HomeMy WebLinkAbout3-13-15 Baxter Additional Materials CITY OF BOZEMAN FEE APPLIES- $ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building phone 406-582-2260 20 East Olive Street fax 406-582-2263 " P.O. Box 1230 planning@bozeman.net Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 www.bozeman.net DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION _ 5-0D 8 1.Name of Project/Development: Baxter Meadows West Subdivision,Phase 3B (Formerly"The Knoll at Baxter West") 2.Property Owner Information: Name: BMW LLC (Walt Wolo E-mail Address: Mailing Address: 235 Green Hills Ranch Road,Bozeman,MT 59718 Phone: (406) 585-0883 FAX: 3.Applicant Information: Name: BMW LLC (Walt Wolo E-mail Address: Mailing Address: 235 Green Hills Ranch Road,Bozeman,MT 59718 Phone: (406) 585-0883 FAX: 4. Representative Information: Name: C&H Engineering&Surveying,Inc. E-mail Address: mchandler@chengineers.com Mailing Address: 1091 Stoneridge Drive,Bozeman,MT 59718 Phone: 587-1115 FAX: 587-9768 5.Legal Description: A portion of Tract 1A,Amended Plat of Baxter Meadows Subdivision P.U.D.Phase 1,Tract 1 Q- 353A) 6. Street Address: Northeast corner of Harper Puckett Road and Equestrian Lane,Bozeman,MT 7.Project Description: Correction Plat to change name of subdivision and correct maintenance responsibilities 8.Zoning Designation(s): R-1 9. Current Land Use(s): vacant 10.Bozeman Community Plan Designation: Residential 11. Gross Area: Acres: 26.314 Square Feet:1,146,231 12.Net Area: Acres:15.642 Square Feet:681,376 Page 1 Appropriate Review Fee Submitted ❑ 13. Is the subject site within an urb.. _enewal district? Yes,answer question 13a N No,go to question 14 13a.Which urban renewal district? 0 Downtown Northeast(NURD) North 71'Avenue 14. Is the subject site within an overlay district? Yes,answer question 14a ® No,go to question 15 14a.Which Overlay District? Casino Neighborhood Conservation Entryway Corridor 15.Will this application require a deviation(s)? Yes,list UDC section(s): M(No 16.Application Type (please check all that apply): IM O.Planned Unit Development—Concept Plan A.Sketch Plan for Regulated Activities in Regulated Wetlands P.Planned Unit Development—Preliminary Plan B.Reuse,Change in Use,Further Development Pre-9/3/91 Site Q.Planned Unit Development—Final Plan C.Amendment/Modification of Plan Approved On/After 9/3/91 R.Planned Unit Development—Master Plan D.Reuse,Change in Use,Further Development,Amendment/COA S.Subdivision Pre-application E.Special Temporary Use Permit T.Subdivision Preliminary Plat F.Sketch Plan/COA U.Subdivision Final Plat G.Sketch Plan/COA with an Intensification of Use V.Subdivision Exemption H.Preliminary Site Plan/COA W.Annexation I.Preliminary Site Plan X.Zoning Map Amendment J.Preliminary Master Site Plan Y.Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment isK.Conditional Use Permit Z.Zoning Variance IN L.Conditional Use Permit/COA A.A.Growth Policy Map Amendment IsM.Administrative Project Decision Appeal BB.Growth Policy Text Amendment JJ N.Administrative Interpretation Appeal J§Other: Correction Plat This application must be accompanied by the appropriate checklist(s),number of plans or plats,adjoiner information and materials,and fee (see Development Review Application Requirements and Fees). The plans or plats must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8'/2- by 11-inches or larger than 24-by 36-inches folded into individual sets no larger than 81/2-by 14-inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used,they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Application deadlines are Wednesdays at 5:00 pm. This application must be signed by both the applicant(s) and the property owner(s) (if different)before the submittal will be accepted. As indicated by the signature(s) below, the applicant(s) and property owner(s) submit this application for review under the terms and provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code. It is further indicated that any work undertaken to complete a development approved by the City of Bozeman shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and any special conditions established by the approval authority. I acknowledge that the City has an Impact Fee Program and impact fees may be assessed for my project. Further, I agree to grant City personnel and other review agency representatives access to the subject site during the course of the review process (Section 38.34.050,BMC). I(We)hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my(our)knowledge. Applicant's Signature: Date: Applicant's Signature: Date: Property Owner's Signature: (1 Date: Property Owner's Signature: Date: Page 2 (Development Review Application—Prepared 11/25/03;Amended 9/17/04,5/1/06;9/18/07,revised 11/14/11) SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST These checklists shall be completed and returned as part of the submittal. Any item checked "No" or"N/A" (not applicable) must be explained in a narrative attached to the checklist. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. A. Subdivision Type. ❑ First Minor Subdivision from a Tract of Record Correction Plat ❑ First Minor Subdivision from a Tract of Record with a Variance ❑ Second or Subsequent Minor Subdivision from a Tract of Record ❑ Major Subdivision B. Total Number of Lots. 65 C. Date of Preliminary Plat A112roval. March 25, 2013 D. Final Plat Requirements. A final plat submitted for approval must show or contain, on its face or on separate sheets referred to on the plat,the following information: Final Plat Requirements Yes No N/A 1. A title or tide block indicating the quarter-section, section, township, range, principal FIX-1 ❑ n meridian, county and,if applicable city or town,in which the subdivision is located. The tide of the plat must contain the words"plat" and either"subdivision"or"addition' 2. The name of the person(s)who commissioned the survey and the name(s) of the owner of the []7 ❑ E land to be subdivided if other than the person(s) commissioning the survey,the names of any adjoining platted subdivisions, and the numbers of any adjoining certificates of survey previously filed 3. A north arrow and scale bar 977 ❑ El 4. The location of, and other information relating to, all monuments found, set, reset, replaced 97 ❑ ❑ or removed 5. The location of any section corners or corners of divisions of sections pertinent to the survey [[X ❑ n 6. Witness and reference monuments and basis of bearings ® ❑ ❑ 7. The bearings,distances and curve data of all boundary lines UR 8. Data on all curves sufficient to enable the re-establishment of the curves on the ground ® E ❑ 9. Lengths of all lines shown to at least tenths of a foot,and all angles and bearings shown to at F ❑ ❑ least the nearest minute 10. All lots and blocks in the subdivision, designated by number, the dimensions of each lot and ❑ ❑ block,the area of each lot,and the total acreage of all lots 11. All streets, alleys, avenues, roads and highways; their widths (if ascertainable) from public R. ❑ records, bearings and area; the width and purpose of all road rights-of-way and all other easements that will be created by the filing of the plat;and the names of all streets,roads and highways 12. The location, dimensions and areas of all parks, common areas and other grounds dedicated ❑X 17 L, for public use 13. The total acreage of the subdivision ❑ ❑ 14. A narrative legal description of the subdivision ❑ El 15. The dated signature and the seal of the surveyor responsible for the survey ❑X ❑ 16. A memorandum of any oaths i 1 ❑ ig 17. The dated, signed and acknowledged consent to the subdivision of the owner of the land [2 ❑ ❑ being subdivided 18. Certification by the City Commission that the final subdivision plat is approved [d ❑ ❑ 19. Space for the Clerk and Recorder's filing information ❑X ❑ 20. Any other information required as a condition of preliminary plat approval [l ❑ ❑X Page 3 (Subdivision Final Plat Checklist—Prepared 12/05/03;revised on 9/20/04;revised on 7/24/07,revised 11/14/11) E. Supplemental Documents. The .ollowing original documents must accompany final plat applications. All documents must be properly notarized, signed or sealed,where applicable: Supplemental Documents Yes No N/A 1. Certification of dedication of streets, parks, playground easements or other public ❑X ❑ ❑ improvements 2. Certification by the City Commission or their designated agent expressly accepting any F ❑ F dedicated land, easements or improvements. An acceptance of a dedication is ineffective without this certification 3. A certificate of a title abstractor showing the names of the owners of record of the land to be ❑ n ❑X subdivided and the names of any lien holders or claimants of record against the land and the written consent to the subdivision by the owners of the land,if other than the developer,and any lien holders or claimants of record against the land. The certification shall have been issued no later than 30 days prior to a final plat submittal 4. Copies of any covenants or deed restrictions relating to