HomeMy WebLinkAbout00- R&D Holding; Tr 1, COS 1846 - Public Street and Utility Easement _~.,.__._.,n ___.. ._--_.~.,,- - 1I1~ ~1I111 III III 1111112014826 G"AtT'~~ j ~p@r?n~nf?~ Palle: 1 or 3 06J20/2000 01 :29P 4n~11.y Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 18,00 Jil'! C) 2000 . vL __ ~ ,.--...- .~ ' ., . , PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT :-.;1:1..."..,.,.....".. .."....." t..n ,..1 ~..,....i ~-...cooiI ---~-~~---~-----~-~~----- (Fallon Street) R & D J Iolding, by and through its General Partner, David S. Williams, of 230 Coronado Road, Corrales, New Mexico, 87048, GRANTOR, in consideration of $1.00 and other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grants to the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation ofthe State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main Strcet, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual public street and utility easement for the use of the public, over, under, and across, a strip of land 60.00 feet wide situated in Gallatin County, Montana, and located on the following described property: Tract 1, Certificate of Survey No. 1846, located in the SW 1/4 of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 5 East of P. M.M.. Said easement is more particularly shown and described on thc attached "Easement Exhibit", which by this reference is made a part of this document. The GRANTOR states that they possess the real property described above and that they have a lawful right to grant an easement thereon. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this casement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. 0 DA TED this db" ' day of 0,Jr/ / ,2000. GRANTOR: R & D Holding "- '~~-/~\ ~~~~,,~.y_~ by: David S. Williams, General Partner STATE OF NEW MEXICO } }ss. County of Bernalillo } On this;':" yt;.. day of ~., v-: I _ , 2000, beforc me the undcrsigned, a Notary Public for the State of New eXlCO, personally appeared David S. WIlliams, known to mc to be the General Partner of R & D Holding, and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrumcnt and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of R & D Holding. o III U 111I11I III """ ~~;~~8:~~p . SMelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 18,00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aflixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. OFFICIAL SEAL ~. .GARY A. WEIDNER - '1Mb. hUfARYfIJBUC.SlATBCflGMEXICO NOT JBLIC FOR TI-;IE STATE OF NEW MEXICO ':,g. Residinga! !/lJ:2,"/ ^4o~~7.~~e"'- }l. E " M _~,dz;Jo3, M C ... . L r SEA)' L """"- Y "ommlSSlOn cxpIres t '~ 7-{.fL.~ ACCEPTED BY CITY OF BOZEMAN: - ~, \ by: Clark V. Johnson, City Managcr ATTEST: ~.Y~ Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk of City Commission STATE OF MONTANA } }ss. COUNTY OF GALLA TIN } On this J<-r' day of , 2000, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, persona ppeared Clark V. Johnson and Robin L. Sullivan, known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk of the City Commission for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribcd to thc within instrumcnt, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on bchalf of thc City of Bozeman. IN WITN~~ S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the ,d, a, y and year firs! ove ~ ...._ ~. ~~~ / ~,.., ,...C' /t.. -'" // ,...." ,.v.....,...",.j;.? ;'l/:f-l. /t.J2.a~ l ....\.. ;;;~'t,,~f ~, AR Y, PUBUC F~OR TH ~ STATE OF MONTANA ,;; './, .~;;'"""',,,.,jS',',:H,',':,:!.At ,',",'\.,',~. .. ~::-:; ~ rfL ;: ;: ft ~' ..",.f!Itt.l, ~ 1, Residing at y;:;r.-<, ~ ~\ "" t!!lf,,'f 0 }, My Commissio expires f:, . ,o--=-tJ'.!2.. SEAL , ~. " ' ~. !}i", ,,/ a"", ,... p,~ "J ..- ~1.4, l"'" ',,\ .'J", :;",', * ,O~<<, /, "" ~ .;,. ~ ...