HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910826 * Increase hours at Library * Provide and promote recycling * Promote joint solid waste study * Evaluate street and tree maintenance districts * Protect landfill by limited input of yard wastes, * Landscape and maintain attractive city, beginning TOP PRIORITY GOALS FOR FISCAL YEAR * * * * * * wood, cardboard w/City properties 1991-92 Implement volume-based garbage rates Maintain clean air/quality groundwater Provide for safe disposal of oil and other contaminants Finalize master plan and zone code, including parks master plan Provide for better communication about City services and programs Extend water/sewer service boundaries, study policies on annexation Item Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. Items of Business by Commission I. Roll Call - 3:3~ p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence .'" 3. Minutes - August 12, 1991 . Continued public hearing - Conditional Use Permit for a mixed Conduct continued public hearing 08-19-91 commercial/residential Planned Unit Development 'on 117.867 acres 4. located in the NE~ and SE~ of Section 26 and SW~ of Section 25, TIS, R5E, MPM (NE corner of Springhill Road and U.S. 10) - Beatrice and Susan Taylor (3:35 p.m.) Decision - Conditional Use Permit - R.P., Eva and William L. Motion and vote 05-20-91; 06-03-91; Myers - allow High Ridge Estates of MT to develop portions of an 06-10-91 5. l8-hole golf course on property located in the S~, Section 32 and W~, Section 33, T2S, R6E and the NW\, Section 4, T3S, R6E, t1PH (east of Sourdough, approx. one mile south of Goldenstein Lane) (4 :00 p.m.) Commission Resolution No. 2840 - amending the fees for garbage Motion and vote 6. collection to provide for optional flat rate dumpster fee assessment (4:30 p.m.) I~ Request to address Commission re recent classification of use for accessory foundry - Chandler Dayton, 716 East Peach Street 7. on behalf of residents in the area (4:45 p.m.) Item requested by: Commissioner Goehrung Request for permission to address Commission re truck traffic 8. on North Wallace Avenue - Linda Nicholson, 301 North Wallace Avenue (4:55 p.m.) THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGENDA Auqust 26 1991 Page ~ of -L Pages - 13 Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission Ordinance No. 133l - yacating and abandoning that portion of !'10tion and vote to finally adopt 08-12-91 9. South 7th Avenue lying between the south right-of-way line of West Cleveland. Street and the north right-of-way line of West " Grant Street (5:05 p.m.) Ordinance No. - Tentatiye Appropriation Ordinance for Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and set the 10. Fiscal Year 1991-92 (5:10 p.m.) public hearing for September 9, 1991 Discussion - FYI Items (5:15 p.m.) II. - City Manager's report Consent Items - (5:30 p.m.) Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the 12. appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions I Commission Resolution No. 2841 - encouraging the Performing Arts Center.Board of Directors to select a site in the down- a. town area for the new performing arts center Authorize City Manager to sign - Agreement with the State b. Department of Highways re maintenance of traffic signals Authorize Mayor to sign - letter of support for grant request / from Senior Social Center c. Adjournment Motion and vote THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E MAN, M 0 N TAN A COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGENDA Auqust 26. 1991 Page 2 of 2 Pages