HomeMy WebLinkAboutA3. West Winds PrelimPage 1 of 19 P14063, Staff Report for the West Winds Major Subdivision, Phases 7 and 8 Preliminary Plat Public Hearing Dates: Planning Board meeting is on March 3, 2015 City Commission meeting is on March 23, 2015 NOTE: UPDATES TO THIS STAFF REPORT THAT HAVE BEEN MADE SINCE ITS PRESENTATION TO THE PLANNING BOARD ARE SHOWN IN RED. Item: The West Winds Major Subdivision Phase 7 and 8, Preliminary Plat would allow the subdivision of an existing lot of approximately 17.53 acres into 60 lots for residential development with associated open spaces in two phases. Project Location: The site is generally located southeast of the intersection of Davis Lane and Baxter Lane. The parcel is legally described as Lot R3 of the West Winds Major Subdivision Phase 6, located in the NW ¼ of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana and is known commonly as the West Winds Major Subdivision PUD. Recommendation: Approval with conditions Recommended Motion: Recommended Motion for Preliminary Plat: “Having reviewed the application materials, considered public comment, and the staff analysis, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for P14063 and move to recommend approval the preliminary plat for the West Winds Major Subdivision, Phases 7 and 8 requested in application P14063 authorizing to subdivide approximately 17.53 acres into 60 lots with the remaining area as streets and common open space.” Report Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Staff Contacts: Brian Krueger, Development Review Manager Bob Murray, Project Engineer Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi-judicial) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues There are no unresolved issues. Project Summary The property owner, Mahar Montana, LLC, Joe Mahar, 13447 HWY 238 Jacksonville, OR 9753, and representative Dowl HKM, Clint Litle, 2090 Stadium Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715 have 130 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 2 of 19 submitted an application to subdivide an existing lot of 17.53 acres into 60 lots with the remaining area as streets and common open space in two phases. These are the two final phases to be developed of the West Winds Planned Unit Development. Parkland requirements are met through previously dedicated parkland provided in Phase 6. The proposed subdivision layout is in compliance with the Planned Unit Development master plan. Alternatives 1. Approve the application with the recommended conditions; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended conditions; 3. Deny the application based on the Commission’s findings of non-compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. January 6, 2015 Planning Board Meeting Supplement The Planning Board held a public hearing on this preliminary plat on March 3, 2015. No public comment was heard on the proposed subdivision. The following discussion is a brief synopsis of the deliberations:  Applicant stated they are agreeable with all conditions of approval  Encouraged another portion of Baxter Lane will be improved and that the intersection Davis and Baxter will be improved concomitant with the development of Baxter Lane.  That the proposed subdivision met the criteria outlined in the staff report. A motion to approve the subdivision was made and seconded. In conclusion the Planning Board voted unanimously (8:0) to recommend the City Commission approve West Winds Phase 7 & 8 subdivision and recommended approval subject to conditions and code provisions outlined in the staff report. Draft minutes have not been prepared at the time of publishing this report. The meeting can be viewed here starting at time stamp 0:25:00. 131 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 3 of 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 1 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 1 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 1 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .......................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ............................................ 6 SECTION 3 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAT CORRECTIONS ........................ 9 SECTION 4 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS .............................................. 9 SECTION 5 - STAFF ANALYSIS............................................................................................... 10 Applicable Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 38.03.040, BMC................................. 10 Primary Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 76-3-608 Mont. Code Ann. .................... 11 Preliminary Plat Supplements ........................................................................................... 13 APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY..................................... 17 APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND.................... 18 APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ......................................................... 19 APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF ................................. 19 132 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 4 of 19 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES 133 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 5 of 19 134 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 6 of 19 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. Mandatory compliance with the explicit terms of Chapter 38, BMC does not constitute conditions of approval. The conditions of approval may require compliance with more than the minimum standards in order to conform to the physical and economic development of the City, and to the safety and general welfare of the future lot owners and of the community at large. