HomeMy WebLinkAbout04- Saccoccia, Philip Jr.; Tr1B1, COS 1215E, N 19th - Access Easement ~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI ~~.3~~~~p l' Shelley Vanoe-Oallatin Co MT MISC 36,00 EASEMENTS FOR ACCESS COMES NOW Philip Saccoccia, Jf., and Philip Saccoccia, Jr. IRA Rollover, Hancock Bank-Custodian, 991 East Beach, Pass Christian, MS 39571, and Cape France, [nc" 2020 Charlotte Street, Bozeman, MT 59718, being the owner ofreal property herein described do hereby grant, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, unto the other, heirs, and successors in interest for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, easements for ingress, egress, and use over and across the real property set forth below, WHEREAS, Philip Saccoccia, Jr. and Philip Saccoccia, Jr. IRA Rollover, Hancock Bank-Custodian are owner of TractlB 1 of Certificate of Survey l215E, located in the NW Y4 of Section I , Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M,M., City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, Montana; and WHEREAS, on the westerly boundary of Tract I B 1 of Certificate of Survey 12l5E shall be a 20 foot wide mutual access easement, described on the attached Exhibit A and depicted on the attached Exhibit B, which are incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, Cape France, Inc. is owner of Lot 57 of Stoneridge PUD Minor #2 Subdivision, located in the NE Y4 of Section 2 Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M" City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, Montana; and WHEREAS, on the easterly boundary of Lot 57 shall be a 10 foot wide mutual access easement described on the attached Exhibit A and depicted on the attached Exhibit B, which are incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree that the above described real property is adjacent in location and shall share a common access easements which benefit each of the properties; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that Cape France, Inc., shall construct the traveled portion of the roadway, which shall be placed in each easement, consistent with this agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties have reached mutually agreeable and acceptable terms, they hereby enter into this Easement agreement to clarify and memorialize those agreements. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the parties agree and covenant as follows: 1 , The recitals as set forth herein are incorporated by reference, The parties to this agreement hereby agree to petition the City of Bozeman to abandon the existing 60 foot wide Public Access Easement on easterly boundary of Lot 57 of Stoneridge PUD 1 I111I11 H~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII nl 111111111 11111 1111 1111 ~U~:~~p SnllllY Vanoa-Gallatin Co ~T MISC 36,00 Minor #2 Subdivision and adjoining westerly--boundary of TractfB 1 of Certificate of Survey 1215E. 2, Philip Saccoccia, Jr., and Philip Saccoccia, Jr. IRA Rollover, Hancock Bank-Custodian hereby grant unto Cape France, Inc, for the benefit of Lots 57 of Stoneridge PUD Minor #2 Subdivision, and any future divisions thereof, a perpetual, mutual access easement, which is located directly east and adjacent to the property boundary line separating Lot 57 of Stoneridge PU D Minor #2 Subdivision and Tract 1 B 1 of Certificate of Survey 1215E. Said easement is granted in the location and width as is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein and depicted on Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. 3. Cape France, Inc, hereby grants unto Philip Saccoccia, Jr., and Philip Saccoccia, Jr. IRA Rollover, Hancock Bank-Custodian for the benefit of Tract 1 B 1 of Certificate of Survey 1215E, and any further divisions thereof, a perpetual, mutual access easement, which is located directly west and adjacent to the property boundary line separating Lot 57 of Stoneridge PUD Minor #2 Subdivision and Tract I Bl of Certificate of Survey 1215E. Said easement is granted in the location and width as is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein and depicted on Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, 4, Cape France, Inc. shall construct an asphalt roadway, which shall meet all City of Bozeman construction standards in effect at the time of construction, except width standards, with said construction occurring so that 20 feet of the 30 foot roadway shall be located on Tract IB I of Certificate of Survey I2I5E, or on the easements granted in paragraphs 2 and 3 above, 5, The owner of Lot 57 of Stoneridge PUD Minor #2 Subdivision shall be solely responsible for maintenance of said constructed roadway until such time as an occupancy permit is issued by the City of Bozeman for a structure located on Tract IB 1 of Certificate of Survey 1215E. Upon the issuance of said occupancy permit, the owners of the real property adjacent to the easement shall enter into a maintenance agreement for the constructed roadway sharing the cost of maintenance equally. 