the subdivision ❑ ❑ ❑X 5. When required,certification from the State Department of Environmental Quality stating that ❑ n it has approved the plans and specifications for water supply and sanitary facilities 6. A certificate from the developer indicating which required public improvements have been ❑ F1 ❑X installed and a copy of any subdivision improvements agreement securing the future construction of any additional public improvement to be installed 7. The certification of the county treasurer that all real property taxes and special assessments n ❑ n assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided have been paid 8. Articles of incorporation and by-laws for any property owners association ® ❑ 9. Copy of all permits listed in Section 38.41.020 (Streambed, Streambank and/or Wetlands ❑ ❑ ❑X Permits),BMC 10. Prior to final plat approval, a memorandum of understanding shall be entered into by the ❑ ❑ Weed Control District and the developer. The memorandum of understanding shall be signed by the district and the developer prior to final plat approval, and a copy of the signed document shall be submitted to the Planning Department with the application for final plat approval 11. A letter from the City Engineer certifying that as-built drawings (i.e., copies of final plans, ❑ ❑ 0 profiles,grades,and specifications for public improvements,including a complete grading and drainage plan)have been received 12. A letter from the City Engineer certifying that a copy of all required state highway access or ❑ ❑ FX' encroachment permits have been received 13. For all land used to meet parkland dedication requirements, a final park plan shall be [7 n ❑X submitted to the City of Bozeman for review and approval prior to the installation of any park improvements. The final park plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Commission, with a recommendation from the Bozeman Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. The final park plan shall include all of the information listed in Section (Final Park Plan), BMC 14. The developer shall provided irrigation system as-builts, for all irrigation installed in public El ❑ ❑X rights-of-way and/or land used to meet parkland dedication requirements, once the irrigation system is installed. The as-builts shall include the exact locations and type of lines,including accurate depth,water source,heads,electric valves,quick couplers,drains and control box 15. The developer shall provide a description of how the subdivision has complied with Article 8 ❑ ❑ ❑X Section 10, BMC (Affordable Housing). The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots designated as subject to Article 8,Section 10,BMC compliance. 16. Any other information required as a condition of preliminary plat approval ❑ ❑ FI 17. Stormwater Management Permit Application required ❑ ❑ ❑X Page 4 SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST NARRATIVE D.16. No oaths have been administered. D.20. Any additional information required as a condition of preliminary plat approval was submitted with the original plat. E.3.A title company has provided a list of all owners of lots within the subdivision. Per discussions with the City Attorney, signatures of lot owners are not required for this correction plat. E.4.All previous covenants and deed restrictions filed with the original plat also apply to this correction plat. E.S.Approval from DEQ is not required for this correction plat. E.6.This certificate does not apply to the correction plat. E.7.This certificate does not apply to the correction plat. E.B.The articles of incorporation and bylaws submitted with the original plat are not being modified. E.9.There are no Streambed,Streambank and/or Wetlands Permits associated with this project. E.10.An MOU with the Weed Control District was submitted with the original plat. E.11.As-built drawings have already been submitted. E.12. No state highway access or encroachment permits were required for this project. E.13. No dedicated parkland is being provided within the boundaries of this subdivision. During the preliminary plat review process,the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board recommended that the "applicant be granted 1.95 acres of the available 6.8251 dedicated parkland credits [from previous phases of Baxter Meadows Subdivision]." See p. 14 of the Staff Report in File#P-12014. E.14. No dedicated parkland is being provided within the boundaries of this subdivision. E.15.This requirement has been suspended. E.16.Any additional