egisf,lir,.f6t such war(ls['alpM- thecltyofUOZl'ltlllin.aud t'hat beWail- lJellcllllY .arra)1ged (the. surnamll,tlrst)" .,una\Jle....toreglater .atllpy time during with!be number each ,nall;!e bearsjn}\wll:j(l~.t~!)9tlliJial reglil'ter wasopll!1El9 tbe olfi9la1registerplaced.at fhe left ot,'(stllt~nllcllUse~;)" , . .,......... .,,' . j ..... tll;e Il~rllefl;nd witb a blank columnll,Y', '.. '~,~9tton,J~;.'J.'berEiglst.ry'ag'ents>>all the. rrglttiof the colu~n of .names""llaqSll:W',,1l.~-PQ~lisql'ldbl:lJ.neast,orte forll)edby~two' parallel perpendicular nllwSpapllr wltbin,tblleJty.for ten dayS- lines~ for U~euse l!f the judges at ~beb~foret~~e~pir!l,tloil o{,t:Ie, time pro. e!llctrou; SaIl! blau~ column !ast ~sn- vldlld1or,,'I'Ell!"jstrltt~onprior to any gen' ,tlonedJllllsth~v~,'frlttell headlllgs erlilelectlon,anotices,igned by sqeh I !l1adlji.t)ftP,~:P~l!'Wtri\aglil;llt, s~~Wlllg;rElgilltrylj~~nt~~;~!1\l~1l'il(lt thj1t. ~he Ji"rh~t>!P~~'I'~l~~~l.I~t9f,l;tll.ll'~llid cl;ieCK, tiI;IlEl(?r'th@~'\!':\lfffJ~~atJ.01'\9{Jhe.na.mes .!I!\~/.~p,tIJ}~~.1!il\!t,.~\f9.~.J,h~t~nce, "~9~d .'~f ~P,f!>q~MJ,tI.!l~~~vt(lrs l~,thll.. ,eity of \itt,th@,g~~lj.le!~.r4~n"l!K1~l."- '~'1"~~~erpl\'?,.~~tffi~'~I~et!Q1V,:,;)."""", fllll$9PY .,.llf!~9fficHl. re~n~ter, to, .....,... .....t~Pf!(l~y!l'\g tli~.e41cti~~) t~: ,gIlFJ!~I!!:~',VI:tbtIH~t. he_cK-list" forellchb!li"h~ldon Hi~;\i' ,';,.,; .:;!lJ.:ay Of , ,. ..: .'; . 'X:1li~#,mllStPEl,: ~~~UllY p~:el?lI{,1l4. an.dA.p;18;., _ ,f4irtl)eClty .9t. ]3,fJZllllllln, Iq)l!}tC<J~t4~ll~to'~lrthl), regl6try:agent, 'Monta!l~,wIU'~~pite at 'lOo'clock';P. m. a"ildel1ver.e~,.;,tll~t1r wi~b ~davjtSthl'l . ._ ',l:tlliY 01"<. .. . , .. . . ... A.D. 18. , . ;tIj~J1t1o~ed!n,~~tW';PJ'~~el:l"}Jg 6ecUon of Sectjon2().. AU ordinan(lesand parts-'ib: :thI6ordl~anCfl,t?()ne oti,~Q.e Nilges o~ of or!iil,ll!ol'\c.e1l1n coiltlictqerewithareC ; t,bf! electIQQ,I\leI'Clhwar~,the morning herebyrepe111ed. .. t at elllctioll, prior to tbe n~ninlr.of the Passed,MoPtad,and oPPfoved thia . 1 I pilUs, and 6nCn "check. tW' and any 20thday,OfFllbrUarYA.J;>.~96" . ".erlld cef~lllc;~t~,: ,hloh may~ttest:".Jj'.L,HEN~'."Mayor. ; ri<,' ~ ~_' GEQ.<O: PE:A,SE,OltYOlllrk,..,,~. ...... , . .! - ,'.1:',. ""'l"J""' - ~~'tt::' . . l..,...,<,.~,"'.~" .\ ._________'~-~ -------_.........-.-~...,.""'~~~ ~.".... w.~__ ~~~_ -- ~. .~.~ .. --