HomeMy WebLinkAbout04- Ebbighausen Homes Inc; Lot 1, Blk 5, Laurel Glen Sub - Public Access & Utility Easement ~ l~'!~~I~~~l~!!l~!'ll~~ 1~~J!l~ HIIII,111~1 ~:t~~~~: I PLAm9} PUBLIC ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT j Ebbighausen Homes, Inc" with a mailing address ofP,O. Box 930, Manhattan, MT. 59741, the GRANTOR, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grant(s) to the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation ofthe State of Montana, 411 East Main, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230, the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual access and utility easement for the use of the public, in, through, and across a strip ofland of variable width situated in Gallatin County, Montana, to be located on the following described real property: Lot 1, Block 5, Laurel Glen Subdivision, Phase 1, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the office ofthe Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana, and located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 4, T, 2 S" R. 5 E. ofP,M,M.. The Easement is more particularly described and shown on the attached EASEMENT EXHIBIT A, which by this reference is made a part hereof, The GRANTORS state that they possess the real property described above and that they have a lawful right to grant an easement thereon, The GRANTORS further agree that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTORS, The terms, covenants and provisions of this easement and agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns oftheparties hereto. DATED this ~ dayof r:;/~ Ebbighausen Homes, Tnc" ,200~ STATE OF MONTANA } } ss, COUNTY OF GALLATIN } On this ~ day of ~.A.A'L-L ,2004, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of tana, personally appeared Heidi Ebbighausen, known to me to be the President of Ebbighausen Homes, Inc" and person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the within instrument for and on behalf ofEbbighausen Homes, Tnc, ", 1 111111 11111 11m 111111111111111111111111111111111I1 ~:t~1r~~p 8n.ll.y Vano.-Gallatln Co MT MIse 18.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial seal the day and year first above written. NOT A PUBU Printed Name: Residing at My Commission expires \",Ilflll/ ...",fER TO:', ........++..... ..7('.... ~lb.' . '.~~ =- ..,: "oT AR/.4C.-:S) ~ --- . -' ,....-- . ~ - *. SIC' ~lT . * - 5' ;(OoEJ SEAL:::' ct;. . Ie Ph iL... "0;;;"'" -:. ~' " , , ' : ~,z." ;.' L ' "'9>... ... .(\\ . /, . (:" OF' HlO'.... ,,' " 1'1'. \ '\, 11111\\\\ ACCEPTED: ) .. I ""...G ., ~ . ,. " "'.,~;I" AT. TE.S..T: ......'. .-:'''1,.'.."1>'.',,:-1 .'.' ,. ". ..~ td; . Y") I "._',^,I'\--:I · ...... ~. t.'.;. ........'.'.""""... ','...."......\\..'..."".. ........ '..'\..' ' <;,--.l:....,,~ ~'~~">>-" . p ~..-"::'. :: ~~ Clerk oft1fec:lty,ioriimission ;,' '-'~"', ~~. .".:',--' '"... .~' l. ,r . CITY OF BOZE by its;City Manager Acting STATE OF MONTANA } } ss, COUNTY OF GALLATIN } On this ~J 5>t- day of ---d {AAi\R , 200f, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State ofMoR,t:v1a,,personally appeared RON BREY and ROBIN L. SULLIVAN, known to me to be li1~;Cny Manager and Clerk of the City Commission for the City of Bozeman, and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first written above, llidi~ ~~i~ NOTARY PUBLI FOR TH STATE OF MONTANA Pri~te~ Name: ~ _t V\.fL 6 {.e-V1.1 Vl6Qf ReSldmg at BOl R ,Wl~ My commission expires a 2--5 /1-.