HomeMy WebLinkAboutC7 Revised Scan for Photography V 9,� p Commission Memorandum tyT�N CO.�Od REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Jon Henderson, GIS Manager Craig Woolard, Public Works Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Recommendation of Award for the 2015 Aerial Photography Project. MEETING DATE: March 2, 2015 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend accepting the proposal from Sanborn for$45,300.00. Based on the overall rankings by the selection committee, Sanborn has the appropriate qualifications to provide high quality products and has demonstrated extensive experience with similar projects. BACKGROUND: This project includes acquisition of high quality digital color aerial photography for the entire planning area as well impervious surface data collection to support the stormwater rate model. The proposal is well under the budgeted amount and has no deviations from the proposed scope within the Request for Proposals(see attachment). UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As directed by the Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: We currently have$60,000 budgeted within FYI for the purchase of aerial photography(CIP Item# GF065). The total cost to the City will be $45,300.00, Attachments: 2015 Bozeman Aerial Photography RFP,Notice of Award Letter, Professional Services Agreement(including certificate of liability insurance), Sanborn Proposal Report compiled on: 2/18/15 1„ THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ;•'''• 20 E.OLNE—P.O.BOX 1230 BOZEMAN,MONTANA 59771-1230 GIS DEPARTMENT ���•�•r u. °~` PHONE: (406)582-2250 FAX: (406)582-2263 E-MAIL: jenderson@bozeman.net City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery& Collection of Impervious Surface Data Notice is hereby given that the City of Bozeman is requesting proposals from qualified contractors to provide: • Digital Ortho Imagery: I"=100'map scale(i.e., 1"=600'photo scale),6"pixel,4-band(RGB and NIR), true color,orthorectified digital imagery • Impervious Surface Data: using stereo photogrammetric means • FGDC compliant metadata for both the imagery and impervious surface data Proposal documents and related data files are available on ftp://ftp.bozeman.net/CIS/and may be examined or obtained for no charge at the City of Bozeman GIS Department,Attention:Jon Henderson,20 East Olive Street Bozeman,Montana 59715(no USPS sen>ice),(406)582-2250 or fax(406)582-2263. Proposals must be received in the GIS Department at the above address on or before 5:00 p.m.,January 12,2015. Discrimination Discrimination in the performance of any agreement awarded under this RFP on the basis of race,color,religion, creed,age,marital status,national origin,or actual or perceived sexual orientation,gender identity or disability is prohibited. This prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the awarded entity's employees and to all subcontracts. As such,each entity submitting under this notice shall include a provision requiring the submitting entity to affirm in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of color,religion,creek,sex,age,marital status,national origin,or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation,gender identity or disability and recognizing the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the Contractor's employees and to all subcontracts. Failure to comply with the above shall be cause for the City to deem the submittal non-responsive. The City of Bozeman is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For additional information,contact Jon Henderson,GIS Manager(406)582-2250,or fax(406)582-2263. DATED THIS Sunday,December 21,2014 City of Bozeman,Montana By: Jon Henderson GIs Manager Publish Date: Sunday,December 21,2014 Introduction The City regularly uses aerial photography and impervious surface information to support regulatory, land management,planning and engineering projects. This document defines the technical,cost and time scope for developing a portion of the City's GIS database. All final data will be stored in the City's ArcSDE database and will be made available to internal and external customers through various client applications and downloadable data files. This project is to update all aerial imagery for the entire 74 square mile planning boundary in addition to collecting impervious surface data to update an existing dataset originally collected from aerial photography dated 5/12/12 for the entire 20 square mile city limit boundary. The desired flight dates are between April V and April 31P 2015. The desired project completion date is 90 days from photo acquisition. I. Proposal Submission Requirements 1) General Requirements: All required information must be completed in full,in ink,or typewritten. The proposal must be signed by a person authorized to commit the Contractor to provide the goods or service. Submission of a signed proposal will constitute an incontrovertible representation by proponent that proponent has complied with every requirement of the RFP,that without exception the proposal is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the proposal documents and applying any specific means,methods,techniques,sequences,and/or procedures of performance that may be shown or indicated or expressly required by the proposal documents,that proponent has given the City written notice of all conflicts,errors,ambiguities,and discrepancies that proponent has discovered in the proposal documents and the written resolutions thereof by the City are acceptable to Proponent,and that the proposal documents and any written resolutions are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work. 2) The proposal must be received no later than 5:00 p.m.,January 12,2015. Proposals received after 5:00 p.m.will be returned unopened. Proposals will be privately opened and evaluated by the City. 3) Two(2)copies of the proposal shall be sealed and submitted to(no USPS service): Jon Henderson GIS Manager 20 East Olive Street Bozeman,MT 59715 4) Proposals must be plainly marked in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope as follows: "Digital Orthoimagery&Impervious Surface Project 2015" 5) The City's staff contact for this RFP is: Jon Henderson GIS Manager Phone#:(406)582-2250 FAX#:(406)582-2263 E-mail address: jenderson@bozeman.net 2 6) Proposal Format: a) Section I-Statement of Understanding An overall introduction,including a statement of the Contractor's understanding of each item proposed in the Scope of Work,and a general description of the Contractor's approach. b) Section 11-Proposed Technology and Equipment Detailed explanation of type of technology and equipment proposed to be utilized to obtain the products necessary to comply with each item in the Scope of Work. c) Section III-Personnel Qualifications Names,relevant experience,professional registrations of Contractor's personnel with background information on previous experience,qualifications,and skills relevant to each item proposed upon in the Scope of Work section. d) Section IV—References A list of at least three clients for whom the Contractor has provided similar services. This list shall include the agency/company name,address,phone number and name of contact person, and description of the similar project. e) Section V—Subcontractors A list and description of names,office locations,tasks,qualifications,and responsibilities of any subcontractors that may be utilized for this project. ) Section VI-Change in Scope A proposed procedure to accommodate changes in scope of the contract,and addition or deletion of task activities. The Contractor will include a current fee schedule and a cost of services proposal for any work that is to be provided or that the City may request after the contract is awarded. g) Section VII-Contractor's Expectations of City Staff Clearly define any expectations for information or support to be provided by City staff during the project. h) Section VIII-Delivery Schedule A proposed schedule for delivering the products and services as described in the RFP. i) Section IX-Price Proposal The price proposal shall clearly state the costs to the City of Bozeman for the project. The contract for services shall be between the City of Bozeman and the Contractor. The price information shall include staff-hours of effort planned for each task by the categories(i.e.,level of experience)of personnel who will perform the services,materials, travel costs,equipment usage charges(rate and total cost),and any other direct charges. 7) All prospective Contractors may submit written questions about,or request written clarifications of the RFP,including written protests of the RFP's terms and conditions or technical specifications no 3 later than 1/8/15. All questions must be in writing(includes email)and addressed to the City's staff contact. No other staff member will answer questions about this Request for Proposals. 8) Each entity submitting under this notice shall include a provision requiring the submitting entity to affirm in writing it will not discriminate on the basis of color,religion,creek,sex,age, marital status, national origin,or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation,gender identity or disability and recognizing the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the Contractor's employees and to all subcontracts. Failure to comply with the above shall be cause for the City to deem the submittal non-responsive. II. Selection Criteria and Process The proposals will be judged on the completeness and quality of content. Only those Contractors who supply complete information as required herein will be considered for evaluation. The City of Bozeman is seeking to contract with a firm that has the appropriate qualifications using appropriate technology and methodology to ensure delivery of high quality products and who has demonstrated extensive experience with,and an understanding of,similar projects.The criteria for evaluating proposals are as follows,with the weight each item carries shown in parentheses: Criteria Weight 1. A demonstrated understanding of each item proposed 20% 2. The level of quality provided by the technology and methodology proposed 30% 3. The necessary qualifications,experience,organization,technical and 20% managerial staff,and equipment and facilities to carry out the work 4. Prior experience on related or similar projects,and the 10% accessibilit /avail ability of the individuals working on this project 5. Ability to complete the work within a proposed time schedule 5% 6. Co stt of acquiring the RFP deliverables 15% The City may invite three or more prospective Contractors to respond to the selection committee in person or writing during the proposal evaluation. Failure to provide additional information,if requested, may disqualify the proposal from further consideration. The evaluation of proposals and the determination of conformity and acceptability shall be in the City's sole discretion and will be based on information furnished or identified in the proposal as well as on other information available to the City. All proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the City and public records and,as such,may be subject to public review. III. Reservation of Rights; Liability Waiver The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals;to add or delete items and/or quantities;to amend the RFP;to waive any minor irregularities,informalities,or failure to conform to the RFP;to extend the deadline for submitting proposals;to postpone award for up to 30 days;to award one or more contracts,by item or task,or groups of items or tasks,if so provided in the RFP and if multiple awards are determined by the City to be in the public interest;and to reject,without liability therefore,any and all proposals upon finding that doing so is in the public interest. The City of Bozeman reserves the right to reject the proposal of any person/firm who previously failed to perform properly to the satisfaction of the City of Bozeman,or complete on time agreements of similar nature,or to reject the proposal of any person/firm who is not in a position to perform such an agreement satisfactorily as determined by the City of Bozeman. 4 The City of Bozeman reserves the right to determine the best qualified Contractor and negotiate a final scope of service and cost,negotiate a contract with another Contractor if an agreement cannot be reached with the first selected Contractor,or reject all proposals.The successful Contractor will be required to enter into a professional services contract with the City of Bozeman,which will incorporate the Contractor's scope of service and work schedule as part of the agreement. This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract. The City assumes no liability or responsibility for costs incurred by firms in responding to this request for proposals or request for interviews, additional data,or other information with respect to the selection process,prior to the issuance of an agreement,contract or purchase order. The Contractor,by submitting a response to this RFP, waives all right to protest or seek any legal remedies whatsoever regarding any aspect of this RFP. The City reserves the right to cancel,in part or in its entirety,this RFP including,but not limited to: selection procedures,submittal date,and submittal requirements. If the City cancels or revises this RFP, all Contractors who submitted proposals will be notified using email. This project is subject to the availability of funds. IV. Time Line These dates may be revised if any step takes longer than anticipated. The City reserves the right to postpone the award. RFP issued 12/21/14 Written questions submitted 1/8/15 Proposals due 1/12/15 Notice to award 1/26/15 V. Withdrawal of Proposals Proposals submitted may be withdrawn by written request if received before the hour set for the opening. After that time,proposals may not be withdrawn for a period of fifteen(15)days and at no time after award. No responsibility shall attach to a City employee for the premature opening of a proposal not properly addressed and identified in accordance with these documents. When discrepancies occur between words and figures,the words shall govern. VI. Scope of Work The project scope,specifications and requirements that are outlined in this RFP are subject to modification and final contract negotiations. Image included on Page 13 of this RFP shows the area to be flown(approximately 74 square miles), while the image included on Page 14 of this RFP shows the area for impervious surfaces(approximately 20 square miles). All data shall be delivered in both UTM Zone 12 NAD83(2011)meters,NAVD88 meters and Montana State Plane NAD83(2011)meters,NAVD88 meters. For more information on the National Adjustment of 2011,please visit the following website: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/web/surveys/NA2011/ 5 Prior to receiving notice to proceed and after negotiations,before any data collection the contractor must submit a project plan. The project plan will include the following: 1)A map showing the study area boundaries and flight path at a reasonable scale(approx. 1:150,000) 2)Documentation specifying altitude,air speed,scan angle,scan rate,and other flight and equipment information deemed appropriate. 3)A chart of areas of high Position Dilution of Precision(PDOP),or a list showing the time of the beginning and end of high PDOP. 4) The proposed ground control plan containing Airborne GPS support. If necessary,the contractor shall obtain all rights of entry,be responsible for all GPS control information and show all National Spatial Reference System(NSRS)monuments that will be used for the GPS base stations for airborne GPS control. 1) Digital Imagery Specifications: Digital Camera Defined For the purposes of this Request for Proposal,a digital camera is defined as a stable mechanism that collects the ground imagery without the use of film in a direct digital format. The Cily of Bozeman recognizes that currently the USGS does not provide a calibration report on digital camera technology;therefore, the vendors must satisfy the City that the proposed camera system has been calibrated,modeling all known errors,and exhibits a high degree of internal geometric accuracy, stability and repeatability. Orthoimagery shall be acquired only on clear days,leaf-off conditions,with no snow and minimal puddling of rain water or other weather-related effects obscuring the ground surface. At a minimum, National Map Accuracy Standards for the production of the Orthoimagery must be adhered to. The camera and magazines shall meet or exceed the most recent USGS specifications for aerial camera systems. Aerotriangulation/bundle adjustment shall be performed by the current state-of-the-art analysis software to maximize accuracy of the data. The Contractor shall provide a copy of the AT report. a) Photographic Conditions • Tree Cover. Photography shall be undertaken while the leaves are off the deciduous trees. • Clouds. Clouds or cloud shadows must not appear on the imagery. High,thin overcast is permitted above the flying altitude if it does not cause ground mottling or a discernable reduction in light levels and/or ground object shadows. • Well-Defined Images. Collect imagery to obtain well-defined images. Do not attempt imagery acquisition where the ground is obscured by haze,smoke,smog,dust,or falling snow,sleet,rain,or other obscuring phenomena. Do not collect imagery when ground is covered by water(flood),snow,or ice. • Visibility. The minimum visibility at the time of exposure must be 10 miles or greater. • Sun Angle. The majority of the project area will be collected when the sun angle is not less than 40°. In mountainous areas with steep terrain and/or areas with tall trees or areas with significant urban development with buildings 3 stories or taller(such as downtown Bozeman),increase the minimum sun-to-horizon angle to acquire the photography during the times of minimal shadow. • Tilt will not exceed four degrees for any photographic frame and will average not more than two degrees for any ten consecutive frames. Relative tilt exceeding six degrees between any two successive frames may be cause for rejecting that portion of the flight lines. 6 • Crab angle as measured from the average line of flight will not exceed five degrees. The course-heading differential between any two successive exposures will not exceed five degrees. • Forward overlap will be at least 55 percent between consecutive exposures. The average sidelap will be at least 20 percent. b) Image Quality/Radiometry • There shall be no areas of an orthophoto where the process was incomplete due to image gaps or lack of data. • All digital orthophotos shall be radiometrically adjusted as necessary so that adjacent digital orthophotos can be displayed simultaneously without an obvious visual edge seam between them. Localized adjustment of the brightness values shall be performed to minimize tonal differences between the join areas. For this adjustment,the orthophoto judged by visual inspection to have the better contrast shall be used as the reference orthophoto.Localized brightness values of the adjacent orthophoto shall be adjusted to that of the reference orthophoto.When possible and feasible,the area adjusted should be bounded by a tonal break ground feature such as a road,field line,shadow line,etc. The radiometric adjustment should not compromise the accuracy,clarity,or resolution of the orthophoto. • Prior to undertaking full digital orthophoto production,the Contractor shall furnish the City with sample digital images to evaluate and accept as examples of overall image quality. The City will select one image,which will become the standard to which all subsequent digital orthophotos will be compared for acceptance/rejection relative to image quality. 2) Impervious Surface Specifications: a) Process • The City will provide the existing City impervious surface database(approximately 45,000 features)to the Contractor. All existing features meet City specifications,and any additional feature or modified features developed by the Contractor shall meet these database conventions. This includes using the same compilation rules,practices,and feature attribution. • 100%manual review of impervious surface dataset to identify updates. New or modified features based on orthophotography collection will be added/corrected using stereo photogrammetric means and attributed as specified in the specification details. b) Feature Collection • All features shall be closed polygons that meet standard topology rules and database conventions. • If foliage or trees cover the portion of a feature,the hidden portion of the feature shall be estimated and not partially captured and attributed as"obscured". • Building outlines: o All visible buildings and miscellaneous structures greater than or equal to 100 square feet. o Collection shall be closed polygons depicting the building roof outline. o In areas of building lean,the building outline shall be moved to match the visible corner of the building and ground. This will align the building to the correct spatial location,not at the location of lean. o All buildings shall be mapped orthogonally unless it is obvious the building was not constructed orthogonally. o Building additions will be captured as a part of the building. o Decks and patios will be captures as separate features. • Roads(paved and unpaved) 7 o The edge of the paved or unpaved road shall be collected as a closed polygon. o If a driveway or parking lot runs into the road,the road shall be closed at the road edge. • Driveways and parking lots(paved and unpaved); o Collection shall be closed polygons depicting the paved or unpaved driveways and parking lots. o If a driveway or parking lot runs into a road,the feature shall be closed at the road edge. o If a driveway or parking lot runs into a building,the feature shall be closed at the building edge. • Sidewalks(paved): o Collection shall be closed polygons depicting the paved sidewalk. o All other impervious surface features shall have precedence over sidewalk features. For example,if a sidewalk runs into a driveway,the sidewalk will be closed at the driveway edge. c) Feature Attribution • All features will be attributed with only one attribute record. • Any feature added or updated will include the following attribution: o Polygon Area o Feature Code/name o Feature ID/number o Photo Date(xx/xx/2015) o Source Update o Contractor Name The proposal shall include a proposed schedule of events necessary to complete the work. The schedule shall include a process and schedule for the submittal of draft products for City review prior to final submittals. Failure to comply with any of these provisions may result in the rejection of the proposal. VII. Control All necessary horizontal and vertical control necessary to provide the deliverables requested in the proposal shall be completed by the contractor. Ground control must be adequate to support the accuracy specifications identified below. Some existing vertical control may be available for the project area. The survey reports&LiDAR data from the 2007 project are available to the Contractor. The Contractor shall review all horizontal and vertical control for accuracy and completeness. Any survey work performed by the Contractor shall be done in conformance with Montana survey laws, regulations and administrative rules. For suney control work performed by the Contractor(or sub-contractors)the following requirements will pertain: A brief survey control report in PDF and/or other digital format shall be delivered that contains: • One digital copy of the control diagram(the survey network scheme). • One copy of all field notes,horizontal and vertical computations,and control network adjustments,with the connections to the National Spatial Reference System shall be clearly shown. 8 • A digital copy of the new control points established to control the photogrammetry with all observations and ties,a point description,digital photograph of the monument and the control point location context,and coordinate values in geographic coordinates and in both UTM Zone 12 NAD83 (2011)meters,NAVD88 meters and Montana State Plane NAD83(2011)meters,NAVD88 meters. • Survey party personnel,equipment,software,and procedures used. VIII. Project Schedule In their responses to this proposal,Respondents shall propose a detailed schedule of performance for completion of all components of the production process.General project milestones should be presented; final project milestones will be established prior to project initiation. IX. Deliverables The respondent shall submit a delivery schedule. The Contractor shall deliver to the City for acceptance the following items: 1) Pilot Project: Prior to beginning the full production of digital orthophotography and subsequent impervious surface feature collection,the Contractor must provide deliverables for a prototype area of a minimum 2 square miles. The locational extent of the pilot project will be determined by the City and selected Contractor during negotiations and consist of urban and rural areas. Upon review and approval of the pilot area by the County,the Contractor will use resultant adjustments as a guide of image quality,impervious surface feature quality,and spatial accuracy for the rest of the project area. 2) Flight Plan and Logs: The flight plan shall be distributed to and approved by the City prior to acquisition. Flight logs shall be provided within two days of each flight acquisition to verify flight times related to sun angle specifications. a) Project flight lines on a map displaying the project area and distributed as a feature class or Shapefile suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software. Flight lines shall include flight line numbers within the feature attribution,and metadata shall describe the software used to generate the flight plan. b) Approximate number of exposures for the intended coverage area. c) Image centers of each exposure with date and time of acquired photo included. The data shall be distributed as a feature class or Shapefile suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software. d) Upon completion of acquisition the Contractor shall provide a collection report summarizing the flight and logs. 3) Calibration Reports: Camera and digital sensor calibration reports along with a product characterization report validating USGS Digital Aerial Type standards shall be provided. 4) Survey Control Report: The following information shall be provided in a final survey report. a) Positional AGPS data and a statistical summary of the AGPS adjustment results. b) 1MS sensor orientation and a statistical summary describing the overall accuracy of adjusted IMU data. c) Differentially corrected GPS ground control data used to supplement the AGPS data and a narrative describing all aspects of the ground survey including locations and extent of the network. d) The results and analysis of the constrained least squares adjustment,tables summarizing GPS misclosures,and a description of equipment and software used. 9 5) Aerial Triangulation Report: An aerial triangulation report shall be provided upon completion of all adjustments. This report shall include, a) An executive summary of the Aerotriangulation solution and its results. b) A detailed narrative of the adjustment process and quality checks for accuracy. c) A description of the software and equipment used to perform the adjustments. d) A listing of the final adjusted coordinates in a spreadsheet or format agreed upon during contract negotiations. 6) Digital Orthorectified Images: All imagery data shall meet the accuracy standards defined in Section VI.1 and be submitted via portable external drives. All imagery shall register to the existing City orthophotography database and meet the image quality standards approved by the City during the pilot project. a) 1"=100'map scale(i.e., 1"=600' photo scale),6"pixel,4-band(RGB and NIR),true color, ortho-rectified digital imagery in GeoTIFF format. b) Seamless mosaic at 1-foot(Optional:0.5 foot)pixel resolution. c) Edge-matched,non-overlapping tiles at 0.5-foot(Optional 0.3 foot)pixel resolution based on the tile scheme provided by the City and shall register to the existing City orthophotography database. d) Images with edge artifacts,mismatch,or voids will be rejected. e) Breaklines used to correct bridge and overpass distortion shall be provided in a feature class or Shapefile suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software. 7) Impervious Surface Data: All impervious surface data shall be provided in a file geodatabase suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software. All data shall meet the accuracy standards and specification described in Section VI.2. a) Impervious surface data shall register to the existing City impervious surface database. b) Features shall be segregated into feature classes based on type as defined in Section VI.2.b. 8) Progress Reports: Progress reports shall be provided by e-mail on a weekly basis for aerial photography acquisition until delivery of the pilot project,and bi-weekly thereafter until the project is complete. These informal reports shall consist of a summary of production status, major activities completed during the most recent reporting period,description of issues and corrections,and associated status maps or acquired flight lines. 9) Metadata: Complete FGDC-compliant metadata shall be provided for all data in an XML format. The metadata shall provide a complete description of identification,data quality,spatial data organization,spatial reference,and entity and attribute information. The metadata for orthorectified imagery shall also include acquisition dates. 10)Project Report: A final project report summarizing the flight acquisition,orthorectification process and impervious surface update,quality control and assurance,and deliverables provided shall be provided upon completion of the project. This report shall include a detailed narrative of the analysis,accuracy assessment,and validation of all deliverables. All products delivered and developed under this proposal shall become the sole property of the City of Bozeman with no restrictions on use or dissemination. 10 X. Quality Control and Acceptance Procedures Quality Control The City retains the sole right to determine contract adherence to quality control requirements.Judgment that the Contractor is in breach of the quality control requirements may require suspension of any phase of the contract until such time as the City can determine that such problem(s)have been remedied. Respondents shall indicate in their proposal a description of the internal quality control processes they will utilize throughout the various phases of the project to assure that the contract deliverables will be acceptable.The Respondent may provide forms,flow charts,or other materials to document the quality control process. Acceptance Checks An attempt will be made to complete checks of all deliverable products within 30 days of delivery. Check plots and ArcGIS data will be subjected to a series of inspections that may include the following: • Mounting,manipulation,and display of digital files on the City's GIS system • Comparison of data and file content with digital orthophotos • Checks to verify the informational content of the data for completeness,correctness,and database integrity • Field checks to ensure compliance with ASPRS accuracy standards • Other checks against specifications as maybe appropriate The City will be conducting checks of the hard copy and digital data provided. Acceptance Procedures After initial checking,work increments will be categorized by the City as follows: • ACCEPTED:Products that meet specifications and contain no errors,or so few errors as to be acceptable,will be formally indicated as accepted.The City may assume responsibility for minor corrections,after which the Contractor will be notified,so that the problems will not recur on subsequent products. • RECEIVED-EDITED:The product has a number of errors that do not permit acceptance.For the product to be accepted,the Contractor must correct all errors noted by the City.The City will verify through a recorded edit that the Contractor has made all corrections called in for the first edit. • REJECTED:The number and character of errors detected by the City are such that the product is formally returned to the Contractor without a complete edit.The City will formally notify the Contractor of the rejected status of the product.The Contractor must edit and correct the mapping for resubmittal to the City.If the City determines that there is an excessive number of rejected products,the City may require the Contractor to suspend production until the problems are resolved. Completion of any required corrective actions shall not affect the Contractor's production schedule. Payment for work will not be authorized until the City has accepted the products.The acceptance procedure will apply to all deliverable products to be received. XI. Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information Upon completion of negotiations or a determination that no proposals will be pursued,one copy of each submitted proposal shall be retained for the official files of the City and will be considered a public record. 11 In addition,each respondent agrees the city shall not be liable for disclosures of confidential information if disclosure of such information is required by law. XII. No Partnership/Business Organization Nothing in this RFP or in any subsequent agreement,or any other contract entered into as a result of this RFP,shall constitute,create,give rise to or otherwise be recognized as a partnership or formal business organization of any kind between or among the City and the respondent. XIII. Employment Restriction and Indemnity No person who is an owner,officer,employee,contractor,or consultant of a respondent shall be an officer or employee of the City. No rights of the City's retirement or personnel rules accrue to a respondent,its officers,employees,contractors,or consultants.Respondents shall have the responsibility of all salaries,wages,bonuses,retirement,withholdings,worker's compensation and occupational disease compensation,insurance,unemployment compensation other benefits and taxes and premiums appurtenant thereto concerning its officers,employees,contractors,and consultants.Each respondent shall save and hold the City harmless with respect to any and all claims for payment,compensation, salary,wages,bonuses,retirement,withholdings,worker's compensation and occupational disease compensation,insurance,unemployment compensation other benefits and taxes and premiums in any way related to each respondent's officers,employees,contractors and consultants. XIV. Accessibility Upon reasonable notice,the City will provide assistance for those persons with sensory impairments. For further information please contact the ADA Coordinator James Goehrung at 406-582-3232 or the City's TTY line at 406-582-2301. XV. Governing Law This RFP and any disputes arising hereunder or under any future agreement for the sale and purchase of shares,interests,or rights shall be governed hereafter and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana,without reference to principles of choice or conflicts of laws. XVI. Miscellaneous No conversations or agreements with any officer,employee,or agent of the City shall affect or modify any term of this RFP.Oral communications or any written/email communication between any person and the designated contact City staff shall not be considered binding. 12 ' —I y_ _ yr; ♦ "� i E V L NTER=RD L .BARTER L;N .. _ . . _ �;�_ •I� OAK ST W-OAK�ST�--�-� `1 `'` ;�- + •- '.,� - DUR'STON �1 ' 1 jr ' �, t , -•-..d rat r� -� :"I - "tee ', W=BABEOGK$T � p,Y7` E tvltALt�s a j. . -A t - `HUEEINE•LN '' W�.COLLEGf-AE l i M WJKAGY BLVD -iv STUCKY-IRD I 7? 4 + V .\ {r f i i. `�O.' �-•2'- t -- i• � � I 1. 0. `�,, ''�• �-jw"- ' —f _ � r. r. tier ,I _ —Q .rl._ 11� - �• t I y+'`Ark� aOl--t ,__„ � - x�. I ' -{.. •Fq ` ,�,� .'°{ J�.+^: 1. ~1r 1 O 7 r - .- . Ll I � _ i i , , N 2015 Bozeman Aerial Flight Boundary 1 0.5 0 1 Mile ^: uio, •()•E.—�v,� � I I- � _ �Q/ / //1 .�'',..t,ti fy� 'i� Jj �� +�- '� N. -tti• .i •�'S. I2 j _-_•.S7S! l 1 z W /� ��lr�J r.� �� �� '� /���. I '— •Re\�\`�� '_�2'd`�'•� ,�� ��O,�� �, !�' ,_f i. 3r/. �-C �799�rlf'_ �� lab -� � ``\�. 4 A- AAF el 6701 T—TYSBAXTERABA>%R LN.T 7 .�0 .T �. ��� •4'. w,3; z I__ OAK CA ,rr,7 DUIRSTON .^ WIBABCOCK STp;II��ST E 1vIAI=i�rsr � , �1 t, HU,FFINEtLN _ WA-COLLEGE So O 7 r r _ rERs?:`�'exAGE: ,STUC—KI=RD •00',I .--az =:,e � -—� ��;GRAF-ST' _ J •`,.+ 1 � .-_ —_ �,,, _�--7s�r .I• S >•dwT. - .a hii ,�1 rZer• , :1f11�l i l.. udsW _ _ GOLDENST•EIN'LN 1 s:y i •l�. •_7^,.:...a-'_4afc' Lq te7s , ,Nsr J�3a' ~w'•S 'i i' N 2015 Bozeman Impervious Surface Boundary 1 0.5 0 1 Mile °� BOZO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 20 E.OLIVE-P.O.BOX 1230 BOZEMAN,MONTANA 59771-1230 << 1 83 GIS DEPARTMENT 9TJN co. �' PHONE: (406)582-2250-FAX: (406)582-2263 E-MAIL: ihenderson@bozeman.net NOTICE OF AWARD 3/2/15 TO: Sanborn,attn: Luiz Cortes ADDRESS: 6701 Carmel Road,Suite 301 Charlotte,NC 28226 PROJECT: 2015 Aerial Photography Project-Bozeman,MT CONTRACT FOR: Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data You are hereby notified that your proposal for"Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data" has been approved by the Bozeman City Commission on Monday,March 2nd,2015. You are the apparent successful applicant and have been awarded a contract for the 2015 Aerial Photography Project. The price of your contract is: Forty-five thousand three hundred dollars and zero cents($45.300.00). A signed copy of the professional services agreement is attached. Thank you -we look forward to working with your company on this project. II l/J sanborn SERVICES AGREEMENT This Services Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into as of the 23rd day of January, 2015 ("Effective Date")by and between The Sanborn Map Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Sanborn"), and the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "CLIENT" or the "City") with a mailing address of P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman MT 59771-1230. There are no third parties to this Agreement nor any third party rights or benefits either expressed or implied. RECITALS Sanborn is in the business of creating specialized geographic information solutions products and services. CLIENT wishes to enter into this Agreement with Sanborn in order to secure products and services from Sanborn. CLIENT and Sanborn acknowledge the Agreement consists of the following, which are listed in their order of priority in the event of inconsistent or contradictory provisions: 1. This Agreement 2. Sanborn's Technical Proposal and Price Proposal dated January 8, 2015 (Exhibit A) and Exhibit B Compensation NOW, THEREFORE, CLIENT and Sanborn mutually agree as follows: Article 1 Services. 1.1 Sanborn agrees to perform those services for CLIENT that are specified in Exhibit A (the"Services") and shall deliver to CLIENT those deliverables specified in Exhibit A (the "Deliverables"). Additional Services and Deliverables shall be defined by CLIENT as Purchase Orders from time to time as its needs dictate. The additional Purchase Orders shall contain, at a minimum: (i) any flow down provisions from another buyer authorized to make purchases under this Agreement, if applicable, (ii) specifications, (iii) list of deliverable items and shipment instructions, (iv) acceptance criteria, and (v) schedule of deliverables. Sanborn shall respond to such Purchase Order request(s) with a price quotation. This Agreement and any Purchase Orders issued hereunder must be signed by authorized representatives of each party Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 1 with the authority to bind their respective organizations. Execution of this Agreement, or a Purchase Order issued hereunder, by both parties shall constitute a notice to proceed with the Services. 