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code which are applicable to this project. Recommended Conditions of Approval: Community Development Department: 1. The plat shall conform to all requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and the Uniform Standards for Subdivision Plats (Uniform Standards for Certificates of Survey and Subdivision Plats (24.183.1104 ARM) and shall be accompanied by all required documents, including certification from the City Engineer that as-built drawings for public improvements were received, a platting certificate, and all required and corrected certificates. The Final Plat application shall include three (3) signed reproducible copies on a 3 mil or heavier stable base polyester film (or equivalent); two (2) digital copies; one (1) PDF copy; and five (5) paper prints. The Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder’s office has elected to continue the existing medium requirements of 2 mylars with a 1½” binding margin on one side for both plats and COS’s. The Clerk and Recorder will file the new Conditions of Approval sheet as the last same sized mylar sheet in the plat set. 2. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 3. The applicant shall submit with the application for Final Plat review and approval, a written narrative stating how each of the conditions of preliminary plat approval and noted code provisions have been satisfactorily addressed, and shall include a digital copy (pdf) of the entire Final Plat submittal. This narrative shall be in sufficient detail to direct the reviewer to the appropriate plat, plan, sheet, note, covenant, etc. in the submittal. 4. The subdivider shall provide the necessary declaration and recitals to facilitate the property owners’ association bylaws and/or declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions as being part of the existing West Winds Subdivision property owners’ association. Any cost sharing agreements for maintenance shall be included with the final plat. 5. Prior to final plat approval, in conjunction with required or offered dedications, the subdivider (or owner of the property being subdivided if the owner is not the subdivider) shall transfer ownership to the City of all dedicated parkland and any open space proposed to be conveyed to the City and all its right, title, and interest in any improvements made to such 135 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 7 of 19 parkland or open space. For the transfer of real property, the subdivider or owner of the property shall submit with the application for final plat a warranty deed or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney transferring fee simple ownership to the City. The subdivider or owner of the property must record the deed or instrument at the time of recording of the final plat with the original of such deed returned to the City. For personal property installed upon dedicated parkland or City owned open space, the subdivider shall provide the City an instrument acceptable to the City Attorney transferring all its rights, title and interest in such improvements including all applicable warranties to such improvements. 6. Prior to final plat approval, in conjunction with required or offered dedications the subdivider (or owner of the property being subdivided if the owner is not the subdivider) shall transfer ownership to the property owners’ association of any open space proposed to be conveyed to the property owners’ association and all its right, title, and interest in any improvements made to such open space. For the transfer of real property, the subdivider or owner of the property shall submit with the application for final plat a quit claim deed or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney transferring fee simple ownership to the property owners’ association. The subdivider or owner of the property must record the deed or instrument at the time of recording of the final plat with the original of such deed returned to the City. For personal property installed upon owned open space, the subdivider shall provide the property owners’ association an instrument acceptable to the City Attorney transferring all its rights, title and interest in such improvements including all applicable warranties to such improvements. 7. The final plat shall contain the following notation on the conditions of approval sheet in the final plat: “Ownership of all common open space areas and trails, and responsibility of maintenance thereof and for city assessments levied on the common open space lands shall be that of the property owners’ association. Maintenance responsibility shall include, in addition to the common open space and trails, all vegetative ground cover, boulevard trees and irrigation systems in the public right-of-way boulevard strips along all external perimeter development streets and as adjacent to public parks or other common open space areas. All areas within the subdivision that are designated herein as common open space including trails are for the use and enjoyment by residents of the development and the general public. The property owners’ association shall be responsible for levying annual assessments to provide for the maintenance, repair, and upkeep of all common open space areas and trails. At the same time of recording the final plat for each phase of the subdivision the subdivider shall transfer ownership of all common open space areas within each phase to the property owners’ association created by the subdivider to maintain all common open space areas within West Winds Phases 7 and 8.” 8. The landscape plans for the open space areas shall be revised to remove any reference to ash tree species. Other species acceptable to the City Forestry Division shall be provided in place of ash species. 