HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- Affidavit Missoula for Transportation Master Plan 12-28-14 & 1-11-15 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE MISSOULIAN 500 S. Higgins Ave. Missoula, MT 59801 Phone: (406) 523-5236 Fax: (406) 523-5221 Ad Number: Chris ACVjS� ,being first duly sworn,deposes and says.That she is the principal clerk of The Missoulian,a newspaper of general circulation published daily in the City of Missoula, in the County of Missoula, State of Montana,and has charge of the Advertisements thereof. -- That the legal regarding: a true copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in said newspaper on the following dates: via: Making all 3 publication(s) On this day of ` ,20f�before me,the undersigned, a N66ry Publitg&e fgrontana, personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed same. IN WITNESS WHERFOF,I have hereunto set my hand — — and affixed my notarial seal the day and year first above written. KAY LACY NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Montana &�4 zw Reg,ding at Loio,Montana `•.:,'For Mn�'".'`' My Commssion Expires May 20,2017 Venue: Missoula, Montana, County of Missoula Page 1 of 1 01/13/2015 09:38:43 Ad Number 11156440 Ad Key Order Number 20383476 Salesperson DF01 -Default Transient Salesperson PO Number Publication Missoulian Customer 60026280 CITY OF BOZEMAN Section Classified Contact Sub Section Legals Addressl PO Box 1230 Category 399 Legals Address2 Dates Run 12/28/2014-01/11/2015 City St Zip Bozeman MT 59771-1230 Days 3 Phone (406)582-2300 Size 2 x 2.73,29 lines Fax Words 210 Ad Rate Open Printed By misarvic Ad Price 291.40 Entered By misarvic Amount Paid 0.00 Amount Due 291.40 Keywords REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS for TRANSPORTATION MASTER PL Notes Zones REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS for TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN UPDATE PROJECT The City of Bozeman(City)is seeking Proposals from firms qualified to pro- vide professional engineering services for the preparation of an update to the City's Transportation Master Plan Copies of the detailed Request for Proposals. Preliminary Scope of Work and Consultant Qualifications Evaluation Criteria are available at the Office of the City Engineer,P O Box 1230,20 East Olive Street,Bozeman,Mon- lana 59 77 1-1 230, or by calling 406-582-2280 during normal business hours All Proposals must contain the following information: 1 Project management chart, 2 Proposed general time schedule,including start and completion dates 3 Specific current workloads of the proposed project team members 4 At the discretion of the firm, no more than five (5) typewritten single-spaced pages more fully describing the firm's qualifications for the specific project. 5 At the discretion of the firm,a company brochure 6 A completed and signed Non-Discrimination Affirmation Form Five copies of the proposal must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 13,2015 to: Clerk of the Commission,City of Bozeman P.O.Box 1230 121 North Rouse Avenue Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230 Responses received after 5 00 p.m.,on that date will not be considered 020383476 December 28,2014.January 4&11,2015