Anders o 4/B axter Pro p erty
WL/z NWYa Section 3, T2S, R5E
Gallatin County, Montana
Prepared for:
Soccer Education Foundatiorl Inc.
PO Box 4349
Bozemant,MT 59772
City of Bozeman
415 North Bozeman Ave.
Bozeman, MT 59715
Prepared by:
Phoenix Engineering
Inverness Professional Building
211 North Grand, Suite A
Bozemary Montana 59715
(406) 586-3748
Project Code:1.4-967
Anderso4/Bar*er f:roperly
WVINWT/I Section 3,fr1S., RsE Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
Phoerdx Engineering was retained by Soccer Education Foundation,Inc. to perform a
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the Anderson fBaxter Property
(subiect property), located at the southwest corner of Flanders Mill Road and Baxter
I-ane, Gallatin County, Montana. The purpose of the Phase I ESA is to attempt to
identify present or past environmentally contaminating acfivities on or near the subject
property, and to evaluate the potential for such activities to impact soil, ground water,
or surface water. While it is not a specific requirement of the American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments
for Rural Property (ASTM 82247-08), Phoenix Engineering has also endeavored to
identify and discuss additional health and safety issues that are discovered during the
site inspecfion.
Key environmental findings of this assessment include:
o This assessment has revealed no evidence of any recognized environmental
conditionsl in connection with the property.
o Based upon our review of the federal and state standard environmental record
sources and our site inspection, it was determined that none of the adjacent or
upgradient properties currently have impacted or are expected to have a negative
impact upon the environmental status of the subject property.
o This assessment has revealed no evidence of any historical recognized
environmental conditions2 in connection with the subject property.
1 "Recognized Environmental Conditions - The presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances
or petroleum products on a property ulder conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or
a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the
property or into the ground, ground water, or surface water of the property. The term is not intended to
include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a threat to human health or the environment
and that general$ would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of
appropriate governmental agencies." ASTM 82247-08
2 "historical recognized environmental condition" - a past release of any hazardous substances or
petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and has been addressed to the
satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or meeting unrestricted use criteria established by a
regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls (for example, property use
restrictions, activity and use limitations, institutional controls, or engineering controls). ASTM 81527-13
Project Code: 1.4-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter ProPertY
W% NW% Section 3,TZS, RsE, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
]une 15,2014
Key Additional Non-Scope Services Findings of this assessment include the following.
r,or a complete discussion-regarding key additional non-scope services findings of this
urr"rr*".,t, please see Section 8.0 Findings and Recommendations'
o Agricultural chemical Use: All agriculturalchemical use appeared to have been
conducted in compliance with industry standards for off-site storage and mixing
processes and on-site field applications of herbicides and pesticides. Since the
normal application of an ugricuttural chemical does not constitute a "release" and no
chemicalipills were documented, the use of agricultural chemicals on the subject
property did not have a negative effect on the environmental status of the property'
o Treated Wood Products: Fence posts and utility poles observed throughout the
property are suspected of being treated with pentachlorophenol, creosote or an
arsenic mixture. The primary environmental and safety concerns for treated woods
are related to the pote-ntial for direct physical contact with the treated wood and the
methods utilized to dispose of the wood.
o Electrical Transformers: Three pole-mounted transformers were observed on the
subject property. \A/hile it appears that these transformers are fairly new, none of
the transformers had obvious exterior labe1s describing the oil quality, therefore the
oil in these transformers is suspected of containing polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) until Northwestern Energy can verify that they are non-PCB units'
These key findings should be used in conjunction with the full text of this ESA Report'
Pr$ectCode:1.4.967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter Property
\I1 2 NW1i4 Section 3,T25, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
Iune 15, 2014
The purpose of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is to attempt to identify
present or past recognized environmental conditions3 on or near the Anderson f Baxter
Propertr' (subject property), and to evaluate the potential for such activities to impact
soil, ground water, or surface water. lAlhile it is not a specific requirement of the
-\merican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for
Enr-ironmental Site Assessments for Rural Property (ASTM E2247-08), Phoenix
Engineering has also endeavored to identify and discuss additional health, safety and
bruilding construction issues that are discovered during the site reconnaissance. The
scope of r.r.ork for this project consisted of the following:
1. Performing a site reconnaissance;
l. To the extent reasonably ascertainable, conducting an extensive search of federal
state and iocal standard environmental records sources in an effort to determine
rvhether any agencies have identified known or suspected environmental
impairments at the subject property, or in the vicinity of the subject property;
l. Rer-ieu,ing standard physical setting sources to determine geologic, hydrogeologic
or soil conditions of the subject site;
4. Revieu.ing standard historical sources, which may include aerial photographs,
recorded land title records, and fire insurance maps;
5. Inten'iert ing current and past owners or occupants of the subject site;
r'. Er-aluating the potential for hazardous substances to migrate onto the subject site
lrom otf-site sources;
, . Er-aluating the potential for hazardous substances to impact the soil and ground
u-ater from on-site activities;
S. Providing a written reporfdetailing our findings and recommendations for possible
Phase II sampling and analyses.