136 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 8 of 19 9. The certificate of dedication on the final plat shall include the specific names of the streets dedicated to the public for which the City accepts responsibility for which will include Spring View Court, Trade Wind Lane, Davis Lane, Baxter Lane, Hunters Way, Windward Avenue and Flurry Lane. The final plat for each phase shall only reference those streets within that phase. 10. Documentation of compliance with the parkland dedication requirements of Section 38.27.020, BMC shall be provided with the final plat. A table showing the parkland requirements for the subdivision and the method of meeting the parkland dedication shall be included on the final plat conditions of approval sheet. The table shall explicitly state how much parkland credit was allocated for each lot within each phase. This table shall include but not be limited to listing all dedicated parkland requirements, parkland or parkland credits and areas not credited towards parkland (i.e., detention/retention areas, watercourse setbacks, wetlands, common open space, parking facilities) and the total area of each. The applicant shall provide a minimum of 1.8 acres of dedicated parkland or equivalent thereof with this major subdivision. This amount is calculated based on 60 single household residential lots at 0.03 acres per dwelling of dedicated parkland. The final plat, property owners’ association documents (POA), and park master plan may not include any reference to “dedicated” open space and Public Park; rather if the areas designated as such on the preliminary plat are to be common open space owned by the POA or a park owned by the POA, or a combination thereof the plat, POA documents and park master plan must specifically designate them as common open space owned by the POA, etc. unless the applicant intends to dedicate public parkland within the subdivision. 11. The final plat shall provide all necessary utility easements and shall be described, dimensioned and shown on each subdivision block of the final plat in their true and correct location. Any rear or side yard utility easements not provided will require written confirmation from ALL utility companies providing service indicating that rear or side yard easements are not needed. 12. All Irrigation wells located within the exterior boundaries of the development shall include Montana DNRC certificates shall be provided to the City with the final plat submittal. All wells shall include a meter or other devise to determine consumption. Engineering Department: 13. The developer shall make arrangements with the City Engineer's office to provide addresses for all individual lots in the subdivision prior to filing of the final plat. 14. All proposed private utilities to serve the subdivision shall be shown on the public infrastructure plans and specifications. 15. Water rights or cash-in-lieu thereof shall be provided in accordance with Sec. 38.23.180 BMC Prior to final plat approval. 137 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 9 of 19 16. Prior to acceptance of publically owned infrastructure, the contractor shall provide a Maintenance Bond with the developer/owner equal to 20% of the actual cost of the improvements to correct any deficiencies in workmanship and/or materials which are found during the two year warranty period. The City of Bozeman shall be named as dual oblige on the bond. 17. The south half of Baxter Lane shall be constructed to the 2 lane option minor arterial standard as shown in the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan from the end of the widening completed with Phase 6 to the end of the improvements to be completed by the City to the intersection of Baxter and Davis. The improvements shall be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final plat approval. All improvements shall be complete prior to issuance of a building permit. 18. The necessary right of way shall be granted for the City to complete the intersection improvements at Baxter and Davis. The required right of way shall be dedicated with the final plat for each phase if the amount necessary to complete the improvements is known. If the limits are not known at the time the plat(s) are filed, the developer shall agree to transfer the required property to the City by deed or other mutually acceptable method. Under this scenario, the City will prepare all necessary documents to complete the transfer, but there will be no other compensation for the property. 19. Temporary cul-de-sacs shall be provided at the end of any dead end street longer than one lot deep that is created by phasing. 20. If phase 8 is platted prior to phase 7, Windward Avenue shall be constructed to provide a secondary access to the subdivision. SECTION 3 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAT CORRECTIONS None have been identified at this time. SECTION 4 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Project Name: West Winds Major Subdivision Phase 7 and 8 Preliminary Plat File: P14063 Development Review Committee The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the Preliminary Plat application on January 14, 21 and 28 2015 and as a result, finds that the application, with conditions, is in general compliance with the adopted Growth Policy, the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act and the Unified Development Code. The DRC recommended conditional approval of the preliminary plat application. 