HomeMy WebLinkAbout03- Hinesley Family LP No. 1; Lot 2 Minor Sub 201 - Public Park Easement '", \ 11111~1.11.111~II~UlIIIII~llllllllnlllll ~~~? :~: .. . ~ ~ \." ~-'i^' ')\) \",', ,\ - ; " Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co "T I'IISC 24.00 ....-----...." ".-- .,-".,-_.,_._,...- PUBLIC PARK EASEMENT Hinesley Family Limited Partnership No.1, a Montana limited partnership, with a mailing address of3663 Durston Road, Bozeman, MT 59718, and Sydney Dykstra and Ethel M. Dykstra, with a mailing address of 412 Pine Street, Manhattan, MT 59741, the GRANTORS, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement for public park purposes, over and across a parcel ofland being irregular in shape, situated in City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and located on a portion of the following described real property: Lot 2, Minor Subdivision No. 201, according to theplatthereof, on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana, and located in the South Half of Section 4, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. ofP.M.M.. The easement is more particularly shown on the attached PUBLIC PARK EASEMENT EXHIBIT, which by this reference is made a part hereof. This grant includes the right ofthe GRANTEE, its successors, permittees, licensees, and assigns, and its and their agents and employees, and for the general public, to enter at all times upon the above described easement by using existing roads or trails or otherwise by a route causing the least damage and inconvenience to the GRANTORS, to enable public access through the private land from adjoining properties to the public park with the said public park and public access easements being shown on the attached Easement Exhibit. THE GRANTORS AGREE THAT: (1) The GRANTORS warrant that he is lawfully seized and possessed of the real property described above, that he has a lawful rightto convey the property, or any part of it. and that they will forever defend the title to this property against the claims of all persons. (2) The GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTORS. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. DATED this /fo.J:iLc day of f)..{ ~J!/m...Q,.VL ,2003. Hinesley Family Limited Partnership No.1, a Montana limited partnership by: , . . 11111~UOlllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllUII g~~l:~: Shellev Vanoe-Gallatin Co I'IT I'IISC 24,00 STATE OF MONTANA } }ss. County of Gallatin } On this JitJv... day of f1,ft.p/ntlt.f../l ,2003, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Charles W. Hinesley, known to me to be a general partner of Hinesley Family Limited Partnership No. I, a Montana limited partnership, and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of Hinesley Family Limited Partnership No. I. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year. in this instrument first above written. ...": _' . ~'~ I, . ~i& ,... .,. E /5 .~' , ( , _,'~" ._ . 'c', ',-_-,' Q..UP )L . :..,- 4.' -:::' '. - NOT Y PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF MONT ANA NOTARY PU JO E. BAUER: :, ,_,.~: ''''; ,u_. . . ~ E~ -f3 - I,' , BlIG for til,: Stnte of MOb1lana ,....' ' Pnnted Name. '-......10.