: "Recoglized Environmental Conditions - The presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances
or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or
a rnaterial threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the
properh- or into the ground, ground water, or surface water of the property. The term is not intended to
irLclude de minimis conditions that generally do not present a threat to human health or the environment
and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of
app rop riate governmental a gencies. " ASTM E2247 -08
Prr.iect Code: 14-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter ProPertY
W% NWTa Section g,T2S, R5E, Gallatin County' Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
3.L Location and Legal Description
The subject property consists of rectangular parcel of land of approximately 79'871'
acres,located at thesouthwest corner Jt fU.ta"ts Mill Road and Baxter Lane in Gallatin
County, Montana. (see Appendix A, Figure f) The-detailed legal description of the
subject property as'contained in the dctob et L4,2013 Buy-Sell Agreement is as follows:
North part of Tract 1A of Certi{icate of Survey No. 25544 being located in W % NW
% Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 5 East of P.M.M., Gallatin County, MT
TD&H Engineering conducted a new survey of the subject qloqerty for the purpose of
dividing Tract-LA Into two separate parcels. As 1f June 10, 201'4' the certified survey
had not been formally submitted to the Gallatin County Clerk a1{.Re;orders office for
official and final certification by the County Commissio""tt and Clerk and Recorder'
3.2 Site and Vicinity Characteristics
The subject property is the most eastern agricultural parcel of the original homesteaded
land owned by the ilaxter family. It is sitriated on the eastern edge of the rural
agricultural area of the Gallatin Val1ey with the-western urban growth of the northeast
side of Bozeman,Montana encroaching along the northern, eastern and southern
subject property boundaries. The arnJxatioi dates+ for the following properties and
subdivisionss immediately surrounding the subject property are as follows:
- Property immediately to the north and northeast was annexed in 2001 and contains
the Baxter Meadows Subdivision'
- Property immediately to the east (EVzNW% Section 3, Township 2 South' Range 5
East) was annexed in 2013 and.is primarily an:tPty field except for the
development of a Northwestern Energy electrical substation'
- Property immediately to the southeast was annexed in 2005 and contains Oak
Springs and Diamond Estates Subdivisions'
was annexed in 2012 and.contains the Meadowlark Elementary School, which was
constructed in 2013.
5 Subdivisior, rlu*", provided by ChUtm County GIS Inieractive Mappers - General View Map
Project Code:14-967
Anderson/ Baxter Propertlr
W% NW% Section 3,T?5, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
- Property immediately to the southwest was annexed in 2004 and contains the
Flanders Creek Subdivision.
The Bozeman City zoning areas within the annexed properties noted above are
primarily designated as Residential (R-1, R-3 and R-4) with a small amount designated
for Residential Office (R-O) and PublicLands/Institutions (PL!. Surrounding
properties to the west and northwest are all Gallatin County agdcultural land.
Given that the subject property is to be potentially developed as a recreational sports
complex the approximate distances to the following key local facilities are listed below:
- Adam Broken Soccer Complex is 0.5 miles to the south along Cottonwood Road.
- Gallatin County Regional Park is 0.25 miles to the east.
- Downtown center of Bozeman is 3.25 miles to the southeast.
- Montana Siate University Campus is2.75 miles to the southeast.
- Interstate 90 & North 19u'Street interchange is 2.0 miles to the northeast.
- The town of Belgrade is 6.25 miles to the northwest.
- Crossroads community of Four Corners is 4.5 miles to the southwest.
3.3 Present Uses of Subject Property
The entire eighty acres has been leased by Ronald Bos since 1986 to grow wheat, barley
and hay.
USGS Topographic Map
One US Geological Survey 7.5 minute series topographic quadrangle map of Montana
(1987 Provisional Edition,Bozernart, MT) was reviewed. Surface contours in this
portion of the Gallatin Valley within close proximity to the subject property run
primarily east to west with land sloping to the north. Based upon the map's contour
lines and elevation data obtained from Google Earth, the subject property is relatively
flat with elevations ranging from 4,758 feet mean sea level (msl) along the southern
border to 4,730 ft along the northern border.