~ . '..... '~,~NM",,"''''' g:\c&h\99\99I 63\o\"lke\R&D Holding Easement ~ .."'" 8i COS NO. 1005 ~A O~j~&~ EXHIBIT <e'lIICf:<A2II"'T"",,""IIJC~"GHTO'''AT - ~ . 380 Ran,," C"'l>, 1;''' ~y I AND \JlIJTlt'$ _ w. lJAllCOC< STIlEET N", lSi 119 Fm .023 TRACT 1 COS NO. 1846 sar"'JJ" ' ~'(j ~ ~,.:t:~..~ '1- - -~.r,W,- - - ---- - ..!_- ---- - -- -- - --- -- -co::;:.if- --- -- - ~l__ .... ~ ~ -~] == ==33J1'~ == == -----!~~------:t:_=_-------------------------------------------------.,---,---------- ----1-- Q &~ I L 'ATEO IN THE S,.v 1/4 OF SEC. 10, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. : i ~ll N"<D I'" " IX D.1Sl I;~ OF P.M.M.,I GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA : : ~~ ISl '" 60 60 ~~ ' I I I 1:: ~ .. I "'.. I : : TRACT A i!~ ~ ~ I ~i ~ : : "'I vi I; - I~ I I if N I ~ I COSTHC 00' WIll[ Aca:!;S _ UTlun EA&Ila<T PDl cos '87' --. __ ~ ~ ~ I i~ I : : ~ ~ i I ~ 1 ZONED R-O COS Lo: 1872 ~ E W I ~ i I ! ' ': ~ ! ~ <!. I ~ L---------------------~otr.J-l.----_l'I_?_-- - I!I I OIIO'I,'zr 15 8 a I: If; I [.......m:] ~ ~ c I!I ': ~~ I ,~ '" I I I .. ~'I I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PUSLIC STREET EASEMENT ' , I ::: t;: : COS NO. 1846 _ (FALLON SIllErr) .'; ill I I '.. I Th<ll p<lrt of Tr(lcl 1. CortJflc<rto <If SUn/oy No. 1846, o"cordlng to tho pl<rt tho.....,f, on f110 ond 01 . N' I. '~ 13 ... I record In the office of Ihe Clen. ond Recorder, O<lll<rtln C<lunly. ,",onton<l. deocribod <I, follow" o ,I,," ~':o a ~ I Commencing 01 the Woot Ou<lrtor Comor of SectI<ln 10, Townohlp 2 South. Rongo ~ Eoot 01 P.IU".; Ii ,~ .~ N ~ l:! I thon"o O<lutherly 180' 2~' 2~, o..umod o.lmuth Irom north, 1333.94 leet <llong the west tine > :;j In''' 01 the SoulhwOll! Quorter 01 oaid SectIon 10; ,. I...,' f'I 5 I the""o oaotorly 090' 37' 33" azimuth 60.00 tool to Ihe p<llnt 01 b"'llnnlng 01 the ..,oemeot to be doocrlbed: ~ ... I ~ .,. g F= I thon"o northol1Y 000' 25' 25" o,'muth eo.oo rMt: - .... I , Vl::> thonco O<loterly 090' 37' 3J" ozlmuth 273.29 looot: 1 d 1 ,'--' ~ I then"o southerly 180' 26' 10" a.lmuth 60,00 leoot <llong tho O<lsl IIno 01 ...id Tra"t 1; .., tS: ZON ED R 0 I thonce weelo!1y 270' 37' 33" o.imuth 273.27 loet ..... I : B-1 10 the point <If beglnn;ng. "d I : ~ I Area '" 16.397 oqucre IMt. 0.3764 oares or 1,~23.3 square moters. g I iTRACT 1 ~ TRACT 2 I ;3 I : R.!dJ Holding ~ ...., I ...... {:: I I ... b~ I }>l~ :t I : j gr~ I 10 C>l 0 I I . 00_ N~O 0 '[58" 7.E~ dS'110 I H ~~g t.J I : ~~i3J.Jj" oo~~ I~~ TRACT 8 g~ I I 273,29 Vl I z I ~_~~__,----------------__ '--' ~/1~ttO :i ---"'--~=-=--===_-__~~~~-J~!.e1._:.._ -:='~-~__~1j91''!L-__ I 'In I _--., ....... : ~~I I .........., "'- I~~ ~ ~ LOT 3 : ~~I I :r--;r '-.. '- , I I ~ '- BLOC!( 3 , I ",b!;j' , '- I ",-I:> I '- ..... ...--1 I ........ '- ~ ./ ., :8f'~ I , '- / <I" -i I N~ ~ I ',- ...../ 1..0- ./ I ~ I , v: ~~/ .... .... JP I I ;-.~ l' ~ I I- I r ........ " ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ", .... ~ I Ii. ~ :; i3 , iil -1 I ;0 <;J ...., ~ I I ~ ~ ~:N I ~~: cos NO, 1872 U5 12~~ I ~~ I ~ili ~ I;::" I ~~:; t; I ~ ~ g I ~~ I 3 I 8 ~ ~ lO/~ _ ~ ~ : i~ Scale In Feet :~~I 1<'0 ",!-, \.. I ..~ 300 0 300 ~l::~t; \'" ..... I ~~ I ~ I 2~~~ ~ <j.","" I 2~ I '~~ I h 90 0 90 : i~ Scale In Meters OWNER: R&D HOLDING I I R.1ll Holding I I , I ZONED 8/P I LOT 1 60 I 80: I BLOC!( 1 I' I ~57' - 257."2'- . 135,~6 " 324.77 #99163.1 (E1 ) R I '9 31 269'55'05' I 269'55'05" 269'5~10 iii 269~'29" R C E'NG'nn:r'E'RING AND ~- "- - Huf. e-Lane- C5tIll~2t"W] - - 'li'J:I. +- -' - - - - - -,- (U.S. 1119 No. 191) ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - e.:, If{[ SURVEYING, INC. SW c... So<. 10 41.23 ,...., , 1/2' ...... Cop 41.23 R.F. Kunt. 283'56'37" ~,s.~ ~ Lan. .1 2~'52'~" [N7O'OS2NJ Sheet 1 of 1