138 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 10 of 19 Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, Subdivision Committee The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board (RPAB) Subdivision Committee did not review the proposed preliminary plat as no parkland is proposed with Phases 7 and 8. All the parkland required for Phases 7 and 8 was dedicated with Phase 6. Improvements to Phase 6 parkland have been financially guaranteed and are expected to be installed spring/summer of 2015. Planning Board The Planning Board is scheduled to hold a public hearing and review the preliminary plat on March 3, 2015. The Planning Board held its public hearing on January 6, 2015. No public comment was received. The Planning Board voted not to recommend the variance from minimum level of service standards with amended Condition No. 33. The Board voted to recommend the block length variance request. In conclusion the Planning Board voted to recommend approval of the preliminary plat with the conditions and code provisions as noted in this staff report. City Commission The City Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing and review the preliminary plat on March 23, 2015. SECTION 5 - STAFF ANALYSIS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. This analysis is a summary of the completed review. Applicable Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 38.03.040, BMC. The applicant must comply with all provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project, prior to receiving final plat approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. In considering applications for subdivision approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: 1) Compliance with the survey requirements of Part 4 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act The preliminary plat has been prepared in accordance with the survey requirements of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Montana. As noted in recommended condition no. 1, the final plat must comply with State statute and the Bozeman Municipal Code including the newly adopted ARM’s from the State. 139 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 11 of 19 2) Compliance with the local subdivision regulations provided for in Part 5 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act The final plat shall comply with the standards identified and referenced in the Unified Development Code (UDC). The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as a condition of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. The advisory code citations (standards) of the UDC that are listed in Appendix A shall be addressed with the final plat application. 3) Compliance with the local subdivision review procedures provided for in Part 6 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act The hearings before the Planning Board and City Commission have been properly noticed as required by the Bozeman UDC. Based on the recommendation of the DRC and other applicable review agencies, as well as any public testimony received on the matter, the Planning Board shall forward a recommendation in a Resolution to the City Commission who will make the final decision on the applicant’s request. 4) Compliance with Chapter 38, BMC and other relevant regulations Based upon the review of the DRC, all applicable regulations appear to be met. Pertinent code provisions and site specific requirements are included in this report for City Commission consideration. 5) The provision of easements to and within the subdivision for the location and installation of any necessary utilities Easements are shown on the preliminary plat in conformance with requirements. As required under Section 38.23.060.A BMC, all easements, existing and proposed, shall be accurately depicted and addressed on the final plat and in the final plat application. 6) The provision of legal and physical access to each parcel within the subdivision and the notation of that access on the applicable plat and any instrument transferring the parcel All of the proposed lots have frontage to adjacent perimeter streets meeting minimum standards. Vehicular access to each lot is proposed via curb cuts to perimeter streets. Primary Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 76-3-608 Mont. Code Ann. The Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, Section 76-3-608, M.C.A. establishes the following primary review criteria for the governing body to consider when evaluating subdivisions. Staff, the DRC and other applicable review agencies have made comments in relation to those and other criteria as described below, and have recommended conditions of approval as outlined at the beginning of this staff report. 140 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 12 of 19 1) The effect on agriculture The subject property is designated as Residential according to the City of Bozeman Community Plan. The subject property is zoned for residential development and is not in agricultural production. Therefore, this subdivision will not have adverse effects on agriculture. 2) The effect on Agricultural water user facilities There are no changes or impacts are identified to agricultural water user facilities located on the subject property. 3) The effect on Local services Water/Sewer – Municipal water and sewer mains exist in the adjacent street right-of-ways. The applicant has provided the necessary water and sewer design report for review by the City Water/Sewer and Engineering Departments. Final approval of the water distribution system and sewage collection/disposal system will be obtained through normal approval procedures of preliminary and final plat review by the City Engineering Department, Superintendent of Water/Sewer, and Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Streets – The DRC has determined that the adjacent streets have capacity to accommodate this development. The proposed subdivision is bound by Baxter Lane (arterial) to the north, Davis Lane (arterial) to the west, Flurry Lane (local) to the south and common open space/City Parkland to the east. Davis has been previously improved to the City’s street standards (with the exception