-, A LA. c.R ReSIding at Bozeman, Montana '. '-., ~ ..... ' -. ' Residing a~ ~~/YL/ '-IrLt... MyCommissionExpires 9-1f!<~1:~: ',." My CommIsSIOn expIres q- ICf -dOO? SEAL 'L - . . .-;/ (-~, ~ ~ ~ '~h . ,':L ,:Jt<~~ f ZZ/', ~ ' '~ s;;hey D / 8tra Ethel M. DYk-; STATE OF MONTANA } } ss. COUNTY OF GALLATIN } On this L dayof ~ ,2003, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Sydney Dykstra and Ethel M. Dykstra, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial seal the day and year first above written. ~e~ NARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA --- L) .0 \..1" Printed Name: ...j C) E.. \D,4{).. C:" " ' " '1; " --.... " Residing at ~Ml'1 VJl;t.. , ,.'. ,,~ ,." ' . . . </.,',' ",. "-'/' . --4 II -""'.... ". My Commission expires q-/q-~()07 SEAL: :' :.':.:; :;! '. ':";. ~ -;. --: l~ .~~- -~- ',: ~.~ I U :.-::: &'~ - '" V ~"','."V" '-':: I (~; . ~ .,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~~ ," .. .. .... >:-.,.......... /, ~: "\ \ I ' \ \ I I I I I l \ \ \ , , .' IIII~ II 01111 1111 IIIIU 11101111111111111 IHI ~~~~ 1:~: . .. Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co I'IT I'IISC 24,00 ACCEPTED: Ld/& CITY OF BOZEMAN. ~ by @lark~:=~=its=€:ity=Mts~ RO~"'P-~~.y IF Act; ng C; ty Manager " "1~V" "1 / ,j ..... . '~... '. ~:... ATTESi.- __:~r,~1 .<~. " '" --, "'~f ~ ~,-.~ . ~:~'~ Ro11'tri~tfl~~~~~,~}e?k of the City Commission , " f" \i. .. " ' STATE OF MONT ANA } }ss. Gallatin County } On this 20th day of January , ~~erre me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for ~Jtate of Montana, personally appeared n d.tJ~ and Robin L. Sullivan, known to me to be he ~n:~ Manager and Clerk of the City Commission for the City of Bozeman, and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same, for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal on the day and year first written above. _VAiLcw ~ t~1A~ NOTARY PUBLIC F R THE S ATE OF MONTANA Printed Name: He l ~"liLG G {If Vl i Y'\y-r ,'2, ~i'~ .' -.-. ~ :,.to . .' ~ ' . " '.I . Residing at (50 -u /~ . _v~ , . ,\ 1,._; , ljo,., . ..:...~;,. My Commission expires 6/'2 S j?-Ool) SEAL: ',' ,r- ,...'....! " " ::;",'?, ~ '-: ~~ '~[ ~ y. 0 . ~ rq. .,. ", iI . "'t. ~-) ~ ,!::::"/ ,~/ :~ ,/, ,,/) " C ,.)~ ~,,,.' J'.:v S\~ G:\c&h\03\03134\Office\P ARKEASE.wpd . 089'18'14" 2657,21 ~ uN[ or SE 1/4. SEC. 4 . II -- .. -- 262.63' I -:: '\" :li I ..... .....,........... .... .. I ~l\ ~ ~ 1\ "..~ 1Ilt- 80.01' '... LEGAL DESCRIPTI,t:>N ....-... PUblic!ark E ement across a portion of Lat 2. MINOR SUBDMSION No', 201, according to the plat thereof. m 0 Z n file 0 d of r ard In the office of the Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Mantona, located In the tt) ... ~ w uthea q,...rt of Sec:tlan 4, Tawnlhlp 2 South, Range 5 East of P.M.U., d..cribed 01 fallows: .... .. = PARK 15", LOT 2 '.