1.2 Sanborn shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to render services under this Agreement in a professional and business-like manner and in accordance with the standards and practices recognized in the industry. Sanborn shall not use subcontractors other than those subcontractors already identified in Sanborn's Proposal, this Agreement, or any Purchase Order issued hereunder to meet its obligations under this Agreement or any Purchase Order issued hereunder without the City's prior consent in writing, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 1.3 Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement or any Purchase Order issued hereunder for any delay or default in performing if such delay or default is caused by events of Force Majeure. Force Majeure shall mean any events or actions beyond the reasonable control of either CLIENT or Sanborn preventing or delaying the execution of or compliance with any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement or any Purchase Order issued hereunder including but not limited to strikes; lockouts; labor shortages; power shortages; wars; acts of God; the imposition of governmental regulations not in effect as of the Effective Date including the restrictions imposed by air traffic control personnel with authority over airspace required for flight operations, restricting normal operations; weather or atmospheric conditions that are not conducive for the collection of aerial imagery or terrain data in a manner that is necessary to meet or exceed the requirements of any Deliverable; and inability of CLIENT to provide any specified Sources in a timely manner. Sources shall mean all information and/or materials as may be defined in this Agreement or any Purchase Order issued hereunder required to be provided by CLIENT to Sanborn for the performance of the Services. 1.4 Sanborn shall be the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title and interest in and to the work materials created by Sanborn and Deliverables until such time as Sanborn has received full and final payment of all outstanding invoices with respect to the performance of the Services and delivery of the Deliverables hereunder. At such time as payment in full has been rendered to Sanborn, CLIENT shall have such rights, title, and interest in and to the Deliverables. 1.5 To the extent that the work materials and Deliverables are considered public domain information, Sanborn shall enjoy all rights to utilize the work materials and/or Deliverables in its business practices, without restriction. To the extent that the work materials and Deliverables are not considered public domain information, CLIENT hereby grants to Sanborn a limited, non-exclusive, nontransferable, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual license to copy, use, create derivative works of, use derivative works of, and distribute copies of the derivative works of, same unless specified otherwise in this Agreement or any Purchase Order(s) issued hereunder. Any Products that are purchased through this Agreement or any Purchase Order issued hereunder that are the property of a third party shall be subject to the owner's license agreements. Sanborn agrees to provide the City a list of third party or open source software included in any Products purchased through this Agreement or any Purchase Order prior to execution of this Agreement or a Purchase Order by the City. Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 2 1.6 The parties mutually agree that the database design(s) for CLIENT shall be as contained in the specifications in Exhibit A. and each Purchase Order issued hereunder. 1.7 The parties mutually agree that the standards for quality validation of the Deliverables shall be as contained in the acceptance criteria of Exhibit A, and each Purchase Order issued hereunder. CLIENT shall be responsible for evaluating and determining the adherence of the Deliverables to the acceptance criteria or calculating error rates for the Deliverable units under this Agreement or any Purchase Order issued hereunder within thirty (30) days of receipt. To the extent that CLIENT assigns or contracts some or all of this responsibility to any third party ("Agent") such assignment or contracting of the responsibility shall not relieve CLIENT of responsibility and liability for all acts and omissions which may constitute CLIENT's default or breach of this Agreement. 1.8 CLIENT's point of contact for Sanborn shall be: Jon Henderson GIS Manager City of Bozeman 20 East Olive Street Bozeman, Montana 59715 (406) 582-2250 JHenderson@BOZEMAN.NET Sanborn's point of contact for CLIENT shall be: Luiz Cortes, CP, PLS, SP, PPS Project Manager/General Manager Sanborn 6701 Carmel Road, Suite 301 Davie Building Charlotte,NC 28226 (704) 347-4552 lcortesnsanbom.com Article 2 Compensation. CLIENT shall pay Sanborn for the Deliverables and performance of the Services in accordance with the terms specified in Exhibit B. CLIENT is tax exempt and shall issue a tax exempt certificate to Sanborn upon execution of this Agreement. Article 3 Independent Contractor Status. 3.1 Sanborn is an independent contractor and no employees, associates or agents of Sanborn shall be deemed to be an employee, associate or agent of CLIENT, or vice-versa. CLIENT and Sanborn are not and shall not be considered as employer/employee, joint adventurers, partners, or one as agent of the other under this Agreement, and neither shall have power to bind or obligate the other. Article 4 Term and Termination. Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 3 4.1 This Agreement shall remain in effect from the date contained herein until terminated by either party by giving thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. Upon the date so specified, Sanborn shall immediately terminate all activities on behalf of CLIENT. Notwithstanding any such termination, CLIENT shall in no event be released from its obligation to pay Sanborn for all Services performed and those in process at the time of such termination, and Deliverables delivered prior to such termination. 4.2 The provisions of Articles 1-6 shall survive any termination of this Agreement. Article 5 Indemnification and Insurance 5.1 By Sanborn. Sanborn agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless CLIENT and CLIENT's officers, employees, agents and affiliates from and against any and all Claims arising out of or related to the acts, errors or omissions of Sanborn or any of Sanborn's officers, directors, employees, agents or affiliates in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Sanborn's indemnification under this Article 5 shall be without regard to and without any right to contribution from any insurance maintained by the City. 5.2 Conditions of Indemnification of Third Party Claims. Sanborn's obligations and liabilities hereunder with respect to Claims resulting from the assertion of liability by third parties shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) In the event that any claim or demand for which Sanborn would be liable to the City hereunder is asserted against or sought to be collected by a third party, the City shall promptly notify Sanborn of such claim or demand, specifying the nature of such claim or demand and the amount or the estimated amount thereof(which estimate shall not be conclusive of the final amount of such claim or demand) (the "Claim Notice"). Sanborn shall have ten (10) days from its receipt of the Claim Notice (the "Notice Period") to notify the City (1)whether or not Sanborn disputes its liability to the City hereunder with respect to such claim or demand, and (2) if it does not dispute such liability, whether or not it desires, at its sole cost and expense, to defend the City against such claim or demand; provided, however, that the City is hereby authorized prior to and during the Notice Period to file any motion, answer or other pleading that it shall deem necessary or appropriate to protect its interests. In the event that Sanborn notifies the City within the Notice Period that Sanborn desires to defend against such claim or demand, then except as hereinafter provided, Sanborn shall have the right to defend the City by appropriate proceedings, which proceedings shall be promptly settled or prosecuted to a final conclusion in such a manner as to avoid any risk of the City becoming subject to liability for any other matter. If, in the reasonable opinion of the City, any such claim or demand involves an issue or matter that could have a material adverse effect on the business, operations, assets, properties or prospects of the City or an affiliate of the City, the City shall have the right to control the defense or settlement of any such claim or demand, and its reasonable costs and expenses thereof shall be included as part of the indemnification obligations of Sanborn hereunder. If Sanborn disputes its liability with respect to such claim or demand or elects not to defend against such claim or demand, whether by not giving timely notice as provided above or otherwise,then the amount of any such claim or demand,or, if the same be contested by Sanborn or by an City (but the City shall not have any obligation to contest any such claim or demand), then that portion thereof as to which such defense is unsuccessful, shall be presumptively Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 4 deemed to be a liability of Sanborn hereunder (subject, if Sanborn has timely disputed liability, to a determination that the disputed liability is covered by these indemnification provisions). (b) In the event that the City should have a claim against Sanborn hereunder that does not involve a claim or demand being asserted against or sought to be collected from it by a third party, the City shall promptly send a Claim Notice with respect to such claim to Sanborn; provided, that the failure to so notify shall not limit the City's right to indemnification unless such failure materially adversely affects the ability of Sanborn to defend such claim and then only to such extent. If Sanborn does not notify the City within the Notice Period that it disputes such claim, the amount of such claim shall be presumptively deemed a liability of Sanborn hereunder. 5.3 Participation; Cooperation. The City will at all times also have the right to participate fully in the defense at its own expense unless the third party Claim is made both against Sanborn and the City and the City has been advised by counsel that there are legal defenses available to the City that are materially different from those available to Sanborn, in which case the fees and expenses of one counsel in respect of such claim incurred by the City will be paid by Sanborn. The parties will cooperate in the defense of all third-party Claims that may give rise to indemnifiable Claims hereunder. In connection with the defense of any claim, each party will make available to the party controlling such defense, any books, records or other documents within its control that are reasonably requested in the course of such defense. 5.4 Limitation on Damages. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, neither party will be liable to the other for any punitive, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages whatsoever. EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES MADE OR REFERENCED IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER PARTY MAKES ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AS TO ANY ITEMS OR SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. In the event of a claim for damages by Sanborn under this Agreement, Sanborn shall provide the City with a written notice of its claim, the facts and circumstances surrounding and giving rise to the claim, and the total amount of damages sought by the claim, pursuant to 2- 9-301, MCA within ten (10) days of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim. In the event Sanborn fails to provide such notice, Sanborn shall waive all rights to assert such claim. 5.5 Insurance. Sanborn shall at Sanborn's expense secure insurance coverage through an insurance company or companies duly licensed and authorized to conduct insurance business in Montana which insures the liabilities and obligations assumed by Sanborn in this Article 5. The insurance shall cover and apply to all claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from, or suffered by the City without limit and without regard to the cause therefore and which is acceptable to the City, and Sanborn shall furnish to the City a certificate of insurance and accompanying endorsements in amounts not less than as follows: • Workers' Compensation—statutory; • Employers' Liability- $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 5 • Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; and • Professional Liability- $1,000,000 per claim; $2,000,000 annual aggregate. The above amounts shall be exclusive of defense costs. The City of Bozeman,its officers, agents, and employees, shall be endorsed as an additional or named insured on a primary non- contributory basis on both the Commercial General and Automobile Liability policies. The insurance and required endorsements must be in a form suitable to City and shall include no less than a sixty (60) day notice of cancellation or non-renewal. The City must approve all insurance coverage and endorsements prior to the Contractor commencing work. Contractor shall notify City within two (2) business days of Contractor's receipt of notice that any required insurance coverage will be terminated or Contractor's decision to terminate any required insurance coverage for any reason. Article 6 Compliance with Laws; Nondiscrimination. 6.1 Sanborn shall obtain all necessary permits, licenses (including a City of Bozeman business license if applicable), and inspections from applicable governmental authorities, and pay all fees and charges in connection therewith. 6.2 Sanborn shall comply fully with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and municipal ordinances including, but not limited to, all workers' compensation laws, all environmental laws including,but not limited to,the generation and disposal of hazardous waste, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the safety rules, codes, and provisions of the Montana Safety Act in Title 50, Chapter 71, MCA, all applicable City, County, and State building and electrical codes, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all non-discrimination, affirmative action, and utilization of minority and small business statutes and regulations. 6.3 Sanborn shall not permit or suffer the introduction or use of any intoxicants, including alcohol or illegal drugs, by any employee or agent engaged in services to the City under this Agreement while on City property or in the performance of any activities under this Agreement. Sanborn acknowledges it is aware of and shall comply with its responsibilities and obligations under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations governing anti-drug and alcohol misuse prevention plans and related testing. City shall have the right to request proof of such compliance and Sanborn shall be obligated to furnish such proof. Sanborn shall be responsible for instructing and training Sanborn's employees and agents in proper and specified work methods and procedures. Sanborn shall provide continuous inspection and supervision of the work performed. Sanborn is responsible for instructing its employees and agents in safe work practices. 6.3 Sanborn will have a policy to provide equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, regulations, and contracts. Sanborn will not refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 6 discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment because of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, except when the reasonable demands of the position require an age, physical or mental disability, marital status or sex distinction. Sanborn shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. Sanborn shall require these nondiscrimination terms of its sub- Contractors providing services under this Agreement. Article 7 Miscellaneous. 7.1 This Agreement is made in the State of Montana, and shall for all purposes be construed in accordance with the laws of said State, without reference to choice of law provisions. 7.2 This Agreement is performable in, and venue of any action related or pertaining to this Agreement shall lie in, the City of Bozeman, Montana. 7.3 This Agreement and its Exhibits contains the entire agreement between CLIENT and Sanborn and supersedes any and all previous agreements,written or oral, between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. No amendment or modification of the terms of this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties unless reduced to writing and signed by both parties as described in sections 7.9 and 7.10. 7.4 This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. 7.5 In the event any provision of this Agreement is held illegal or invalid, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. 7.6 The waiver of a breach of any provision of this Agreement by either party or the failure of either party otherwise to insist upon strict performance of any provision hereof shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or of any subsequent failure to perform. 7.7 Notice required under this Agreement shall be in writing and either personally delivered; sent by certified mail, return receipt requested; sent by common courier (i.e., UPS, FedEx), with proof of delivery; or sent electronically (i.e., Facsimile, Email), with delivery/read receipt/confirmation, to CLIENT at its principal executive offices in section 1.8 or to Sanborn, Attention: Corporate Contracts at the last address filed by it in writing with CLIENT. 7.8 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, representatives and successors. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the other party's prior consent in writing, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 7.9 This Agreement may only be modified through written amendment or Change Request Form as described in section 7.10, and signed by authorized representatives of the parties. Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 7 7.10 The Exhibits to this Agreement and any Purchase Order(s) issued hereunder may only be modified through the Change Request process which requires that any change to the specifications, deliverables, acceptance criteria, delivery schedule, fees or invoicing and payment terms be clearly quantified and reduced to writing utilizing a Change Request Form, and signed by authorized representatives of the parties. 7.11 All claims, disputes, and other matters in question between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, shall be formally discussed and negotiated between the parties for resolution. In the event that the parties are unable to resolve the claims, disputes, or other matters in question within thirty (30) days of written notification from the aggrieved party to the other party, the aggrieved party shall be free to pursue all remedies available at law or in equity. In the event it becomes necessary for either Party to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, then the prevailing Party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in- house counsel to include the City Attorney. 6.12 The parties acknowledge that certain equipment, products, software and technical information provided pursuant to this Agreement may be subject to United States export laws and regulations and agrees that any use or transfer of such items must be authorized by the appropriate United States government agency. The parties shall not directly or indirectly use, distribute, transfer or transmit any item and/or information (even if incorporated into other equipment, products, software or technical information) except in compliance with United States export laws and regulations. 6.13 Sanborn may propose technology enhancement of Deliverables being provided under this Agreement or any Purchase Order(s) issued hereunder whenever newer technology becomes available that may save money, improve performance, or improve adherence to specifications. All proposed upgrades must meet the following requirements: (i) all mandatory requirements of this Agreement and any Purchase Order(s) must continue to be met, including delivery schedule(s) and completion date(s), (ii) the proposed upgrade or enhancement will result in at least equal operability, maintainability, reliability, and overall performance while providing some additional benefit or advantage to CLIENT, (iii) the change will be mutually negotiated between the parties and agreed to in writing by the City prior to implementation of the proposed upgrade, (iv) as a minimum, the following information must be submitted by Sanborn with each such proposal: (a) a description of the difference between the existing Agreement and/or Purchase Order requirement and the proposed change along with the comparative advantages and disadvantages of each, (b) suggested Agreement and/or Purchase Order requirements which should be changed if the proposed technology enhancement is adopted, (c) a complete pricing proposal that evidences the commerciality of the pricing (the price for the upgraded product/service or configuration can be no greater than the standard commercial price of the replacement product/service), (v) an evaluation of the proposed change's effect on collateral costs, costs of related items, and costs of maintenance and operation, as applicable, (vi)timing as to when the modification adopting the technology enhancement must be issued to ensure the maximum benefit to CLIENT, and (vii) identify any effect on the Agreement and/or Purchase Order completion or delivery schedule. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed as of the Effective Date. Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 8 THE SANBORN MAP COMPANY, INC. ByALuiz 'r 6 a3 . 20 Naortes, CP,PLS, SP, PPS Title: Project Manager/General Manager CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA By: Name: Title: Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 9 sanborn EXHIBIT A Services and Deliverables 1. Sanborn's Technical Proposal and Price Proposal dated January S, 2015: a. Section II—Proposed Technology and Equipment b. Section VIII—Delivery Schedule c. Section IX—Price Proposal Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 A-1 sanborn EXHIBIT B Compensation CLIENT shall pay, and Sanborn agrees to accept as full consideration for its Services and Deliverables under Exhibit A of this Agreement, the firm-fixed price of Forty-five Thousand, Three Hundred dollars and Zero cents ($45,300.00). Mobilization costs in the amount of 10% of the total price will be invoiced and paid upon execution of this Agreement for all expenses incurred to collect the aerial data necessary for the project. Invoices shall be submitted thereafter on a monthly basis based upon the percentage of work completed. Payment terms are thirty (30) days from receipt of invoice. There shall be no retainage of any invoiced amount. Should the City have a bona fide dispute concerning an invoice, it will notify Sanborn within ten (10) days of receipt of the invoice, and the parties will undertake reasonable efforts to resolve the dispute. Should any of CLIENT's payments be delayed by more than thirty(30) days from their due date, if Sanborn has not received notice from the City of a bona fide dispute with the invoice, Sanborn shall have the right to take any one or more of the following actions: • Stop-work without further obligation, liability, damages or penalty until all past-due payments are received; • Collect interest on past-due payments in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; • File appropriate liens against Services and Deliverables for which payment has not been received; • Terminate this Agreement and collect all payments due in accordance with section 4.1 using all methods available at law and in equity. CLIENT shall pay, and Sanborn agrees to accept as full consideration for any additional Services and Deliverables under this Agreement, invoices for work performed at CLIENT's request through mutually negotiated and signed Purchase Orders. For any Purchase Orders that are not firm-fixed price, CLIENT shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incident to the performance of Services for CLIENT, including but not limited to, all costs of equipment provided by Sanborn, all travel, food, lodging, all fees, fines, licenses, Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 B_1 bonds or taxes required of or imposed against Sanborn and all other of Sanborn's costs of doing business. Services Agreement v8;12/17/2014 2 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE 02/062015 12015 /YYYY) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT MARSH USA INC. NAME' 122517TH STREET,SUITE 1300 PAIC.HONE A!C No): DENVER,CO 80202-5534 E-MAIL Attn:Denver.cearequesl@marsh.com/FAX:212 948-4381 ADDRESS: INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# 020630-STND-GAWUE-14-15 INSURER A:Transportation Insurance Cc 20494 INSURED INSURER B:NIA N/A The Sanborn Map Company,Inc. 1935 Jamboree Drive,Suite 100 INSURER C:N/A NIA Colorado Springs,CO 80920 INSURER D:Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company 23035 INSURER E: Illinois Union Insurance Co 27960 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: SEA-002530231-01 REVISION NUMBER:I THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER MMIDDNYYY FF MM/DDY/YYYY LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY 4034423300 10/01/2014 10/01/2015 1,000,000 EACH OCCURRENCE $ X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED 1,000,000 PREMISES Ea occurrence $ CLAIMS�MADE �OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 X POLICY PRO LOC $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Ea accident ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ HIREDAUTOS AUTOS (Per $ UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED I I RETENTION$ $ D WORKERS COMPENSATION WC2Z21969115013 10/01/2014 10/01/2015 X WC STATU- TORY I JOTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YEfL 1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNER/EXECUTIVE❑ ACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICERlMEMBEREXCLUDED? N/A E.L.. (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under 1,000,000DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ E E&O/Professional Liability G25704423004 10/01/2014 10/0112015 Aggregate 5,000,000 Claims Made Policy S.I.R.(each claim) 100,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space Is required) The City of Bozeman,its officers,agents,and employees,are included as additional insured(except workers'compensation)where required by written contract. General Liability is primary and non-contributory. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Bozeman SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Attn:Jon Henderson,GIS Manager THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 20 East Olive Street ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Bozeman,MT 59715 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE of Marsh USA Inc. Stephen Wilson ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CNA CNA PARAMOUNT First Party Terms and Conditions B. then to the Insurer, until the Insurer is reimbursed for the settlement made; and, C. then to the Named Insured, until the Named Insured is reimbursed for that part of the loss or damage equal to the Deductible amount, if any. Recoveries do not include any recovery: 1. from insurance, suretyship, reinsurance,security or indemnity taken for the Insurer's benefit; or 2. of original securities after duplicates of them have been issued. XIII. RESUMPTION OF OPERATIONS The Insurer will reduce the amount of lost business income if and to the extent that the Named Insured could have reduced such loss: A. by complete or partial resumption of operations,whether damaged or not; or B. by making use of stock, merchandise or other property; Solely with respect to dependent property,the Insurer will reduce the amount of the Named Insured's business income loss to the extent the Named Insured can resume the Named Insured's operations in whole or in part, by using any other available source of materials or outlet for the Named Insured's products or services. XIV. SALVAGE AND RECOVERIES All salvages, recoveries, and payments, excluding proceeds from subrogation and other insurance, recovered or received prior to a loss settlement under this Policy, shall reduce the loss accordingly. If recovered or received subsequent to a loss settlement under this Policy, such net amounts received shall be divided between the interests concerned in the proportion of such respective interests. XV. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO THE INSURER If the Insurer pays a claim under this Policy, it will be subrogated, to the extent of such payment,to all the Named Insured's rights of recovery from other persons, organizations and entities.The Named Insured will execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure such rights.The Named Insured shall do nothing to prejudice such rights. The Insurer will have no rights of subrogation against: A. any person or entity who or which is a Named Insured; B. any subsidiary or any entity associated with the Named Insured through ownership or management; C. any other person or entity that the Named Insured waived its rights of subrogation against in writing before the time of loss. XVI. VACANCY If a building where loss or damage occurs has not been used by the Named Insured to conduct its business as specified in the Policy for more than 60 consecutive days before such loss or damage occurs, the Insurer will not pay for any loss or damage caused by any of the following even if they are covered perils: A. vandalism; B. sprinkler leakage, unless the Named Insured has protected the system against freezing; C. building glass breakage; D. water damage; E. theft or attempted theft. CNA62647XX 09-12 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Page 6 of 11 CNA G 1(Ed. 12 06) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. TECHNOLOGY GENERAL LIABILITY EXTENSION ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Coverage afforded under this extension of coverage endorsement does not apply to any person or organization covered as an additional insured on any other endorsement now or hereafter attached to this Coverage Part. 1. ADDITIONAL INSURED—BLANKET VENDORS h. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to arising out of the sole negligence of the include as an additional insured any person or vendor for its own acts or omissions or those of its employees or anyone else organization (referred to below as vendor) with whom acting its behalf. However, this you agreed, because of a written contract or exclusion does not apply to: agreement to provide insurance, but only with respect to "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of (1) The exceptions contained in "your products" which are distributed or sold in the Subparagraphs d. or f.; or regular course of the vendor's business, subject to the following additional exclusions: (2) Such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed 1. The insurance afforded the vendor does not to make or normally undertakes to apply to: make in the usual course of a. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for business, in connection with the which the vendor is obligated to pay distribution or sale of the products. damages by reason of the assumption of 2. This insurance does not apply to any insured liability in a contract or agreement. This person or organization, from whom you have exclusion does not apply to liability for acquired such products, or any ingredient, damages that the vendor would have in part or container, entering into, accompanying the absence of the contract or agreement; or containing such products. b. Any express warranty unauthorized by 3. This provision 1. does not apply to any vendor you; included as an insured by an endorsement c. Any physical or chemical change in the issued by us and made a part of this product made intentionally by the vendor; Coverage Part. 4. This provision 1. does not apply if "bodily d. Repackaging, except when unpacked injury" or "property damage" included within solely for the purpose of inspection, the"products-completed operations hazard" is demonstration, testing, or the substitution excluded either by the provisions of the Z9 of parts under instructions from the Coverage Part or by endorsement. S manufacturer, and then repackaged in the g original container; 2. MISCELLANEOUS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS e. Any failure to make such inspections, WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to adjustments, tests or servicing as the include as an insured any person or organization vendor has agreed to make or normally (called additional insured) described in paragraphs undertakes to make in the usual course of 2.a. through 2.h. below whom you are required to add business, in connection with the as an additional insured on this policy under a written distribution or sale of the products; contract or agreement but the written contract or f. Demonstration, installation, servicing or agreement must be: repair operations, except such operations 1. Currently in effect or becoming effective performed at the vendor's premises in during the term of this policy;and connection with the sale of the product; 2. Executed prior to the "bodily injury," "property g. Products which, after distribution or sale damage" or "personal injury and advertising by you, have been labeled or relabeled or injury," but only the following persons or used as a container, part or ingredient of organizations are additional insureds under any other thing or substance by or for the this endorsement and coverage provided to vendor; or G-144294-C99 Page 1 of 6 (Ed. 12/06) G-144294-C99 (Ed. 12/06) such additional insureds is limited as provided (a) The existence, maintenance, herein: repair, construction, erection, or a. Additional Insured—"Your Work" removal of advertising signs, awnings, canopies, cellar That person or organization for whom you entrances, coal holes, driveways, do work is an additional insured solely for manholes, marquees, hoistaway liability due to your negligence specifically openings, sidewalk vaults, street resulting from "your work" for the banners, or decorations and additional insured which is the subject of similar exposures; or the written contract or written agreement. (b) The construction, erection, or No coverage applies to liability resulting removal of elevators; or from the sole negligence of the additional insured. (2) This insurance applies only with The insurance provided to the additional respect to operations performed by you or on your behalf for which the insured is limited as follows: state or political subdivision has (1) The Limits of Insurance applicable to issued a permit. the additional insured are those This insurance does not apply to "bodily specified in the written contract or injury," "property damage" or "personal written agreement or in the D and advertising injury' arising out of Declarations of this policy, whichever operations performed for the state or is less. These Limits of Insurance are inclusive of, and not in addition to, municipality. the Limits of Insurance shown in the c. Controlling Interest Declarations. Any persons or organizations with a (2) The coverage provided to the controlling interest in you but only with additional insured by this paragraph. respect to their liability arising out of: 2.a., does not apply to "bodily injury" (1) Their financial control of you; or or "property damage" arising out of the "products-completed operations (2) Premises they own, maintain or hazard" unless: control while you lease or occupy (a) It is required by the written these premises. contract or written agreement; This insurance does not apply to and structural alterations, new construction (b) "Bodily injury" or "property and demolition operations performed by damage" included within the or for such additional insured. "products-completed operations d. Managers or Lessors of Premises hazard" is not excluded either by the provisions of the Coverage A manager or lessor of premises but only Part or by endorsement. with respect to liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of that (3) The insurance provided to the specific part of the premises leased to additional insured does not apply to you and subject to the following additional "bodily injury," "property damage," or exclusions: "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering or failure This insurance does not apply to: to render any professional services. (1) Any "occurrence" which takes place b. State or Political Subdivisions after you cease to be a tenant in that premises;or A state or political subdivision subject to the following provisions: (2) Structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations (1) This insurance applies only with performed by or on behalf of such respect to the following hazards for additional insured. which the state or political subdivision has issued a permit in connection e. Mortgagee,Assignee or Receiver with premises you own, rent, or A mortgagee, assignee or receiver but control and to which this insurance only with respect to their liability as applies: G-144294-C99 Page 2 of 6 (Ed. 12/06) G-144294-C99 (Ed. 12/06) mortgagee, assignee, or receiver and Any insurance provided to an additional insured arising out of the ownership, designated under paragraphs b. through h. above maintenance, or use of a premises by does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property you. damage" included within the "products-completed This insurance does not apply to operations hazard." structural alterations, new construction or As respects the coverage provided under this demolition operations performed by or for endorsement, Paragraph 4.b. SECTION IV — such additional insured. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY f. Owners/Other Interests — Land is CONDITIONS is deleted and replaced with the Leased following: An owner or other interest from whom 4. Other Insurance land has been leased by you but only with b. Excess Insurance respect to liability arising out of the This insurance is excess over: ownership, maintenance or use of that specific part of the land leased to you and Any other insurance naming the subject to the following additional additional insured as an insured whether exclusions: primary, excess, contingent or on any This insurance does not apply to: other basis unless a written contract or agreement specifically requires that this (1) Any "occurrence" which takes place insurance be either primary or primary after you cease to lease that land;or and noncontributing. Where required by (2) Structural alterations, new written contract or agreement, we will construction or demolition operations consider any other insurance maintained performed by or on behalf of such by the additional insured for injury or additional insured. damage covered by this endorsement to be excess and noncontributing with this g. Co-owner of Insured Premises insurance. A co-owner of a premises co-owned by 3. NEWLY FORMED OR ACQUIRED you and covered under this insurance but ORGANIZATIONS only with respect to the co-owners liability Paragraph 3.a. of Section II — Who Is An Insured is as co-owner of such premises. deleted and replaced by the following: h. Lessor of Equipment Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the Any person or organization from whom end of the policy period or the next anniversary of this you lease equipment. Such person or policy's effective date after you acquire or form the organization are insureds only with organization, whichever is earlier. respect to their liability arising out of the 4. JOINT VENTURES / PARTNERSHIP / LIMITED maintenance, operation or use by you of LIABILITY COMPANY COVERAGE S equipment leased to you by such person or organization. A person's or A. The following is added to Section II —Who Is An organization's status as an insured under Insured: this endorsement ends when their written 4. You are an insured when you had an interest contract or agreement with you for such leased equipment ends. in a joint venture, partnership or limited liability company which terminated or ended With respect to the insurance afforded prior to or during this policy period but only to these additional insureds, the following the extent of your interest in such joint additional exclusions apply: venture, partnership or limited liability This insurance does not apply: company. This coverage does not apply: (1) To any 'occurrence" which takes a. Prior to the termination date of any joint place after the equipment lease venture, partnership or limited liability = expires; or company; or (2) To "bodily injury," "property damage," b• If there is other valid and collectible or "personal and advertising injury" insurance purchased specifically to insure arising out of the sole negligence of the partnership, joint venture or limited .