of sidewalks), whereas Baxter is currently constructed to a county road standard. The proposed subdivision improvements will include the installation of six local streets: Flurry Lane, Windward Avenue, Spring View Court, Trade Wind Lane, and Hunters Way constructed to current City design standards. The southern half of Baxter Lane will be constructed to a minor arterial standard adjacent to the subdivision. The existing intersection at Davis Lane and Baxter Lane is operating at a Level of Service below that allowed in the code. The City has funded the improvement of that intersection in the Capital Improvement Plan and construction of improvement sto the intersection are scheduled for summer of 2015. The ownership and maintenance of the subdivision streets will be accepted by the City of Bozeman. Stormwater – The applicant submitted a preliminary design report for stormwater management for review by the City Engineering Department. The standard requirement for a detailed review of the final grading and drainage plan, and approval by the City Engineer, will be required as part of the infrastructure plan and specification review process prior to final plat approval. Police/Fire – The property is located within the City’s Police and Fire emergency response area. The subdivider must obtain addresses for the new lots from the City Engineering Department prior to filing the final plat to facilitate emergency response to the site. 141 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 13 of 19 Parklands – Dedicated parkland is required and has been previously provided in the West Winds subdivision for Phases 7 and 8. The application proposes to utilize 1.8 acres of acres of parkland previously provided in compliance with code requirements. 4) The effect on the Natural environment This property is located in an area of the City which has been identified and developed for residential uses at urban density and no changes are proposed that would impact the natural environment. No significant physical or topographical features have been identified, (e.g., outcroppings, geological formations, steep slopes), on the subject property. The applicant has entered into an agreement for a Noxious Weed Management and Revegetation Plan with the Gallatin County Weed Control District. The plat notes that due to high groundwater full or partial basements are not recommended. 5) The effect on Wildlife and wildlife habitat No known endangered species or critical game ranges have been identified on the subject property. This area of the City has been identified and developed for urban purposes in a location of the City where no physical features, established vegetation, or habitat exist, which reduces the potential for development of any wildlife habitat. 6) The effect on Public health and safety The intent of the regulations in Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. The subdivision has been reviewed by the DRC which has determined that it is in general compliance with the title. Any other conditions deemed necessary to ensure compliance have been noted throughout this staff report. In addition, all subdivisions must be reviewed against the criteria listed in 76-3-608.3.b-d, M.C.A. and as a result, the DRC and Department of Community Development have reviewed this application against the listed criteria and further provides the following summary for submittal materials and requirements. Preliminary Plat Supplements A subdivision pre-application plan review for Phase 7 was completed by the DRC on February 5, 2014. A subdivision pre-application plan review for Phase 8 was completed by the DRC on April 23, 2014. Staff offers the following summary comments on the supplemental information required with Article 38.41, BMC. 38.41.060.A.1 Surface Water Farmers Canal/Harmon Ditch aka Cattail Creek, flows north-south through the park land located in the center of the West Winds PUD project, generally separating Phases 1 and 2 from Phases 3 thru 8. There is a 50 foot watercourse setback required. All lots have been platted outside of the watercourse setback area. Any activity within the identified watercourse and/or wetlands area (i.e., road construction) will require all applicable permits (i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.). 142 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 14 of 19 38.41.060.A.2 Floodplains The floodplain study for Farmers Canal/Harmon Ditch, aka Cattail Creek, was completed in December, 2004 and that report found n that the 100 year water surface boundary was largely contained well within the 50 foot required watercourse setback from Cattail Creek. The report recommended culvert sizing for the east/west street crossings that have been implemented in the infrastructure approvals for the subdivision. The culverts for all street crossing are in place. 38.41.060.A.3 Groundwater Depth to groundwater was measured in different locations on the property on April 9, 2003, July 1, 2003 and February 4, 2004 with the original preliminary plat application. The depth to groundwater was between 1.7 feet and 10.4 feet from the surface. As discussed in the report the fluctuations of groundwater depth are also due to the season, irrigation and land use. A note is proposed to be included on the final plat that due to high ground water conditions in the area full or partial basements are not recommended. Buildings proposed for construction with crawl spaces or basements shall include Engineer Certification regarding depth of ground water and soil conditions and proposed mitigation methods to be submitted with each Building Permit. Installation of municipal water and sanitary sewer services will greatly reduce any concerns regarding the potential of groundwater degradation. 