HomeMy WebLinkAbout02- Williams, Gerald R.; Lot 9, Bl 8, Durston Meadows Sub - Release and Reconveyance of Drainage Easement ,; ; 1111111111111111 ~II~ 1111111 11111 11m IIII~IIIIIIIII ~~3~f~,~ I l,t;,;;' 'r~ v Shelley Vanoe-GalIatin Co MT MISC lB.00 RELEASE AND RECONVEYANCE OF EASEMENTS COMES NOW the City of Bozeman, 411 E. Main, Bozeman, MT 59715, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana hereinafter ("GRANTOR") and does hereby release and Reconvey the following described easements unto Gerald R. Williams ("GRANTEE") as follows: WITNESSETH WHEREAS the Grantor is the legal record title holder of a drainage easement for a stormwater detention pond situated across Lot 9 in Block 8 of Durston Meadows Subdivision, Phases 6 and 7, located in the SE 14 of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. WHEREAS the above drainage easement was granted Februarv 26,2002 and recorded on Exhibit A, Stormwater Detention Pond Easement, Plat J-271 at the Clerk and Recorder's Office of Gallatin County, Montana. WHEREAS the construction of a stormwater detention pond has been completed and said easement recorded on Plat J-271, the vacation of a portion of the drainage easement recorded on Plat J-271 will not adversely impact the Grantor's interests. WHEREFORE, the Grantor does hereby release and reconvey to Gerald R. Williams those portions of the drainage easements located on the above described real property as set forth on Exhibit A "shaded area" attached hereto together with any right, title, or interest that the Grantor may have in said drainage easements as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully Set forth and described as follows: "Abandon 2879 sq. ft. of an existing drainage easement to the City of Bozeman as previously recorded on Lot 9 in Block 8 of Durst on Meadows Subdivision, Phases 6 & 7, located in the SE 14 of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, according to the official plat thereofon file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, [Plat J- 271]." 1 ," 1111111111' IIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIII~ 1111 111111111111 ~I ~I~f~ ~p Shelley Vanoe-G.llatin Co MT MISC lB,BO DATED this 13th day of May ,2002. ~_\ - j GRANTOR - CITY OF BOZEMAN City Manager TITLE o r'Ilt" ',' Lierk:O I '. ST~' . - ,'. .,-- ',~)." '883. -;.~ .,~. .~ ;o.~.,__.....~ r \i) Gallatiftllfl(,~ ~: On this /,j~ day of ~ , 20 JA, bef~re me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appea~d~llf.j(x :1"dhA.l.ftl,J and KdhJl.J 1- SIlII/o'lI.) , known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk of the City Commission known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. In first writ tness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year above. OTARY PUBL C FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA I ' ~ ~~~f!I~~,~e: ~,; ,J 4Ccll- I ... ~ 0 R2siaiI1g at A . "'v, 01' . I :,' ~~:5'~orri~~iO expires d -/.,F-';/O().]. ~,~\ _'~',t:....' . \ -. \ ~ .. ...~ ,) -', o. ~EAL.' -"") , \. "",.'- ',,)' ......... ""~A ~ 2 . , .----~ VEl:,:r\Jl': S(tJ.(N i 14. 2STll!\. d ~\O( lji\Ui'< (po. [ co I-- I- a --.J I- ] ~8So W W I :::!' I- Z (II I"- - W < 0 1Il ,....0 0 -0 01 Vl 3: a.. ..... _ 0 <:::!'z::t l{) . -N ~I ,....!Xl WO:::o . l{) N ~I wO-w ~,.... 0 Ol t:J1-1-l{) !Xl "'-1 <VlZ.". Z 0 W . to Zo:::l-O I- Z I <OW Z 1 O:::L.....O W W :::!' 0 W I I"- Vl I [ < lrl W 1 CD >- I l- I- a ::; ~ ....J :J W 0 ;: 0 [ I.f) 00""; I- WWL..... Vl>- 0 <W . --.J W> 0- ....lZ(/) woO) u... (II O:::Ur-- 01 . 1Il .... wW!Xl 0-..... ~ U I") .., (DO:::N I-Vl< 0 I- ~ 00 0"'-....., I-Z --.Jg:v: 0 < ....J <C N''''- W W 0::: < ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ -::- . " [~ IT [~ L______________-.J S 00.4 '0 w 137.69' 5 00-44'43" r: 100.00' --!:: €> ~ 3JlN3:AV H~LZ'N 11111111111111111111111111111101111111 ~IIIIIIII ~I ~~;3~~:~, ~p o ~ 00"'_ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ s: ....~~ ;.<: ~~'T ~ ~~'" '" > ~ ~ ~ ~ "1' ~ . g ~ o~~~ ~i:l~~ o N 0 X t:'IO :!: -< <""I Q:I ~ "'" 0() <:: ";: eo ., <:: 0() ., ';: .E ,E '" >, 0() '" '" <:: ,E i': u.l O()::l- t:: (.I] ~ ~ -0 '~ :;: ~ -= i:J ...J iJ C '" a r.n ~ < o z O<~ ~~~ """:'I ~:;;;: ~ ~ - Z~Z o~< ~ ~ ~ r.n N ~ 0 p ~ o ~ Qi B ~ u ~ i-' ... CD .... '" ~ ~ '" ill if ~ B ~ u CIl:: ).:. ~ CD CD '" w ! ~ '" ... '" '" on .... .... ... '" ... '" ~ on I U .. :c '" ... 0( 11l '" Shelley Vanoe-Gallatln Co MT MISC lB.00