— such additional insured. liability company. G-144294-C99 Page 3 of 6 (Ed. 12/06) sanborn www.sunborn.com 1 1.866.726.2676 it - 11 • Monday, January 12, 2015 Prepared exclusively for: City of Bozeman, Montana City of Bozeman, Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery & Collection of Impervious Surface Data Copy This Response is for use in connection with the City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals.This Response may be disclosed and distributed solely to those individuals who have a need to know and only for purposes of evaluating this Response to the City of Bozeman, Montana Request for Proposals. ©2015,The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED."Sanborn"and"Sanborn Map"are Trademarks owned by The Sanborn Library,LLC,and used under license by The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. Corporate Headquarters Phone:719.593.0093 1935 jamboree Drive Toll-Free:1.866,726.2676 Sanborn Suite 100 Fax;.so719.528.5093 om Colorado Springs.CO 80920 www.sanborn.com January 8,2015 Mr.Jon Henderson GIS Manager 20 F. Olive St Bozeman,IVTT 59775 Re: City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data Dear Mr.Henderson: On behalf of the Sanborn Map Company,Inc. (Sanborn),it is our pleasure to submit a response to this Request for Proposal(RFP) for the above-referenced project.Sanborn is excited about the opportunity to work with the City of Bozeman,Montana(City),on this project.You will find our proposal complete and in compliance with your request for proposals. Sanborn is one of the largest photogrammetric mapping and GIS data conversion£urns in the United States.With over 125 personnel dedicated to aerial imagery and mapping services,Sanborn has unparalleled technical expertise available to its clients and a long-standing reputation for excellence. Sanborn's product excellence,combined with a strong project management system,will help ensure that your project is successfully completed according to your specifications and needs.We have extensive experience in digital orthophoto production and topographic mapping and have successfully completed numerous projects nationwide. Sanborn has successfully performed similar projects for the City in 2012 and 2014.The current project requires a project team that has the expertise and resources to complete it in the timeframe required.To provide schedule and cost savings,Sanborn will use the services of Valley Air Photos for the aerial acquisition task on this project and will work with Genesys International Corportation Ltd(Genesys),a partner of Sanborn,for the collection of updated impervious features.Sanborn has teamed with Valley Air Photos and Genesys on several projects in the past. With the submission of this proposal we affirm we have complied with every requirement of the RFP.VVithout exception,this proposal is premised upon performing and furnishing the work required,applying specific means, methods,and techniques as indicated in this proposal document. The Project Manager for your project will be Mr.Luiz Cortes.Mr.Cortes is a Professional Land Survevor and an ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist,with over 24 years of experience in the survey-mapping profession.Mr. Cortes is currently the General Manager of Sanborn's Charlotte office,where the majority of this project will be performed and reviewed. Mr.Henderson Page 2 of 2 January 8,2015 With this proposal,Sanborn is affirming that it will not discriminate on the basis of color,religion,creed,sex,age, marital status,national origin,or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation,gender identity or disability and recognizing the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and this prohibition on discrimination shall apply to the hiring and treatment of our employees and to all subcontracts. Sincerely, John R.Copple President/CEO Enclosures sanborn Table of Contents Section I — Statement of Understanding................................................................ I Executive Summary.............................................................................................. 1 Section II — Proposed Technology and Equipment...............................................5 Technical Approach, Methodology, and Deliverables........................................... 5 PilotProject.......................................................................................................... 6 Technology and Equipment.................................................................................. 7 Digital Aerial Imagery Acquisition ......................................................................... 9 Pre-Acquisition Planning .................................................................................... 13 MissionExecution............................................................................................... 15 Geo-referencing................................................................... ......... 19 ...................... Airborne GPS / Inertial Measurement................................................................. 19 Digital Aerotriangulation (DAT)........................................................................... 27 ElevationModeling ............................................................................................. 29 Ortho Imagery Processing.................................................................................. 30 Impervious Surface Data.................................................................................... 35 QA/QC Program and Continuous Improvements................................................ 38 Project Management .......................................................................................... 40 Deliverable Products .......................................................................................... 40 Section III — Personnel Qualifications..................................................................43 KeyPersonnel....................................................................................................43 Resumes ............................................................................................................ 48 Section IV— References ........................................................................................68 Section V— Subcontractors..................................................................................73 Subcontractor Management............................................................................... 73 Section VI — Change in Scope............................................................................... 75 Procedure to Accommodate Changes in Scope of the Contract......................... 75 Fee Schedule and Cost of Service Changes...................................................... 76 Section VII — Contractor's Expectations of City Staff......................................... 77 Section VIII — Delivery Schedule...........................................................................78 ProposedSchedule............................................................................................ 78 Section IX— Price Proposal .................................................................................. 79 Quote for Digital Orthoimagery and Impervious Surface.................................... 79 City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data Confidential and Proprietary,0205 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphks included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sunborn Section I - Statement of Understanding The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. (Sanborn)understands that the City of Bozeman,iNlontana (the City)wishes to procure 6-inch 4-band(RGB and NIR) true color,digital orthorectified imagery meeting 1"=100'map scale(i.e., 1"=600'photo scale),and impervious surface data produced using photogrammetric means.Project extents include a 74 square mile planning boundary for the orthorectified imagery,as well as impervious surface data for the entire 20 square mile cite limit boundary. This data will be provided x-6th FGDC-compliant metadata,and will be used to support ongoing regulatory,land management,planning and engineering projects for the City. Further,this data will be stored in the CitS's ArcSDE database,providing geospatial data information to both internal and external customers through various client applications and downloadable data files. Executive Summary Corporate Profile Sanborn is a geospatial solutions company that specializes in providing a broad range of geographic information products,services,and solutions to government agencies and commercial organizations throughout the United States and abroad.Sanborn Nvas founded in 1866,and is one of the largest mapping companies in the nation.Headquartered in Colorado Springs,Colorado,the firm serves its U.S. clientele from three strategically located technology centers,providing local support,extensive resources,and fast response times for projects ranging in size from a few acres to the national level. Our capabilities include: ■ GPS ground control surveys ■ Acquisition of vertical and oblique aerial imagers-in color and infrared formats,including airborne GPS and IMU controlled imagery,using advanced digital sensors ■ Digital orthophoto imagery creation ■ Airborne and terrestrial L.iDAR data acquisition for terrain and feature modeling ■ Planimetric and topographic mapping ■ Acquisition and processing of satellite imagery ■ Remote sensing analysis,including change detection,pervious/impervious classification,and land cover/land use mapping ■ 3D infrastructure modeling and simulation ■ Parcel and facility data conversion ■ GeoI'F support including data analysis,data hosting,website creation,and custom application development City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 1 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in tins response are for illustrative and representative purposes orgy and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables -- Sanborn Sanborn has always recognized the importance of playing an industry-leading role and providing clients with access to the most progressive solutions available,enabling us to deliver products and services in the most timely and cost-effective manner possible.The company has had a number of important"firsts"in aerial mapping and imaging,including pioneering the use of digital terrain modeling techniques and contour interpolation in 1984,and having the first commercial,proprietary,digital orthophoto imagery production system in the country in 1988. Sanborn purchased its first LiDAR system in 1998,and began operating digital aerial camera sensors in 2004. The Sanborn Solution The Sanborn team will utilize existing ground control on this project to the fullest extent possible,and augment it with new,photo-identifiable ground control points where needed. Sanborn's approach is to utilize a combination of targeted NGS published control stations,semi- permanent,field-identified control points,and AGPS/IMU-controlled aerial photography to accurately control the Fully Analytical Aerial Triangulation(FART)solution. Airborne GPS/Inertial Measurement Unit(AGPS/IMU)data will provide accurate support for image positioning and orientation,minimizing the required number of ground control points while still enabling the creation of orthoimagery and other mapping products that conform to the accuracy standards set by the City-for the project. Collection of AGPS/IMU-controlled vertical color imagery for this project xvill be performed by Sanborn with the advanced UltraCam Eagle digital aerial camera system. Due to capacity issues during the proposed acquisition timeframe,Sanborn will use the services of Valley Air Photos. Based in Caldwell,Idaho,Valley Air Photos will provide acquisition support services that will keep the City of Bozeman's project on schedule and provides additional cost savings when compared to mobilization fees from other locations.Sanborn have successfully worked with Valley Air on several projects in the past,in California,Nevada,Arizona and Oregon. All of the City's data will be maintained on Sanborn's robust,state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, capable of processing,storing,and communicating large volumes of data reliably and securely. Sanborn will use a suite of commercial and proprietary-software tools for aerial triangulation, LiDAR processing,contour creation,and planimetric snapping.Sanborn will perform orthorectification of the imagery using its proprietary METRO software suite.Our software and workflow will ensure geometrically accurate and radiometrically pleasing imagery,and will facilitate elimination of defects such as image smearing,bridge distortions,radial distortion, seamline and mosaicking errors,and unsightly image artifacts.Interim deliverables and pilot/sample data will be provided to the City,and the City member's project managers will be involved in key decisions regarding subjective aspects of image radiometry. Sanborn has extensive experience with photo-interpretation and extraction of impervious data from aerial imagery for use GIS system for future analysis.Working with our partner,Genesys International Corporation,Sanborn will manually compile all structure and specified pavement that defines the surface as impervious causing rain run-off. Our final products will meet or exceed accuracy mapping as defined by ASPRS Class 1 standards. Quality Management Rigorous quality control,based upon Sanborn's ISO 9001:2008-based Quality Management Program is integrated into our workflow,ensuring that any errors are caught and eliminated City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 2 Confidenfial and Proprietary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are(or illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn during the production process,rather than relying on large audits late in the project that result in costly rework and impact to the project schedule.Sanborn management will exercise tight control over the project,and coordinate our efforts with those of the Consortium's management and staff to ensure that this project is completed on time,to specification,and within budget. Sanborn's project management approach encompasses best practices of the Project Management Institute,which are applied to meet or exceed the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.Sanborn uses automated software tools to assist with project planning,monitoring,tracking and reporting. Sanborn's Quality-Management System has been developed to ensure that adequate and continuous control is in operation for all activities affecting product quality.\Where specific regulatory requirements affect our processes,our procedures and instructions will be designed or revised to meet such requirements.Sanborn employs methods and techniques that foster continuous improvement and good business practice. Sanborn places an emphasis on problem prevention rather than dependence on detection after occurrence.Every effort is made to perform operations and quality-related activities correctly the first time.The Quality Management System includes a formal review of the parameters affecting product quality from conception to contractual fulfillment.Whenever necessary,corrective and preventive actions are implemented to ensure continuous improvement. Relevant Experience Sanborn has a demonstrable track record of success on large,complex orthoimagery,LiDAR, and photogrammetric mapping projects throughout the United States.The company has extensive experience in the western region of the United States,including previous projects for the City of Bozeman,Lewis and Clark County,the State of Wyoming,and cities and counties throughout the State of Colorado. Sanborn has recently completed large orthoimagery creation,LiDAR and photogrammetric mapping projects for the states of New York,Virginia,Michigan,Louisiana,North Carolina, X);yoming,and Kansas.Additionally,Sanborn has performed airborne imagery acquisition and creation of digital orthophotography of the states of Virginia,West Virginia,South Dakota, Arizona,New Mexico,North Carolina,Colorado,South Carolina,Georgia,New Hampshire, Vermont,and Tennessee under contract to the U.S.Department of Agriculture for their NAIP and NAPP programs.Sanborn's recent project involvement has included statewide imagery programs that required collection of imagery for areas exceeding 40,000 square miles,and delivering tens of thousands of orthoimagery tiles within the space of 6-8 months.The company's first-time acceptance rate for orthoimagery submittals has exceeded 98 percent. Sanborn has also recently completed major LiDAR mapping projects in and for the states of Kansas,South Carolina,Iowa,and Texas,as well as for many*local agencies in those and other states.Additionally,Sanborn has performed LiDAR collection and processing in the states of New York,Virginia,Massachusetts,Maine,Vermont,Iowa,Kansas,Texas,New Mexico,and Puerto Rico under contracts valued over$1.6 million to provide LiDAR data to the U.S.Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)for their Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIW program. Key Personnel Sanborn's experience with and ability to manage large,complex orthoimagery and photogrammetric mapping projects is due in no small part to significant investments in human City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 3 Confidential and Proprietary,m 2015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of me final deliverables. Sanborn and equipment resources.The Sanborn team of nearly 130 geospatial technology and management professionals possesses an enviable resume of project experience,significant educational credentials,and registration from government agencies and leading industry associations.Sanborn offers the City an exceptionally qualified project team with many years of experience in digital orthoimagery and photogrammetic mapping. Mr.Luiz Cortes,CP,SP,PPS,GISP,will be the single point of contact for the project and will serve as your primary liaison with Sanborn operations staff and management. In general,Mr. Cortes will be responsible for project definition,production oversight,scheduling,quality- management,and financial and contractual management. Mr.Cortes has more than 25 years of experience at various mapping companies in the geospatial industry with a focus on photogrammetric production.He has super%rised and managed more than 200 mapping projects during his 18 years in project management Review of Terms and Conditions Sanborn understands that many of the basic terms and conditions in the RFP are based upon statutory or regulatory requirements and are not subject to negotiation.Sanborn notes that certain terms and conditions may or may not be applicable to this procurement,or may require adjustment based on the specifics of this procurement;and,reserves the right to discuss and negotiate these terms and conditions during the contract negotiation. Sanborn is confident that a mutually acceptable Contract will be negotiated upon selection that is based upon and reflects the final project specifications,deliverables,schedule,and fees. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 4 Confidential and Proprietary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. -- - sanborn Section II — Proposed Technology and Equipment Technical Approach, Methodology, and Deliverables This section provides a detailed explanation of the technology and equipment Sanborn will utilize in order to produce accurate,high-quality imagery products.All methods and procedures will comply with the requirements as set forth in the Scope of Work of this RFP. This includes project management,and the steps taken internally to provide quality assurance and quality control throughout the entire process,assuring that all deliverables will be acceptable. Technical Approach Sanborn will use digital photogrammetry methods to produce all requested deliverables. ■ Ground Survev:All field survey activities,placement of targets and GPS survey tasks will be performed by Mr.Steve Wood.Mr.Wood is a Professional Land Surveyor with licenses in several states,including Montana.Sanborn's photogrammetrists will recover the datasheets and information for all ground survey points that were performed in 2012 for the City by Sanborn's surveyors.The location of these points will be re-evaluated according to the layout of planned flight lines for this 2015 project.A map in KNIZ(Google Earth) file format will be provided to Mr.Woods,who will locate the needed points and verify-if all photo-identifiable points are still in place,or will place targets on existing points and monuments in order for points to be easily identified on the aerial photos.Surveying will be conducted before or in parallel with the aerial acquisition. Final coordinates will be adjusted and a report completed prior to the beginning of the aerotriangulation phase. ■ Acquisition:A Vexcel/Microsoft UltraCam Digital Mapping Camera will be used for this project. Sanborn owns three UhtraCam Eagles and one U1traCam-D.Vlen workload demands,Sanborn uses the services of partners for image acquisition.For the City's project, Sanborn will use the services of Valley Air Photos (Valley Air).We have successfully worked with Valley Air on several projects in the past,in California,Nevada,Arizona and Oregon. The consideration and selection of Valley Air to assist in the aerial image collection is based on the following. ■ Based in Caldwell,Idaho,Valley Air is located nearby to quickly deploy to the City's project area during the desired acquisition schedule. This allows for both capacity and competitive pricing. ■ Valley Air will use a Vexcel UItraCatn Digital Mapping Camera,which is the same brand and`family'of cameras used by Sanborn.This will allow Sanborn to have total control of flight planning,and final image processing and color balance,as we apply the same workflows for flight layout and final image processing. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 5 Confidential and Proprietary.®2015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics induded in this response are for Illustrative and reprasanlabve purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables sanborn IN Sanborn and Valley Air have successfully-worked together on several projects in the past. Our combined capabilities provide a history of on-time,on-budget programs, maintaining Sanborn's focus on meeting client expectations. ■ AGPS/IMU&Image Processing:Sanborn will process the airborne GPS and all images acquired for this project.Dual-Frequency airborne GPS(AGPS) and an Inertial Measurement Unit(IML�will be used to collect the position and attitude of the camera during the entire flight mission.Applanix MMS 6.2 software will be used to process the AGPS/IMU to extract the Exterior Orientation of each exposure with 1 millisecond accuracy-.Aerial images will be collected in the UkraCam-Vexcel proprietary-format. Ultra,M_aP Software will be used for image processing allowing conversion to TIF the format and color balancing of entire project per mission. ■ Aerotrian lgu anon:Trimble Inpho Match AT will be used for the digital aerotriangulation of the entire block of photos,to ensure all images are accurately georeferenced.Sanborn will use automated correlation of pixels between overlapping photos,yielding a strong relative orientation within blocks,augmented with the AGPS and the ground control points that will ensure all aerial photos are accurately-oriented to the desired project coordinate system and projection. ■ DEM:We will recover the Digital Elevation Model dataset used for the 2012 orthophoto project and evaluate against the 2015 aerial images for change detection to identify any areas that will be required for the 2015 orthophoto project.Where needed,the DEM will be updated stereoscopically using the newly acquired aerial images. Sanborn's approach for the DEM is to have a set of masspoints,in grid format of approximately 100'x 100',with additional major breaklines where needed for accurate rectification of the aerial images. ■ Orthorectification&Mosaic:The process of orthorectification will be performed using OrthoMaster and OrthoVista. Each aerial photo will be orthorectified using the exterior orientation computed by the aerotriangulation and the newly compiled DEM.The orthorectified 'images will be color balanced to a near seamless color,contrast and brightness across the entire project area.Each orthorectified aerial photo will then be digitally mosaicked in the overlapping areas,creating a seamless image mosaic of entire project area, cut in dimensions of 5,000'x 5,000'grid tiles. ■ Impervious Mapping_ Sanborn has extensive experience with photo-interpretation and extraction of impervious data from aerial imagery for use in GIS.Impervious surfaces includes hard surfaces and pavement such as paved roads,parking lots,roofs,driveways, patios and sidewalk;that are covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt,concrete and brick,including buildings structures with rooftop.Our approach for this project is the same utilized as that with the dataset produced by Sanborn for the City of Bozeman in 2014. Sanborn with their partner Genesys will manually compile all structures and specified pavement-types that are defined as impervious (causing rain run-off).Our final products will meet or exceed mapping accuracies as defined by ASPRS Class 1 standards. Pilot Project As part of our approach,Sanborn will provide the City with a set of products very early in the project schedule.A set of showing two square miles of the indicated area of interest will be delivered to the City within one month after aerial acquisition.These files will serve as a pilot for the City's evaluation and verification that these products meet the requirements and expectation of the project stakeholders.Sanborn understands the importance of completing and receiving approval for a pilot project prior to proceeding with full production.We feel this is especially City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 6 Confidential and Proprietary.®2015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and reprewmative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sunborn critical in orthoimagery programs,which by their nature call upon us to address aesthetic elements,as well as the quantifiable technical requirements of our customers.We will use the 2012 set of orthoimages as a benchmark to match,so the City can receive a new set of orthophotos that is similar in color,contrast,brightness,quality and appearance to the current images owned and utilized by your users.Delivery of the pilot project hill take place as soon as digital aerotriangulation is completed. Technology and Equipment Proposed Sensor Technology Sanborn has fully implemented digital aerial camera technology and adapted our workflows to maximize the benefits of these systems. Sanborn was one of the first companies in the United States to purchase t and operate large-format,metric digital aerial cameras,and over the intervening years,has developed extensive expertise in the implementation and use of digital camera technology. We have worked closely with manufacturers to ensure that our workflow,from acquisition through image processing,supports our subsequent production processes,and Sanborn's professionals have been collaborating for years in the manufacturer's development and improvements to the current technology.Sanborn has been working with the Vexcel Systems (now the iNficrosoft Photogrammetry Division) since 2004, following our initial acquisition of their first generation UltraCam D camera. In total,Sanborn has used digital aerial cameras for over 3,000,000 square miles of imagery collection and processing for counties across the United States.A description of the sensor system,as well as quality assurance measures taken to ensure its readiness for use on a project is outlined below. The Microsoft/Vexcel UltraCarn Digital Aerial Imagery Sensor Sanborn works with the third-generation Microsoft/Vexcel U1traCam Eagle digital aerial imagery sensor,which is similar in concept to the U1traCam-X that is being proposed for this project. The features and benefits of the U1traCam family,and in particular the U1traCam-X,includes: ■ State-of-the-art CCD technology, 14-bit dynamic range,and a lower signal to noise ratio, resulting in nearly twice the brightness values of other sensors in the market,providing exceptionally sharp,high-quality imagery even in less-than-ideal weather/atmospheric conditions,and better interpretability in areas where shadows are unavoidably present. ■ A 7.2 µm pixel size at the sensor,compared to 12 µm for the Intergraph DMC sensor it has replaced.This allows collection of imagery at higher altitudes than was previously possible,while still meeting the accuracy and . resolution requirements set for a project. ■ Utilizes the best optics module currently available on the market. Additionally,the 100mm lens system provides a broader"central ', perspective",resulting in less radial displacement(e.g."building lean')in the image data. ' ■ "Frame"based sensor technology:in contrast to"push-broom" or line sensors that are completely reliant on the AGPS/IMU technology to generate usable data,the frame based approach City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 7 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn allow to nonnal photograminetric solutions be applied;enabling normal use of imager-in the event of problems with the AGPS/IMU sub-systems. ■ Forward Motion Compensation (FMC): through TDI (Time Delayed Integration). ■ Solid state,in-flight exchangeable data storage modules result in higher reliability-and longer mission times. ■ Suitable for a wide range of applications, From large-scale engineering mapping to low- resolution remote sensing projects. Micwsoft UltraCam-X -Technical Specifications Image Product Specification Image format Analogous to an aerial film image at a format of 23 cm x 15 cm,scanned at 15 µm Image data formats JPEG;TIFF with options for 8 and 16 bits,standard tiff format Image storage format in level 2 Full resolution panchromatic,separate color channels at color resolution Color at level 3 Full resolution R,G,B,Near-IR channels,planar or pixel-interleaved Digital Camera Technical Data(Sensor Unit S-X) Panchromatic image size 14,430`9420 pixels Panchromatic physical pixel size 7.2 µm Input data quantity per image 418 Mega Bytes Physical format of the focal plane 103.89 mm'67.82 mm Lens system Linos Vexcel Apo-Sironar digital HR Panchromatic lens focal distance 100 mm Lens aperture f=1/5.6 Total field of view,cross track(along track) 55'(37') Color(multi-spectral capability) 4 channels--RGB&NIR Color image size 4810 3190 pixels Color physical pixel size 7.2 µm Lens system Linos Vexcel Apo-Sironar digital HR Color lens system focal distance 33 mm Color lens aperture f=1/4.0 Total color field of view,cross track(along track) 55'(37') Shutter system Prontor magnetic 0—Vexcel Shutter speed options 1/500 to 1/32 Forward-motion compensation(FMC) TDI controlled Maximum FMC-capability 50 pixels Pixel size on the ground(GSD)at flying height of 1000 m(at 500m) 7.2 cm(3.6 cm) Frame rate per second(minimum inter-image interval) 1 frame per 1.35 seconds Analog-to-digital conversion at 14 bits Radiometric resolution in each color channel >12 bit Physical dimensions of the camera unit 45cm x 45cm x 60 cm Weight —55 kg Power consumption at full performance 150 W City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimag"&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 8 Confidential and Proprietary.®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn In Flight Data Storage D-X and Data Processing C-X In-flight storage capacity Unlimited with use of multiple data units D-X;per D-X unit-1.7 TB In-flight capacity to collect uncompressed frames Unlimited with multiple D-X units;per D-X unit-4700 images Method of exchanging D-X units in-flight In less than 3 minute Configuration of Storage DA and Computing C-X C-X with 14 Pentium-M CPUs;each D-X with 14 disks Redundancy Storing mirror images of the data on two D-X units Data transfer into office environment Removable DA data units;docking station(optionally mobile) Physical dimensions Width 50cm x Depth 36cm x Height 65 cm Weight of C-Xp+2 D-Xp <92 kg Weight of C-Xp -65 kg Weight of single D-Xp -16 kg Power consumption at full performance 700 W Operational Specification Data collection period at 70%&20%overlap,at 20 cm GSD(film scale 1:10,000),140knts 8.5 hours per single D-Xp unit Post-processing of collected raw images UltraMap,UM/AT extension,PC network or Laptop Data transfer from aircraft to office Shipping of 0-Xp,ortransfer by high capacity storage medium Mounting of the camera Using adapter ring for all current film camera mounts(PAV-30,PAV-80,Z/1 T-AS,GSM3000) Flight planning support Compatible with commercial systems(CCNS-4,Trackair,Vega,....) Exterior orientation support Compatible with DGPS/IMU systems(IGI's Aero-Control,Applanix POS-AV) Photogrammetric Production TIFF-output compatible with Customer's photogrammetric production software Image geometric accuracy Better t2 µm Highlights of Microsoft/Vexcel UltraCam-X Specifications High-resolution 20K x 13K Final output image is Panchromatic camera: 14,430 x 9,420 pixels Field of view: 55' cross track x 37' along track Panchromatic camera lens system: f= 100.5mm (Aperture 1/5.6) Shutter s eed 1/500 to 1132 sec Multispectral 6.7K x 4.4K cameras (x4): red, green, blue, and near infrared each 4,810 x 3,190 pixels Multispectral camera lens system: 4: x f= 33mm/f: 4.0 or f=27mm/f: 4.0 Shutters eed 1/500 to 1/32 sec Physical pixel size: 7.2 pm Input data quantity per image: 418 me bytes, 136 me a ixels Maximum frame rate: <1.35 seconds per frame CCD image dynamic range: 12 bit; workflow dynamic: 16 bit In-flight data storage system: Solid state disc pack, Capacity—1.7 TB, — 4,700 images per swappable unit Time needed to swap disc pack infli ht: Less than 3 minutes The proposed camera system has been calibrated,modeling all known errors.A digital camera calibration for our proposed s)-stem is included on a CD with the proposal submission,which demonstrates a high degree of internal geometric accuracy,and stabilit-,. Track'Air gyro-stabilized camera mounts are used with this camera,ensuring high-quality-imager)- even in the event of unexpected turbulent flight conditions. Digital Aerial Imagery Acquisition Sanborn recognizes that one of the most critical phases of this project is acquisition of the aerial imagers%Timely collection of consistent,high quality aerial imagen,and related data such as City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 9 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in thus response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn airborne GPS and IMU,is the foundation for generating high quality digital ortlnophotography and other derivative data products. Sanborn and Valley Air will work together to ensure that acquisition phase is successfully performed in time. ■ Sanborn will layout the flight line and plan on mobilization for the ground survey targets prior to acquisition. ■ Flight plan will be submitted to the City for final approval. ■ A preliminary flight plan for this project is presented on the nest page. Our plan is to collect the aerial photos with 15cm GSD,which is better than the final product of 15.2cm(6in).That will allow sharper final orthophoto files at 0.5'resolution. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 10 Confidential and Proprietary.02DI 5 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics induded in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables sanborn The City of Bozeman, MT Preliminary Flight & Control Layout For 2015 Digital Orthoimagery & Impervious Surface Data o 0 i r o I j o I 4 o o ti q o` o 0 0 � 0 o I 0 � D 0 0 ¢ g 4 0 o g � by a 6 O� I I a I ti i c -- -- l o I Il II 4 I 2012 PIOITarget Control Layout o I�—i dd d o 2015 Photo Plan Layout-429 Exposures-15crr 15 Flight Lines flown at 6900 feet above ground Aenal Flight_boundary sanborn 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 Miles City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 11 Confidential and Proprietary.O 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables sanborn Our team offers wholly--owned data acquisition resources,including high performance multi- engine aircraft.A summary of proposed subcontractor (Valley Air Photos) capacity follows: Valley Air Equipment and Resources } ALLEY.AIR_ f H o r o s Company Profile Valley Air Photosis a 100%woman-mmed small business specializing inhigh accuracy verticalaerialphotography and data acquisition throughout the United States and Canada.With an office inboth Caldwell-Idaho and Glendale,Arizona,Vallev Air Photos is able to meet any of yourproj ect needs.A dedicated teamofindividuals work together to serve the best interests of our clients. Key personnel include Cathy Graville,Owner,Kevin Graville, Director Of Operations,Nathanael Litter,Chief Pilot,and Darcy Merritt,Lab Manager. We currently own and operate THREE high performance aircrafts:two twin-engines Cessna 320's and a Beechcra8 Bonanza. All aircrafts are e quipped with.extended range fueltankstoallowforagreaterrange,andmoretimeonproject. Standard equipment found on our aircraft includes:Track-Air Flight management systems.Gvro-Stabilized mounts,and GPS rec eivers forAirb ome GPS data collection. For direct digital imagery acquisition,Valley Air Photosutilizes Two�_�CSI UltraCam X large format digital camera,each coupled with anAggn .Type3lP_p;_W'510MiL. The footprints of the U[traC am X equals 1443 0 pixels cross track and 9420 pixels along track. Theo-Bandimageryiscollectedusing four 10 Omm focal length pancl-Komatic camera heads and four 3 3mmmulti spectral camera heads. Valley Air photos has5 digital storage units with the capacity to capture up to 4700 images each and canb e replaced within a fewminutes while still onproject. In addition to our digital capacity,Valley Air Photos owns TwoZeiss Top 15 Systems,a Top 30,and anRIvIKA21r23(208mm)aerialmappingcamera,allwith current USGS calibrations. Our office houses a full service photo lab,which allows us b etter control of the spee d and quality of imagery thatwe provide to our clients. Our trained st affis familiar with all aspects of both the analog and digital work-flows. We have the capacity to process both color andB&WfIm,and provide a full range ofphotographicproducts. Thesepro ducts include contact prints,enlargements,and digital scans from our Z'IpJ.wt9_�cm aerial film scanner. Ifyou are after direct digital imagery,our 48-core server canprocessyour digital imagery quickly to ensure timely delivery ofyourprejects. Typically direct digital imagery is shipped out of our office within 48-72 hours o fbeing photographed For over 26 years,we have strived to exceed the expectations of our clients that include: individuals,mapping companies,local,state,and federal govemmerit agencies. Valley Air Photos has experience flying projects throughout the entire United States and Canada.Our flight crews have extensive experience with flights atamide range of photo scales and in all types ofterrain. They are comfortable flyingin all classes of airspace.as well as Military Operations Area and Restricted airspace.We routinely coordinate withmultiple controlling agencies,both on the ground and while in the air,to meet the needs of our clients. Our attentionto detaiL our strict quality control standards and our unified goal of exceedingthe expectations of our clients,is the driving force behind malting V allev Air Photos a leader in aerial acquisition in the Western United States. Ownership of Valley Air Photos Sole Proprietorship operating as a Limited Liability Company Small Business,100%Woman-Owned EIN:8P-0398410 SIIGGN�AT'URRE ,/� DATE C-�.