38.41.060.A.4 Geology, Soils and Slopes There are no known geologic hazards associated with this site, with exception to the Seismic Zone 3 for earthquakes, which is common for the Bozeman area. No significant physical features or topographical conditions have been identified, and no slopes in excess of fifteen percent (15%) grade are evident. Other than the need to dewater areas for utility installation there does not appear to be anything in the geotechnical report that indicates any geologic hazards. The Building Department will require a soils report for each lot prior to approving a building permit. 38.41.060.A.5 Vegetation No significant or critical vegetation exists on the subject property. 38.41.060.A.6 Wildlife Due to the agricultural history of the property and limited mature vegetation in the area, any potential impacts to wildlife and wildlife habitat are limited to small mammals and ground nesting birds, but also larger mammals such as deer frequent the property. No known endangered species or critical game ranges have been identified in the area. The 50-foot watercourse setback along the existing watercourse will protect any riparian environment already established on the property. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks was contacted regarding the subdivision and that they had no comment on the subdivision. 38.41.060.A.7 Historical Features The State Historic Preservation Office has determined that no historical features exist on the subject property. 143 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 15 of 19 38.41.060.A.8 Agriculture This is a developing area and this property is not used for agriculture. The adopted Growth Policy identifies this property as Residential. The City Commission approved the residential zoning on the property with the annexation. The zoning designations and adopted Growth Policy do not contemplate agricultural uses for this property. 38.41.060.A.9 Agricultural Water User Facilities Farmers Canal/Harmon Ditch aka Cattail Creek bisects the West Winds Subdivision. There are no agricultural water user facilities on the subject property. No realignment or relocation of active irrigation ditches or pipelines is proposed. If an irrigation facility or points of diversions thereon are proposed to be realigned or relocated, the developer's professional engineer shall certify, prior to final plat or final plan approval, that the water entering and exiting the realigned or relocated irrigation facility is the same quality and amount of water that entered or exited the facility prior to realignment or relocation. 38.41.060.A.10 Water and Sewer Adequate capacity exists to service the subdivision. Municipal water and sewer mains exist in the adjacent street right-of-ways. The applicant has provided the necessary water and sewer design report for review by the City Water/Sewer and Engineering Departments. Final approval of the water distribution system and sewage collection/disposal system will be obtained through normal approval procedures of preliminary and final plat review by the City Engineer’s Office, Superintendent of Water/Sewer, and Montana Department of Environmental Quality. 38.41.060.A.11 Stormwater Management As this property generally slopes from south to north, drainage swales will convey stormwater from the ends of the proposed streets to an existing detention pond on the northern portion of the property adjacent to Baxter Lane. Final approval of the stormwater system will be obtained through the City Engineering Department. 38.41.060.A.12 Streets, Roads and Alleys The proposed subdivision is bound by Baxter Lane (arterial) to the north, Davis Lane (arterial) to the west, Flurry Lane (local) to the south and common open space/City Parkland to the east. Davis has been previously improved to the City’s street standards (with the exception of sidewalks), whereas Baxter is currently constructed to a county road standard. The proposed subdivision improvements will include the installation of six local streets: Flurry Lane, Windward Avenue, Spring View Court, Trade Wind Lane, and Hunters Way constructed to current City design standards. The southern half of Baxter Lane will be constructed to a minor arterial standard adjacent to the subdivision. The existing intersection at Davis Lane and Baxter Lane is operating at a Level of Service below that allowed in the code. The City has funded the improvement of that intersection in the Capital Improvement Plan and construction of improvements to the intersection is scheduled for summer 144 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 16 of 19 of 2015. The ownership and maintenance of the subdivision streets will be accepted by the City of Bozeman. A traffic impact study was completed by Dowl HHM and was included in the applicant’s submittal materials. A combination of five and six foot sidewalks are proposed within the development and around the perimeter of the subdivision. All sidewalks adjacent to parks and arterial streets will be six foot wide, while all other sidewalks will be five foot wide. Final approval of the sidewalk improvement plans will be obtained through the City Engineering Department. 38.41.060.A.13 Utilities The gas, electric, phone and fiber optic services will be extended into the subdivision from the existing internal and perimeter streets. All private utilities servicing the subdivision will be installed underground. The standard utility easements have been provided with the preliminary plat. The final plat includes the easement notation required with the Certificate of Dedication as set forth in the Unified Development Code. All utilities will be required to coordinate their installation and location with the installation of the infrastructure. The DRC and local review agencies did not identify any potential impacts and/or concerns with providing private utilities to the subdivision. 