HomeMy WebLinkAbout00- Gallatin Center LP; Lot 3, Minor Sub 210 - Public Street and Utility Easement 1<, ~ ",[ilAT~~ '~ IIIIIIIIIIIII~III~IIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIII r..~t~~4:~~ ;..., ,~ . . - / Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT I'IISC 24.00 _. ".____..u.. -.-.------.. PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT GALLATIN CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, with an address of Post Office Box 906, Bozeman, Montana 59771, hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR, in consideration of $1.00 and for other and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59715, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual street and utility easement for the use of the public, in, through, and across a strip of land situated in Gallatin County, Montana, ninety (90 ) feet wide to be located on the following described real property: Lot 3 of Minor Subdivision No. 210, located in the NE~ and the SE~, Section 35, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M. , Gallatin County, Montana. The easement is more particularly described, and the location of said easement is as set forth, on the attached Exhibit A which by this reference is made a part hereof. The GRANTOR states that it possesses the real property described above and that it has a lawful right to grant an easement thereon. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, '" . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I ~~t~~(:~~R . ... . Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co I'IT I'IISC 24,00 .-..---- ------. - - ---..-----."" administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. DATED this (~~ay of , 2003. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP STATE OF MONTANA) : ss. County of Gallatin) On this ~day of dJ-'.%ur , 2003, before me personally appeared Yvonne J rett, whose identity is personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) and who by me duly sworn (or affirmed) , did say that she is the General Partner of Gallatin Center Limited Partnership, and that said document was signed by her in behalf of said entity, and acknowledged to me that said entity executed the same. \\\\llll" ,\\ GARE1"'" ....' ,.~., . '. ~', ~A~.r~/ ,~. '.,..,. ...... . ~" ~ : ~OTARI;f '. r-;' - * . -. (, . - (Print Name: )J141"~rcC 6/-i:.e../ ) ~~..SEAL .:*~ Notary Public for he State of Montana Residing at ~~ ,~/..6";', Montana ... . .... ",...,. .~.... /~" .~.... My Commission pires ~4U' II ,20tJS //1 OFMO~t:,,' 11111,,\\\\\ ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN . ,~" +:v ,.* :~ ",.' D~ \ \ ......., - Clark v. Johnson City Manager ~, .'J · 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I ~~t~~(:~~R Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co I'IT I'IISC 24,00 STATE OF MONTANA) :ss. County of Gallatin) On this d'L day of ~ ' 2003, before me, a Notary Public for the Sta e of Montana, personally appeared CLARK V. JOHNSON and ROBIN L. SULLIVAN, known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk of the Commission, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. '~~;1'N,"""", WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ",,4'hl~~~p..~~l Seal the day and yea first above written. .,i' h.. ", ,,' 'f' '",\ ...-' '. ", " ,! 0"/ ~",',,~ UftAL~ ',. f "":' 1>.";;~,:. ;, :: r.' ,. . oc". - , )" 'c," ~' ;;: ,,- Print Name : Ed /)?/, A. VA celf ) \1-~..l .. ",""',:,,....,', '"..,..,," Notary Public ~r the State of Montana "'.", ", ,l~ Resldlng at ~ , Montana "~"",,,\,,"<'I: My Commission pires: t '/"'~4(N7, 20~ '~ ... . EXHIBIT A . '. . PUBLIC EASEMENT I. STREET LOT 3 OF MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 210 LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M., GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA "'V .AIL CREEK '..? C.ATT pH.ASE 1 ~U8. /WEST LINE NE 1/4 0 Q a SECTION 35 '2,\ W <0 -1~ 0'\ ':) SU'O' w => N cD \Jv.\~O~ / Z ... .... Ell ~~ ~ ....<'1 WEST R/W LINE Nog OF N. 19TH AVE. N.~ NEW EASEMENT I ,,10 .... . Ell CENTERUNE~ U1- POIN~~ b; N"CJI ), D.'" BEGINNING .....- ~ElI PARCEL 2 2 <\1} 90.00' Z !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ rL,:.,-,-"~,, 90. 00 ',,'iI,crpn~3:["";:;"!I~~UH".,.,::I:!!'i~~~~p3.~LiI;:"\~!t~I~:~:,;TS7~;. ',',n, ",rc--;"-'" -.... Ll~ !!!!!!!!!!! N "'i)h\w!ll69"42'03"E ',', H"i'~~l,~ ","nill/I~I@!+$33'()2""':lg'Ii<"'lfJJltJl><C.3 "",...~ 2:,~g9'42'03~ - , ' iI",','),'L.","'---_ ,', ",', ,"',', ,,' ,""808' " ,"""Y"-'.L'Dilclis:+,,,,,,",:,,"--,:,",,,,,,""-'.M'" ,B~,t./$"be'" ,,;'; ~ ~(H36511" ',,' ",Cl",v)JL),-,;.