6, Neither party may modify the size, scope, or location of the easements granted herein without the prior written consent of both parties, 7. In the event it is necessary for either of the parties hereto to take any action, judicial or otherwise, to enforce the terms of the Easements, it is agreed that the easements shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana; is binding and inures to the benefit of the respective successors in interest and assigns; and the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover their reasonable attorney's fees and costs from the non-prevailing party, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands as of the day and year first above written, 2 111111' Hili 111111111111111111111111111111 IIIH 1111 II ~:U~~~~P S~elley Vanoe-Gallatln Co MT MISC 35,00 J) '- L, } / 4..k-~r J ,i, d-- Don Cape, iO Authorized Agent " Cape France, Inc STATE OF ) :ss COUNTY OF ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on J:~dh1l"t'V"-,, ,;t..:( ,2004, bY."il-/)uJr/ /". C~J"... known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, acknowledged to me that he executed the same. \\1111'1/ ,\ R I ", 0\'\E IE: ~I // ,,(SEAI~) . . . . ~', "" "'''.!Va 0 ",.. ::. ,.. ..0:- - (J) : . (') ,-1"9 . 0 - : ~ . UL'-, " ~ : lJ : -:'\~ ", <'-"1( (": : ~ ''J. , ,... .' ~ .~... , . , " .\0' .,--)/ (/ j/1(CU'?/ ~ Print Name: ('W,-'72 i e e ,(XJpe~ Notary Public for the State of /J?v",,-;-.-.,J1 Residing at: ac.'L u.c...,..qll C /?;'1/~__ My Commission Expires: u'S" - /) .-. dC)D ~:.1- 3 Philip saccoCCi~ STATE OF M:::, COUNTY OF th~~ ) :ss ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~e..t?f' r-90f.-L-, 2004, by \>J.u: L;~~coc~c.. k~..known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed . to the wlthm mstrument Glnd acknowledged to me that he executed the same_ ' '" - '(<'~>:'" ,.."~"'.,.,:." "'- .' ,'" 0....':... "'{' 0 - "..'..~ . " , -.t : IJ' : F. ~b.sl'lY"\ : .... " '. ,0 ~ C:) .:.: Notary Public for the State of M S. \,',,-::::,,:0:. 1;J.:;j ,,:~ ~ , . Residing at: Hv H1'~Cv"\ ~~~:~I~~I~~';;~r:~~~:'~~:~;\(,<,,- (SEAL) My Commission Expires: .BONUM' UJ.K" """,LId!!'" ,l'I.JBLK ~lDlr"~'Ji'Es"t. ~J~ Hancock Bank-Custodian For Philip Saccoccia, Jr. IRA Rollover STATE OF tJ..S ) :ss ) County of \-lu.msCJY'""'\ On this ~OJ-,l-~day of ~ ' 20a.:{, before me, the undersigned, a 1\[Qta~blic in and for the a ove named county and state, personally appeared J:::.erJ/5L \Iv , as Hancock Bank Custodian, known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of Philip Saccoccia. Jr. IRA Rollove.r. Hancock Bank-Custodian, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes therein stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. _~ "...,~, _.<:".'>." ck~ _ .' ("'~ '...." ", P~~~ rvLc- 'r- \1:;ie....~cv-, ... I-,.-r' , ::\ ".\ Not~ry Pub~lc for t~e State of M ~_ '.: :"';: ,. ~o...l ) c,; i Resldmg a~. ~H'1.5~ 01'11{(; l'IJBLllSIAU,U~ f\Ilb~.~~...fli;rATI.Ai\~' ....:' f My CommlsslOn ExpIres: ,v;I.'II( OM!)\nSSlON EXPIRE~,'l?~ ~f',-, :~, ..,. " :-,',:.' e.>()N~)~.\')\'lml'NOTARYPUBUC~'-"I' ,,- ',c" " (SEAL) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I ~g:.~r~~p ..... Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co MT MISC 38.00 4 III~IIII ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Bill I111 III ~J, ~~~83 ,SMelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 38.00 12/10/2004 04,41P EXHIBIT "A" MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT A portion of Tract 1 B1 of Certificate of Survey 1215E, and Lot 57 of Minor Subdivision 272, located in the northwest quarter (NW ~) of Section 1 and the northeast quarter (NE ~) of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M,M" City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 30,0 feet in width, being 20.0 feet on the east side and 10,0 feet on the west side of the section line common to Sections 1 and 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, and more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1: West 10,0 Feet A 10,0 foot wide easement lying west of the following described line: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 57, said point also being the northeast corner of lot 55, Minor Subdivision 272; thence N 01049'03" E along the eastern boundary line of Lot 57, said boundary also being the section line common to Sections 1 and 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, a distance of 444,39 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of Lot 57 and the point of termination. The sidelines of said 10,O-foot wide strip of land to be lengthened or shortened as necessary to begin on the southern boundary of Lot 57 and end on the south right-of-way line of Baxter Lane, said right-of-way line being 50 feet south of the centerline of said Baxter Lane, PARCEL 2: East 20.0 Feet A 20.0 foot wide easement lying east of the following described line: Beginning at the southeast comer of Lot 57, said point also being the northeast corner of lot 55, Minor Subdivision 272; thence N 01049'03" E along the western boundary line of Tract 1 B1, cas said boundary also being the section line common to Sections 1 and 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, a distance of 449,39 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the south 45' easement line of Baxter Lane with the west boundary of said west line of Tract 1 B1 , also being the point of termination. The sidelines of said 20,O-foot wide strip of land to be lengthened or shortened as necessary to begin on the extension at the southern boundary of Lot 57 and end on the south right-of-way line ot Baxter Lane, said right-at-way line being 45 feet south of the centerline of said Baxter Lane. Said easement contains 13,519 square feet (0.31 acres), more or less, Exhibit A_090304MO,doc 0. tI') ;; ClO .;;. .,. <D a --.- Nog r-- CD ~ ..a .... . - ..- N-N 0.- -... -~ -~ ~ ~ - u -II) _E -~ iiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 =u === I: ~= ~- ~:: -t1 ~J. _0 =1: ~~ -> -. =- -- -1 -II) 2 ---i 0 I Bg, UJ -,w I Vlj?:1- 02 l:3::JZ oc- Q:) ~ a.-...J o-w )-I ol-~ <t:::lw ...JI- I-. ~ a::=>r--. 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