A multitude of creeks emanating from the southeastern portion of the Gallatin Valley
initially flow in a northwesterly direction before they are redirected in a northerly
direction eventually into the East Gallatin River. In this portion of the Gallatin Valley
Project Code: 14-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter ProPertY
W% NW% Section 3,T25, R5E, Gallatin County' Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
]une 15, 2014
the East Gallatin River flows in a northwesterly d.irection with the cl0sest section of the
river located just over two miles to the northeast. The primary-surface water within
-- --l^ !L ^
close proximity of the subject Property is Baxter CT"1,Yl]*:y:,lT::9::1:
l"it""r,?r.*' f;tt r,o*u"t"uai9{t"1ub::t,0'.45 tl"-:-Y:::,:'-T^::'it'H1?il1
M;y;urd nord"r Ditch is shown flowing along Flanders Mill
.7:--^ -L^) r^ r-1^^ .^'^ol olnnc th,ilr#;; tI iil, under Durston Road and then being redirected. tothe west along the
:#H;;;il; boundary and again redirected to flow northerly down the middle of
:-- Ll^^ -^-rL^--the subject property where tn this irap it surprisingly.:"t"'iy::t-111T:".lt5t:
ilffi;;'Jn""fi=ra. A small pond is sirown in the southwestern corner of the property'
The only buildings shown on the original Baxter homestead land are located to the west
in the farm complex along the east ulnr. of Baxter Creek. The closest buildings to the
subject property are two f,orr"r located immediately across Baxter Lane' Consistent
with the rural nature of this area of the Gallatin Valiey in1987 ' there are only a few
structures located along Baxter Lane or Durston Road. The western edge of Bozeman's
suburban growth is at ilast a mile away to the southeast on the south side of Durston
Note: since the usGS topographic quadrangle map is twenty seven years old' the
features described prorria"l historic backgr"ound Ln the local residential growth trends
of the city of Bozeman.
3.5 Local Ground Water and Soil Information
It can generally be assumed that ground water flows in a direction similar to surface
watetrs, or towardlarger boilies oi water. A review of the USGS topographic map for
the subject property iidicates that ground water ben;ath the subject property most
likely no*r in i noitherly direction toward the East Gallatin River'
The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG) online Ground water Information
Center (GWIC) database was queried and-25 well1ogs were shown for section 3'
Township 2South,Range 5 East. No wells were listed for the Baxter or Anderson
families as having been"drilled on the subject property, which is consistent with
discussions with Mike And.erson and Ron nos trrat all irrigation water for the subject
property is obtained from Maynard Border Ditch. Two irrigation wells drilled for
Baxter Meadows west, LLC were incorrectly listed in the database as being located on
the subject property. Phoenix Engineering is submitting written coffesPondence t9 the
GWIC staff of the error so that correct cooidinates can be determined and assigned to
those two wells.
Project Code:14-967
West Irrigation
Location Date
Static Water Level
(feet below
ground surface
Total Depth
(feet below
sutface /hscll
School D
istrict 7
SW1/sSW1/qSW% Sec 3
07/31/13 8 75 Irrigation
25 38 CLAY & GRA\IEL
Anderson/ Baxter Proper$r
W1/zNWl/+Section Z,T2S, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
Two irrigation wells were drilled in July 2013by Van Dyken Drilling for the newlyconstructed Meadowlark Elementary School loiated to ihe south of lhe subject propertyin the SWL/+SWL/+ of Section 3. Both of the irrigation wells had static water 1eve1smeasured at 8 feet below Sround surface (bgr)-. The East Irrigation Well was drilled to atotal depth of 44feetbgs and initially produced 50 gallons pJr minute (gpm). However,the west Irrigation well had to be drilied to a total iepth oi 68 feet bgs'fiefore it wasable to produce 42 gprr.- The driller described the soiiencountered in the East IrrigationWell from 2 ftbgs to llftbgs as clay and gravel and the soil from 11 ft bgs to 46 ftbgs
T sand and gravel with thin lenses of clay. The driller described the soil in the WestIrigation Well bore as follows:
Thgre is no guarantee that the MBMG database is complete and accurate. The databaseutilizes information suPplied by the well drillers and it is not uncommon for errors tooccur when a well location is described utilizing township, range and sectiondesignations. Possible errors or discrepancies m tfre datatase riay exist (as noted abovewith the Baxter Meadows West wells).
Well log information is important in environmental investigations when assessingwhether or not the ground water has been impacted and hJw readily contaminantswould travel through the soils to reach gro.rnd water.