�tk�ti' ! . alnL�2 January06,2014 Catherine H.Graville City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 12 Confidential and Proprietary,C 2015 The Sanbom Map Company.Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in tivs response are for illusbatNe and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables F sanborn ■ Sanborn will coordinate with Valley Air daily,and provide a summary status report to the City of Bozeman with collection status and weather update(%). ■ Valley Air will upload the GPS/IMU data on same day of collection,to Sanborn's FTP site for processing on the nest day; ■ Initial image QC will be performed in the field and all images sent to Sanborn for processing and final review within 4-days; Pre-Acquisition Planning Sanborn will carefully plan all missions to ensure that the resulting data will be compliant with the requirements set for the project.NXTe will review our proposed flight and ground control layout plan with the Citt's project manager,prior to mobilizing any field or airborne resources. Flight and Control Plans Flight planning and execution will adhere to ASPRS Standards.All flight and control plans%rill be reviewed by one of Sanborn's ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrists prior to their release.A summary of procedures and considerations in flight mission planning is as follows: ■ Sanborn will prepare a digital flight line layout for the project area using Track'Air software, taking into account the configuration of the U1traCam X aerial camera,and the accuracy-and resolution required for the imagery*and other products under this solicitation.These parameters determine the flight altitude,the footprint of each exposure on the ground,and number of flight lines and exposures,and ground control requirements. ■ Flight lines will extend continuously across the project area. Our preliminary analysis of the area indicates a North-South layout as being the optimal direction of flight,to reduce acquisition time. ■ To allow a redundancy of GPS control for the subsequent aerotriangulation task,we have planned collection of crosslines in an East-West direction on the north side of the project area,which will connect the north end of the parallel N/S lies.Diagonal lines are planned at the south end of the lines,requiring a reduced number of ground control points. ■ The principal points of the first and last two exposures of each flight strip will fall outside the boundaries of the area to be covered by the flight,to ensure 100 percent stereoscopic project coverage. ■ Forward lap and side lap will be as shown in the table below,and will be adjusted as needed in the final flight plan to ensure collection of quality imagery in areas with unique built- infrastructure considerations. ■ Sanborn's flight plan will contain the following information: • Map showing the study area boundaries and projected flight lines and photo-centers ■ Summary-of designed flight altitude,average aircraft speed,planned sun-angle and specific information of equipment used • Approximate number of exposures ■ Sanborn will overlay the flight line layout over Google Earth imagery,and determine optimum locations for the placement of any new ground control points,checkpoints,and GPS base stations,where these items are needed. Following the City's approval,the control City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 13 Confidential and Propnetary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in th s response are for illustrative and fepresentabve purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn locations will be passed along to our surveyor who will target,survey,and provide any other needed resources or information in support of the airborne acquisition mission. ■ The final flight line map/photo index with photo centers will be delivered in.adobe.pdf file format,and in Esri Geodatabasc format. Imagery Acquisition Specifications - Sanborn Ortho resolution 6-inch(15.2cm) GSD of collection 15 cm max Proposed Sensor Vexcel UltraCam X Focal Length 100.5mm Flying Height 6,872'Above Ground Level(AGL) Aircraft Speed 160—180 Knots Sidelap 35% Endlap 60% Customized lines Crossline at north and south of project area. Sensor Platform Multi-Engine fixed-wing aircraft Radiometry 4-band, 12-bit per channel RGB/NIR Acquisition Date April 1 to April 30,2015 Sun Angle 40 degrees or greater Acquisition Time 11:20am to 3:40pm MDT on April 1 when peak of sun is 49.0 deg @1:30pm 10:15am to 4:30 m MDT on April 30In when peak of sun is 59.2 de 1:22 m Conditions Leaf-off, no flooding, haze,snow, precipitation or other ground obscuring conditions 0%clouds/cloud shadows,smoke Flying Conditions/Requirements Our aerial team will monitor weather conditions and determine when to mobilize for the aerial missions.The optimal conditions occur: ■ When the air is free of smoke,atmospheric haze,fog,dust,or falling snow and/or sleet Is When the air is free of clouds ■ When streams are within their natural banks ■ Flight will be performed when the sun angle is 40 degrees or more above the horizon. Imagery will be rejected if clouds which impact the orthoimagery product are noted,or if there are any other conditions which do not produce consistent,high-quality photography that clearly defines ground features.Urban areas will be attempted to be collected at peak of sun-angle when possible.Photography will be attempted to be acquired in the shortest possible timeframe to minimize radiometric differences in the final orthophoto image. Sanborn relies on a variety of sources to determine the suitability of conditions for acquisition. Our first and primary source is the flight crews and surveyors in the areas of interest.Flight crews are trained to observe and report the conditions as they see them on the ground and in flight.We will also coordinate with and defer to the City if there is any question regarding suitability of conditions.Finally,there are a variety of ways to observe conditions remotely, including NOAA weather reporting stations,daily weather satellite reports,weather video cams, and a variety of public sources that can be accessed for detailed observations. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 14 Confidential and proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics induded in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not he relied upon as depictions of the final defiveraoles - sanborn Mobilization Planning Sanborn will perform mobilization planning to ensure that airborne data acquisition can progress in accordance with the project schedule.This will include: ■ Monitoring sun angle in order to determine the time ranges in which flights can be conducted. ■ Monitoring weather conditions. ■ Locating airports at which to stage aircraft and aircrews,and arranging for their accommodations. ■ Making arrangeinents to coordinate all flight plans with air traffic control(ATG)well in advance of mobilization. ■ Ensuring that all needed ground control and base stations are in place prior to the flights. ■ Monitoring GNSS satellite configuration Mission Execution Aircrews will be mobilized to an airport near the project.The aerial team will monitor flight conditions and determine,in coordination with Sanborn's project manager,when to initiate imagery collection. Imagery will be captured for the entire project area at the required level of resolution.Mission plan files will be loaded into the Track',Air Flight Management System,which is integrated with the sensor systems on board of each aircraft.This computerized system assists the aircrews with mission navigation and sensor operation,ensuring that imagery is collected in accordance with the flight plan.Aircrews are also able to mark f ightlines or exposures where turbulence,clouds,or other factors that bear on the quality of the imagery may be an issue,so it can be accessed rapidly following the flight,for recollection. Operational Considerations All flights will be coordinated with the appropriate air traffic control authorities.The aircrafts used are equipped with all of the communication and navigation avionics required to operate safely in the federal airspace system. While Sanborn does not anticipate any difficulty with regards to airspace access,our aerial team is prepared to make any necessary operational adjustments should airspace changes. Post-Acquisition Flight logs will be prepared following each mission.The system operator will prepare a flight log for each flight day containing the date,project name,aircraft used,and names of crew members. In addition,the following information is recorded for each flight line: altitude,sensor number and any other comments relative to the flight conditions.These flight logs will be submitted digitally to Sanborn's project manager on same evening of aerial mission.All AGPS,IMU,and image data will be downloaded the day of collection.Preliminary processing of the ABGPS data is performed to ensure the data is complete and produces accurate photo center coordinates. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 15 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for Illustrative and representahve purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn Status Reporting It is our standard approach to have flight crews submitting a daily status report by fax or email immediately after that day's operations to the Sanborn acquisition manager.The report states what occurred during the day-. Evert if the crew does not fly,there will be a report.If they did fly, they report what was flown,the weather and ground conditions,and the expected image quality. In both cases,they also provide a prediction for the next day's operations. After receiving the reports from the field,the Sanborn production office in Colorado Springs will compile the results into one daily status report to send to Sanborn's project manager.This report rill be reviewed and sent to the client on a daily basis. In the past,this simple reporting system has proven highly effective. It is simple enough to not burden the flight crews,flexible enough to handle field contingencies,and effective enough to communicate the essential details to the client. Sanborn's project manager will send an updated map with summary of collection. It yyo� le Ohu i a �l f e ' SLl Mariega � L� s gear- X Sandy SPri a1 •yr t� Otambl [ni Smyma T G*Inne"CountyGt ,_� � � &teen N m p,vm, 2012 cooium rretie _ `HOrrce Deou Atlanta ,�� J �o 0 Sanborn Online Flight Status Tool Image Processing and Radiometry While each UltraCAM system type has slight variations,all digital frame sensors are fundamentally similar in the way imagery is recorded and processed into useable data. Each system uses an array of Charged Coupled Devices (CCD)to record panchromatic,RGB,NIR values.Once the images are acquired by each sensor,the imagery and mission parameters are stored in a raw binary format on the flight hardware.Each sensor uses a series of portable hard drives which can be linked to the aircraft-based servers. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 16 Confidential and Proprietary.O 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn Upon landing,the imagery is downloaded to portable drives,backed up,and shipped via overnight courier to the production facility,where post-processing begins.The array of CCD's requires post processing of each individual frame in order to stitch together a single large format image. Each sensor type has a slightly different CCD layout,but the final frame image is a-- band, 12-bit image. The U1traCam system operates with the following data levels: ■ Level-00: Raw data;each triggered images consists of 13 sub-images;stored twice. ■ Level-0:Verified data,same as level-00,but no duplicate copy exists. ■ Level-1:Internal intermediate format,maintained as 13 sub-images,but radio metrically corrected using calibration files. ■ Level-2:The sub-images are stitched and geometrically corrected using the calibration files. The panchromatic data are in one file,separate from the 4 color files.Color remains at its input resolution,but is geometrically matched to the panchromatic image.Data are at 16 bits per channel(5 channels:Pan,Red,Green,Blue,Infrared). ■ Level-3:Final processed,pan-sharpened color images Sanborn uses Microsoft Ultral lap software to process all images collected with any UltraCam Camera system.Upon receiving the"raw"image data from Sanborn's Flight operations,the Level-00 raw data is downloaded to the server to initialize processing in the Microsoft Ultrai✓iap software. Using U1traMap Raw Data Center,the"raw"image data is processed to a DragonFly Project file(.dfp) of the imagery which allows image processing technicians to view and manipulate each imagery mission. The.dfp file is then loaded in the UltraMap AT software in order to run Project Based Color Balancing(PBCB)on the images.PBCB uses tie-point collection which samples the histograms of all images in a block to produce a color balanced set of images. Imagery missions can be merged to provide a continuous color balance across the entire project.After PBCB is ran,the.dfp file is opened in Ultraiviap Radiometry.Ultrallap Radiometry provides tools for detailed and specific radiometric adjustments to the imagery to eliminate such things as hotspots,atmospheric effects,and haze.Ultrahlap software also contains tools to adjust the gamma,histogram levels,haze,and exposure of the imagery.All adjustments are made while the imagery is still at a 12-bit color resolution allowiiig for the greatest quality when converted to 8-bit deliverables.After color balancing is complete,the final step is to process Levels 3 data,which output the images to the desired final product.U1traMap provides options for the output type of the images.These options include image mode (RGB, RGBI,CIR,etc.),resolution,file format and bit depth(8/16 bit). During QA/QC,each image will be displayed and checked for completeness,radiometric acceptance,and any obvious visual problems.Any cause to reject the image will justify the need for a re-processing or re-flight of that particular image.Only after images have been displayed, checked,and acce ted,die r will be released for use in subsequent production rocedures. T L , I Before and after project-based color balancing City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 17 Confidential and Proprietary.®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics Induded in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not he relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables -- sanborn if Photography Quality Control Our acquisition team takes every-possible measure to ensure that mission planning,operational conditions,and aerial cameras and computerized flight management systems all work together to result in the collection of high quality,error-free imagery for the project.Three levels of Quality Control is performed during the acquisition phase ■ As each image is acquired,a snapshot of that image is visible to the aircrew on a monitor, allowing it being review and checked by the aerial photographer operating the camera during the flight mission. ■ Entire mission is reviewed again after landing.Any suspicious image noted while in the air,is checked again in a first revision of the dataset.98%of the re-flights are identified in the field through this QA process,before sending the imagery to the office. ■ When an imagery data set arrives at the office,it is immediately backed up and quickly processed to the final Level-3 image format,utilizing a distributed processing system and dedicated,high-capacity workstations.The office technician then reviews the imagery-a third time.The technician looks for details which may not have been visible in the snapshot and confirms whether or not all aerial photos are processed correctly and acceptable.Checks performed by the technicians include: ■ Integrity of dataset stored and received for processing ■ Confirmation of reported flown photos,are contained within the received dataset ■ Full review for presence of clouds,cloud shadows,or other obscuring features,that adheres to the specification of the project. ■ Review of the imagery for density,contrast,hot spots,clarity,shadows and highlight detail,and overall quality. ■ Technicians will also check each line of imagery for: ■ Adherence to the flight plan—the editor will review the imagery to ensure that the specified flight plan has been successfully executed. ■ GSD—the technicians will confirm that the specified GSD has been achieved. ■ Departures from flight heights required to produce the desired image scale shall not exceed minus two percent(-21/o)or plus five percent(+5%) • Time of collection of first and last photos in the mission,within specified sun-angle ■ Crab—Crab in excess of five degrees (5�may be cause for rejection of a flight. ■ Tilt and Tip—Tilt of the camera from vertical at the instant of exposure shall not exceed four degrees (4°).Relative tilt exceeding six degrees(6�between successive may be cause for rejection.Average tilt should not exceed more than two degrees (2°) for any ten consecutive frames,nor one degree(1°)over the entire project. all Cross reference the collected photo-center position with its planned photo position,to ensure all planned photos where collected within each line,maintaining the designed forward overlap.Verification of actual photo position(combined with the tilt and crab limitations above)will also ensure that planned sidelap was archived during flight mission. ■ anomalies—any other anomalies that could affect the final product will be examined, such as exposures settings,pixel drop out,etc. If the technicians identify the need for any re-flights,they immediately email the flight crew needed parameters.Our goal is to accomplish this review within three days of acquisition of the City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 18 Confidential and Proprietary,®2015 The Sanbom Map Company,Inc_ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for Illustratwe and represenlabye purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final defiverribles. 4F.. Sanborn photography.Sanborn understands that unacceptable imagery will be re-flown at no additional cost to the Citv. All re-flight coverage will overlap the accepted imager'by at least one exposure,and will be captured using the same sensor type that performed the initial acquisition. Geo-referencing Sanborn's approach will be to recover existing control points as much as possible for use as reference.Sanborn will set sufficent control points to support this aerial mapping. Our plan is to visit,check conditions,target and utilize same control points dataset used with the 2012 aerial flight,augmented with AGPS/IMU to support control the block of aerial photography to accurately-support the Fully Analytical aerial Triangulation(FIL-VT)solution. Airborne GPS/Inertial Measurement Unit(AGPS/IMLD data will provide primary support for unage positioning and orientation,minimizing the required number of ground control points required, while still enabling the creation of orthoimagery-and other mapping products that conform to the accuracy standards set by the City for the project. Airborne GPS / Inertial Measurement The Microsoft/Vexcel U1traCam digital camera system utilizes INS (Inertial Navigation System) composed of dual-frequency airborne GPS(AGPS) and 200Hz Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)devices.The INS data is post-processed and used as input for sensor positioning and exterior orientation of each aerial photo.Applanix Type 31 PosAV 510 IMU system will be used in the aircraft to collect GPS and IMU data.PosAV510 uses a Novatel Millenium DL4+dual frequency GPS receiver collecting P-code pseudo range and L1/L2 carrier signals at a sampling rate of 2 points per second.These directly observed exterior orientations will provide a GPS accuracy-coordinate and attitude for every photo and will be combined with conventional ground control points in the AT bundle adjustment,which results will be used as input for ortho rectification and/or stereo compilation.The use of AGPS/IMU data has a number of benefits: ■ It allows more flexibility in the selection of ground control points,making it possible to work around difficult areas such as forests,private land,restricted areas,and water bodies. ■ It improves promptness of setting up the aerotriangulation for processing,by providing 10cm accuracy exterior orientation for each photo,improving quality of point matching. ■ It enhances the overall reliability of the AT solution. ■ It results in bundle block adjustments of greater accuracy and homogeneity. ■ Depending on the mapping products,it allows some level of reduction in the amount of ground control,enhancing production schedules. It automatically determines all six of the parameters required for resolving the exterior orientation of each photograph and allows for more reliable and accurate results from assisted automatic aerotriangulation. General AGPS Procedures Sanborn's airborne GPS approach will consist of the following steps: City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 19 Confiden4al and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables g4 sanborn ■ Recovering or establishing suitable base station locations within the project area,as appropriate to the accuracy specifications for the project. -� SATELLITE ■ Validating the bore-siting of the camera and AGPS system. AGPS/IMU boresite calibration is performed at least twice GPS RECEI�/ER GPS ANTENNA per year.Any time the camera or AGP5/IMU is moved,a new boresight is required. ---CAMERA WITH ■ Collecting,processing,and interpolating the AGPS data to GPS&IMU derive camera station coordinates and rotations at each instant of exposure a During the mission planning process,Positional Dilution of GPS RECEIVERS - Precision(PDOP)is evaluated using Trimble's Qplan or Aslntech's NIPwin GPS planning software.All mission collections will be conducted with a PDOP of 3.2 or lower.The KP index is also evaluated prior to mission collection. KP index is a measurement of geomagnetic activity at the earth's surface that can greatly affect the GPS solution. Therefore,no collection will occur when the KP index is at or above 4. Prior to the actual AGPS photography missions,the crew will verify that GPS antenna location has not been disturbed on the aircraft and all connections of GPS receiver to aerial camera is working. Base Stations AGPS/IMU processing will be performed with Applanix MMS 6.2,using the`IN-Fusion Smart Base'method.This technology allows that base station distances are not limited to traditional 55km baselines.During the data acquisition missions,multiple National Geodetic Survey Continually Operating Reference Stations (NGS COBS)that are up to 200km from the acquisition area will be logging 1,2,or 5-second data that will be downloaded and incorporated when processing the airborne GPS solution. A set of more than 9 CORS stations are available around the City of Bozeman project area, within less than 150km radius distance,which provides sufficient redundancy for the AGPS post-processing. IaNA.4e�^J!'n Q �•,dr, avow sessow `� e� Geaol aPs n rhNewrwl- Qy 4 X LaULon:46.6873 ,-11 -0690 Sites within 250 km 1 MTSU 3.46 km 2 NOMT 44.79 km v 3 MAVVY 84.85 km 4 MTHC 115.23 km j v o 5 P722 119.52 km ;ate 6 MTDT 123.07 km E' 7, _I 7 P707 123.52 km 8 P045 125-37 km 9 P706 134.49 km !.r�° 10 P049 185.48 km City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 20 Confidential and Proprietary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for Illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn In order to ensure mission integrity-,Sanborn will also set one base station and will be operating a receiver on the ground(Trimble 4100 or 5700 or Novatel receivers)in the airport where aircraft is taking off,in the proximity of the project area for the duration of the acquisition flight as a backup in case of any failures or problems with the CORS.The base station receiver at the airport will be running prior to starting airborne data collection.This provides redundant base station data in the event of a base station failure or other unanticipated GPS issue from one crew.All GPS receivers will be set to an epoch rate of 2 Hz. The AGPS/IMU system requires a seven minute"initialization"period for satellite data acquisition prior to takeoff.This seven minute time period will not begin until after the system has been started and data logging has begun.After landing and when the aircraft is stationary,the AGPS/IMU subsystem will continue to collect data for seven more minutes.This procedure ensures that the airborne GPS unit is functioning properly and the solution is fixed.The initialization and termination of the aircraft's data collection will occur as close to the airport base station as possible,but far enough from buildings to prevent multi-path errors. AGPS Post Processing Software All AGPS/IMU data will be downloaded from the aircraft the day it is collected.Sanborn will use the rlpplanix MMS kinematic AGPS post-processing software (currently v6.2) to process all . GPS/IMU data.Sanborn has been using this software since 2008.Applanix MMS software has numerous benefits,including: ■ Creates an adjustment inside project area,with a network of GPS base stations automatically downloaded from its URL source.The adjusted network creates a virtual base station that is used a base for the post-processing of the airborne dataset. ■ It process forward and reverse solution of the flight mission,allowing a check against the t%vo solution to save a combined solution with best quality dataset ■ Numerous visual displays are available to assess systematic errors ■ It exports into the proper format for direct input into the Inpho Match-AT software After years of using this system and method of processing,it is our experience that the expected accuracy of the orientation of the photo exposures will be 0.10 meters in position and approximately 20 to 30 arc seconds in tilt,roll,and heading,which is very accurate for use in digital orthophoto processing. AGPS QA/QC Sanborn rigorously checks the quality of the processed airborne GPS and INS data before ; implementing it into the bundle block + adjustment.The kinematic data are processed from a minimum of two base stations,and the a solutions are compared.This procedure verifies q t the integrity of the base station coordinates and elevations. Each processing session is computed _ in both the forward and reverse temporal directions.The comparison of these solutions j'°3 provides insight into the quality of the kinematic f=a ambiguity resolution.The figure illustrates a high City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 21 Confidential and Proprietary.O 2015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables `.4 sanborn duality combined solution-positional information predominantly-within the range of 4cm. Once a final solution is achieved,the photo center coordinate positions will be exported in the project coordinate system in preparation for use in aerial triangulation(AT). Ground Control Surveys NUiile airborne GPS and IMU technology will serve as the priman-means for geo-referencing,a framework of ground control is needed to serve as checkpoints and to enhance the control solution. aerial control or ground checkpoints will be photo-identifiable features or targets as needed.Mr.Steve Woods,MT License#PEL-LS-LIC-12257,will be responsible for all field work and ground survey reports. Sanborn will use the same set of control points surveyed and utilized in the 2012 project.XX'hile some of these points were targets,like the Bozeman Last monument shown pictures below, t. other points are PIDs (Photo-Identifiable)points that most likely are still intact,such as point#3 shown here: t City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 22 Confidential and Propnelary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables sanborn A M��—M <�. f Ri'r ^`T Our task xvill be to verify and confirm that the existing PIDs features have not changed in the past three years,and place replace targets on points where needed. If a point is found to be disturbed or destroyed,a new GPS survey will performed and new coordinates computed for a new point at nearby locations. New Control Wlierc needed,new control points will be surveyed in the field.All new points will be selected based on the following criteria: ■ Suitability—for photogrammetxic ground control,including good contrast between the ground surface and target material,and a flat ground surface ■ Safety—Protection or shielding of targets from disturbance or destruction,and safety of equipment and personnel ■ Recoverability—ease of recovery ■ Accessibility—for occupation by GPS and other surveying equipment ■ Locality—within public rights of way or easements or on public property,where feasible ■ Compatibility—potential conflicts with future development,including the construction of new highways ■ Visibility—locations that allow an open and unobstructed view to the sky City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 23 Confidential and Proprletary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for Illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables - sanborn Monumentation Newly surveyed points will be semi-permanent,and will either be 5/8"rebar with an aluminum cap,or PK nail with and aluminum washer.The intent of these survey monuments will be to meet analytical aerial triangulation and check point requirements only. 1 Example of a photo ID control point(intersection Example of a targeted control point of driveway with sidewalk) that could be utilized. Targeting Sanborn's surveyor will use GPS to navigate to the planned location. Once on site,the surveyor will select best feature for photo identification. If such feature is not found or possible, then a target will be placed on the ground. In remote or grassy areas,the target will made of plastic material. On roads or hard surface area,it will be painted on the asphalt.Then the surveyor will use mapping grade or RTK GPS units to pin point the monument location.The point placement location will be documented with at least two photos: a close-up of the monument with full frame of the target,and landscape features surrounding the target. All targeted ground control points will be paneled with material of sufficient color and size to enable ease of identification in the aerial imagery,and use in the aerial triangulation process.Targets ; may be of an"L","V"or"Y' shape. Painted targets will be placed using pre-fabricated templates and water-based paint.Plastic target material will be used on unpaved surfaces. Control Specifications All GPS surveys will meet the accuracy standards of at least order C-2-II as defined in"Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards And Specifications For Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques",Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee,August, 1989.Accuracy will be reported according to the"GEOSPATIAL City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 24 Confidential and Proprietary.0 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn POSITIONING ACCURACY SIANDARDS Part 2:Standards for Geodetic Networks developed by the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee (FGCS)and the Federal Geographic Data Coirunittee(FGDC)", 1998. Surveying Methods- Horizontal and Vertical Control A GPS Static and Fast Static control network forms the backbone of all location surveys. Sanborn has extensive experience ii designing,processing,and adjusting large control networks, and with the coordinate systems on which they are based. Sanborn has reviewed the City's requirements for survey control,and will ensure that survey operations result in the establishment of control that meets these specifications.A high level of redundancy will be maintained between baselines on all primary networks.Reliability of point positions that have redundant base lines and can be adjusted within a network that are stronger than points observed using non-redundant RTK techniques. Sanborn will submit a control plan prior to proceeding with fieldwork that shows the location of stations to be observed with baselines to be observed during each session. Once targeting is complete,Sanborn will design a final control network which includes all new monuments as well as sufficient HARN monuments to hold as fixed points.Any network or sub-network in a survey will consist solely of independent,non-trivial baselines.Only processed baselines that have fixed ambiguity resolutions will be included in a network. GPS Data Acquisition Techniques A survey crew equipped with differential dual-frequency GPS units will make GPS observations on the network to provide coordinates of the new points.All observations will be conducted with a minimum of 4 observable satellites and maximum PDOP of 7.Data for fast static sessions will be collected for a minimum of 10 minutes at a sampling rate of 15 seconds. All GPS surveys will meet the following minimum accuracy standards: ■ Independent observations on new control points must agree within 0.1-foot in X and Y ■ Observations on existing control of a higher accuracy must agree with the published coordinates within 0.1-foot in X and Y ■ Independent observations on new control points must agree within 0.15-foot in Z ■ Observations on existing control of a higher accuracy must agree with the published coordinates within 0.15-foot in Z Antenna Setup—Sanborn will measure the antenna height twice at each setup:once in meters and once in feet.The two measurements will be reduced to a common unit system and compared in the field before leaving the station.This approach eliminates the possibility of observing an incorrect instrument height. Baseline Processing—all baseline vectors will be post processed nightly using Trimble Geomatic SurveyTM software.Fixed bias,double-difference solutions will be determined for all selected baselines.Baselines that do not produce an acceptable solution will be discarded and re- observed on the following day. Loop Misclosure Analysis—Loop misclosures for all figures in the network will be computed and analyzed on a daily basis.They are the first major indicators of quality,and will be tabulated City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 25 Confidential and Proprielmy.0200 The Sanborn Map Company,Ino,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be railed upon as depictions of the final deliverables sunborn and compared with the FGCS guidelines,A misclosure table will be included in the Final Suivec Report for quality assurance purposes. GPS Network Adjustments Msnitnally Constrained(Free)Network Adjustment—After each day of fieldwork,the complete set of quasi-independent(nontrivial) baselines will be combined in a rigorous, minimally constrained,least squares adjustment.To facilitate the adjustment,the geodetic latitude,longitude,and ellipsoidal height of one existing station will be held fixed. Sanborn will use Star*NetTM or similar software,which is a three-dimensional least squares adjustment package.The variance-covariance terms from the baseline solutions will be scaled to ensure realistic observation weighting.The estimated(a posteriori)reference variance will be tested using the chi-squared test while the Tau-maximum test will be used for outlier detection. These tests are a direct form of quality control. Baseline component residuals will also be carefully examined. Sanborn's approach allows for continuous quality assessment,which ensures the attainment of the required accuracy specifications.Analysis of the quality of the network will be based on these criteria: ■ Accuracy Classification—all directly connected 95 percent relative error ellipses from the rninilrally constrained adjustment will be analyzed.This examination ensures maintenance of the required internal(relative) spatial accuracy.The network xtiill be deemed acceptable when the relative positional accuracy between all pairs of stations does not exceed Second Order as defined by the FGCS. ■ Station Confidence Regions—the station confidence regions will also be computed via the minimally constrained least squares adjustment. Examination of these results will reveal the expected horizontal accuracy of each station. Given achievement of the proposed FGCS relative positional accuracy,the final horizontal coordinates of the ground control will be more than sufficient to support the accuracy requirements for this project. Survey Report Upon completing the ground control phase a Final Survey Report will be submitted in.pdf format.At a minimum,the report will provide the following information: ■ Executive summary of the survey and its results ■ Digital copy of survey diagram with location and extent of the network ■ A narrative description of all aspects of the surveys ■ Equipment and software details ■ Reference sheets for all ground control points,field notes,horizontal and vertical computations,adjustments and connection to the National Spatial Reference System ■ Final coordinate listings of the new control established to control the photogrammetry,with point description,field photos,geographic and UTM coordinates in zone 12,NAD83(2011) meters,NAVD88 meters and its respective Montana State Plane NAD83 (2011)meters coordinates City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 26) Confidential and proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for ilWstratwe and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn Permissions, Public Relations and Safety Issues Sanborn is aware of potential concerns that some members of the public may have regarding field survey operations.Sanborn will ask the City for a letter explaining the intent of the survey that can be referenced in the event of queries from the public.All field personnel will dress and conduct themselves in a professional manner.Sanborn will conduct field operations during daylight hours,and observe all laws and regulations pertaining to operations in public rights-of- way,as well as entry to public or private property. Ground Survey QA/QC The control survey will be characterized by extensive quality-control mechanisms, for example: ■ Dual instrument height measurements using different units of measure,or fixed-height tripods ■ Use of redundant,quasi-independent GPS baseline in all loops;loop misclosures ■ Use of multiple well distributed existing horizontal and vertical control points as the basis for the new network(s) ■ Independent review and checking of all computations Digital Aerotriangulation (DAT) Once the processed imagery,A$GPS/IMU,and ground control survey data is finalized and become available,Sanborn's next step will be to complete Aerial Triangulation(AT).Carefully developed and refined procedures will be followed,as the AT solution is the foundation for the accuracy of all derivative data products created from the imagery. Each stereo model will contain between 10 and 50 pixel match points to ensure that the relative accuracy and measurement integrity of the entire block of imagery is achieved.Sanborn's procedure consists of the use of a fully automatic pixel-matchuig routine,followed by a supervised,manual point selection, introduced strategically where automated routines have difficulty matching pixels(shadows, water,dense trees,etc.). Assisted Automatic Aerial Triangulation (AAAT) r111AT is a refinement of conventional AT in which airborne GPS/IMU data are used for the direct measurement of the position and orientation of every-exposure in the photogrammetric block.These data result in highly reliable automatic tie point and pass point measurements, because the directly observed exterior orientation data prevents divergence of the solution.The AAAT process improves upon conventional(manual)aerial triangulation by providing numerous automated tie points and pass points.The automated method,allows for measurement of two or more tie points and pass points in each of the standard Von Gruber locations.The automation of manual point observation within the AT process introduces significant efficiency when adjusting large contiguous blocks.The benefits of softcopy-based AAAT include: ■ Alleviation of the need to perform manual observation and measurement of tie points and pass points. ■ Much greater productivity,a factor that is crucial to schedule adherence and mmi ui rzang cost. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 27 Confidential and Proprietary,0 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sunborn ■ Improved accuracy because the procedure yields many more tie points and pass points than could be practically observed by manual means. Inpho's Match-AT software will be used to perform the AAAT. On the market since 1996,and offering what we believe to be the most evolved aerotriangulation solution available,Klatch-A71' has a proven track record on projects of similar sue and scope.The graphical display of adjustment statistics via this software is a highly valuable aid for analysis and quality control. Verification of results and measurement of ground control and check points will be performed using the Match-AT module as well.Match-AT includes bundle block adjustment module which performs least squares block adjustment after automatically matched points are generated and manual measurements are completed. The aerotriangulation will be performed in the project specific state plane coordinate system as mentioned on the RFP. The benefits of using Inpho's Match-AT software include: ■ Enables the AT technician to use refinement to enhance the matching of a selected point in neighboring images during the mensuration of control and supplementary-tie points. ■ Sub-pixel accuracy is achieved on a routine basis. ■ Match AT provides a seamless digital environment because the AT result(namely,the final bundle block adjustment result)is applied and used directly in the subsequent tasks,of photogrammetric data capture and orthophoto processing. Absolute Accuracy Check Points True verification of accuracy requires the use of independent check points.Some of the ground control points withheld from the AT process and used as checks after the initial adjustment. Since AGPS/IMU will be relied as the primary element of control for this project,ALL ground control points will initially be withheld in order to generate an RMSE for all ground control against an independent AGPS/IMU solution.This process validates the AGPS/IMU as a stand- alone solution for meeting the specified project accuracy.Bundle adjustment solution will then be processed with fewer checkpoints to validate automated GPS Shift/Drift computed by the AT software.Sanborn will selective use some of the field surveyed points as blind points in the aerotriangulation phase to validate and check the AT solution. A final AT adjustment will then be made incorporating all of the ground control and checkpoints,to arrive at the best possible coordinates for subsequent photogrammetric operations. Aerial Triangulation QA/QC The quality of the aerotriangulation solution is proven by low values of the error residuals in the least squares adjustment.Very low values in the residuals indicate that the ground control is free of survey errors because it fits the photogrammetric measurements.The quality control steps outlined below will be followed to help ensure the best quality adjustment.The full and complete documentation of the quality control procedures and results will be presented in the Final AT Report. ■ Checkpoints will be used and evaluated as previously discussed above ■ Intermediate triangulation results will be thoroughly reviewed by the Sanborn's ASPRS certified photogrammetrist and the Data Processing Manager. City of Bozeman.Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 28 Confidential and Proprietary,m 2015 The Sanbom Map Company.Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and repepresentative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. Sanborn 40 ■ The project boundary will be identified to ensure that triangulation coverage includes the entire project area. Aerial Triangulation Report Upon completion of all AT adjustments,Sanborn will submit a Final AT Report in.pdf format. This report will provide a narrative description of all aspects of the AT phase,tabular information for ground control and check point results,and appendices,which include documentation of the full AT solution.The Final AT Report will include the following information: ■ An executive summary-of the aerial triangulation (•1T) solution and its results ■ A narrative description of all aspects of die AAAT and AT bundle block adjustments ■ A basic description of the project including ground control, flight planning,aerial imagery, and the airborne GPS observations and results ■ Equipment and software details ■ Results of the preliminary check point adjustment,the constrained bundle block adjustment, and the formal classification of the AT in terms of its accuracy ■ List of final adjusted control points,pass points,photo centers and residuals in the project coordinate system ■ Photo orientation parameters (X,Y,Z,omega,phi,kappa) for each photo image Elevation Modeling The orthorectification process requires a digital elevation model(DEM) as an input.The quality needed depends upon the accuracy and resolution requirements of the project.A DEM that is out of date or of insufficient density may cause a variety of geometric inaccuracies in the orthophoto image,including distortion of the image or visible smearing and undesired positional accuracy.Additionally,bridges,overpasses,and other elevated features require special enhancement of the DEM in order to ensure that those features are modeled correctly and the orthorectification is accurate in those areas. Our plan is to use the 2012 surface model,which will be evaluated against the aerial images and updated where needed.XXtlnen update or new DEM compilation is required for accurate orthorectification,Sanborn will use the following method of photogrammetric compilation. 3D-Photog ram metric Compilation Digital Elevation Models(DEM)will be collected stereoscopically by experienced photogrammetrists using DAT/EM digital photogrammetric softcopy workstations.DAT/EM software provides a full set of commands that lets operators display,enhance,and manipulate stereo graphics data in a raster environment. DAVEM Systems International has had their photogrammetric software on the market since 1987, and offers what we believe is the most advanced data City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 29 Confidential and Proprietary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. Sanborn extraction,editing,and quality-control solution available.D AT/ENI uses MicroStation, AutoCAD or Esri geodatabase as mean of archiving all digital vector features. It also allours for use of its 3D stereoscopic environment using DAT/EM CAPTURE_that can be converted to any other CAD/GIS system in sub-sequent tasks. Sanborn's approach is to update compile the DEb1 data in MicroStation,using customized"MDL"tools and commands implemented in our compilation workflow. The aerial imagery serves as a backdrop for the vector design file.This stereo superimposition technology allows the terrain features(masspoints and breaklines) or planimetric features traced as vector,be displayed directly over the top of stereoscopic imagery on the computer monitor, to ensures accurate horizontal and vertical positioning,and complete collection of all extracted features is performed. DAT/EM offers tools for managing,digitizing,and editing terrain or planunetric vector features. Sanborn's compilation department uses DAT/EM Feature Table,which contain pre-defined attributes for all features to be mapped in the project,such as color and linetype that are associated with features. Once all vector-based features are collected,operators can edit and process them to produce the final terrain or planimetric database. The following are the types of breaklines Sanborn would typically collect for an orthophoto deliverable: ■ Primary Breaklines—Primary breaklines are defined as those modeling manmade features that are associated with the ground level of the earths'surface. ■ Secondary Breaklines—Secondary breaklines would be those modeling natural features,such as hydrology,shorelines,ravines and defined ridge tops.Sanborn will collect breaklines around major static water bodies to ensure a leveled water surface elevation. Ortho Imagery Processing The creation of ortho imagery involves a number of important steps,beginning with the actual orthorectification,which corrects the geometric distortions inherent in aerial photos,and turns it into a true map product.The process also involves mosaicking,and a variety of radiometric corrections,which turn the numerous individual photo images into one seamless database,with uniform,pleasing,realistic color characteristics.After it has been quality-controlled and corrected for any issue,the imagery database is tiled to the City's tile layout,and written out in the desired compressed or uncompressed image file format(s) for delivery. Initial / Preliminary Color Balancing Our first step to assure a quality seamless orthophoto product for the entire project is to adjust the color of all input images to create a consistent dataset that will blend seamless when mosaicked together.Due to different conditions of luminosity that naturally occurs during the acquisition phase,there will be slight differences in color and brightness between each flight mission,and sometimes between flight lines collected within hours apart.The U1traMap software used during the initial image processing after acquisition,allows very good color balance to minimize all these differences.The following images show how this process can provide different radiometric values from the same source imagery based on the selection of different color targets.It is this process that will allow Sanborn to auto-match the radiometry of all image City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 30 Confidential and Proprietary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables ,, sanborn within the project to a common,color balanced seamless dataset.Global tone matching and seamless mosaicking will provide consistent image quality output over the entire project area. . i ' .r KLT_- i. r ._ t• fit. T, Orthorectification With a dataset of aerial photos that closely match color,we are then ready to start the orthorectification and mosaic process. OrthoMaster is Inpho's professional software for rigorous orthorectification of digital imagery. It offers high degree of processing automation and is optimized for high performance orthophoto production.OrthoMaster is part of InPho's digital photogrammetric system which comes with its new core ApplicationsMaster that generates high quality orthophotos,ie.digital aerial images with constant scale,using digital images,their exterior orientations and digital elevation models(DEMs)as the source data.The rigorous differential rectification process is performed fully automatically.In combination with OrthoVista,OrthoMaster effectively eliminates the relief displacements by intersecting the given 3D surface data and utilizing advanced computation algorithms for generating orthophotos.The seamless,color-balanced ortho mosaics provide users with highest radiometric and geometric quality.OrthoMaster and OrthoVista are bundled in Ortho Box offering unique performance. The OrthoMaster system draws upon digital elevation/terrain models (DEM/DTMs),digital sensor information,digital aerial imagery acquired for the project,and aerial triangulation( '1) data to rectify each digital image.The rectification corrects for inherent geometric distortions in the image that are caused by camera attitude,terrain variance,and earth curvature. OrthoMaster uses the cubic convolution sampling technique,which yields high accuracy and excellent aesthetic quality. Cubic convolution is the industry standard algorithm for the rectification of digital orthoimagery. It relies on a 4 x 4(16-pixel)kernel and a cubic algebraic function. Our workflow has been developed to with methods and procedures that allow for the processing of the RGB color and near infra-red (NIR)bands within a single rectification. One of the greatest advantages of digital cameras systems is the ability to collect co-registered multi-spectral imagery.Because of this camera design,Sanborn can bring a 4-band aerial image and complete single-step orthorectification processing. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 31 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final dehvembles sanborn Mosaic Processing After aerial photos are ortho-rectified,a set of automate "intelligent seamlines"is computed,which will serve a cutting line between two adjacent ortho rectified images.This cutting - line is used as location for a digital mosaic of each rectified image.Sanborn uses a unique mosaicking process that performs pixel matching along a seam line at ground level.This virtually eliminates image distortions caused by above ground features mosaicked from two adjacent photographs.As part of the mosaicking workflow,experienced imagery technicians review the seams between orthophotos to ensure that adjacent images edge match correctly.The generated seamlines will automatically One imagery tile with eighteen avoid elevated structures so that buildings are viewed from only contributing exposures one source image. Seamline Generation The following illustration displays how image chips are used to make a larger mosaic. Each color within this sample represents image chips from different aerial images, that are mosaicked together to make a single homogeneous image.The polygons will be topologically correct, containing no gaps,overlaps or multi-part features,and will contain a polygon for each exposure chip used in the mosaicked image. 144 - 4- A Alt Orthophoto without intelligent Orthophoto mosaic with intelligent seams. seams. Final Color Balancing Sanborn will use tone balancing techniques to even bright and dark areas on the imagery that are caused by changing lighting conditions,such as variance in sun angle,over the duration of the imagery acquisition process. Final color balancing of all aerial images is accomplished using OrthVista.This sophisticated tool enables technicians to use an intuitive and interactive methodology to specify-the radiometric target characteristics of the final product,allowing the user to specify the radiometric properties City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 32 Confidential and Proprietary,®201S The Sanborn Map Company,Inc,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables - Sanborn of the final orthoimagery using a"what you see is what you get"interface. It utilizes advanced image processing techniques to automatically adjust and combine orthophotos from any source into one single seamless,color-balanced mosaic. OrtlnVista improves the efficiency,quality and profitability of digital orthophoto mosaic production. After selecting mosaic boundaries automatically or manually and defining blend types,either by default or individually,the mosaicking process runs in a batch mode. It computes an average intensity value for each input image,and ensures that the corresponding output image retains the same average intensity,with corrections for common photographic problems such as vignetting and uneven exposure.During the process,the final photos are tone balanced for optimal viewing and seamless mosaicking. Methods and procedures used in order to ensure a seamless orthoimage database with no discernible differences between adjacent images include: ■ Each digital orthophoto will initially be created with a certain amount of overlap between adjoining images.This is necessary for determination of brightness differences between images. ■ Pixel groups in adjacent images will be compared to determine the final output values along the seam line. ■ Images will be processed so tonal values are consistent across boundaries,with no evidence of a seam. ■ loll radiometric correction will result in minimally measurable,and visually undetectable radiometric seams within or between flight lines,stereo models,or tiles. ■ Radiometric adjustment includes color balancing,overall tone adjustment,and brightness and contrast enhancement of the imagery over the entire project. Radial Distortion (Building Lean) Minimization Radial distortion of above-ground features is a common issue with orthoimagery.Sanborn creates orthophotos using only a relatively small inner area,or so-called"sweet spot,"from each available image.This minimizes radial displacement and related problems,which increase toward the outer perimeter of a photograph. Using the"sweet spot"also increases the quality of the color balancing between photos.Our proposed 35%side overlap,as well as the higher altitude capability offered by the U1traCam sensor will contribute significantly to the minimization of building lean and other radial distortion. Building from Building from image �I image center perimeter a ("sweet spot") 'mom �. . � j s Resulting Resulting Minimized Building Lean Building Lean City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 33 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final daliverables- - — sanborn Correction of Bridges and Other Elevated Highway Features Distortion of bridges and other elevated highway features occurs when a DEM models the terrain surface,but not elevated features such as bridges crossing a over that DEM.Sanborn corrects bridges and elevated highways as a routine step in our orthophoto creation workflow.Sanborn produces a separate DEM for each elevated highway feature,which corrects the displacements,with each feature being restored to its true location. Generation of Final Deliverables Typical bridge Following standard distortion Sanborn correction. A seamless database of orthorectified imager}will be created and then final images will be cut out of it.'finis results in deliverable digital orthophoto files that match at a neat line with no overlap or gap.The tiles will be cut to conform to the City's tile scheme,and written out in compliance,%vitln their desired naming convention.All tiles will be geo-referenced and projected in the specified project coordinate system.A file index will be provided in Esri Geodatabase format. After all files are written and finalized with a near final true-color adjustment,Sanborn's technicians will then perform the final color adjustment to the entire dataset. Our plan is to use the final digital orthophotos produced for the City of Bozeman in 2012 as a target to match the characteristics of the target image. Using common tiles,Photoshop parameters and routines will be used and saved to allow manipulation of the final images to match City's final color set that was defined with the pilot tiles. All imagery will be delivered at defined final spatial resolution,in.TIFF/.TIFN format,and/or MrSID .SID/.SDW format with desired compression.City-wide mosaic will be created with 0.5 feet in MrSID format,Gen 3 with 50:1 compression.Radiometry will be 4-band,8-bit per channel RGBIr. Digital Orthophoto Quality Assurance "1'lne process involved in producing high quality digital orthophotography is dependent upon the successful execution of many tasks performed by several Sanborn departments.While QA/QC is integrated into the workflow,every ortho-image tiles undergoes a thorough visual inspection by experienced imagery technicians following the conclusion of the production process.Any blemishes or artifacts in the imagery will be corrected prior to submittal.Inspections that will be performed on the orthoimagery include,but are not limited to: ■ Visual inspection of geometry—Evaluate final geometric fit for compliance to specifications and/or published data quality statistics: ■ Obvious seams City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 34 Confidential and Proprietary,*201S The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphic included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sunborn • Edgematching(roads,buildings) ■ Bridge warping • Excessive radial displacement in buildings ■ Visual QC of mosaic—Evaluate product quality and modify as needed to meet project specifications: • Blurred imagery ■ Inconsistencies of color balancing • Artifacts removed • Shadow detail ■ Product packaging—Final review of product with regard to content, format,labeling Sanborn understands that imagery which does not meet quality and accuracy requirements will be rejected and will need to be re-submitted following corrective measures. Metadata FGDC-compliant metadata will be provided as part of the project in an XNIL format. At a minimum,the metadata will contain the following information: ■ Date(s)of image collection ■ Spatial and spectral resolutions ■ Spatial accuracy of image ■ Projection and datum of imagery ■ Point of Contact information for Sanborn ■ Orthorectification method descriptions Sanborn will coordinate with the City of Bozeman to ensure that all metadata is compatible with their existing model.We will customize the attributes as needed to include all relevant information and descriptions and ensure that it meets the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) standards. Impervious Surface Data Sanborn will use the same DAT/Eli softcopy workstations and procedures as described on the DEhI section above for collection of impervious surface data.Sanborn is fully capable of providing the required mapping services.Sanborn recently finished a similar project for the City of Bozeman using the 2012 aerial images,details of which are enclosed in our project references. "Impervious surface"refers to all hard surfaces and pavements including paved roads,parking lots,roofs,driveways,patios and sidewalks,including buildings structures with rooftops;that are covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt,concrete and brick.The problem with impervious surfaces is that they prevent the natural soaking of rainwater into the ground and prevent it from slowly seeping into streams. Instead,the rain water accumulates and flows rapidly into storm drains. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 35 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics induded in this response are for Illustrative and repremntallve purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final defivembtes. sanborn Our photogrammetrists have extensive experience extracting plammetric data from aerial imagers-for use in creating GIS data layers using photograrnmetric techniques. One of the uses for planimetric mapping is for the computation of impervious surfaces. Our team of professionals will compile all structure and pavement within the AOI that defines the surface as impervious causing rain run-off Feature Compilation The City-of Bozeman will provide Sanborn with any, existing planimetric mapping that the City already-has in the GIS database,which can be used for updates. ! Sanborn maintain same attributes as already defined for each feature in the current geodatabase.To speed up the collection of all features within the project area and maintain consistence-of the data collected,Sanborn will sub-contract the services of Genesys International Corporation,Ltd(Genesys),a partner of Sanborn that has successfully performed similar services iin previous projects. Sanborn will be responsible for preparation of the data and coordination,quality control and assurance of accuracy and completeness of the mapping as specified and on schedule. Features will be extracted from the controlled aerial imagery in a 3D stereoscopic environment, utilizing first-order softcopy workstations operated by photogrammetrists experienced in photo interpretation to create the planimetric database.The use of softcopy workstations utilizing stereo superimposition technology(planimetric features traced in vector form directly over the top of stereoscopic imagery displayed on the computer monitor) ensures accurate and complete collection of all mapped features.This approach of 3D collection not only provides clear interpretation and an accurate horizontal position for the planimetric features,it also provides accurate elevation data where needed. Our approach will offer a better product when compared the more standard approach of extracting data from final orthophotos,where building lean will require estimation of the visible corner of the building and ground. Image Photogrammetric Production Equipment and Software: s State-of-the-art and best available softcopy systems will be used for this task.Sanborn's team is equipped with Z/I SSK(Intergraph Softcopy- Stereo-Kit)and DATEM-Evolution softcopy workstations,installed in 32-bit and 64-bit workstation,with Intel processor 3.07 GHz, Windows XP and Windows 7 professional operation system.The Stereo Softcopy workstation uses a 3d video graphic card,a 3D input soft-mouse device with stereo graphic glasses and a 60Hz emitter.An " data will be compiled directly in Esri,eliminating and problem of translation between Esri and other CAD system,such as MicroStation V8i,AutoCAD or Atlas. All features will be delivered as closed polygon.Unless a ground feature is obscured by trees, shadows,roof overhangs,vehicle parked or other objects,all visible features possibly of interpretation and distinction in the 6 inch resolution images will be accurately collected.Where a City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 36 Confidential and Proprietary,O 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are lot illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables sanborn feature is partially obscured,the best estimated interpretation of part of the feature will be compiled and entire feature collected as closed polygon. During the compilation,vector lines will be collected stereoscopically with ending points and nodes of intersected lines being"snapped"/tied and coincident.A level of hierarchy will be determined for the features listed in data dictionary,where, for example,buildings and roads will take precedence over driveways and parking areas.Driveways,parking areas and pools will take precedence over sidewalks and concrete pads,which will take priority over unpaved roads. In doing so,there will be no duplication of lines that define each feature. Once all boundary limits of the impervious features is defined and collected by all surrounding type of planimetric features being represented,a centroid/point will be placed at near center of the area,with specific attribute to define such feature. As sample to clarify the procedure: a driveway will be collected at its edge,snapped at the building polygon and snapped at road,where it meets the edge of pavement.The photogrammetrist then selects the customized button that defines"driveway- centroid"and a point is dropped/placed any where inside the area that defines that driveway.The same is done for all sidewalks,parking lots,etc.Buildings and structures will be collected as closed polygons and a centroid is not necessary then.The centroid will be the source of information for the later task of creating the polygon for each feature. Interactive Graphic Editing and Topological Structuring of Data Graphic editing procedures involve a combination of interactive and customized checks to ensure that the data is cartographically correct .� and aesthetically pleasing,connectivity of linework is complete,and specific layers of line topology are generated.A variety of topology checks are performed to ensure that all features defined as being topologically structured have no snapping errors (overshoots/undershoots).Polygon topology is created,attribution of features takes place,and edge-match checking between different files of sets of stereo-models is performed.During the topology check,polygons will be defined by the vector lines that define each area in the file and its associated centroid will be used to define the polygon attributions."Empty"polygons and/or polygons with two or more centroids will be investigated for correction of either missing centroid identification or check the need for closure of polygons where gaps may still existing between the vector lines that define the feature. Layers, Feature Codes, Attributes and Type: Before compilation of planimetric features begins,Sanborn will review the list of all features and attributes to be collected and incorporated on final deliveries.All impervious data will be created as a polygon type feature. No annotation is planned to be included,unless specified.Sanborn will format all data layers as a detailed data dictionary and present to the city-for final approval. Each polygon feature will have a set of attributes as defined below. In Polygon Area ■ feature Type/name ■ Feature ID/number ■ Photo Date(.x:/xx/2015) ■ Source of update(six-inch aerial image) ■ Contractor name (Sanborn) City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 37 Confidential and Propnetery.0 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. Sanborn The following is a list of proposed impervious features to be collected. ■ Building Footprint(minimum 10'x 10� ■ Residential ■ Commercial ■ Courtyard ■ Shed/storage/detached garage ■ Storage tank ■ Paved Roads (double line streets) ■ Excluding pervious median/island ■ Paved Areas ■ Paved driveways ■ Paved Parking lot ■ Bridges ■ Median (> 10ft) ■ Paved Alleys ■ Airport Runway/Taxiway ■ Public Sidewalks (parallel to the road) ■ Walk-ways/sidewalk inside commercial areas (parking lot,schools,churches,shopping area) ■ Conc.pad(minimum Y x 5) ■ Other paved areas ■ Golf-course pathway ■ Pools Cm ground only) ■ Patios (covered/uncovered) Additionally-to these impervious features,the City is also asking for the collection of unpaved features listed below,which will be part of our final products. ■ Unpaved roads ■ Unpaved driveways ■ Unpaved parking lot QA/QC Program and Continuous Improvement To assure our performance meets or exceeds the City of Bozeman requirements,Sanborn will fully implement its proven IS09001:2008 processes to assure all contract materials are delivered in accordance with the City's expectations at the required accuracy and quality. Our key is a system that identifies any problems early in the workflow.Quality control validation points are City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 38 Confidential and Proprietary,O 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall nil be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables Sanborn inserted into the overall program process at key points and quality assurance protocols are completed prior to submission of deliverable products. Sanborn has established key quality audit points in the photogrammetric data creation process. Checks of work products immediately following a key process step provide the opportunity to ensure that the data at that point are of acceptable quality for input to the next process step.Any data found defective are immediately returned to the previous step for correction or recollection. Sanborn uses an independent internal quality review process for all data to ensure adherence to product specifications,data formats and data completeness for all the deliverables across all phases of the contract.Sanborn spends considerable effort to ensure data quality.loll data are post-processed in a controlled environment based on strict procedures,not only designed to maintain data integrity.,but also to provide the best possible products.As a result,Ave use controlled procedures for planning,data acquisition,post-processing,ortho-production,product generation and data delivery.The following table is an outline of the Sanborn Quality procedures across all phases of the project. ISO 9001 .2008 Certification Sanborn has earned an ISO 9001:2008 certification and is registered with Platinum Registration, Inc. (Platinum). ISO 9000,a Quality*Management System Standard,is a series of five international standards that provide guidance in the development and implementation of a specific Quality Management System. With Sanborn's ISO 9001:2008 certification,the City can be assured that: ■ The requirements and specifications of the project have been thoroughly and rigorously evaluated and documented In The production processes and procedures employed for the project are appropriate and adequate to produce the results intended ■ The production processes and procedures are controlled and results will be consistent and repeatable ■ Documentation will be maintained that allows for evaluation of the processes and procedures to eliminate the sources of nonconformities and to facilitate continual improvement of the processes and procedures ■ Adequate facilities are available to meet the needs of the project s Sufficient numbers of competent and adequately trained employees are working on the project Quality Management System Sanborn's Quality Management System(QMS)has been developed to ensure that adequate and continuous control is in operation for all activities affecting product quality.Where specific regulatory requirements affect our processes,our procedures and instructions will be designed or revised to meet such requirements.Sanborn employs methods and techniques that foster continuous improvement and good business practice. City of Bozeman,Montana Request For Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 39 Confidential and Proprietary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc-,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics induced in this response are for iltustiative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables sanborn Sanborn Quality Policy Sanborn's commitment is to consistently provide the highest value to our customers with quality products, information and services. Sanborn's quality management process is the foundation for our success. The employees individually and collectively are responsible for the quality of the products, information and services offered by Sanborn by meeting or exceeding the requirements of our customers. Resources The primary-processes and procedures for the continued success of our business have been identified and are described in our Quality Manual and departmental procedures.Sanborn project managers are responsible for working with our senior management to ensure that resource requirements,as identified by our project management tracking system,Primavera,are dedicated to the City's project.The project manager is also responsible for verifying that the department managers have provided effective training to the personnel who will work on the project.The Quality Management System requires that senior management ensures that personnel at all levels of the organization are hired with appropriate work experience and capabilities and that they receive appropriate specific training for the tasks they are assigned to perform. Project Management Sanborn's Project Manager,Mr.Luiz Cortes,will be single point of contact for the project and will serve as your primary liaison with Sanborn operations staff and management.In general,Mr. Cortes will be responsible for project definition,production oversight,scheduling,quality management,and financial and contractual management. Project definition at Sanborn begins with the preparation of a project charter that establishes the overall goals,deliverables,plans and approach,schedule,quality,and other key elements of the program.This project management and production tool is used to develop and track all project resources and the schedule throughout the life of die project. Project initiation is a preliminary planning meeting to identify any specific items that may have arisen after reviewing numerous proposals and options that may not have been in the original UP,to review: ■ Technical requirements of the project against the proposed technical plan. ■ Sources data to be supplied by the City. ■ Acquisition plan requirements,flight plans and preliminary work plan. ■ Proposed project schedule and finalize interim and final delivery dates. Deliverable Products According to the RFP,the City intends to receive following deliverable products: ■ Pilot Project: GeoTIFF orthoimagery and geodatabase for the impervious surface data City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 40 Confidential and Proprietary,m 201S The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn ■ Flight Plan and Logs: ■ The flight plan shall be distributed to and approved by the City prior to acquisition. Flight logs shall be provided within tvo days of each flight acquisition to verify flight times related to sun angle specifications. ■ Project flight lines on a map displaying the project area and distributed as a feature class or Shapefile suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software. Flight lines shall include flight line numbers within the feature attribution,and metadata shall describe the software used to generate the flight plan. ■ Approximate number of exposures for the intended coverage area. ■ Image centers of each exposure with date and time of acquired photo included.The data shall be distributed as a feature class or shapefile suitable for inclusion in Esri ArcGIS software. ■ Upon completion of acquisition the Contractor shall provide a collection report summarizing the flight and logs. ■ Calibration Reports: Camera and digital sensor calibration reports along with a product characterization report validating USGS Digital Aerial Type standards shall be provided. ■ Survey Control Report:following information shall be provided in a final survey report. ■ Positional AGPS data and a statistical summary of the AGPS adjustment results. ■ INS sensor orientation and a statistical summary describing the overall accuracy-of adjusted IMU data. ■ Differentially corrected GPS ground control data used to supplement the AGPS data and a narrative describing all aspects of the ground survey including locations and extent of the network. ■ The results and analysis of the constrained least squares adjustment,tables summarizing GPS misclosures,and a description of equipment and software used. ■ Aerial Triangulation Report:An aerial triangulation report shall be provided upon completion of all adjustments.This report shall include ■ An executive summary of the Aerotriangulation solution and its results. ■ A detailed narrative of the adjustment process and quality*checks for accuracy. ■ A description of the software and equipment used to perform the adjustments. ■ A listing of the final adjusted coordinates in a spreadsheet. ■ Digital Orthorectified Images:All imagery data shall meet the accuracy standards defined in `Section VI.1'and be submitted via portable external drives.All imagery shall register to the existing City-orthophotography database and meet the image quality standards approved by the City-during the pilot project. ■ 1"=100'map scale(i.e., 1"=600'photo scale),6"pixel,4-band (RGB and NIR),true color,ortho-rectified digital imagery in GeoTIFF format. ■ Seamless mosaic at 1-foot(Optional:0.5-foot)pixel resolution. ■ Edge-matched,non-overlapping tiles at 0.5-foot pixel resolution based on the tile scheme provided by the City and shall register to the existing City orthophotography database. ■ Breaklines used to correct bridge and overpass distortion shall be provided in a feature class or Shapefile suitable for inclusion in ESRI ArcGIS software. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 41 Confidential and Proprietary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are forillustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. f 10 sanborn ■ Impervious Surface Data:All impervious surface data shall be provided in a file geodatabase suitable for inclusion in EsriAICG1S software.All data shall meet the accuracy standards andspecification described in"Section VI.2". • Impervious surface data shall register to the existing City-impervious surface database. ■ Features shall be segregated into feature classes based on type as defined in Section VI.2.b. ■ Progress Reports:Progress reports shall be provided by e-mail on a weekly basis for aerial photography acquisition until delivery of the pilot project,and bi-weekly thereafter until the project is complete.'These informal reports shall consist of a summary of production status, major activities completed during the most recent reporting period,description of issues and corrections,and associated status maps or acquired flight lines. ■ Metadata:Complete FGDC-compliant metadata shall be provided for all data in an XNIL format.The metadata shall provide a complete description of identification,data quality, spatial data organization,spatial reference,and entity and attribute information.The metadata for orthorectified imagery shall also include acquisition dates. ■ Project Report:A final project report summarizing the flight acquisition,orthorectification process and impervious surface update,quality control and assurance,and deliverables provided shall be provided upon completion of the project.This report shall include a detailed narrative of the analysis,accuracy-assessment,and validation of all deliverables. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 42 Confidential and Proprietary,0 201S The Sanborn Map Company.Ina,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shalt not he relied upon as depictions of this final deliverables. -- sanborn Section III — Personnel Qualifications Sanborn's experience with and ability- to manage complex orthoimagery programs is due in no small part to significant investments ui human resources.The Sanborn team of over 125 geospatial technology and management professionals possesses an enviable resume of project experience,significant educational credentials,and registration from government agencies and leading industry associations.Sanborn offers the City an exceptionally qualified project team Xvith many rears of experience in digital orthoimagerr production. Sanborn employs some of the most talented and dedicated individuals in the mapping industry. Our highly trained staff includes certified photogrammetrists,LOAR experts,registered land survevors,survey technicians,pilots,aerial photographers,photo lab technicians,cartographers, photo interpreters,stereccompilers,CADD technicians,image processing specialists,computer programmers,and GIS design professionals.Their vast experience and close attention to detail ensures that the most effective aerial photography and digital mapping solutions are developed in a cost-effective manner. Key Personnel Sanborn uses established,cohesive teams that streamline the production process significantly. Under this approach the project benefits from the synergy of a proven team,which is critical to achieving maximum efficiency for cost-effective solutions.Sanborn's staffing structure ensures that project requirements are met.We select project team members based on the following criteria: ■ Goals of the City of Bozeman ■ Project management experience ■ Reliability in meeting schedules ■ Technical expertise ■ Commitment to quality The City's project will be completed out of our main production facility and corporate headquarters located in Colorado Springs,Colorado.The technical managers and production staff all work together in a single facility,which creates the ideal conditions for effective communication and productive workflows.Also of note,we have several Certified Photogrammetrists on staff,which will help ensure the City's products conform to the required mapping standards. The following organizational chart highlights key project personnel and their expertise. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 43 Confidential and Proprietary,02018 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics Included in this response are for Illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables sanborn Certified Photogrammetrist ManagerProject L Primary Point of Contact FIELD SURVEY ACQUISITION AERIAL TRIANGULATION MAPPING PRODUCTION AT&Survey QC Mapping Field Survey Doug Zehr,ASPRS Yvonne Harding,GISP Steven Wood MT PEL-LS-LIC-12257 Certified Production/GIS Photogrammetrist i Manager Manager — PHOTOGRAMMETRY DIGITAL Aerial Acquisition ABGPS/IMU Image Processing ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY Valley Air Processing Craig Laben,MS Subcontractor Karol Szczubelek Jmoging Science GraviJle, Team Lead Manager Compilation/QC Image ProcessingDir.of Operations Kevin Woehl Christian Ulloa,PPS �C- Kevinompilation Supervisoril Ortho Supervisor Carlos Martinez Jason Mullis Sr.Photogrammetrist �ImageryAnalyst Impervious Mapping Genesys Subcontractor Program Management Each project is assigned a project manager xvith responsibilities including customer communication,scheduling,and ensuring adherence to the project specifications.The project manager works with department managers and production staff in establishing an implementation plan that outlines the project's technical requirements.The department managers draw on their production staff,as required,to meet the project objectives.The specific list of employees involved in any given project can be extensive with up to 25 employees or more,depending on the project size and schedule. Mr.Luiz Cortes,CP,will be the Project Manager,and is the General Manager of Sanborn', Charlotte,North Carolina,office. Mr.Cones has more than 24 years in the Geospatial industry, spanning GIS,photogrammetry,and remote sensing disciplines with a focus on production and program management.During his career,he has successfully managed programs,production departments,and the full rollout and implementation of various new remote sensing technologies.Mr.Cortes has demonstrated success managing extensive complex programs as well as operational activities.He has proven technical abilities backed by professional certifications,applied quality assessment/quality control experience, and accomplished project management skills.Mr. Cortes is an ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist(CP),and as Project Manager he will have direct participation in and supervision over the mapping operations and production on the City's program. City of Bozeman,Montana Request For Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 44 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn Field Survey Mr.Steve Wood,PI S,will complete and certify the ground control survey phase. Mr.Wood is a certified Montana State Professional Land Surveyor(NIT PEI.LS-LIC-12257). Mr.V"ood combines an extensive land surveying and civil engineering background with more than 42 years of project management experience in engineering,land development,surveying and photogrammetry. His surveying experience is comprehensive and includes many years of practical held assignments and office management of more than a dozen survey field crews. Projects include almost every type of surveying including land boundary,construction stale-mg, flood insurance cross section surveys,ALTA minimum standard surveys,power plant layout, right of way takings,GPS control surveys for control densification and photo control projects, precise second order control surveys,differential and on the fly GPS field inventory of utilities, and Department of Defense GIS mapping and field inventory.Mr.Wood has also served as the Surveyor in Responsible Charge overseeing multi-participant municipal mapping and surveying projects for many countywide landbase mapping projects throughout the US and overseas. Mr. \X'ood has helped implement innovative surveying uses of current technology to accomplish timely and economical survey solutions throughout his career. AT & Survey QC Mr. Doug"Lehr has 27 years of industry experience and is a member of Sanborn's photogrammetric management team. His responsibilities include project planning and design, overseeing aerial triangulation,and the support of photogrammetric and LiDAR production processes. Mapping Ms.Yvonne Harding has over 13 years'experience with digital mapping and orthoimagery production and is currently Operations Manager for Sanborn's Charlotte Iocation. Ms.Harding's responsibility is to supervise,facilitate,and ensure quality standards are met for each mapping project performed at the Charlotte location.The orthoimagery work will be performed in our Charlotte office,with backup resources available in Colorado as needed.Ms.Harding utilizes multiple GIS software,such as ArcGIS,MicroStation,and AutoCAD,for quality control verification. AGPS/IMU Processing Mr.Karol Szczubelek has over 12 years of experience in geodetic surveying.As AGPS Team Lead,he is responsible for coordinating,processing and troubleshooting AGPS data.Mr. Szczubelek has been actively involved in geodetic surveying,aerial photography,and LiDAR data collection.He is responsible for implementing and establishing methods for maximizing accuracies of processing geodetic survey data with impressive results.He heads and supervises all surveying activities and survey applications development. Mr.Szczubelek is also responsible for documentation,training,and monitoring all QC/QA activities pertaining to geodetic surveying. Image Processing Mr.Craig Laben has over 20 years of experience in remote sensing,GIS,image processing, geospatial analysis and geospatial product quality assurance.He has extensive knowledge of City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 45 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final de[verables. - Sanborn commercial and government satellite and aerial EO,MS,IR and radar imaging systems data and their applications. In addition,Mr.Laben has developed algorithms, techniques,processes and metrics to improve the image quality,accuracy and intelligence value of geospatial products. For all aerial projects within Sanborn's mapping operations,Mr.Laben coordinates activities between the flight acquisition team and the production team,and ensures that image quality and accuracy standards are met. Mr. Laben works with the GPS-IMU and Image Quality Control(QC) teams to optimize workflow and to develop more efficient processes,improving data ingest and QC processing times. Compilation/QC Supervisor kVith over 24 years of industry experience,Mr.Kevin Woehl is the:aerial Triangulation Team Lead. Mr.XXIoelil is well versed in AutoCAD,MicroStation,TerraModel mapping system,and orientation software utilized for production of first-order analytical stereo instruments.In addition to his production duties,Mr.Woehl is a vital part of the quality control procedure at Sanborn and assists in the training of new personnel. Compilation/QC Sr. Photogrammetrist Mr. Carlos Martinez provides 19 years'experience with photogrammetric stereo-compilation to support aerial triangulation,update mapping,hydrographic mapping, topographic mapping,land cover mapping,airport obstruction mapping and other thematic mapping phases as needed. Image Processing Ortho Supervisor As a licensed pliotograrmnetrist in the State of South Carolina and a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer,Mr. Ulloa brings a strong technical background to his position.He has 19 years of experience developing digital orthophotos using aerial imagery. He supervises a 3-person orthoimagery team,managing personnel and maintaining quality control,scheduling,and delivery of digital mapping projects.Mr. Ulloa also maintains the computer network and handles the hardware and software installation on workstations connected to this network. In addition,he specializes in the creation of scripts,menus,and programs to streamline and standardize the map production process.He has expertise in digital products utilizing software bundles such as Zeiss/Intergraph,AutoCAD,TerraModel,MicroStation,Autometric Softplotter,ArcInfo,and Erdas. Image Processing Imagery Analyst Mr.Jason Mullis has six years of experience in the production of digital orthophotography.He is experienced in many digital software products including Apertune,Intergraph Orthopro,IRASC, GeoMedia,APS,Adobe Photoshop versions 6 through CS5,Global Mapper,and LizardTech's MrSID. Subcontractor Overview To increase Sanborn's capacity and resource base,Sanborn has partnered with the following subcontractors: ■ Valley Air Photos for aerial acquisition,and City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 46 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representafive purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn ■ Genesys International Corporation,Ltd (Genesys) for impervious mapping. Subcontractor Management For any project that utilizes subcontracted services and products,it is essential to have an experienced subcontract manager,subcontractor SONXI,and a subcontract management plan. Sanborn's ISO processes make certain these documents and personnel are in place is to ensure purchase orders are properly executed,providing the appropriate controls to meet the program schedule,budgets,and technically compliant services and products,and to review the progress of the subcontractor and subcontract management activities. Valley Air Photos Valley Air Photos is a 100 percent woman-owned small business that specializes inn high accuracy,vertical aerial photography and data acquisition throughout the United States and Canada.Their full service photo lab and hangar are located on the Caldwell Industrial Airport 20 miles west of Boise,Idaho. In addition to the base in Caldwell,they have added a second base in Glendale,Arizona to better meet the needs of clients.Their mission is to incorporate the latest technology with expertise to meet the project requirements.With their experience in direct digital and film acquisition,Valley Air Photos has been serving both government and commercial customers for more than 25 years. Genesys Genesys International Corporation Ltd.(Genesys)was founded in 1997 with the mission to become a global leader as a single source for Photogrammetry,GIS/Mapping Services,and IT consulting.Headquartered at Mumbai,India,the company maintains offices in the US,London and the UAE. Genesys has two geospatial production facilities in India.The Bangalore facility is an ISO 9001 - 2008 Certified Unit for Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing/LiDAR Processing and the Mumbai facility is an ISO 9001—2008 and ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Certified Unit for An4/Flit/GIS,co- located with its IT Services Group.Hyderabad and Pune(India)production facilities were established in 2012. The more than 1,300 employees of Genesys have broad experience working for local,state,and federal agencies;telecommunications firms;utilities;and most importantly,many of the major consumer mapping,navigation and local search markets. Gennesys continues to develop cutting- edge technologies,and through its in-house research and global partnerships,continues to create the best in geospatial data products and solutions addressing a variety of user segments. Availability of Sanborn's Assigned Personnel Sanborn has the ability to assume the significant scale of the City's project,as we have done in the past,with the team we have put together and out available resources and key personnel.Sanborn and Sanborn's subcontractors'current and anticipated workloads do not directly conflict with the City of Bozeman's data acquisition and production window. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 47 Confidential and Proprietary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and repteserdattve purposes only and shall not be reliad upon as depictions of the final degverables. - Sanborn Sanborn actively tracks total capacity,capacity against existing workload,and capacity against existing workload with new anticipated programs;and performs six-to twelve-month look-ahead analyses in order to adjust for production capacity resources proactively and dynamically,and ensure that resource adjustments do not need to be made in"crisis mode". Our team understands the complexities,risks,and technical challenges a project or task orders of this scope encompass.Sanborn has assembled a team of complimentary professionals to support this project.In addition to our staff of professionals,we have included key subcontractors to the team.The strategically selected subcontractors will ensure that we have the planned and reserve capacity to fulfill any assignment for the City. The demands for resources ebbs and flows throughout the life of a program,beginning with a high demand in the startup phase,to a medium demand throughout the life of the project,and tapering off as the program is completed.The demand for resources also varies from department to department,based on the progression of the individual tasks.Sanborn uses a project management system that enables integrated management of the entire project lifecycle,from design and proposal development,to implementation,and change management. Project schedules and resource allocations are reported in a weekly basis,where forecast availability and need of resources is evaluated even during the proposal stage for new projects.This system allowed us to recognize that we need the assistance of a subcontractor for the acquisition phase, due to our own acquisition resources workload.For the City's program,as production moves through the various project milestones,updates to Sanborn's resource plan allow our department managers to reallocate resource if necessary to cover changes in the capacity plan or in project scope of work. Resumes The following are resumes of Sanborn's proposed key personnel and subcontractors. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 48 Confidential and Proprietary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Ino,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. l sanborn Luiz Cortes, CP, PLS, SP, PPS Project Manager/ General Manager Mr. Cortes is the General Manager for Sanborn's Charlotte Office in NC. I-ie has 25 years of experience in Education photogrammetric engineering and surveying.During his 19 gS,Cartographic Engineering—University years in project management,he has supervised and managed of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1989 more than 200 mapping projects. Mr. Cortes is experienced in all phases of photogrammetry,including aerial photography Affiliations and Certifications planning,photo lab printing,photo control survey,digital ° Certified Photogrammetrist(CP)—ASPRS, orthophotography,planimetric,and contour mapping. No. 1546,2013 Professional Land Surveyor(PLS)—North In addition,Mr. Cortes has extensive flight planning and Carolina,No.L5077,2013 coordination as well as aerotriangulation experience.He is . Surveyor Photogrammetrist(SP)—Virginia, responsible for processing Airborne GPS(aGPS)data, No.0408000145,2010 Inertial Navigation System(INS)data,and Fully Analytical . Professional Photogrammetrie Surveyor Aerial Triangulation bundle adjustments.Mr. Cortes utilizes (PPS)—South Carolina,No.23654,2004 Applanix POS/A`T,GrafNav,and FLYKIN software to process AGPS and INS data while photogrammetric bundle Professional Education/Seminars adjustments are performed with Albany and Z/I ISAT Fulls- • Applanix Inertial Navigation System Analytical Aero Triangulation software. Processing Training,2002 ■ Applanix Airborne GPS Data Processing Project Experience Training,2002 ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Walton County,FL, ■ Project Management Training courses(108 December 2012—Present.Natural color digital orthopohoto. hours completed) Responsible for Flight planning,AGPS/INIU Processing,and Ortho Production Manager ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Bradford and Union Counties,FL,December 2012—Present,Natural color digital orthopohoto.Responsible for Flight planning,AGPS/ITNfU Processing,and Ortho Production :Manage ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Seminole County,FL,January 2009 and January 2012.Natural color digital orthopohoto.Responsible for Flight planning,flight coordination,AGPS/INfU Processing,and Ortho Production Manager ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Duval,Nassau and Clay Counties,FL,December 2007 November 2008.Natural color digital orthopohoto.Responsible for Flight planning,AGPS/INfU Processing,and Ortho Production Nfanager ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Martin and Okeechobee Counties,FL,December 2004—June 2005. Natural color digital orthopohoto.Responsible for Flight planning,AGPS/I:MU Processing,and Ortho Production Manager ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Hardee and Desoto Counties,FL,January 2004 June 2004.Natural color digital orthopohoto.Responsible for Flight planning,AGPS/INfU Processing,and Ortho Production Manager ■ Airport ALP/Obstruction Mapping,2002-2011.Responsible for Flight planning,collection and flight coordination,as well Aerotxiangulation,Airport Layout Plan and Obstruction mapping,and orthophotography. Included several airports in the Eastern US,most recently: ■ Charlotte/Douglas International Airport(CLT)—new runway construction ■ Greenville Spartanburg Airport(GSP)—Airspace Analysis,'topographic;Mapping and Color Ortho Imagery ■ Charleston Air Force liase/Intermational Airport(CHS)—LiDAR,Airspace Analysis and Color Ortho Imagery ■ North Air Force Auxiliary Field,North SC—LiDAR,Airspace Analysis and Color Ortho Imagery City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 49 ConOdenhaI and Propnetary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables C sanborn ■ Manchester airport(:\11TT)-eALP and airport.Airspace Analysis Survey ■ General Edward Lawrence Logan International.Airport(BOS)-airport Obstruction and Airspace Analysis Survey ■ Ronald Reagan Washington National.Airport(DCA)-Airport Obstruction and.Airspace Analysis Survey ■ Taunton:Municipal Airport(TAN)-_Airport Obstruction and Airspace_Analysis Survey ■ Mansfield:Municipal Airport(1 B9)-Airport Obstruction and.Airport Airspace Analysis Survey ■ :Martha's Vineyard.Airport -Airport Obstruction and.Airport.Airspace.Analysis Survey ■ Henry E Rohlsen Airport,tit Croix,U.SX.I.(I'ISX)-.Airport Layout Plan and Airport Obstruction and Airspace Analysis Survey ■ Engineering/Design Mapping,2002-2011.Responsible for flight planning,collection and flight coordination,as well Aerotriangulation,1"=20'scale to 1"=50'scale planimetric mapping,and one-foot contours ■ City of Baltimore,MD,March 2008-August 2009.Update mapping and digital orthophoto._Mr.Cones was responsible for flight planning and coordination,.AT,mapping,and orthophotography. ■ Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission(MNCPPC),MD,March 2007-Present. Multiple contracts and update cycles.Mr.Cortes acted as project manager. ■ City of Knoxville/Knox County/Knoxville Utility Board GIS(KGIS),Knoxville,TN,January 2007- November 2012 Planimetrics update and digital ortho mapping were performed for this six-year contract.Mr. Cortes was responsible for flight planning and coordination,AT,mapping,and orthophotography. ■ Ortho and Update Mapping,CT,April 2009-May 2010.Aerial Photography,Analytical Aerial Triangulation,Color and Color Infrared Digital Orthophotography,Planimetric and Topographic:Mapping were developed for the towns of Groton,Stonington,Waterford and Led}•ard ■ I-26 Jedburg Interchange,SC,February 2012—May 2012.Mr.Cortes was the project manager for the 860 acres DOT project.Sanborn performed Flight plan and flight coordination,Airborne GPS processing and aerotriangulation process for 1"=50'scale design mapping with one-foot contour interval. ■ I-25 Corridor,Colorado Springs,CO,March 2012 August 2012.Mr.Cortes was the project manager.The 2800 acre project consisted of performing Flight plan and flight coordination,.Airborne GPti processing and aerotriangulation process,coordinating topographic mapping at 1"=50'scale design mapping with one-foot contour interval for 4.4 sq.mi. ■ Nuclear Power Plants,Grand-Gulf,MS;Vermont-Yankee,VT;and Indian-Point,NY,November 2012 January 2013.Project Manager. 890 acres.Performed flight planning and field crew coordination for 0.1'accuracy ground survey for the three nuclear plants.Coordinate 1"=50'scale mapping with one-foot contour interval for the three areas covering 1.39 sq.mi.combined. ■ Beaver Valley,Davis-Besse and Parris Nuclear Power Plants,PA and OH,March 2012-May 2012.. Project:Manager. 1920 acres.Performed flight planning and field crew coordination for 0.1'accuracy ground survey for the three nuclear plants.Coordinate 1"=50'scale mapping with one-foot contour interval for the three areas,that combined added to 3(three)sq.mi. ■ Langley Military Base,VA,February 2005 June 2006.;dapping and orthophotography. ■ Robins Air Force Base,GA,December 2008-November 2009.'dapping and orthophotography. ■ Cherokee County Nuclear Station,Duke Energy,SC,March 2010-Present.Mr.Cortes was responsible for flight planning and coordination,AT,mapping,and orthophotography for fossil fuel plants in South Carolina. ■ Gwinnett County,GA,2007-2011.Mr.Cortes was responsible for flight planning and coordination,AT, mapping,and orthophotography. ■ United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),Farm Service Agency(FSA),National Aerial Imagery Program(NAIP),VA and WV,2008 2009.Mr.Cortes was responsible for flight planning and coordination. ■ Color Orthophotography,NC,February 2009-April 2009.Mr.Cortes was responsible for flight planning and coordination,AT,mapping,and orthophotography for the following counties:Bertie,Chowan,Gates, Hertford,Martin,and Washington. ■ Lee Nuclear Station,Duke Energy,NC and SC,February 2008 July 2008.1 fr.Cortes was responsible for flight planning and coordination,AT,mapping,and orthophotography for fossil fuel plants in North Carolina and South Carolina. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orlhoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 50 Confidential and Proprietary,C 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics induced in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. i( 46; sanborn ■ United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),Farm Service Agency(FSA),National Aerial Imagery Program(NAIP),GA,June 2007 July 2008. Nlr.Cortes w.as responsible for flight planning and coordination,A'r,mapping,and orthophotographc. ■ Centralia Council of Goverment,NC,February-2005January 2006.Nine-county area consisting of 4,300 square miles in southern North Carolina.\fr.Cortes was Responsible for flight planning and coordination,xr, mapping,and orthophotographc. Work History ■ General Manager of Sanborn's Charlotte Office,Sanborn,Charlotte,NC,July 2011—Present. Responsible for project budget,business development and technical specification for engineering scale mapping within The Sanborn Mapping Company,Inc. ■ Flight Operations Director,Sanborn,Charlotte,NC,February 2010—June 2012.Responsible for flight planning and coordination for all acquisition projects ■ Senior Project Manager,Sanborn,Charlotte,NC,January 2002—February 2010.Responsible for flight preparation,airborne GPS processing and aerotriangulation.Oversaw all production for the Charlotte office, including stereo compilation,project setup,and orthophotography-.Engaged with clients directly.Between major achievements,Mr.Cortes implemented softcopy in the Charlotte office(2002),implemented and operated the IMU device in Charlotte's aircraft(2002),and tested and implemented digital cameras(2006). ■ Photogrammetry Manager,Geonex/Agra Baymont/AMEC,St.Petersburg,FL,September 1997— January 2002.Joined Geonex as supervisor and project manager for photogrammetric projects. Responsibilities included setting up compilation data and translation files for mapping and editing,including planimetric mapping and DTINI collection for contour generation.Responsible for the introduction of digital orthophoto processing in the department,developing workflow and specific procedures for ortho rectification. In September 1999,Geonex was purchased by Agra Bayniont.Responsibilities now included manager of the photogrammetric department.Performed several mapping projects for the South and Southwest Florida Water Management Districts(after Agra Baymont was purchased by AMEC). ■ Director of Production,Prossys,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,1994-1997.Responsible for production of digital mapping,including satellite image interpretation,compilation,and GIS development.Main project coordinator for specification design for pipeline GIS update and monitoring using remote sensing data. ■ Engineer of Remote Sensing Development,Prospect Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,1992-1994.Responsible for the creation and development of Remote Sensing Department.Acted as project coordinator in a varier-of photogrammetric projects. ■ Engineer of Production,Geonex do Brasil,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,1989-1992.Geonex do Brazil was created by Geonex(at the time one of the largest US-based company)to perform a six-million dollar project for the States of Minas Gerais and Piaui in Brazil.He acted as the technical engineer responsible for all the orthophotos being produced for the program. ■ Engineer,Aerofoto Cruzeiro,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,1987-1989.Worked for Aerofoto,the largest photogrammetric company in Brazil.Worked in each department from field surveying and flight operation to compilation,photolab and editing. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orlhoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 51 Confidential and Proprietary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. -- --- --- sanborn Steven A. Wood, LS, CP Registered Land Surveyor Mr.Wood combines an extensive land surveying and civil Education engineering background with more than 42 years of project management experience in engineering,land development, a BS,Land Surveying—Purdue University, surveying and photogrammetry. He has developed several West Lafayette,IN,1974 customized solutions for industry-leading photogrammetric a AAS,Civil Engineering Technology— Purdue University, West Lafayette,IN, 1972 projects.His surveying experience is comprehensive and includes many years of practical Field assignments and office Affiliations and Certifications management of more than a dozen survey field crews. Certified Photogrammetrist(CP)—ASPRS, Projects include almost every type of surveying including land No.R899,1993 boundary,construction staking,flood insurance cross section . Registered Land Surveyor—Licensed in surveys,ALTA minimum standard surveys,power plant the following 17 states:Arkansas, California, layout right of way takings, }GPS control surveys for control Colorado,Florida,Illinois,Indiana,Kansas, Louisiana,Maryland,Montana,New Mexico, densification and photo control projects,precise second order North Carolina,Ohio,Oklahoma,Wyoming, control surveys,differential and on the fly GPS field North Dakota,South Dakota inventory of utilities,and Department of Defense GIS mapping and field inventory.Mr.Alood has also served as the Surveyor in Responsible Charge overseeing multi-participant municipal mapping and surveying projects for many countywide landbase mapping projects throughout the US and overseas. Mr. Wood has helped implement innovative surveying uses of current technology to accomplish timely and economical survey solutions throughout his career. Project Experience and Work History ■ Land Surveyor,Sanborn,Colorado Springs,CO,2005—Present.Mr.\Vood has performed land survey services for Sanborn for many projects,including-Nfanistee County,Nlichigan:Lewis and Clark County, Montana;Ellsworth AFB,South Dakota;Clay County,Kansas;and Haskell County,Kansas. ■ Principal in Responsible Charge,privately operated small business,March 2000—Present.Mr.'%X ood is responsible for all aspects of geodetic survey control for photogrammetric mapping control of several large projects and county-wide mapping programs,including several public agencies. ■ Several surveying and mapping control projects throughout Oklahoma including work on Oklahoma City and surrounding area mapping control,several lakes throughout Oklahoma for the Corps of Engineering (COE),Fort Sill,McAlester,and various air force bases. ■ Several control projects in Kansas including work in Hays County,Ellis County,Anderson County,Haskel County,Garden City,Finney County and Fort Riley.Mr.Mood also ran several COE lake mapping projects throughout Kansas. ■ Perform surveying and GIS consulting reviews of project deliverables including final aerotriagulation solution for Dekalb County,Indiana work performed by large mapping industry Firm. ■ Gps photo control projects for following counties/projects including Wayne County,Indiana; Brown County,Indiana;Brazil,Indiana;Bradford Woods,Indiana;Champaign County,Illinois;Lee County, Illinois;Whiteside County,Illinois;Branson,Missouri;Nauvoo,Illinois;South Lyon,;Michigan;Eastern Illinois University,Illinois;Greencastle,Indiana;Alcoa Lafayette,Indiana;Peoria County,Illinois and numerous smaller local sites.Scope includes contracting NGS control recovery and densification,and producing Feld work and office reports. ■ Gps geodetic survey photo control for DOD Air Force:Military Installations in Kansas,Texas,Tennessee, Mississippi,Alabama,Florida,Oklahoma,Ohio,Arkansas,California,Maryland,New York,Pennsylvania, New Hampshire,and Colorado. ■ Gps photo control projects in Kansas,Illinois,Maryland,New Jersey,Kentucky,Iowa,California and Missouri. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 52 Confidential and Proprietary.®2015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. J� `- sanborn ■ Gps route survey control for NfODOT highway project in\Iissouri. ■ McAlester.krmy Depot,Oklahoma gps surveys. ■ Dam reclamation rehabilitation surveys in Oklahoma for USDA. ■ Gps surveys in\laryland;New Jersey;Missouri;Naperville,Illinois;Canton,Illinois;Butler County,Ohio; and Lucas County,Ohio. ■ Gps photo control surveys for Lamar Counts,Mississippi;Pike County,;Mississippi;Jackson Energy, Jackson,'fennessee;City of Cleburne,Texas;Euless,Texas;Norman,Oklahoma;Lubbock,Texas;COE surveys in Bowie Counts,Texas and Fort Sill,Oklahoma;Gps surveys for Stark County,Illinois;McHenry County,Illinois;Jasper Count}•,Indiana;\t'ayne Co,Indiana;Dekalb Co,Indiana;and Mesa County, Colorado. ■ Extensive LID AR quality control field checking for imagers along Mississippi River from Cairo to Minneapolis also Illinois River from St Louis to Dekalb. ■ Gps control for high speed rail route from St.Louis to Chicago. ■ Gps control for\ID DOT mass transit lines. ■ Gps control for 13 counts multi-participant mapping project around Houston. ■ Gps control for 4 counts multi-parricipant mapping project east of Dallas. ■ Gps control for two counts mapping project in southwest Kansas. ■ Gps control for mapping projects for dozens of military sites all across the US. ■ Extensive LIDAR ground truthing CSC surveys in Illinois,Arkansas,California,and Missouri. ■ USDA NRCS %X"RP easement surveys in Indiana,Ohio,and Pennsylvania. ■ Vice President Photogrammetry,MSE Corporation/ASI,Indianapolis,IN,February 1993—March 2000. Managed production operations of state of the art photogrammetry mapping division,includes survey ground control,ABGPS,aerotriangulation,mapping,softcopy and digital orthophoto production operations. MSE was acquired by_\SI in July 1997.Role expanded in 1998 to include management of corporate snapping subcontractors,coordinating work across all ASI mapping locations and reviewing and facilitating implementation of new mapping technology.Travel to New Zealand and Portugal to review mapping vendor capabilities and assist in Sales efforts. ■ Vice President Operations,MSE Corporation,Indianapolis,IN,May 1983—February 1993. Supervised, managed and administered production operations of over 150 employees involved in civil engineering, transportation,aviation,surveying,photogrammetry and digital computer graphics(GIS)branches of company. ■ Director,Surveying and Mapping Operations,MSE Corporation,Indianapolis,IN,May 1981—May 1983. Combined management responsibility for all surveying and photogrammetric mapping performed by company. ■ Director,Survey Operations,MSE Corporation,Indianapolis,IN,May 1979—May 1981. Direct responsible charge all survey operations for 12 crews all types surveying and civil engineering projects. ■ Survey Project Manager,MSE Corporation,Indianapolis,IN,March 1975—May 1979. Supervised special survey projects,managed field office and supervised field crews. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 53 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes orgy and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables sunborn k Doug Zehr, CP, SP Aerial Triangulation Manager Mr.Zehr has 27 years of industry experience and is a member Education of Sanborn's photogrammetric management team.His a Graduate Studies,Geography,Physical responsibilities include project planning and design, Geography/Cartography—Ball Stale overseeing aerial triangulation,and the support of University,Muncie,IN,1986 . BS,Earth-Space Sciences/Math— photogramtnetric and LiDAR production processes.He also University of Indianapolis,Indianapolis,IN, works with Sanborn's business development group designing 1984 production and cost strategy. Affiliations and Certifications • Certified Photogrammetrist(CP)— Project Experience American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(ASPRS),No.R1021, 1997 ■ Florida Power&Light,Utility Mapping,FL,March ■ Surveyor Photogrammetrist(SP)—Virginia, 2013—October 2013.Color ortho and oblique imagery to No.0408000061,2009 support mapping of 1600 miles of transmission lines. ■ ASPRS—Member,1987 Performed image QC,ortho and oblique production for a North Carolina Linux Users Group PLSC.aDD model deliver• (NCLUG-Member,2013 ■ Entergy,Utility Mapping,August 2012 March 2013. Continuing Education and Seminars Color ortho and oblique imagers to support mapping of 6000 a Photogrammetric Processing Workshop, miles of transmission lines.Developed workflow for image ASPRS Webinar,2013 QC,ortho and oblique production to meet specific client ■ Assessing Accuracy of GID Workshop, requirements. ASPRS Conference,San Antonio,TX,2009 ■ Maricopa County Orthophotos,Maricopa County,AZ, • Intro to Open Source Workshop,ASPRS November 2007—Ongoing.Color and NIR digital imagery Conference,San Antonio,TX,2009 collected at 0.32' 0.5',and 0.8'resolutions for a total of 27 000 ` Automated Linear Feature Extraction Workshop,ASPRS Conference,Portland, images.Performed image acquisition,GPS surveys,AT,DTIN1 OR,2008 update,and orthophotography. ■ Image Enhancement Workshop,ASPRS ■ Virginia Base Mapping Program(VBMP),VA,April Conference,Portland,OR,2008 Professional Airborne Digital Mapping 2009—Ongoing.Statewide orthophoto and DTNi mapping System Workshop,ASPRS Conference,San program involving aerial photography,collection,GPS surveys, Antonio,TX,2006 AT,compilation,and orthophoto generation.Total images ■ UDAR Workshop,ASPRS Conference, 35,000(eastern half of state). Charleston,SC,2004 • IMU Workshop,ASPRS Conference,■ Virginia Base Mapping Program MP),VA>April Washington,DC,2002 2007 February 2008.Statewide orthophoto and DIM mapping program involving aerial photography collection,GPS Windows 2000 Server Training Course, Washington,DC,2002 surve4 s,.1T,compilation,and orthophoto generation.Total LiDAR Workshop,ASPRS Conference, images 47,000. Washington,DC,2000 ■ Pikes Peak Area Orthophotos,Colorado Springs Utilities, • LiDAR Realm Training,Optech,Toronto, Colorado Springs,CO,April 2009—December 2009.Color Canada,1999 and NIR digital imagery collected at 0.5-foot and 1-foot ■ Orthophoto Training,Intergraph,Madison, resolutions for 3,000 square miles.Performed image AL,1992 acquisition,GPS surveys,AT,DT'N1 update,and orthophotography. Work History ■ Chief Photogrammetrist/AT Manager,Sanborn,Colorado Springs,CO,2014—Present.Mr.Zehr manages aerial triangulation operations,and works with a team to support workflow for Sanborn's large-format digital cameras and medium-format oblique sensors.As project designer,he works closely with the business development team and estimator to ensure technical questions,concerns,and strategies are disclosed and discussed.Nir.Zehr performs evaluation of software for production and works with development teams on strategies for process improvement. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 54 Confidential and Proprietary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics Zuded in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn ■ Production Manager,McKim&Creed,Raleigh,NC, Publications/Presentations 2012-2014. As production manager,;1Ir.Zehr established • Zehr,Doug.(2004,Aug)."SoftcopyAT," workflou>and managed photogrammetric production for utility Geospatial Symposium,San Antonio,TX mapping programs.He worked closely with the regional a Zehr,Doug.(2002,May)."Ortho manager on estimating,budget management,and scheduling, Production Techniques,"Alabama and provided customers with innovative technical solutions to Association of Assessing Officials(AAAO), satisfi-needs utilizing existing datasets.Mr.Zehr was Muscle Shoals,AL responsible for developing production workflows utilizing�NIIDAS RGB/IR sensors,Harrier 68i RGB sensors and VI Nadir RGB/IR and oblique sensors.This included field and office image processing,QC procedures, AGPS/IINIU processing,orthophoto production,and delivery of nadir and oblique imagery in specific projections and formats.He resolved INIIDAS sensor orientation issues allowing multiple offices(multiple software packages)to join production efforts. ■ Aerial Triangulation Manager,Sanborn,Colorado Springs,CO,2010-2012.Itlr.Zehr managed aerial triangulation operations,and worked with a team to support workflow for Sanborn's nine large-format digital cameras and facilitate data integration with LiDAR and photogrammetric sensors.As project designer/estimator,he worked closely with the business development team and project managers to ensure technical questions,concerns,and strategies were disclosed and discussed.-Ir.Zehr consulted with project managers to ensure all projects'technical specifications were correct and complete.He also participated in proposal meetings to discuss project specifications and to present alternate strategies when appropriate. ■ Photogrammetric Department Manager and Photogrammetric Engineer,Sanborn,Colorado Springs, CO,2006-2010.Mr.'Lehr led aerial triangulation and compilation operations.In addition,he worked with a team to support workflow for Sanborn's six large-format digital cameras and facilitate data integration with LiDAR and photogrammetric sensors.As project designer/estimator,he worked closely with the business development team and project managers to ensure technical questions,concerns,and strategies were disclosed and discussed.Mr.Zehr worked on the design of specifications for the standardization of select products,and consulted with project managers to ensure all projects'technical specifications were correct and complete.He participated in proposal meetings to discuss project specifications and to present alternate strategies when appropriate. ■ Chief Photogrammetrist/Photogrammetry Department Manager,Atlantic Technologies,Huntsville, AL,1999-2006.INIr.Zehr incorporated IIyIU technology with film cameras.He served as project manager of I,'\IU bore sight.Tasks included project design and specifications,AT measurement and adjustment,and evaluation and analysis of resulting data.Responsible for establishing and supporting LiDAR integration within the photogrammetric workflow with input on accuracy standards,data collection routines,and automation. Assisted in establishing production procedures,quality assurance steps,and accuracy standards.Trained and supervised technicians.Provided AT adjustments of projects ranging from 5-3,000 images using Z/I and BINGO software. ■ Production/Project Manager,Atlantic Technologies,Indianapolis,IN,1990-1999.fir.Zehr managed and supported photogrammetric and GIS mapping;maintained hardware and software proficiency,working with vendors and internal IT department to ensure PC and UNIX systems operated as designed;managed data archiving program,implementing digital tracking system for more effective retrieval;developed workflows to integrate film-based techniques with softcopy technology in AT and stereo compilation areas;managed production personnel(training and evaluations);consulted on marketing,estimating,project design,review,and evaluation of specifications and quality control;and managed 1"=50'engineering scale: 1'contour mapping, county-wide mapping with digital orthos,and GIS mapping projects.Mr.Zehr was also responsible for project design and execution. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 55 Confidential and Proprietary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in Us response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be*ell ed upon as der,ieoons of the anal deuverables - -- sanborn Yvonne Harding, GISP, GIS PLS ,. Manager of Operations Sanborn has been fortunate to employ. Nis.Harding continuously since her graduation.She is very experienced in Education many phases of digital mapping and orthophotography BS,Earth Sciences—University of North production and is currently-Operations Manager for the Carolina at Charlotte.Charlotte,NC, 1998 Charlotte location.Ms.Harding's responsibility is to Affiliations and Certifications supervise,facilitate,and ensure quality standards are met for each mapping project performed at the Charlotte location. Geographic Information Systems PP g P f d 1 P Professional(GISP)—GIS Certification Nis. I-Iarding utilizes multiple GIS software,such as ArcGIS, Institute,No.60209,2008 MicroStation,and AutoCAD,for quality control verification. - Professional GIS Surveyor(GIS PLS)-- South Carolina,No.24118,2004 Project Experience - Integrated Distance Learning Environment(FAA IDLE)—Level 3 Training ■ North Carolina Department of Transportation,NC, for FAA Advisory Circulars AC 15015300-16A September 2000—Present.Under an open-ended contract to -AC 150/5300-17B-AC 150/5300-18B,No. perform mapping services for various roadway projects FAAIDLE20121130-256,2012 throughout the state,Ms.Harding performs quality control of - American Society for Photogrammetry n file format topographic ma in and and Remote Sensing(ASPRS)—Member, MicroStation design mapping 2011 Geopak DTM data to ensure conformity to NCDOT's Geospatial Information&Technology 'dapping Standards. Association(GITA)—Member,2011 ■ City of Baltimore,MD,May 2008—August 2009.Ms. Harding oversaw the production of planimetric and 1'/2' - Urban and Regional Information Systems contour update mapping and performed quality control Association(URISA)—Member,2009 verification using the ArcGIS PLTS extension. Professional Education/Seminars ■ Oconee Nuclear Station,SC,March 2010 June 2010.Ms. Harding oversaw the production and QA/QC of planimetric - Airports GIS Workshop,2012 and DTM stereo-collection to support 1"=50'scale,one-foot contour interval topographic mapping,and 0.25'pixel ■ FAA IDLE Training,AC 150 5300-18 Survey resolution orthophotography of approximately 2,000 acre. Data and GIS Standards,2012 ■ Greenville Spartanburg Airport,SC,March 2011— December 2011.Mrs.Harding supervised the production of - Advanced Analysis with ArcGIS,2006 1"=100'planimetric and DTM mapping to support 5'contours for 3766 acre land use study area. ■ Building Geodatabases 11,2004 ■ Beverly Municipal Airport,MA,June 2012—October 2012. Ms.Harding supervised the collection of 1"=200'scale - Creating and Managing Geodatabases, planimetric mapping and obstructions via stereo-collection to 2001 conform to FAA AC 150 5300-18B Survey Data and GIS Standards,and development of DENT collection to support orthophotography to conform to FAA AC 150 5300-17 Imagery Standards. ■ Hartness State Airport(KVSF)Springfield,VT,September 2012—November 2012. firs.Harding supervised the collection of 1"=50'scale one-foot contour interval topographic mapping of the 238 acre ALP area. The planimetric features included 3D buildings,runways,taxiways,airport parking outlines,runway and taxiway pavement markings,paved/unpaved roadways and parking areas,utility poles,vegetation and hydrology. In addition,obstruction mapping of the 14,310 acre area was performed to conform,to Part 77 specifications. ■ Charleston Airforce Base,SC,May 2011—November 2011.Mrs.Harding supervised the production of obstruction mapping for Runways 15/33,3/21 and 6/24 based on approach surfaces defined in UFC 3-260-01 for Class B. ■ Charlotte Douglas International Airport,NC,March 2010—October 2010.Mrs.Harding supervised the production of 1"=50'scale planimetric and DTM mapping to support 1'contours for As-built Survey of Runways 36L/18R and 18C/36C to conform to NSSD A-FGDC standards. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 56 Confidential and Proprietary,®2016 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes orgy and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn ■ Greenville Spartanburg Airport,SC,March 2011—December 2011.Nhrs.Harding supervised the production of 1"=100'planimetric and DTNI mapping to support 5'contours for 3766 acre land use study area. ■ Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Plant,Shippingport,PA,2012. NIrs.Harding supervised the production of 1"=100'scale planimetric,DTNI and topographic mapping delivered in AutoCAD format using Sanborn's standard schema. ■ Perry Nuclear Power Plant,North Perry,OH,2012. _tlrs.Harding supervised the production of 1"=100' scale planimetric,DTDI and topographic mapping delivered in AutoCAD format using Sanborn's standard schema. in Davis—Besse Nuclear Power Plant,Oak Harbor OH,2012. Nits.Harding supervised the production of 1"=100'scale planimetric,DT:1f and topographic mapping delivered in AutoCAD format using Sanborn's standard schema. ■ Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,MS,November 2012—December 2012. Nirs.Harding supervised the production of 1"=100'scale planimetric,DTINI and topographic mapping delivered in AutoCAD format using Sanborn's standard schema. ■ Indian Point Energy Center,NY,November 2012—December 2012. \Irs.Harding supervised the production of 1"=100'scale planimetric,DT-NI and topographic mapping delivered in AutoCAD format using Sanborn's standard schema. ■ Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant,VT,November 2012—December 2012. ',Mrs.Harding supervised the production of 1"=100'scale planimetric,DT:11 and topographic mapping delivered in AutoCAD format using Sanborn's standard schema. ■ Beaufort County,SC,April 2012 July 2012. 'GIs.Harding supervised the orthophotography of the 826 square mile countywide project.Pixel resolution for the project was 0.5'.:llapping scale was 1"-100'for the project. ■ Blacksburg Quarry,Cherokee County,SC,December 2012 January 2013. Urs.Harding supervised the production of 1"=100'scale two-foot interval contour mapping in AutoCAD format.In addition,she performed the volumetric calculations for the quarry's inventory purposes. in Cape Girardeau Quarry,MO,December 2012 January 2013. �Irs.Harding supervised the production of 1"=100'scale,two-foot contour interval planimetric,DTM and topographic mapping in AutoCAD format.In addition,she performed the volumetric calculations for the quarry's inventory purposes. This project is usually updated annually for client. Work History ■ Manager of Operations,Sanborn,Charlotte,NC,May 2010—Present.;his.Harding is currently responsible for management of mapping production in all phases for the Charlotte location. ■ GIS Analyst,Sanborn,Charlotte,NC,July 1999—May 2010.Nis.Harding has held multiple production roles including cartographic edit,orthophotography and GIS production.During this time she was responsible for quality control of cartographic edit and GIS products as well as training for production staff. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 57 Confidential and Proprietary.®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables sanborn Karol Szczubelek AGPS and Operations Team Lead Mr.Szczubelek has over 13 years of experience in geodetic surveying. As team lead,Mr.Szczubelek provides Ieadership Education and technical expertise in ortho photo production and directs . BS,Geomaties Engineering—University of and coordinates the daily work of the orthoimagery team in Calgary,Calgary,AB,2001 processing of aerial imagery.Mr.Szczubelek has been actively - Degree,Electrical Engineering—Zespol involved in the geodetic surveying,aerial photography,and Szkoi Elektrycznych,Soltyka,Warsaw, LiDAR data collection. Office duties have involved Poland,1990 GPS/IMU,digital,and analog camera and LiDAR data Professional Education and Seminars processing at Sanborn.He is responsible for implementing • vexcel UltraCam,manufacturer's training and establishing methods for maximizing accuracies of - DMC Camera,manufacturers training processing geodetic survey data Nvith impressive results.He • Opiech ALTM operations,manufacturer's heads and supervises all surveying activities and survey training applications development. Mr.Szczubelek is also responsible - Leica Geosystems ALS50,manufacturer's for documentation,training,and monitoring all Q,./QC training activities pertaining to geodetic surveying.He was in charge - Yearly sensor operation and field procedures of coordination,execution,and reporting for a multi-year and processing GPS survey project on several military bases throughout the country for the U.S.government. Project Experience ■ Gwinnett County Basemap Update,Gwinnett County,GA,2010—Present. %fr.Szczubelek was responsible for designing/planting the LiDAR acquisition throughout the County.His current responsibilities also include_Airborne GPS processing and quality review of the ground control network. ■ Oblique Imagery Program,Customer Confidential,Multiple Cities,June 2013—Present. Process and adjust Ground Control points for AT process.Processed AGPS-I:NIU airborne trajectory to establish aerial imagery photo centers. ■ Bourbon and Crawford Counties,KS,May 2014.Process and adjust ground control points for AT process. Processed.AGPS-I:NIU airborne trajectory to establish aerial imagery photo centers. ■ Tennessee Department of Transportation(TDOT)Portland Bypass,TN,April 2014.Process and adjust ground control points for AT process.Processed AGPS-IMU airborne trajectory to establish aerial imagery photo centers. ■ Pikes Peak Geospatial Alliance(PPGA),Colorado Springs Utilities,Colorado Springs,CO,May 2014-- Present.Process and adjust ground control points for AT process.Processed.AGPS-I%fU airborne trajectory to establish aerial imagery photo centers. ■ Louisiana Statewide,LA,February 2010 June 2012.Processed AGPS-INIU airborne trajectory to establish aerial imagery photo centers. ■ Marieopa County,AZ,October 2009—Present.Processing AGPS-INfU airborne trajectory to establish aerial imagery photo centers. ■ Virginia Base Mapping Program,VA,February 2007 July 2012.Conducted the establishment of the Statewide GPS control network.Processing.AGPS-INIU airborne trajectory to establish aerial imagery photo centers. ■ Saskatchewan Province Orthoimagery Program,Saskatchewan,Canada,April 2012—Present.Oversees and coordinates field operations,including flight planning,sensor operators,and network adjustments. ■ Qatar Petroleum Aerial Photogrammetry Based GIS Database Updating Program,Qatar,January 2013—Present.Oversees and coordinates field operations,including flight planning,sensor operators,and network adjustments. ■ State of Kansas,March 2011—Present.Oversees and coordinates field operations,including flight planning, sensor operators,and network adjustments. ■ National Agriculture Imagery Program,U.S.Department of Agriculture,VA,2008.Processed AGPS- IMU airborne trajectory to establish aerial imagery photo centers. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 58 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables i - sanborn ■ City of Rifle,CO,April 2009.Performed Real Time Kinematic(RTK)observations of the following utilities: storm,sanitarv,water and traffic signs. ■ US Department of Agriculture Forestry,US Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency,CO, WY,July 2008—September 2008.Processed_ GPS-I.\IU airborne trajectory to establish aerial imagery photo centers. ■ EarthTech ACC,US Air Force Bases,February 2004—September 2005.Established a first order control network for utility'data collection for 14 Air Force bases throughout the United States.'Phis included data collection of the following utilities:storm,sanitary,water,electrical,natural gas,and liquid fuels.Performed RTK survey involving Trimble 5,700 receivers. ■ Denver Water Utilities,CO,April 2002.Established a first order control network for utility data collection and data collection of the water utilities.Performed RTK survey using Trimble 5,700 receivers. ■ Naperville,IL,May 2001.Utility Project.Established a first order control network for utility data collection and data collection of the following utilities:storm,sanitary,and water.Performed RTK survey involving Trimble 4,000 SSI receivers. Work History ■ AGPS and Operations Team Lead,Sanborn,Colorado Springs,CO—December 2013-Present.In addition to the below responsibilities,NIr.Szczubelek is responsible for the airborne GPS and ground survey operations. ■ Data Logistics Manager,Sanborn,Colorado Springs,CO,June 2012—December 2013.In addition to the below responsibilities,Mr.Szczubelek is responsible for all aircraft sensors,related equipment,flight planning, and sensor operators. ■ Geodetic Engineer,Sanborn,Colorado Springs,CO,May 2001 June 2012.Responsibilities include managing/planning,sensor operation,troubleshooting,photography and LiDAR data collection and processing,and quality control.1NIr.Szczubelek is also responsible for survey and ground control for all mapping and GPS survey projects. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 59 Confidenbal and Proprietary.®2015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphim included in this response are for illustrative and representafive purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depicfions of the final denverables sanborn Craig Laben Geospatial Data Manager Mr.Laben has a strong background,with over 20 years of Education experience in remote sensing,GIS,image processing, • MS,Imaging Science—Rochester Institute geospatial analysis and geospatial product quality'assurance. of Technology,Rochester,NY,1993 He has extensive knowledge of commercial and government • BS,Computer Science—Rochester satellite and aerial EO,MS,IR and radar imaging systems data Institute of Technology,Rochester,NY, 1986 and their applications.Mr.Laben has developed algorithms, a AAS,Computer Science—Rochester techniques,processes and metrics to improve the image Institute of Technology,Rochester,NY,1986 quality,accuracy-and intelligence value of geospatial products. Computer Skills He also has experience in the processing and analysis of ■ Programming—MATLAB,Python scripting geospatial and natural hazards data for damage assessments, • Remote Sensing and GIS Tools—ESRI risk and vulnerability assessments and mitigation strategies. ArcGIS,ERDAS Imagine,ENVI,SocetGXP, Socet Set,RemoteView,QTModeler, Mr.Laben has strong project management and technical ERMapper,Photoshop leadership experience,and has excellent analytical and Publications problem solving skills. ■ C.Chiesa,P.Cower,C.Laben(2004,Jul). "Mapping Flood Risk and Vulnerability in Project Experience the Lower Mekong Delta,"ESRI Map Book Gallery Vol.20 ■ US Cities Oblique Program,Multiple Cities Across the • C.Laben,(2004,Mar). "An Asia Pacific USA,October 2013—Present.fir.Laben currently manages Natural Hazards and Vulnerabilities Atlas the Quality Control(QC)and delivery of all acquired aerial Supporting Disaster Management Paper AGPS-I_•41U and imagery data for Sanborn's US Cities Oblique P Applications."Pacific Disaster Center White Paper Program.He is responsible for ensuring that staffing C.Chiesa,C.Laben,R.Cicone(2003,Nov). requirements are maintained and that all project deliveries are "An Asia Pacific Natural Hazards and made on-time and within budget,while making sure that all Vulnerabilities Atlas."Proceedings, customer quality standards are being met.He interacts daily International Symposium for Remote Sensing with the Flight Acquisition Team and gives daily status updates of the Environment(t)"Integration Int ,Honolulu and reports to upper management.He is also responsible for C.Laben Sensing Sept)`4nte Geographic of P PP � P Remote Sensing Data and Geographic identifi-ing areas in the AGPS-INIU and Image Quality(IQ) Information System Technology for processing work-flows for improvement and making sure that Emergency Managers and their process enhancements are developed,implemented and Applications."Optical Engineering,Journal for the International Society for Optical documented. Engineering,Vol.41,No.9 ■ Lockheed Martin Corp.,Goodyear,AZ,June 2010—August Patents 2011.Mr.Laben was the technical lead on a government • C.Laben,B.Brower(2000,Jan).'A Process contract and was responsible for developing image quality for Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of metrics that are currently being used to assess the quality and Muldspeetral Imagery using Pan- accuracy of national geospatial products. These image quality Sharpening."US Patent#6,011,875 R.Fiete,C.Laben(1999,Mar). g metrics include:visual ratings,local and global statistical analysis,ysis eo-location and mensuration analysis,histogram Adaptive Process for Removing Streaks + 3 g g in Digital Images."US Patent#5,881,182 analysis and metadata verification techniques. ■ Pacific Disaster Center,Maui,HI,October 2002—October 2004.Mr.Laben was the project lead for the design,implementation and deployment of the Pacific Disaster Center's(PDC)Global Hazards Atlas.The Global Hazards Atlas is an internet mapping application which can be used to display near real-time and historical natural hazards data around the globe.The Global Hazards Atlas may be accessed at:www.gdc.org/atlas. ■ Eastman Kodak Company,Rochester,NY,May 1998 January 2000.Under a government contract,lair. Laben developed a Gram-Schmidt transform pan-sharpening technique that improved the spatial resolution of multispectral(CIS)imagery using a higher resolution panchromatic image,but maintained the spectral characteristics of the I1IS imagery-.Existing pan-sharpening techniques improved the spatial resolution of the :CIS imagery,but changed the spectral content of the NIS data,thus degrading the quality of the imagery,Mr. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 60 Confidential and Propdetary.02D15The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for iUusbative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. I( 40 sanborn Laben documented,submitted for,and received a patent for this Gram-Schmidt pan-sharpening technique. This algorithm is currently offered in both ESRI's ArcGIS and EKE.LIS'ENN71 remote sensing software packages. Work History ■ Geospatial Data Manager,Sanborn,Colorado Springs,CO,October 2013—Present.Mr.Laben currently oversees the day-to-day activities of the Data Ingest and Geo-positioning departments for all aerial projects within Sanborn's mapping operations.Mr.Laben is responsible for coordinating activities between the flight acquisition team and the production team and ensuring that image quality and accuracy standards are being met.fir.Laben worts with the GPS-IMU and Image Quality Control(QC)teams to optimize workflow and to develop more efficient processes and improve data ingest and QC turn-around times and lower associated costs. ■ Signal/Image Processing Engineer,Sr.Staff.,Lockheed Martin Corp.,Goodyear,AZ,February 2005— August 2012.Mr.Laben was a member of the Geospatial Product Quality(PQ)group which performed geospatial product quality assurance and accuracy assessments on national remote sensing products/tools for various government and defense agencies.Mr.Laben was technical lead on multiple programs and was responsible for all PQ activities related to these programs to include: developing detailed test plans,assigning tasks,performing manual and automated regression testing,performing geo-location and mensuration accuracy assessments,identifying/logging/tracking issues,performing issue resolution and verification,and performing requirement verification.As a technical lead,'fir.Laben was responsible for ensuring that all projects were staffed appropriately and were completed on time and within budget.In addition,Mr.Laben developed Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs),regression testing checklists and image quality metrics for the testing of baseline and Advanced Geospatial Intelligence(AGI)products. ■ Sr.Imagery Analyst,Lockheed Martin Corp,Kihei,Maui,HI,January 2001—February 2005.As a subcontractor,Mr.Laben was a member of the Data and Information Resources Division at the Pacific Disaster Center located in Maui,Hawaii.The PDC utilizes remote sensing and GIS data,impact modeling, risk assessment tools,and visualizations to provide emergency managers,decision makers and disaster management professionals with historical and real-time hazards information products.Mr.Laben coordinated with and conducted various remote sensing and GIS projects for local,state and federal emergency response agencies.Mr.Laben processed and analyzed natural hazards and geospatial data for risk and vulnerability assessments and mitigation strategies.He also was responsible for integrating real-time hazards data into PDC geospatial applications.additionally,Mr.Laben tasked and trained PDC Imagery Analysts and GIS interns. ■ Imagery Analyst,Eastman Kodak Co.,Kihei,Maui,HI,February 1999 January 2001.Mr.Laben joined the PDC in its early pears as an Imagery analyst,where he produced geospatial products for the disaster management community.As an Imagery analyst,his duties included:base map imagery and GIS data collection,data processing and mosaic generation,metadata documentation and verification,database population,development of change detection techniques and products,damage assessments during and after a hazard/disaster event,geospatial product development,and post-event product generation. ■ Project Engineer,Eastman Kodak Co.,Rochester,NY,December 1988—February 1999.lair.Laben was a member of the Commercial and Government Systems Division's,Image Chain Analysis(ICA)group.Mr. Laben was an algorithm developer and conducted studies to improve the image quality of government EO, ;CIS,IR and radar satellite data and products for both hardcopy and softcopy display.He developed numerous techniques and algorithms to enhance image quality and improve the intelligence value of imagery products to include: baseline image processing chain improvements,adaptive sharpening and dynamic range adjustment algorithms,data fusion and pan-sharpening algorithms,low light level imagery optimization,atmospheric normalization,and change detection algorithms.Mr.Laben obtained two patents on image processing algorithms that he developed while working in the ICA. ■ Graduate Research Assistant,Rochester Institute of Technology,Rochester,NY,September 1986— December 1988. While obtaining his blaster of Science degree in Imaging Science,Mr.Laben conducted research within the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing(DIRS)Lab on various remote sensing and image processing projects. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 61 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanbom Map Company.Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final delrvembtes - - _ sanborn Kevin Woehl Senior Stereo Compiler Mr.Woehl has 24 years of industry experience. In 1989,lie joined Sanborn as a stereocompiler.His education and Education experience in surveying uniquely qualified him for fully o AAS,Geophysical Surveying—National analytical aero-triangulation,cross sectioning,and the College, Rapid City,SD, 1986 compilation of design-scale engineering mapping.Mr.Woehl is well versed in AutoCAD,MicroStation,TerraModel Affiliations and Certifications mapping system,and orientation software utilized for a American Society of Photogrammetry production of first-order analytical stereo instruments. In (ASPRS)—Member addition to his production duties,Mr.%Xloehl is a vital part of the quality control procedure at Sanho2 n and assists in the training of new personnel. Project Experience ■ City of Durham,NC,February 2005—May 2006.INIr.Woehl provided stereocompilation for the 1,467 color orthophotography images of 0.5 foot pixel resolution at 1"=100'scale for the 300 square mile digital orthophotography project. ■ Martin County,FL,October 2005—January 2007.'\fr.Woehl produced DETM stereocompilation for 717 orthophoto images at 1"=200'scale with a 1-foot pixel resolution. ■ Okeechobee County,FL,October 2005—January 2007.,\fr.Woehl produced DENI stereocompilation for 966 orthophoto images at 1"=200'scale with a 1-foot pixel resolution. ■ United States Marine Corps Blount Island Command,Jacksonville,FL,October 2005—February 2006. Mr.Woehl's duties for this project included Aerial Triangulation,Digital Topographic;Mapping,supervision and quality control of 1-foot contour interval mapping. ■ Hardee County,FL,March 2004 July 2004. vfr.Woehl produced DEXI stereo-compilation for 171 orthophoto images at 1"=200'scale with a 1-foot pixel resolution. ■ Beverly Municipal Airport,MA,June 2012—October 2012.Mr.Woehl collected 1"=200'scale planimetric mapping and obstructions via stereo-collection using ZI ImageStation Feature Collection software to conform to FAA AC 150 5300-18B Survey Data and GIS Standards,and development of DEM collection to support orthophotography to conform to FAA AC 150 5300-17 Imagery Standards. a Hartness State Airport(KVSF)Springfield,VT,September 2012—November 2012. lair.Woehl collected 1"=50'scale,1-foot contour interval topographic mapping of the 238 acre ALP area. The planimetric features included 3D buildings,runways,taxiways,airport parking outlines,runway and taxiway pavement markings, paved/unpaved roadways and parking areas,utility poles,vegetation and hydrology. He also collected 1"=200' scale obstruction mapping of the 14,310 acre Part 77 area. ■ Charleston Air Force Base,SC,May 2011—November 2011.Mr.Woehl produced obstruction mapping for runways 15/33,3/21 and 6/24 based on approach surfaces defined in UFC 3-260-01 for Class B airfields using ZI ImageStation Feature Collection software. ■ Charlotte Douglas International Airport,NC,March 2010—October 2010.fir.Woehl produced 1"=50' scale planimetric and DT;XI mapping to support 1-Foot contours using ZI ImageStation Feature Collection software of runways 36L/18R and 18C/36C for As-built Survey,to conform to NSSDA-FGDC standards. ■ Greenville Spartanburg Airport,SC,March 2011—December 2011.Mr.Woehl produced 1"=100' planimetric and DTM mapping to support 5-foot contours for a 3,766 acre land use study area. ■ North Carolina Department of Transportation,NC,2000-2012.fir.Woehl collected Planimetric,D'Evi and Contour compilation for numerous 1"=50'design scale route mapping with a 1-foot contour interval under numerous On-Call Professional Services Agreements. ■ Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Plant,Shippingport,PA,2012. TNIr.Woehl produced 1"=100'scale,1-foot interval contour mapping in AutoCAD drawing file format utilizing our standard layer scheme. He captured the planimetric features in 2D and the contours along with the DTM point;break line data was captured in 3D. ■ Perry Nuclear Power Plant,North Perry,OH,2012.Mr.Woehl produced 1"=100'scale,1-foot interval contour mapping in AutoCAD drawing file format utilizing our standard layer scheme.He captured the planimetric features in 2D and the contours along with the DTM point;break line data was captured in 3D. City or Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 62 Confidential and Proprietary.m 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Ino.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics induded in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depietions of the final deliverables. sanborn ■ Davis—Besse Nuclear Power Plant,Oak Harbor,OH,2012. \fr.Woehl produced 1"=100'scale,1-foot interval contour mapping in AutoCAD drawing file format utilizing our standard laver scheme. He captured the planimetric features in 2D and the contours along with the DTINI point;break line data was captured in 3D. ■ Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,MS,November 2012—December 2012. \fr.XWoehl produced V=100'scale, 1-foot intmal contour mapping in AutoCAD and AutoCAD Civil 3D terrain data formats using first-order Z/I Imaging digital photogrammetric workstations. The masspoints and breaklines were extracted to create digital terrain models(DT:%I),as well as create a graphic database of all visible planimetric features.One-foot contours were generated from the DT.NIs. ■ Indian Point Energy Center,NY,November 2012—December 2012. Xfr.Woehl produced 1"=100'scale, 1-foot interval contour mapping in AutoCAD and AutoCAD Civil 3D terrain data formats using first-order Z/1 Imaging digital photogrammetric workstations.The masspoints and breaklines were extracted to create digital terrain models(DTIf),as well as create a graphic database of all visible planimetric features.One-foot contours were generated from the DT.`vIs. ■ Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant,VT,November 2012—December 2012.'N1r.Woehl produced 1"=100' scale,1-foot interval contour mapping in AutoCAD and AutoCAD Civil 3D terrain data formats using a first- order Z/I Imaging digital photogrammetric workstation. The masspoints and breaklines were extracted to create digital terrain models(DTNI),as well as create a graphic database of all visible planimetric features.One- foot contours were generated from the DT\Is. ■ Paul S.Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project,Poplar Island,MD,September 2010—December 2010. Nfr.Woehl developed digital topographic mapping in AutoCAD format for specific areas at a scale of 1"=30'with a 0.5-foot contour interval using the 1"=330'scale color photography Sanborn obtained. All features were in the model space,had color/line hype defined by layer,contour line and spot elevations had a 7_ value equal to their elevation. All digital terrain model components(mass points,break lines,and boundaries) were provided in a separate AutoCAD file ■ Blacksburg Quarry,Cherokee County,SC,December 2012 January 2013.Xfr.Woehl produced update mapping at 1"=100'scale,2-foot interval contour mapping in AutoCAD format using a first-order Z/I Imaging digital photogrammetric workstation. He also collected the DTAf to use for volumetric pile calculations and inventory for the quarry. ■ Cape Girardeau Quarry,MO,December 2012—January 2013. '%fr.Woehl produced planimetric and topographic mapping at 1"=100'scale,2-foot interval contour mapping in AutoCAD format using a Z/1 Imaging digital photogrammetric workstation. Also collected the DT.NI to use for volumetric pile calculations and inventory for the quarry. This project is usually updated annually*for the client. Work History ■ Senior Stereo Compiler,Sanborn,Charlotte,NC,October 1989—Present.Responsibilities include stereo compiling,AT,quality control—compilation review and some ground surveying. ■ Survey Technician,Cardan,Fort Mill,SC,1987-1989.Trained in stereo compilation. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 63 Confidential and Propnetary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Ino.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illusbalive and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. Sanborn r Carlos Martinez Compilation Technician Mr.Martinez joined Sanborn in the spring of 2012.He brings with him over a decade of photogrammetric compilation Education experience collecting DEM/D I11 points,break line data and Civil Engineering—Universidad de la Salle. planimetric features.Mr.Martinez's photogrammetric Bogota,Columbia experience also includes analytical triangulation measureation, update mapping,hydrographic mapping,land cover mapping and airport obstruction mapping. Project Experience ■ Colorado Department of Transportation,CO,April 2012—August 2012.Mr.'Martinez performed Planimetric and DTM compilation for DTM,Planimetric,and topographic project. ■ Beaufort County,SC,April 2012—July 2012.Mr."`Martinez performed DEAI compilation for the 825 1'pixel resolution color orthophotography project. ■ Howard County,MD,April 2012 July 2012.Mr.Martinez's duties for this project included Planimetric and DTINI compilation for contour and building footprint update of the 254 square mile project area. ■ Newberry County,SC,November 2012 July 2013.Mr.Martinez performed DEM compilation for 371 orthophoto images with pixel resolution of 0.25-foot,0.50-foot,and 1-foot. ■ North Carolina Department of Transportation,NC,2012. -Mr.Martinez collected Planimetric,DTM and Contour compilation for numerous 1"=50'design scale route mapping with a one-foot contour interval under numerous On-Call Professional Services.Agreements. ■ Darlington County,South Carolina,January 2013 June 2013.Mr.Martinez performed DEM compilation for 202 1" =400'scale orthophoto images of the 567 square miles project area. ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Union and Bradford Counties,December 2012 July 2013.Mr. :Martinez performed DENI compilation for the 1"=200'scale orthoimagery with one foot pixel resolution. Work History ■ Stereo Compiler,Sanborn,Charlotte,NC,April 2012—Present.Mr.Martinez's responsibilities include stereo compiling,.AT,and quality control. ■ Stereo Compiler,Nova Digital Systems Inc,,Charlotte,NC,May 2001—April 2012.Mr.Martinez's responsibilities included stereo compiling,AT,and quality control/compilation review. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 64 Confidenlial and Proprietaty,02015 The Sanbom Map Company,Inc,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes oNy and shall not be relied upon es depictions of the final deliverables sunborn Christian Ulloa, PPS Digital Imagery Supervisor As a licensed photogrammetrist in the State of South Carolina and a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer,Mr.Ulloa brings Affiliations and Certifications a strong technical background to his position.Ile has 19 years of experience developing digital orthophotos using aerial Professional Photogrammetric Surveyor (PPS�-South Carolina,No.24469,2004 imagery.He supervises a 3-person orthoimagery team, managing personnel and maintaining quality control, • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer scheduling,and delivery of digital mapping projects.Mr. (MCSE)and Microsoft Certified Ulloa also maintains the computer network and handles the Professional(MCP)-No 1989502 hardware and software installation on workstations connected • Integrated Distance Learning Environment(FAA IDLE)-Level 3 Training to this network. In addition,he specializes in the creation of for FAA Advisory Circulars AC 15015300-16A scripts,menus,and programs to streamline and standardize -AC 150/5300-17B-AC 150/5300-18B,No. the map production process. He has expertise in digital FAAIDLE201301180-260 products utilizing software bundles such as Zeiss/Intergraph, Papers and Presentations AutoCAD,TerraModeI,MicroStation,Autometric Ulloa,Christian.