HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 95- 127 Providing for Prevention of Spread of Contagious and Infectious Diseases 372 .':, I u--,/Y . r 0 ORDINANCE NO. 127. -v;v AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE SPREAD iOF CONTACIOUS AND INFEOTIOUS DISEASES. Be1tQrdained by the City Council of the City of Bozewlln : Sec.'l,. An physicians arid surgeous shall report in w-.;it- iug to the Health Officer, wifhin twenty.four hours, all cases of contagious or infectious diseases which they shall attend.' Any house-holder in whose dwelling there shall occur a' case of cholera, small-po:)(, typhus fever, cerebro spinal fever, yellow fever, relapsing fever, scarlet fever, puerperal fever, diptheria, measles, typhoid fever, whooping cough.. and chicken pox, or any other infectious disease, shallimmediatej ly notify the Health Officer of the same; and, until instruc- tions are received from the Health Officer, shall llotpermit clothing, or otherproperty, that may have been exposed to infection, to be remc)ved from the bouse. Nor shall any occupant of the 'premises where such disease occurred change his residenceelsew here without the consent of said Healtb Officer. And it shall be the duty of all physicians and attendants to avoid exposure to the public of any garments or clothing, about their own persons, "\ that may have been infec~g. from exposure to any disease. Nor shall any person, by ~ny exposure of any individu;;ll sick with any contagious diseas.e, or of the body of such person, or by anynegligent act connected therewith, or in respect of the care or custody thereof, or by needless expos- ....1;,'1'.:. ure of himself, catl~e, contribute to, or promote, the spread of disease from anysuch person or from any dead body. And it shall be.::the duty of the Board of Health to order such separation and isolatiou, or domestic quarantine of the sick, from other persons not necessary as. attendants; and also such special care and disinfection as shall be needed in order to prevent the spreading of such disease to oth'enil. \" Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any of tbe pro: visions of Section One ofthis ordinance shall, on conviction' thereof, before the Police Court of said city, be punisbelil:iy a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than \one hundred dollars, and costs offlrt')secution. Passed and approved Jan. 22, 1895. ATTEST; GEORGE L. RAMSEY, CHAS. S. FELL, MAYOR, CITY CLERK. .("', ~ ~L ':J r~ ~/- ~ 4~j~ ~ l~f ~~'~ /f:jz ~&.1;: - t~ ;Zr , C f<< fr , " . l ({1.tI'zA-ti>., to '_. / 6'..<<.-4. ." ~ C, "7 ~.~~ ." /:LJ; ~ ~~~ -Ii ~ a. f:utb ,j. <!~~~~~, <L-v,J ,~'I ~~ ~.~~~{~..:;;df ~r J ~ ~ih.w4;k",_ft< ~ ~ -t41c~~ />-b-~' r i/.i 1.~) un.l ""~ ~ F.-vfc'- ~. ~ g.".~~ h'Lt.. ~ pv~/'.w..~ d, /~ {l.v&,-,- Z p:~'~ ~~, ~.( ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~. eLkl;<</ "1 .... ~;) fJ,1L~ ~,vv ,I ~ ~ ~.,:;j;, I~' ~~~~)~<ItU?2/B~, , rnr~?~ it<:,. ~tJ ~ j f~,(t;f-4 /19,,; ( C tii/.,{L.o. ! J&& I W\ ~ J'