ProjectCode:14-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/Baxter Property C.
W1/zNW1/+section 3,T25,R5E, Gallatin County, Montana C
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
" C8June15,2014 a
CNRCS Custom Soil Resource Report iA custom soil resource report for the subject property was prepared utilizing the United IStates Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Services a(NRCS) Web Soil Survey website. A copy of the Soil Resource Report is included in -
Appendix D. The Report determined that the subject property was comprised e
primarily of Amsterdlm silt loam, 0-4 percent slopes pnit Sg"g O 967.) witha minor C
portion of the property in the southwest corner as Meadowcreek loam, 0 - 4 percent Cslopes (Unit 5108 @ a%). Typical soil profiles for the two soils units are provided as Cfollows:
538 - Amsterdam Silt Loam C.
A - 0 to 8 inches: neutral, silt loam C.
Bw - 8 to 15 inches: neutral, silt loam C
Bk - 15 to 42inches: moderately alkaline, silt loam C
2C - 4Zto 60 inches: moderately alkaline, very fine sandy loam C
5108 - Meadowcreek Loam CA - 0 to 11 inches: slightly alkaline,loam CBg - 11to25 inches: neutral, silt loam
2C - 25 to 6Oinches: neutral, very gravelly sand j
TD&H Engineering Soils Report C
TD&H Engineering of Bozeman, MT was hired by the City of Bozeman to conduct a C
soils investigation on the subject property for the proposed Sports Complex. A copy of C
the May 2014Draft TD&H Engineering Soils Report was provided by TD&H to Phoenix CEngineering for review. The TD&H Engineering report is comprised of two parts. As Cstated in the report, "The first describes the engineering properties of the soils for -purposes of constructing roads, parking lots and structures. The second part is \5
concerned with the soil6 suitabiiity to support vegetation such as turf grus lor play C
fietds and possible amendments to be considered.j' On May 1,,201.4TD&H staff C
conducted a field exploration program which involved the excavation of five test pits Cranging in depths from 6.0 to 10.5 feet throughout the subject property. C
In addition to the lithology provided in the NRCS Custom Soil Resource Report and C.
well1og above, a brief ,oit, ,r-*ary from the TD&H Report is provided as follows: C
"3.3.1 Soils The subsurface soil conditions appear to be relativeiy consistent based on C
our exploratory excavation and soil sampling. In general, the subsurface soil conditions Cencountered within the test pits consist of a thin layer of topsoil overlying lean clay and Cpoorly-graded gravel with sand at depth. The thickness of topsoil varied from 0.4to1..4 afeet in thickness and classified as lean clay with sand. The lean clay varied in thickness
CdProjectCode:14-e67 PHOENIX dad
Aaderson/ Baxter Property
1Ir: \lVll Section 3,T25, RSE, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
Tune 1r,2014
lrom 7J to 8.8 {eet. The poorly-$aded gravel with sand extends to a depth of at least
10.J feet, r,r,hich was the maximum depth investigated."
Ground \,\'ater was encountered in all five of the test pits that were excavated on the
site. Note that measured ground water levels are considered approximate due to
Cisturbances caused by excavation activities. A sufirrnary of the surface elevations and
qround u.ater depths is provided below:
fest Pit Surface Elevation
Depth to Ground
Water (ft)
TP-1 4,729 8.5
TP-2 4,739 8.5
TP-3 4,743 8.5
TP.4 4,752 9.s
TP-5 4,742 4.0
Ercept for the anomalous ground water depth encountered in test pit TP-s, which was
ercar"ated near the east property boundary, the ground water depths are consistent
rrith the static water levels (8 ft bgs) measured in the two irrigation wells drilled for
\Ieadou.lark Elementary School. During the Phoenix Engineering site inspection
conducted on April 22,20\4, surface water was flowing in the ditch between the eastern
propertv boundary and Flanders Mill Road. If the water was still flowing in the ditch
on }fav 1,201.4when TD&H staff conducted their test pit excavations, then it is likely
that the water losses from the ditch elevated ground water levels within close proximity
to the ditch as was encountered in test pit TP-5.
,\ complete copy of the TD&H Engineering Soils Report is on file and available for
rer-ien at the City of Bozeman.
4"1 Site Reconnaissance
The site reconnaissance was performed on the afternoon of April 22,2014 by Tim
\Iarcinko of Phoenix Engineering. The site visit entailed a walking inspection of the
property perimeter and to notable features discovered within the interior of the
propertv. Photographs were taken of significant features upon the subject property and
surrounding properties (see Appendix B, Photographs). During the site reconnaissance,
Prolect Code: 14-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter ProPertY
W% NW% Section 3,T25, R5E, Gallatin County' Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
the weather conditions were overcast with temperatures in the 60s and the ground
surfaces were dry.