(2007). 'Photogrammetric Softplotter,Arclnfo,and Erdas. Applications,Use of Intergraph DMC Camera for Mapping Applications," Intergraph 2007 Conference,Nashville,TN Project Experience ■ City of Knoxville/Knox County/Knoxville Utilities Board Geographic Information System(KGIS), Knoxville,TN,January 2007—November 2012.Mr.Ulloa was responsible for image processing, preparation,and color and color infrared orthophotography on this multi-gear project. ■ Miami-Dade County Annual Landfill Topographic Mapping Surveys,North Dade Landfill,FL, December 2012—Present.Mr.Ulloa performed image processing and a quality control review,generated 1" = 200'scale topographic mapping with 2-foot contour interval in AutoCAD format along with 1-foot rectified color images covering each site in 8bit.tif format ■ Martha's Vineyard Airport(MVY)Martha's Vineyard,MA,October 2012—April2011 Mr.Ulloa was responsible for image processing,and generating 0.5-foot resolution color orthophotography.He performed the final quality control review and delivered entire project to client. ■ Robins Air Force Base,GA,December 2008—November 2009.Mr.Ulloa performed image processing, and managed and supervised the orthophotography department in creation of deliverable images. ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Walton County,FL,December 2012—Present.fir.Ulloa provided image processing,quality control,and color balancing for the entire project of 1847,1-foot color orthophotography. ■ City of Baltimore,MD,March 2008—March 2009.Mr.Ulloa processed imagery and assisted in the production of the digital orthophotos. ■ United States Department of Agriculture,Farm Service Agency,National Aerial Imager•Program(NAIP),X'A and XX17,2008-2009.Responsible for image processing,preparation,and orthophotography. ■ Town of Nantucket,MA,April 2007—December 2007.Mr.Ulloa's duties for this project included supervision and production in the development of color and color infrared orthophotography of the Town. The Town of Nantucket is a group of three main islands(Nantucket,Tuckernuck,Nfuskeget)and small nearby islands.The total land area of Nantucket is approximately 49 square miles(plus nearshore shallow water).All data was delivered at 0.5-foot pixel resolution GeoTIFF format and as compressed(MrSID)image files. ■ South Carolina Department of Environmental Control,South Carolina Coastal Zone,SC,July 2000— June 2007.Sanborn was selected to provide high-resolution aerial imagery services for portions of South Carolina's Coastal Zone.I'vIr.Ulloa supervised the production of high-resolution,multi-spectral imagery delivered as DOQQ images in ERDAS Imagine.img referenced to the UTM,NAD 83,Zone 17 coordinate system.All data was delivered as 0.25 pixel resolution color orthophotography delivered in ERDAS Imagine .img format City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 65 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics Included in tMs response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn 4w Work History ■ Digital Imagery Analyst/Team Lead,Sanborn,Charlotte,NC,February 2010—Present.Supervises a 3-person orthoimagery team and maintains quality control,scheduling,and delivery of digital mapping projects. is Cartographic Editor/Department Manager for:Editing,Scanning,Orthophotography Production,Imagery,Sanborn,Charlotte,NC,July 1992 January 2010.Mr. Ulloa specialized in the creation of scripts,menus,and programs to streamline and standardize the map production process.His expertise in digital products involves utilizing software such as AutoCAD,TerraNlodel,NficroStation, rlutometric Softplotter,Arclnfo,and Erdas.Mr.Ulloa's responsibilities also involved hired and trained personnel for all departments and streamlining production workflows.In addition,Nir.UIloa was responsible for implementing and supporting the office's network structure,maintaining servers,hardware, and software. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 66 Confidential and Proprietary.0 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be retied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn r Jason Mullis Imagery Technician Mr. Mullis has six years of experience in the production of Education digital orthophotography. He is experienced in many digital SFAsoft-ware Pain are products including Apertune,Intergraph Orthopro, Fine Arts,Concentration in Pain Fine of North Carolina at IRASC,GeoMedia,APS,Adobe Photoshop versions 6 Charlotte,Charlotte,NC,2005 through CS5,Global Mapper,and LizardTech's MrSID. Professional Education Seminars Project Experience Getting started with GIS—Esri,Training for ArcGIS 10,2012 ■ Florida Division of Emergency Management,FL, FAA IDLE Training AC 150 5300-17 November 2011.Mr.Mullis assisted in the production of Photogrammetry(Level 1)and Airport Color Digital Orthophotography with 1-foot resolution of Imagery Acquisition&Submittal(Level 3), Nassau,Clay,Brevard and Putnam Counties 2012 ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Walton County,FL, Conference for Adobe Photoshop Users— October 2012—Present.Mr.Nfullis is performing the SkillPath Seminar,2008 seamline editing of Color and Color Infrared Orthophotography,produced at 1"=400'scale %with a 1.0 pixel resolution of the County. ■ Robins Air Force Base,GA,February 2012 June 2012. :fir. Mullis assisted in the production of 1"=40' color and infrared digital ortho with 0.25-foot pixel resolution. ■ State of Kansas LiDAR,KS,March 2011—Present.Mr. Nfullis assisted in the collection of Hvdro features utilizing ArcGIS 10 software. ■ New York State Digital Orthophotography Program(NYSDOP),NY,January 2008—March 2013. Mr. :Mullis assisted in the production of color orthoimagery for the multiyear program. ■ Groton,CT,January 2009—April 2010.Mr.Mullis provided seam editing for the project which produced 176 tiles of 1"=100'color and color infrared orthophotography at 0.25-foot resolution and formatted to the Town's 2500'x 2500'modular tiles. ■ Florida Department of Revenue,Seminole County,FL,December 2008—March 2009.Mr.'Mullis assisted in the production of 474,1-foot color orthophotography 5,000 by 5,000 tiles with 200'accuracy-. ■ Waterford,CT,January 2009—April 2010.Nir.Mullis provided seam editing for the project which produced 196,1"=100'color orthophotography at 0.25-foot resolution and formatted to the Town's 2500'x 2500' modular tiles. ■ Ledyard,CT,January 2009—Apri12010.Mr.Mullis provided seam editing for the project which produced 191—1"=100'color and color infrared orthophotography at 0.25-foot resolution and formatted to the Town's 2500'x 2500'modular tiles. ■ Stonington,CT,January 2009—May 2010.Mr.Mullis provided seam editing for the project which produced 235—1"=100'color and color infrared orthophotography at 0.25-foot resolution and formatted to the Town's 2500'x 2500'modular tiles. ■ Hertford County,NC,February 2009 January 2010.Mr.Mullis assisted in the production of 127— 1"=100'scale at 0.25-foot resolution and formatted into 2500'x 2500'modular tiles and 448—1"=200'scale at 0.5-foot resolution and formatted into 5,000'x 5,000'modular tiles. ■ United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),Farm Service Agency(FSA),National Aerial Imagery Program(NAIP),2006-2009. 1:40,000 color aerial photography in Georgia,North Carolina, Virginia,Nest Virginia and California. Mr.Mullis assisted the Production Team Lead in orthorectification, color balance,seaming,process and quality control,Photoshop editing,and preparation of data for delivery. Work History ■ Imagery Technician,Sanborn,Charlotte NC,August 2007-Present. Mr.Mullis is an advanced user of Adobe Photoshop versions 6 through CS5,including color balance and the creation and automation of batch processes. He has six years of experience with rectification,seaining,mosaicking,and quality control using GeOlMedia Orthopro and Sanborn's proprietary APS software.'Nfr.'Mullis has also edited several TrueOrtho projects,including Baltimore and New York City. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orlhoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 67 Confidential and Proprietary.C 2D15 The Sanbom Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and represenlative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn Section IV — References Sanborn has a demonstrable track record of success on large,complex orthoimagery and photogrammetric mappi ig projects throughout the United States.The company's experience includes manor orthoimagery and mapping projects in the western United States. It is Sanborn's privilege to have been previously selected to serve The City of Bozeman on a similar project,and we've also completed work for Lewis and Clark County,the state of Wyoming,and many other regional projects.'%Xre bring a unique level of understanding and experience to the program,and are familiar with all aspects of the project. Sanborn has worked with many of the control networks upon which your project will based,and our team members know the locations,characteristics,and nuances, and can efficiently access, utilize,and extend the networks as needed.Sanborn's experienced aircrews are highly familiar with the regional airspace system,and know how to navigate safely and efficiently within its boundaries.They have the relationships needed to gain access to the sensitive and restricted areas. Sanborn has recently completed large orthoimagery creation and photogrammetric mapping projects for the states of New York,Virginia,Louisiana,Michigan,North Carolina, Wyoming, and Kansas.Additionally,Sanborn has performed airborne imagery acquisition and creation of digital orthophotography of the states of Virginia,West Virginia,South Dakota,Arizona,New Mexico,North Carolina,Colorado,South Carolina,Georgia,New Hampshire,Vermont,and Tennessee under contract to the U.S.Department of Agriculture for their NAIP and NAPP programs. Sanborn's recent project involvement has included statewide imagery programs that required collection of imagery for areas exceeding 40,000 square miles,and delivering tens of thousands of orthoimagery tiles within the space of 6 to 8 months.The company's first-tune acceptance rate for orthoimagery submittals typically exceeds 97 percent. Sanborn has successfully worked with numerous other clients to perform si nilar projects. Our recent clients include the State of Virginia's Base Mapping Program(VBMP),Greater Bridgeport Regional Council(GBRC),Windham Region Council of Governments(W INCOG), Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium(LOJIC),Pikes Peak Geospatial Alliance (PPGA)and the Houston-Galveston Area Council(HGAC;a 50-member consortium). In addition to coordinating and communicating as needed to complete their imagery and mapping projects,Sanborn has hosted informational seminars,developed and delivered in coordination with the governing body,that are held prior to the main flying seasons (and off-seasons as appropriate),to aid in educating and supporting the wide-ranging needs of their constituents. Representative projects that demonstrate Sanborn's ability to deliver projects of this size,scope, and complexity are provided on the following pages,including contact information. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 68 Confidential and Proprietary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company.Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be refied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn Reference: _ City of Bozeman, MT The Citv of Bozeman,Montana(City),regularly uses aerial Contact Jon Henderson information to support regulatory,land management,planning Name GIS Manager and engineering projects.In March of 2012,the City selected phone (406)582-2250 Sanborn to acquire aerial imagers-and produce orthoimagers for 74 square miles covering the City of Bozeman. All final data was stored in the Cit,•'s ArcSDE database and made available to Email jenderson@bozeman.net internal and external customers through various client applications and dowmloadable data files.In 2014,Sanborn was CustoCustomer City of Bozeman,MT again selected by the Cite-to perform additional services. Sanborn produced an impervious mapping compilation and 20 East Olive parcel vector adjustment for 80 square miles within the City, Address PO Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 using the 2012 aerial photos and triangulation data. Project March 2012--July 2012 Project Scope Term September 2014—December 2014 Project $83,400 Sanborn collected digital imagery using the U1traCam digital Value sensor on 1\1ay 12,2012,which met the following requirements as project outlined by the City of Bozeman: Area 74 square miles ■ Sun angle>40 degrees ■ Leaf-off conditions ■ No clouds or obscured ground IN 60 degree forward,30 degree side overlap Ground control locations were targeted and surveyed prior to acquisition,to support the aerotriangulation and rectification process. Deliverables for the project included: ■ Prue Color Digital Ortho Imager;1"=100'map scale,6-inch pixel,orthorectified digital imagery in GeoTIFF, and entire project as mosaic in iilrSID format ■ All data in both UT'NI'Lone 12 NAD83(2011)meters,NAN'D88 meters and Montana State Plane NAD83 (2011)meters,NAN D88 meters ■ FGDC compliant metadata for the imagery in),NIL format Delivery of all products was made within 60 days of acquisition,and acceptance was received upon initial delivery. Impervious Mapping and Parcel Adjustment On September 15,2014,Sanborn was consulted and requested to perform Impervious dapping compilation for a 20 square mile are within the city limits,and parcel vector adjustment for 60 square miles,using the 2012 aerial photos and triangulation.Following features were compiled using stereo-softcopy workstations and delivered in a Geodatabase format on October 30,2014. ■ Building Footprint(minimum 10'x 10)—Residential,Commercial,Courtyard,Shed,Storage tank ■ Paved Roads(double line streets)-Excluding pervious median/island ■ Paved Areas,such as driveways,Parking lot,Bridges,Alleys,Runway/Taxiway,Conc—pad(minimum 5'x 5) ■ Public Sidewalks(parallel to the road)and'%Walk-ways/sidewalk inside commercial areas ■ Golf-course pathway,Pools(n ground only),Patios(covered/uncovered and Other paved areas The parcel lines were updated using the 2012 digital orthophotos and delivered on December 19,2014,in Shapefile format. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 69 Confidential and Proprietary,m 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included In this response we for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depicsons of the final deliverables sanborn Reference- GIS Base Map Update, Gwinnett County, GA The Gvtrinnett County,Georgia Gwinnett),project is a large Contact Sharon Stevenson GIS program that includes LiDAR,digital camera Name ITS Manager acquisition,topographic and planimetric mapping,and 6- Phone 1 (770)822-8033/ inch resolution orthoimagery.Sanborn has successfully Fax (770)822-8014 performed this ongoing program for approximately fifteen years,with 100 percent client satisfaction with quality of all Email Sharon.stevenson@gwinnetteounty.eom products,including enhanced radiometry of the orthoimagery. Customer Gwinnett County,Georgia _ Name Project Background Address 75 Langley Drive Lawrenceville,GA 30045 G\rvinnett County has updated and upgraded their customer service capabilities and applications on a continuing basis Project February 1999—Ongoing(through since the initiation of their GIS in the 1990's.Gwinnett Term 2015) County uses this information for planning and zoning, Project g 4,000,000 property•records,parks,transportation planting,traffic and Value accident analysis,elections administration,public safety- project (police and fire),public utilities(water and sewer),economic Area 45S square miles development,and environmental and natural resource management.The update and enhancement of their GIS includes new orthoimagery,LiDAR,topography and base map revisions on a yearly basis.Gtvinnett County originally selected Sanborn(previously ASl)in 1999 to deliver digital orthophoto imagery,planimetric,topographic,and cadastral mapping.The contract has been renewed numerous times and is now in effect through 2015,as a direct result of Sanborn's timely-,on-budget,and high quality deliveries over the years. Project Scope Update Mapping: Sanborn has been updating the mapping for Gwinnett County on a yearly basis since 1999. Each year the mapping update includes new imagery and LiDAR acquisition.A comprehensive update of the planimetric/topographic data is performed in two phases,and includes the LiDAR derivative products in Phase 2. Phase 1:The first phase of the project requires the update of impervious surfaces and digital orthoimagery-for the entire County mithin tmo to three months of flight. Phase 2:The second phase of the project requires additional the balance of the planimetric feature update, topographic updates,2-foot contour update and LiDAR derivative products. The resultant products meet or exceed ASPRS Class 1 Accuracy specifications for LiDAR products,planimetric,2- foot contours and digital orthoimageni at 1"=100'scale map accuracy.The LiDAR mission is flown yearly at an average of 1.4 Nominal Point Spacing(NPS) to be used for both digital orthoimagery production and development of a new classified point cloud,intensity images,and Digital Elevation Model(DEIN)surface throughout the County.The LiDAR DEM data are edited concurrently with the planimetric data,to support quality 6-inch digital orthoimagery and finalized for NSSDA quality products. Previous Work for Gwinnett: Sanborn has been performing photogrammetric work for Gwinnett County since 1999. Cadastral digital data conversion—Cadastral maps covering over 148,000 parcels were digitally converted and formatted.Deliverables included digital data formatted into 53 database layers,final plots,and linked attribute files. Overview of Products—Countywide digital camera aerial imagery,ground control survey,aerial triangulation,6- inch orthoimagery,comprehensive planimetric update,LiDAR acquisition/DENT generation and update of 2-foot contours. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 70 Confidential and Proprietary.®2015 The Sanborn Map Company.[no_ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. - sanborn Reference-Virginia Base Mapping Program Since 2006,Sanborn has successfully provided the Virginia Contact John Serivani Geograplvc Information Network(VGIN)with many geospatial Name Geospatial Projects Manager products including LiDAR,orthophotography,true-orthos,3D buildings,planimetric mapping,land use and land cover trapping, Phone (804)416 6207 tr impervious mapping,contours,and building outlines. Email john.scdvani@vita.virginia.gov Project Background and Scope Customer Virginia Geographic information In the winter of 2006,the Commonwealth of Virginia initiated an Name Network(VGIN) update to their comprehensive,statewide digital orthophotography 11751 Meadowville Lane mapping program to support statewide and local government Address Chester,VA 23836 mapping initiatives.The state has approximately 134 independent March 2006-March 2009 partners,many with differing requirements.This program involved Project December 2008-December 2012 the production of 1-foot digital orthophotography to meet a Term December 2012-Ongoing mapping specification for 1"=200'scale as well as many Project jurisdictions enhancing the data to 6-inch resolution for a mapping Value -$12,000,DOD specification of 1"=100'scale.;Many jurisdictions acquired 2-foot or 4-foot contours and/or building outlines. .after a competitive procurement process in 2009,VGIN signed another contract with Sanborn to provide the same services for the period 2009-2012.Sanborn flew the eastern portion of the State in 2009 and delivered more than 30,000 images within six months with a first-time acceptance rate of more than 98.5 percent.Sanborn also produced true-orthos for the downtown Richmond,VA,area. In 2010,Sanborn was contracted to fly LiDAR for 1,000 square miles of the eastern shore.Additionally,Loudoun County opted to fly new 1-foot imagery in the off-year of the contract,and ordered 4-Foot countywide contours. In spring 2011,Sanborn flew the western portion of the State and delivered more than 32,000 images within six months of acquisition.Additional services such as LiDAR,planimetric mapping,3D buildings,land use and land cover mapping,true orthophotography,and more are available to VGIN partners through the contract. For the 2009-2012 project,Sanborn collected and delivered 4-band imagery for the entire state using Zeiss DXIC digital cameras.All base products were delivered within six months of image acquisition.An extensive marketing campaign w*as undertaken in conjunction with VGIN where Sanborn presented the program and product options to more than 200 people representing almost 50 percent of the counties and cities in Virginia.This resulted in upgrades that included 3-inch and 6-inch imagery,LiDAR,land cover mapping,impervious surface mapping,and data distribution software. Sanborn was again selected in 2012,through a competitive bidding process,for the 2012-2016 program.Sanborn collected 3-inch,6-inch and 12-inch data in 2013.The new contract is estimated at$1.5 trillion dollars. Sanborn is responsible for the acquisition of imagery,placement of ground control,aerial triangulation,manual stereo-compilation of masspoints,and breaklines to produce a new Digital Terrain:Model(DTXi throughout the entire state to support either 1-foot or 6-inch digital orthophotography and the optional development of 2-foot or 4-foot contours and building outlines. Sanborn executes the aerial triangulation phase,which involves combining the ground control,airborne GPS,and scanned imagery to complete block adjustments throughout the State to form the basis to support all the various mapping phases.Contours are developed according to a stringent specification for"hydro-enforced"topography that meets FEND specifications.The contours and structure outlines are delivered in personal Geodatabase format. Planimetric and impervious feature collection has been performed for multiple jurisdctions over the course of the project. Impervious feature mapping from 100-scale or 200-scale imagery has been used to provide a comprehensive and cost effective solution for stormwater runoff calculations for many city and county agencies within the State. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 71 Confidential and Proprietary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics mcluded In this response are for illustrative and representalive purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables Sanborn Reference: Lewis and Clark County, Digital Imagery and Planimetric Data In 2012,Sanborn collected and produced aerial photography, Contact Eric F.Spangenberg Name LiDAR,and derivative products for Le\viS and Clark County,'SIT, phone (406)447-8389 including the City of Helena. Email espangenberg@co.lewis-clark.mt.us Customer City of Helena/ Lewis& Project Background Name Clark County The purpose of the project w-as to acquire new 2012 6-inch Address 316 North Park Avenue,Rm#207 P P P 1 q �� ) Helena,MT 59623 resolution natural color digital orthophotos over and around the Project City of Helena,as well as rural areas surrounding the city that are Term March 2012—October 2012 of interest as identified by the U.S.Geological Survey(USGS)and Project $97,348.00 the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency(NGA).Lev6s& Value Clark County also sought to update its digital planimetrics for the Project urban areas in and around the City of Helena in order to support Area 367 square miles city and count}-government.To achieve this,and meet the needs of local,state and federal agencies,a unique partnership was established between Lewis&Clark County,National Guard Bureau(NGB),National Geospatial Intelligence Agency(NGA),and the United States Geological Survey(USGS). Sanborn was selected in;March of 2012 to acquire,process,and deliver aerial photography,LiDAR,and derivative products to support this need. Project Scope New 6-inch resolution 4-band digital orothophotos were acquired over 298 square miles of the Helena area,and 69 square miles of the Limestone Hills Training area. 11DAR was flown at 1.4',Ni NPS for the Helena area to support the generation of 2-foot contours,as well as the creation of a USGS N'13 compliant DEM product. The update of transportation and building planimetric features was performed using stereo compilation techniques for the Helena area. Project Deliverables ■ True Color Digital Ortho Imager-,6-inch pixel,true color,orthorectified digital imagery in GeoTIFF and entire project as mosaic in: 616 format,processed CIR for the two areas noted ■ True Color Digital Ortho Imager-,6-inch pixel,true color,orthorectified digital imagery in TIFF uncompressed with companion world file format,UThI Zone 12 NAD83 meters projection,tiled 1500m s 1500m. ■ DTNf in Esri file geodatabase format ■ Digital planimetric data;2-foot contours,planimetric data in Esri file geodatabase and AutoCad v2012 drawing file format ■ Project level FGDC compliant metadata for the imagery and GIS data ■ LiDAR reference USGS\GP LiDAR Guidelines—Version 12—ILNfF 2010 Technical Specifications Tiling ■ Single schema as noted,no overlap,tile-based.prj files,edgematch seamlessly in horizontal&vertical;tile size an integer multiple of the cell size of deliverables DEM ■ Cell size 1.4 meter;Bare earth DEM-traditional for NED,hydro-flattened,ESRI grid,32-bit floating point raster with georeference information in raster file Point Cloud ■ Raw point cloud:Fully compliant LAS v1.3 ■ Classified(minimum scheme)point cloud;Fully compliant LAS v 1.3 Breaklines ■ Breaklines for hydro-flattening:Esri feature Gass,same reference system as LiDAR point.Hydro-enforced/ h dro-flattened breaklines at NSSDA accuracy standards for 1:2,400-scale maps City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 72 Confidential and Proprietary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc..ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn Section V - Subcontractors Subcontractor Management Under Sanborn's ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality Management System(QMS) subcontractors of goods and services are pre-qualified and certified by Sanborn prior to use based on their work being compatible and acceptable with Sanborn technology,procedures,quality,and requirements of Sanborn's end customers. Methods of prequalitication and certification may be site visits, knowledge,and experience in industry,production piloting or prototyping,and history of use. For any project that utilizes subcontracted services and products,it is essential to have an experienced subcontract manager,subcontractor SONX',and a subcontract management plan. Sanborn's ISO processes make certain these documents and personnel are in place is to ensure purchase orders are properly-executed,providing the appropriate controls to meet the program schedule,budgets,and technically compliant services and products,and to review the progress of the subcontractor and subcontract management activities.Sanborn will undertake full QC on the work of any subcontractor or our own production,and will ensure that the quality of the end product is not compromised in any way. Subcontractor Overview To increase Sanborn's capacity and resource base,Sanborn has partnered with the following subcontractors: ■ Valley Air Photos,to provide aerial acquisition services ■ Genesys International Corporation Ltd,to provide impervious update services Valley Air Photos Valley Air Photos is a 100 percent woman-owned small business that specialises in high accuracy,vertical aerial photography and data acquisition throughout the United States and Canada.Their full service photo lab and hangar are located on the Caldwell Industrial Airport 20 miles west of Boise,Idaho. In addition to the base in Caldwell,they have added a second base in Glendale,Arizona to better meet the needs of clients.Their mission is to incorporate the latest technology with expertise to meet the project requirements.With their experience in direct digital and film acquisition,Valley Air Photos has been serving both government and commercial customers for more than 25 years. Genesys International Corporation Ltd. Genesys International Corporation,Ltd. (Genesys)was founded in 1997 with the mission to become a global leader as a single source for Photogrammetry,GIS/Mapping Services,and IT consulting.Headquartered at Mumbai,India,the company maintains offices in the US,London and the UAE. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 73 Confidential and proprietary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shell not be relied upon as depicfions of the final deliverables. - 40 sanborn Genesys has two geospatial production facilities in India.The Bangalore facility is an ISO 9001 - 2008 Certified Unit for Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing/LiDAR Processing and the Mumbai facility is an ISO 9001 —2008 and ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Certified Unit for AM/FM/GIS,co- located with its IT Services Group.Hyderabad and Pune(India)production facilities were established in 2012. The more than 1,300 employees of Genesys have broad experience working for local,state,and federal agencies;telecommunications firms;utilities;and most importantly,many of the major consumer mapping,navigation and local search markets. Genesys continues to develop cutting- edge technologies,and through its in-house research and global partnerships,continues to create the best in geospatial data products and solutions addressing a variety of user segments. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 74 Confidential and Proprietary,02015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sanborn Section VI - Change in Scope Sanborn has the capacity to offer many other services that relate to geospatial products in addition to those requested in this Ufl.\Ve understand the City-may be interested in some of these additional products or may decide to change the current project scope. Sanborn's Project Manager will work closely with the City's Project Manager to review the awarded contract and modify or add any task that may be of interested to City.Modified cost estimations will be subinitted to the City for evaluation and approval within a week from receipt of request from the City. Procedure to Accommodate Changes in Scope of the Contract Sanborn's team will be ready to identify and apply-any modification on our proposed approach, should the City-decide to change contract scope or products,to include the addition or deletion of task activities,modification of data density,expansion of project area and/or collection of additional planimetric features. Should the City choose to purchase 3-inch resolution(0.25) final digital ortho photos,intead of the current 6-inch,Sanborn's team will use same technologies and equipment listed on Section II of this proposal,but with a redesigned flight layout,to collect lower altitude aerial images. Flight planning in that case would also take into consideration the City's urban area,where incremeted overlap of 80%forward and 60%sidelap maybe planned. If it is the desire of the City to expand the project area,the proposed technology and equipment on Secion II is still valid with additional notes depending on where the expanded area would be,taking into consideration the mountains that surround the Aerial Flight Boundary.If the impervious mapping surface is expanded from the current 20 square miles to the limits of the project area,we can - t - accommodate additional resources to keep the project on the proposed schedule. `-- -'�- - Another possible modification is the extension of the aerial -- `---. - - -- - flight boundary,to the extent of the final tile layout for the City --- - of Bozeman.We recognize that,as shown on this picture,the -- current project boundary does not fully cover all the perimetral tiles,leaving(white)pixels outside project limits in those tiles. To fill up these`voids',the flight plan could cover the the limits,instead of the project area limits. If the City desires to obtain 2-foot contour topographic mapping,we will use the same DTM provided by the City in 2012 and will collect new DTM and update where needed,using the same photogrammetric methods outlined in this proposal. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 75 Confidential and Proprietary,020I8 The Sanborn Map Company,Irto.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and 0 graphic induded in this response are for illustrative and representafive purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. - < sanborn Other changes or products that might be of interest to the City with the 2015 project: ■ Collection of a new LiDAR point cloud,with newer system ■ Collection of oblique images with nadir and-I-way cardinal views for tax assessment use ■ Change detection by comparison of previous years with current 2015 aerials In any case,Sanborn's team will evaluate the request based on defined resolutions,areas and new products requested,and will outline a modified or updated scope of work and technical approach in response to the City's request. Sanborn has enough resources to accommodate addition to the current scope, and still maintain the proposed schedule. With extensive experience producing digital orthophoto,planimetric and topographic mapping, GIS services and other geospatial products,we hope,upon award of this contract,to be able to identifi,all the needs for the City and will provide a well-defined scope of work prior to the final execution of the contract. Fee Schedule and Cost of Service Changes Without a clear definition of what extra work might need to be provided to the City-after contract is awarded,and considering the variety of options and possibilities,it is difficult to present a fee schedule and costs for all possible product and service changes. To assist in a partial evaluation,our price narrative in"Section IV has a breakdown for each major task to be performed on this proposal. In addition,it is important to highlight,that some of the possible changes listed above,such as a modified 3-inch GSD orthophoto or expansion of the area of interest will need to be identified prior to execution of the first project task,as it will affect the layout of the flight and control plan. Ili any case,when a modified scope is defined after contract award,Sanborn will immediately review the new request,estimate new costs for the project,present a modified technical approach where it applies,and will submit a new estimation to the City within 5 days.The modified scope and cost,once approved,can then be added as an amendment to the contract. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 76 Confidential and Propnetary,®2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. sonborn Section VII — Contractor's Expectations of City Staff Sanborn's mission is to consistently provide the highest value to our customers with quality, products,information and services.To fulfill this commitment it is important that a clear channel of communication exist between Sanborn's Project Manager and the City of Bozeman's GIS Manager. Communication starts with a kick-off meeting for the project,either at the Cityr's venue,a Sanborn location or,by phone,with a conference call with all involved with the project. The kick-off meeting is important to clarify all the expectation from the City for the services being provided. It is an opportunity for Sanborn to understand exactly what is needed,to review the defined schedule,and to clarify any modifications to the Scope,impediments to any specific task or services,or any additional costs that it might imply. It is our expectation that,during the course of the project,the City staff ■ Is supportive of the project as defined in the scope of work. ■ Cooperates by providing all information that may be available and used in the project. ■ Provides feedback on any question that may arise during the course of project. ■ Provides timely feedback during revision of pilot tiles and final products ■ Openly communicates with Sanborn's Project Manager about any concern,or any issues that are raised internally by the City during the course of the project,so Sanborn can address problems in a timely manner and provide a satisfactory response before completion of project. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 77 Confidential and Proprietary,0 2015 The Sanbom Map Company,toe,ALL RIGKTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. - sanborn Section Vill - Delivery Schedule Sanborn is one of the few firms in the mapping business that have the ability to manipulate large volumes of digital data,which results in quicker turnaround Hines from acquisition to finished product. Investment in IT infrastructure,qualified staff and a dedication to customer satisfaction is a priority across our corporation. Proposed Schedule Sanborn's proposed schedule of events necessary to complete this work is shown below: City of Bozeman OrUm/Im rvious Jan-IS Feb-IS Mar-SS Aor-1S May-IS Jun-15 Jul-IS Preliminary schedule 22 29 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 IS 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 20 17 24 31 PTo;sal/AWard 227 26 Pr ectPlanning/Kick•off _ _ 13 _— - Cordmlplan/Target/Re Plan Tsget P--ir,, Repar Aerial uisition Phn 1 4/30 AGPS/Img-Processin 1 6/5 Aerotrian_1at10n AT Wport Orthophoto/M!PP:1n&Pilot 2Ad o-hoto processing 24 OrthollhotoDelive ---- ImperviousMapping__ ESRI Geodatabase De1iv sots soa Final lect delivery Geodatahase antl GeoTIF 31 ■ Flight Plan&Calibration Report: Mar 13,2015 ■ Flight Logs:2 days after mission occurs ■ AGPS and Ground Survey Control Report:May 5,2015 ■ Aerial Triangulation Report:May 15,2015 ■ Pilot Project:May 22,2015 ■ Digital Orthorectified Images: 50%by June 26,2015 and remaining 50%on July 24,2015 ■ Impervious Surface Data: 50%by June 26,2015 and remaining 50%on July 24,2015 ■ Final Project Report and Metadata:July 31,2015 City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery 8t Collection of Impervious Surface Data 78 Confidential and Propnefary,O 2015 The Sanborn Map Company,Inc.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for ioustratwe and representative purposes only and shall not be relied upon as depictions of the final deliverables. f� - - - sunborn Sec Von IX - Price Proposal Quote for Digital Orthoimagery and Collection of Impervious Surface Data Sanborn has prepared the following pricing based upon our understanding of the RFP and the technical description,specifications,the requested deliverables,scope of work and schedule provided in our proposal.Sanborn's price includes staff hours and all travel costs,materials and equipment charges to be used in the project.As always,Sanborn is willing to negotiate the final project scope of work and related fees before award of the contract. Sanborn •.• -• Price (fix Aerial Flight $ 11,650.00 Ground Survey $ 3,040.00 Aerotrian ulation $ 4,250.00 Ortho hoto Processing $ 15,780.00 Impervious Mapping Update' $ 10,580.00 Total Cost $ 45,300.00 "Includes new unpaved roads, parking lots and driveways Sanborn can provide the estimated hours for each task per category,rate,and the ODC breakdown costs to the City of Bozeman if selected for this Contract,or upon request. Sanborn respectfully takes exception to providing the aforementioned information at this time,due to the fact that our proposal will become public information,and our hour and rate breakdown information is manifest of confidential and proprietary technologies,methods and procedures. City of Bozeman,Montana Request for Proposals For Digital Orthoimagery&Collection of Impervious Surface Data 79 Confidential and Proprietary.02015 The Sanborn Map Company,fnc.,ALL A1GHTS RESERVED Any and all graphics included in this response are for illustrative and representative puq o only and VWl not be robed upon as depictions of the final deliverables.