-00 7 ~ ,-,.. :'\.,/"','.',~ ~:':~',,;;:, :','-.1 " 'J l' )\Iq/I-""'c;.~ \". ^I( . ,. (..," , " "~." ~. l' ......'.., i_'. ,.' .....,... '" J......J G:\c&h\03\0371~PlCE\03710 \ill~t;men( ^ form.wpd . ': /~,:,> 't... j . t'; 4 ".\ ':~ ~", ' .... ,~!r~ L(,'~ '.~ \ \ SEAL: (9 W W I- en '<1"::1 zg: Q r::r:' 2 bW m~ ~~ ~...J ~~ 3:0 ~l2 W< I ~ ....... ~~ ILl ........ ,.,~.. 1').... ~~<d l3 ~~ z ...... EASEMEN / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / A ~, /EXHIBI /\ \ / \ \ / \ LOT 1 / \ Bl,-OCK 6 / \ / \ \ / \ / \' / LEGAL DESCRIPTION A/Public Access and Utility Easement for Woter and Sewer Moin Purposes. over, under fond across 0 portion of Lot 1, Block 5, LAUREL GLEN SUBDIVISION PHASE 1, according to the plot thereof, / on file ond of record in the office of the Clerk ond Recorder. Gallatin County, Montano, and located in the // Southwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 2 South, Range 5 East of P,M.M" City of Bozemon, Gallatin County, Montano, / and further described os follows: / / / / ~ "'" II" ..../f/), '\i PARK Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence easterly 090' 00' 00", assumed azimuth from north, 4,71 feet along the south line of said Lot 1, to the point of beginning of the easement to be described; thence northerly OOO' 45' 33" azimuth 119,84 feet; thence northerly 033' 27' 25" ozimuth 100.B9 feet; thence northerly OOO' 45' 33" ozimuth 67,07 feet; thence northerly 335' 59' 30" azimuth 105,74 feet; thence westerly 270' 45' 33" azimuth 9,92 feet; thence northerly OOO' 45' 33" ozimuth 21.00 feet; thence easterly 084' 38' 31. azimuth 62.22 feet; thence northerly 035' 07' 55" azimuth 56,37 feet; thence southerly 161' 57' 53" ozimuth 39,69 feet 010n9 the eost line of said Lot 1; thence southerly 214' 35' 48" ozimuth 25,16 feet; thence westerly 241' 42' 38" ozimuth 24,28 feet; thence southerly 216' 14' 23"' azimuth 28,59 feet; thence southerly 159' 14' 5'if ozimuth 117,84 feet; thence westerly 252' 02' 34" ozimuth 10.30 feet; thence southerly 188' 02' 10" azimuth 44.49 feet; thence southerly 213' 27' 25" ozimuth 95,80 feet; thence southerly 180' 45' 33"' ozimuth 86,49 feet; thence easterly 090' 45' 33" ozimuth 5,00 feet; thence southerly 180' 45' 33"' azimuth 23.78 feet; thence westerly 270' 00' 00" azimuth 36.00 feet along the south line of soid Lot 1, to the point of beginning, Areo ~ 15,982 square feet, 0,3669 ocres or 1,4B4,B squore meters, Subject to existing easements. PUBLIC PARK 1 ti) a. It) N UJ .;; UJC'>>'" ....q ~o~ 1t)Cf)~ ,,10 .... . N ...... N:~ '" ISO CD - - 0 - ~ lI: .... lI: - 0 ---- 0 - r::: - . ~ ... - .. 0 ---- I . - 0 r::: - . > - :>- - ~ ---- .. ~ L Feet ... 130 I 18 Meters #03710(E) I a.: S 'z w ::Ii w r5 ~ ::J i'= ::::> o N :J'..1 <1i~ PiS 60 I I 18 Scale In o ~ o Scale In '" "'~ gw ~~ ,"- -0; 9~ ~~ ,<:> t5uj U'" PARK ~ oi ... NEW EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND PUBLIC UTILllY EASEMENT 'b ~9 "'0 '0 fgb o o I I I ~--~~~-~~----~--I----~----- -Clenwoocl Drive ___L_ I I Engineering and Surveying Inc, 205 Edelweiss Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 Phone (406) 587,1115 · Fax (406) 587..a768 www.chengineers.com.infofllchenginears.com