38.41.060.A.14 Educational Facilities The applicant solicited comments from the Bozeman School District and received a letter confirming that the Bozeman school District could accommodate the new students anticipated to come from this subdivision. The subdivision is in the Emily Dickinson Elementary School, Chief Joseph Middle School, and Bozeman High School attendance areas. The letter indicated that the existing bus system can accommodate the estimated number of additional students. 38.41.060.A.15 Land Use The 60 lot subdivision is planned for single household residential uses as allowed in the underlying R-3 (Medium Density Residential) zoning district and as approved through the West Winds Planned Unit Development. 38.41.060.A.16 Parks and Recreation Facilities The parkland dedication requirements for this subdivision will be satisfied with public parklands dedicated with previous phases. At 0.03 acres of dedicated parkland per dwelling unit the calculated parkland dedication with this preliminary plat application would be 1.8 acres.. A master parks plan was approved by the City Commission on May 16, 2005. The Wet Winds The final park area within West Winds is in phase 6 dues east of this subdivision. The improvements are financially guaranteed and are expected to be constructed in spring/summer 2015. 38.41.060.A.17 Neighborhood Center Plan The dedicated parkland situated north to south along Farmers Canal/Harmon Ditch aka Cattail Creek is identified as satisfying the requirements of a neighborhood center for the West Winds 145 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 17 of 19 Major Subdivision. The dedicated park is of a size and layout that allows for both passive and active recreation, and includes a trail along the Cattail Creek watercourse. The platted location of the park generally does meet the following criteria detailed in Section 38.23.020.A: the geographic center point of the neighborhood center shall be no further than 600 feet from the geographic center of the development and the neighborhood center shall have frontage along 100% of its perimeter. The neighborhood center has been developed according to the approved West Winds Planned Unit Development and parks master plan. 38.41.060.A.18 Lighting Plan Street lights are proposed around the perimeter of the subdivision and at all intersections in accordance with the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy. Final approval of the lighting system will be obtained through the City Engineering Department. 38.41.060.A.19 Miscellaneous There are no public lands other than parkland within 200 feet of the subdivision or any health or hazards on site or adjacent to the subject property. 38.41.060.A.20 Affordable Housing The West Winds Planned Unit Development provided a deed restricted lot for affordable housing as part of the performance points required for the planned unit development. The Workforce Housing Ordinance (Ordinance 1710) has been suspended by the City Commission. APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The subject property is zoned “R-3” (Residential Medium Density District). The intent of the R-3 residential medium density district is to provide for the development of one- to five-household residential structures near service facilities within the city. It should provide for a variety of housing types to serve the varied needs of households of different size, age and character, while reducing the adverse effect of nonresidential uses. Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Residential” in the Bozeman Community Plan. This designates places where the primary activity is urban density dwellings. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. High density residential areas should be established in close proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. Implementation of this category by residential zoning should provide for and coordinate intensive residential uses in proximity to commercial centers. The residential designation indicates that it is expected that development will occur within municipal boundaries, which may require annexation prior to development. 146 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 18 of 19 The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies between 6 and 32 dwellings per net acre. A higher density may be considered in some locations and circumstances. A variety of housing types can be blended to achieve the desired density. Large areas of single type housing are discouraged. In limited instances the strong presence of constraints and natural features such as floodplains may cause an area to be designated for development at a lower density than normally expected within this category. All residential housing should be arranged with consideration of compatibility with adjacent development, natural constraints such as watercourses or steep slopes, and in a fashion which advances the overall goals of the Bozeman growth policy. The residential designation is intended to provide the primary locations for additional housing within the planning area. APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Description The application proposes the subdivision of an existing lot of approximately 17.53 acres into 60 lots for residential development with associated open spaces in two phases. This is the final two phases in the West Winds Planned Unit Development. All parkland has been dedicated and the final parkland improvements are anticipated to be installed spring/summer of 2015. Project Background The City Commission has approved the following relaxations for the West Winds Planned Unit Development: a) Section 18.50.020 “Park Requirements” to allow the area requirement to be based on 11% net buildable area instead of 0.03 acres per dwelling unit for the affordable housing lots; b) Section 18.16.020.B “Authorized Uses” to