information required as a condition of preliminary plat approval was submitted with the original plat. E.17.A Stormwater Management Permit Application is not required with this correction plat. The Knoll at Baxter West (as of January 28, 2015 @ 7:30 AM) Lot/Block Owner Lender 1/9 Rexford J. and Marabee Ann Clark Stockman Bank of Montana 3429 Powderhorn Circle 6050 Jackrabbit Lane Billings, MT 59102 Belgrade,MT 59714 2/9 Scott G. and Deann Jones 1546 Tempest Avenue,4204 Bozeman,MT 59718 3/9 Parley and Lindsay Burnett 2949 Warbler Way Unit 1 Bozeman,MT 59718 4/9 Stoneridge Properties,LLC 1091 Stoneridge Drive Bozeman,MT 59718 5/9 Gregory Smith 5162 Highway 41 Silver Star,MT 59751 6/9 Gallatin Valley Homes,Inc. First Interstate Bank 147 High K Street 2800 West Main Belgrade,MT 59714 Bozeman,MT 59715 7/9 Steven L.and Gina S. Rice 3578 Eastern Drive Beavercreek, Ohio 45432 8/9 BMW 9/9 Wyatt A. and Lucille D. Hicks Bank of Bozeman 2454 Ferguson Avenue P.O. Box 10070 Bozeman,MT 59718 Bozeman, MT 59719 1/10 BMW 2/10 Susan Wordal 1631 Gale Court Bozeman,MT 59715 3/10 Vidmar Construction,Inc. 2210 Watts Lane Bozeman,MT 59715 4/10 Dylan T.and Tiffany D. Cok 417 Slough Creek Drive Bozeman,MT 59718 5,6,7/10 BMW 8/10 Cory and Lindsey Hollern 2610 Deer Canyon Court Missoula,MT 59808 9,10/10 BMW 11/10 John K. and Stacy D. Jennaway 207 Sanders Avenue Bozeman,MT 59718 12, 13, 14/10 BMW 1/11 Michael W. and Angela Delaney 606 Lexington Drive Bozeman,MT 59715 2/11 Kellen Gamradt 410 Coulee Drive Bozeman,MT 59715 3/11 Sean and Elizabeth Williams 1087 Meagher Avenue Bozeman,MT 59718 4/11 Mike Foran Stockman Bank of Montana 2218 Gallatin Green#D P.O.Box 11448 Bozeman, MT 59718 Bozman,MT 59719 5111 Steven and Kathy Foley Camps 6942 Lawn Haven Huntington Beach,CA 92648 6/11 Doug and Tracy Kimball First Interstate Bank 4265 Fallon Street, STE 1 P.O. Box 6370 Bozeman, MT 59718 Bozeman, MT 59771 7/11 Aaron and Erin Yost Manhattan Bank 2141 Gallatin Green 2610 W.Main Bozeman, MT 59718 Bozeman,MT 59718 8-14/11 BMW 1-7/12 BMW 8/12 Trimbacb Builders,LLC P.O.Box 1151 Bozeman,MT 59771 10-13/14 BMW 14/14 Julio and Elizabeth Delgado Bank of Bozeman P.O.Boz 11115 875 Harmon Steam Blvd Bozeman, MT 59719 Bozeman, MT 59718 15-19/14 BMW 1/18 Lawrence Konz 2313 E. Sienna Way Appleton, W1 54913 2/18 Thomas and Keely Ryles 2430 Arabian Ave. Bozeman, MT 59718 3/18 Frances Crowley Stockman Bank of Montana 2307 Pheasant Run Dr. P.O. Box 11300 Finksburg,Maryland 21048 Bozeman, MT 59718 4/18 BMW 5/18 Jerad R.and Betsy M Biggerstaff 1594 Hunters Way Bozeman, MT 59718 6/18 Robert and Nancy Lux 16376 Belmont Court Monte Sereno,CA 95030 7/18 Trademark,Inc. Stockman Bank of Montana 18000 Wilson Creek Rd P.O.Box 11448 Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730 Bozeman,MT 59719 8/18 Upslope Construction, LLC Bank of Bozeman 1648 Hunters Way 875 Harmon Stream Blvd Bozeman,MT 59718 Bozeman, MT 59718 1,2/19 BMW FC -0 1 Engineering and Surveying Inc. 1091 Stoneridge Drive • Bozeman, Montana • Phone(406)587-1115 • Fax(406)587-9768 www.chengineers.com • E-Mail: info@chengineers.com February 2, 2015 City of Bozeman Attn: Chris Saunders 20 East Olive Street Bozeman, MT 59718 RE: Correction Plat—Baxter Meadows West Subdivision, Phase 3B (Formerly"The Knoll at Baxter West Subdivision")(#14923) Dear Mr. Saunders, Please find attached materials as requested for the correction plat for Baxter Meadows West Subdivision, Phase 3B. The purpose of this correction plat is to 1)Correct the name of the subdivision from"The Knoll at Baxter West Subdivision'to"Baxter Meadows West Subdivision, Phase 3B."2)Assign maintenance responsibility for all streets within the subdivision to the City of Bozeamn. In addition,the following minor changes have been made to the plat: 1. General Note#6 has been removed as it no longer applies.This note stated "Since electric, gas, and phone utilities to the individual lot have not been installed as of the date of signing of this plat,the lot corners have not been set, and will be set by August 1, 2014. 2. The Certificate of Transfer of Ownership and Completion of Non-Public Improvements has been removed. 3. The Certificate of Completion of Improvements has been removed. 4. The Certificate of Exclusion from Montana Department of environmental Quality Review has been removed. 5. The Certificate of County Treasurer has been removed. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, r� Taylor Balian G:\c&h\14\14923\2015-02-02 Correction Plat Letter.docx Civil/Structural Engineering and Surveying