---- -'''",,-'ql'!i,i;!Ii";;lSO:opl! - ~':'~:;:'J:W,.~,,_""""':""" :.,. :.:::::\:~'..' ~::~~,,;:::::,:,::"::':'. ...........:.~".,." =u POINT OF BEGINNING, PARCEL 1 ~ -II> -.... ==E CENTER 1/4 COR" SECTION 35 AS NEW EASEMENT ~1- DESCRIBED ON CATTAIL CREEK SUB" PH. 1 AREA (SHADED) =E ~o _u LINE TABLE =c ~ '2,\0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... LINE BEARING DISTANCE 0'\ ':) SU'O . -- -Of t L1 N 00'14'13" E 45.00' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... 'Jv.\~0~ -- L2 N 00"14'13" E 146.07' -Of S 89"42'03" W -0 L3 56,94' -, I =. CURVE TABLE ~~ _Of CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING ARC LENGTH -> ~> C1 300.00' 11"00'00" 57,51 ' N 84'12'03" E 57,60' -. 0 150' 300' 450' C2 300.00' 11"00'00" 57,51 ' N 84'12'03" E 57,60' =- -- I I I I C3 300,00' 11"00'00" 57,51 ' S 84'47'57" E 57,60' -. I I !!!!!!!!!!! .t:; S C ALE C4 300,00' 1'"00'00" 57,51 ' S 84'47'57" E 57.60' -II> C5 332,50' 27"11'02" 156.28' S 21'07'52" E 157,75' DESCRIPTIONS, BEARING BASIS: WEST LINE OF NORTHEAST QUARTER SEC. 35 AS NOO'14'13"E A public street easement over, under and across Lot 3 of Minor Subdivision No, 210, said lot being located in the Northeast Quarter and Southeast Quarter of Section 35. Township 1 South, Ronge 5 East. P,M,M" Gollotin County, Montona, said easement being composed of 2 contiguous po reels, said parcels being described as follows: ~ A 90 foot wide easement, the centerline being 45 feet from each side, and the centerline being more particularly described os follows: Beginning at the center y.; corner of soid Section 35, thence North 89"42'03" Eost. 0 distonce of 365,11 feet to the point of curvoture of o curve to the left, hoving: 0 radius of 300,00 feet, 0 central ongle of 11'00'00", a chord bearing of North 84"12'03" East. and 0 chord length of 57.51 feet: thence along the arc of soid curve, an arc length of 57.60 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence North 78'42'03" Eost. a distance of 178,08 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right, having: 0 radius of 300,00 feet, a central angle of 11"00'00", 0 chord bearing of North 84'12'0.3" East. and 0 chord length of 57,51 feet; thence olong the ore of soid curve, an arC length of 57,60 feet to the point of tangency of said curve: thence Narth 89'42'03" East. 0 distance of 5.33,02 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right, having: a radius of .300,00 feet. 0 centrol angle of 11'00'00", a chord bearing of South 84"47'57" East, and 0 chord length of 57.51 fee\: thence along the arc of said curve, an arc length of 57.60 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence South 79'17'57" East, 0 distance of 178,08 feet to the point of curvature of 0 curve to the left, hoving: 0 rodius of 300,00 feet, 0 central angle of 11"00'00", a chord bearing of South 84'47'57" East, and a chord length of 57.51 feet; thence along the arC of said curve, an ore length of 57.60 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence North 89'42'03" East. a distonce of 150,00 feet, more or less, to the west right-of-way line of North 19th Avenue, there terminating. The sidelines of soid easement to be prolonged or shortened to terminate on the westerly line of said Lot 3 and the westerly right-of-woy line of North 19th Avenue, The described easement contains 3,4 acres, more or less, Parcel 2 Beginning at the northwest corner of herein described Parcel 1: thence North 00"14' 13" East, along the east line of Cottoil Creek Subdivision, Phose 1, a distance of 146.07 feet, more or less to the northeost line of North 27th Avenue: thence olong a non-tangent curve to the right. having: 0 radius of 332.50 feet. a central angle of 27"11'02", a chord bearing of South 21'07'52" East, and 0 chord length of 156,28 feet: thence along the arc of said curve, an arc length of 157.75 feet, mOre or less, to a point on the north line of said Parcell: thence on 0 non-tangent course, South 89'42'03" West. along the north line of Parcel 1, a distonce of 56,94 feet to the Point of Beginning, The described easement contains 0.1 acres, more or less, CATTAIL STREET TD&~ THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS, INe. BOZEMAN, MONTANA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CREAT FAl..\,.S_BOZEMAN~KAUSP'(LL-He;Le:NA uONTANA SPOKANE WASHINGTON .. LEWISTQN IDAHO EXHIBIT A DRAWIIl BV: EWe DATE: 8/5103 STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT OI;.9IGNfi.D BY: JOB NO. B01-036 (OilS) SHEET QUALITY CHeCK, 5 f{ CAOHO. 13S..o05-E .DWO