allow assisted living/elderly care facilities and apartments within the “R-3” zoning district; c) Section 18.42.030.C “Double/Through and Reverse Frontage” to allow double frontage lots adjacent to the arterial and collector streets; d) Section 18.42.040.B “Block Length” to allow the block lengths to exceed 400 feet; e) Section 18.42.040.C “Block Width” to allow the minimum block length to be less than 200 feet for the blocks with Restricted Size Lots; f) Section 18.42.180.C “Number of Restricted Size Lots Required” to allow the townhouse Restricted Size Lots to be less than 3,000 square feet and more than 3,000 for corner townhouse lots; and g) Section 18.44.090.D.3 “Spacing Standards for Drive Accesses” to allow residential lots that front on Hunter’s Way and Buckrake and back onto the linear park to access local streets within 150 feet of an intersection with an arterial street and to allow the proposed 147 P14063, Staff Report for the WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 7-8 Page 19 of 19 access separation distance between the proposed local streets onto Oak Street, an arterial street, to be separated less than 660 feet. h) Section 18.16.060, Building Height; to allow a maximum building height of 42 feet for a roof pitch equal to of greater than 5:12 for multi-household dwellings. APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT A subdivision pre-application for phase 7 was submitted on January 21, 2014. A subdivision pre-application for phase 8 was submitted on March 31, 2014. A subdivision pre-application plan review for Phase 7 was completed by the DRC on February 5, 2014. A subdivision pre- application plan review for Phase 8 was completed by the DRC on April 23, 2014. Summary review comments were forwarded to the applicant in preparation of the preliminary plat applications. A complete preliminary plat application was submitted on December 31, 2014 and deemed acceptable for initial review on January 8, 2015. The preliminary plat was reviewed by the DRC on January 14, 21 and 28, 2015. On October 2, 2013 the DRC reviewed the revised materials and provided a favorable recommendation on the application to the Planning Board and City Commission. Public notice for this application was placed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on Sunday, February 8, 2015. The site was posted with a public notice on February 13, 2015. Public notice was sent to adjacent property owners via certified mail, and to all other property owners of record within 200 feet of the subject property via first class mail, on February 11, 2015. No written public comment has been received on the application as of the writing of this staff report. On February 26, 2015 this major subdivision staff report was drafted and forwarded to the Planning Board with a recommendation of conditional approval. The Planning Board is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the application on March 3, 2015. The City Commission is scheduled to review the preliminary plat and make a decision at their March 23, 2015 public hearing. The final decision for a Major Subdivision must be made within 80 working days of the date it was deemed adequate or in this case by May 21, 2015. APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner/Applicant: Joe Mahar, 13447 HWY 238 Jacksonville, OR 97530 Representative: Clint Litle, Dowl HKM 2090 Stadium Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715 Report By: Brian Krueger, Development Review Manager 148 Page 1 Appropriate Review Fee Submitted CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. Name of Project/Development: 2. Property Owner Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 3. Applicant Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 4. Representative Information: Name: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Phone: FAX: 5. Legal Description: 6. Street Address: 7. Project Description: 8. Zoning Designation(s): 9. Current Land Use(s): 10. Bozeman 2020 Community Plan Designation: 11. Gross Area: Acres: Square Feet: 12. Net Area: Acres: Square Feet: West Winds Phase 7 & 8 Subdivisions Mahar Montana LLC joe@maharhomesmt.com 13447 Hwy 238, Jacksonville, OR 97530 541-261-3031 same as owner Clint Litle, P.E., DOWL HKM clitle@dowlhkm.com 2090 Stadium Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715 406-586-8834 406-586-1730 NW 1/4, Section 2, T2S R5E Intersection Davis and Tschache Lanes Phase 7: 43 Lot Single Family Residential Development Phase 8: 17 Lot Single Family Residential Development R3 Vacant Residential 26.69 17.11 149 150 151 152 153 ΔΔWEST WINDS SUBDIVISIONBOZEMAN, MONTANAwww.dowlhkm.com406-586-88344WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASE 7PRELIMINARY PLAT3155 ΔWEST WINDS SUBDIVISIONBOZEMAN, MONTANAwww.dowlhkm.com406-586-88344WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASE 7PRELIMINARY PLAT4156 WEST WINDS SUBDIVISIONBOZEMAN, MONTANAwww.dowlhkm.com406-586-88344WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASE 7PRELIMINARY PLAT1””””””157 WEST WINDS SUBDIVISIONBOZEMAN, MONTANAwww.dowlhkm.com406-586-88344WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASE 7PRELIMINARY PLAT2158 ΔΔΔΔWEST WINDS SUBDIVISIONBOZEMAN, MONTANAwww.dowlhkm.com406-586-8834WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASE 8PRELIMINARY PLAT43159 WEST WINDS SUBDIVISIONBOZEMAN, MONTANAwww.dowlhkm.com406-586-88344WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASE 8PRELIMINARY PLAT4160 WEST WINDS SUBDIVISIONBOZEMAN, MONTANAwww.dowlhkm.com406-586-88344WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASE 8PRELIMINARY PLAT1””1”1”””161 WEST WINDS SUBDIVISIONBOZEMAN, MONTANAwww.dowlhkm.com406-586-88344WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDIVISION PHASE 8PRELIMINARY PLAT2162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173