-'" Com eriiing at the Center Quarter Carne~ of said Section 4: thence easterly 089' 18' 14', assumed azimuth N ::: 5 213 sf c <D 50 210 sf :;; oq from nciilh 62.63 fsst along ths north hne of the Southeast Quarter of sold Ssctlan 4, thsncs a.. a 'gg , ;2 saut_s~17 16' 14' azimuth 910.28 feet, to the point of beginning of the easement to be described; _ .:;> - - then~e Aut esterly 221' 40' 43" azimuth 76.75 foet; thence eautheasterly 157 06' 54' azimuth 269.65 feet; == Z z thenle lieut rly 160' 00' ocr azimuth 101.42 feet; thence westerly 270' 00' 0(1' a.imuth 34.77 foot; thence -- west rlL~' 5 feet on 0 tongential cu",e concave to the south, rodius 337,00 feet and centro I angle 05' 11' 3/f; iiiiiiiiiiii ~ then e \oftt rly 264' 46' 22" a.lmuth 103.91 feet. tangent to said cu",e; thence narthwssterly 26.30 feet on iiiiiiiiiiii o to ge\l!jal cu",e concave to the northeast, rodlue 25.00 feet and central angle 60' 15' 51'; thence northwesterly _ ,~ 4-5.7 f~ n 0 reve~e cu",e, radiu. 100.00 feet and centrol angle 26" 12' 31'; thence narthwssterly 24.41 feet == 0'00'00" E _m -.----. on q /'eJ/.~ cu",s, rodiu. 25,00 fset and control anglo 55' 56' 39"; thence northerly 354' 46' 22" azimuth - U .. 90'QQ.'Oo' r g 2ltl.95 feet, tangent to said cu",e; th.nce narthemrterly 24.41 feet on 0 tang.ntlol CUIV' cancav. to the southeast. = en '-. -.--,.,,-, 508.95' ,- --'-" '--~.- _ s 25.0 f..t and c.ntrol angle 55' 5,6' 39"; thence northeasterly 52.08 f..t on 0 ,"v.roe curve, rodiu. iiiiiiiiiiii E g 100, f..t and c.ntrol angl. 211' 50' 25; th.nc. northeasterly 27.68 f..t on 0 rev.~. curve, rodius 25.00 ~ --, f~ and c trol angl. 63' 53' 46"; thence ""stsrly 084' 48' 22" azimuth 41.52 f..t. tongent to said curve; - t: tt@l ""0 rly 102,71 f..t on 0 tongsntial curve concave to tho south. radius 270,00 fs.t and centrol angle == 0 21Z 7' th.nc. .ast.rly 106' 36' 1(1' azimuth 7.34 feet. tang.nt to sold CUIV., ~ u VICINITY MAF> to the pal ~f beginning. _ C Ar~a - ,822 square feet, 1.9472 acres or 7,680,2 squar. m.tsro. Subject to existing easements. _ :: I -- ~I~ ~ = ~I~ _____ . ~IO ===== 0 CD II", N9 - I ~,~ ' -. ~i - ~ 2 I 'I' _- 't' -> I ' l iiiiiiiiiiii ,. \\ -. \ 11'-"--- =====..... \_...... ~ -. ~ ~'" ~~..... iiiiiiiiiiii .. ... I - - - '. ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .c. ~ ~ I ......_..-~, \ _ ~ I I I ~ I .., I ~ - --------- ~\ ell, I "" 61.00' g iE HO' UTILl1Y AND ): 'g , CO '," _ ETlAND BUFFER I \ c:'ll 1 .-. I AREA (1YPICAL) \ '. g t;; 08, I '....~\ "H "~ ~JIJ) ~OT TO SCAlE I // \ ~~ " ~'O' PH'" S I'~ I 4~~glllJ,lj)AND ~ J1:IlL " I ,wtrJ,AND BUffER,: ,C107- C106 106'36'10" I / ,AREA (1YPICAL) \;- _.~.:'...G.9-+--I:I13-7- , ; / /1 ~ (;112-, , z 7.34 . I J ]\. '1'\\\' /. \ -50'50' ,C> .- I I \(l'~. .. T _, '<0 / G z;. ~ I OJ = t ->. I I L.U "" --.. c..D--\... r--J~ , 45.... --'45 L 102.71 ",' I I 11 212 <L .;, .. " ..... LOT 6 g -~ R"270.00' ?' 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R-25.oo' I \ , l'<l" .1-55'56'3f1' >- \ \, )157 ~ \ '<', ! 269. ~ \~ '\ \ \.,., "cr: ~ , \ \ '-- N '::< ~ \ \_, ,~>, - a... ~ \ t---,--, \ ~@, 1'\ ..,.~t-" \_-:~~ II' I -..........._--~-... ....~'... -", \ I ~ I '. l_en '1 / \," 195,705 sf \ i I OPEN SPACE \ \, w Sca.le In Feet .... 69,082 sf \ \ ?;, -'g 100 0 100 \ ) \ 8~ I I 45' (..~ 160'00'00" ( ;~- I 45' , I z 30 0 30 L-2441'..., \ /' 101.42' " I" N 54'19'22" . *' ~;...'1 I ~,' //26.6T Sca.le In Meters ~:~oo "" ...:::::: "'-,4 / S 9VOO'Orr\ F ,1 >{,...~~____ :I' '/. ., 2/.tl4 \ \ --'_____,' ~""'''R'21.'/L---<'\'> L=45.74 .,t...-"P /' -~".. 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