The following conditions and features were noted during the site inspection:
o Essentially the entire 80 acres of agricultural land except for the grassy boundary
fringes along Baxter Lane to the nlrth and Flanders Mill Road to the east had
recentlY been tilled.
o There were no structures or evidence of former structures on the Property'
o The only signs of any development consisted of the electric Power poles
extending fiom Flanders Mili Road to the center of the property where the
electrical power lines terminated with three pole-mounted transformers' electric
meter base, breaker box and 30 horsepower electric water pump connected to the
buried 24" diameter irrigation piPe. As noted in the interview with the
agricultural lessee, Ron Bos, u6"-diurneter irrigation pipe connects to the main
pipe and extends underground to the east and an 8" diameter irrigation pipe
connects to the main pipe and extends underground to service the agricultural-
south boundary and flows northerly underground until it exits the northern
property borr'riary and flows under Baxter Lane. Essentially the only surface
evidence of the existence of the buried irrigation pipeline are the aboveground
metal irrigation water access ports and air vents'
o Remnants of the historic flow pathway for the Maynard Border Ditch as it exited
the northern property boundary to flow under Baxter Lane as wellas the
concrete.nurr."i*ui1, on the north side of Baxter Lane were noted'
o The three pole-mounted electrical transformers were in good condition with no
signs of oil leaks on the exterior metal casing'
o As is typical with the Northwestern Energy utility poles, the lower portion of the
poles are treated with a wood preservative, typically pentachlorophenol'
o The only other sign of improvements on the property were the wire perimeter
fences along Bax6r Lane and Flanders Mill Road, which were primarily
constructeJwith what appeared to be treated wood posts.
o NorthWestern Energy (NWE) aboveground natural gas pipeline warning posts
were installed along the western edge of the property'
o The only debris found near the subiect property was a small amount of old
rusted metal and a few old wooden timbers located near one of the N\AtrE gas
pipeline warning Posts.
*dnderson/ Baxter Property
1[:: \J\1r Section 3,T8, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Fhase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
llure 15, 2011 11.1
Ihere is no evidence of the former pond in the southwestern corner of the
properti= as shown on the 1987 topographic map.
I\'ater \r'as flowing to the north in the ditch located between the eastern subject
propert]'fence and Flanders Mill Road.
4J Neighboring Properties
Tlte adjacent agricultural properties to the south and west are currently owned by the
se{lers and had also recently been tilled by Ron Bos. The land to the northwest is
aer"iculturai farm land. Road construction improvements were being conducted to
X-far"per Pucket Rd. to the north and there is increased development occurring in the
Baxter I[eadovvs Subdivision to the north and northeast. Except for the NorthWestern
Eruergl electric substation, the remaining agricultural land to the east and southeast
rrirftairts an undeveloped field. Property immediately to the south of Tract 14 contains
the \[eadon{ark Elementary School, which was finished in 2013. Residential
.lerelopment is continuing in the southern portion of the Flanders Creek Subdivision to
trhe southu-est. While the streets, curbs and underground utilities have been completed
ir, the northem portion of the Flanders Creek Subdivision, no building construction has
Lwn initiated in the northeastern corner, which is zoned as Residential Office.
There rl-as no evidence of conditions or operations on the properties surrounding the
sarhfect propertv that could negatively affect the environmental condition of the subject
Present and past uses of the subject property were determined through on-site
ir-rten-ielt s with the property owner and seller's agent.
3.L Property Owner Interview
On \Iar'34,2414, a telephone interview was conducted with Michael B. Anderson, son
of Yesta Fern Anderson. Mr. Anderson provided the following inJormation concerning
the past and present usage of the subject property.
- \Ir. Anderson's great grandfather Robert A. Baxter homesteaded the original eighty
acre parcel of land in this area in 1871.
Frqiat Code: 1-1-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter ProPertY
Wl/zNWlhSection 3,TZS, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
|rne15,2014 12
The farm buildings located in Section 4 adjacent to Baxter Creek rePresents the
original Baxter family homestead. Consequently, there have never been any
structures on the subject property.
Michael Anderson never lived on the property, but lived in Bozeman and spent
much of his youth on the property. Consequently, he is very familiar with past and
current agricultural operatior,r or', the property as carried out by the lessee Ronald
The subject property was never used for animal grazing, but has always been used
for cropprodr.tio.r. He believes that Ron Bos has rotated between growing wheat,
Uartey and hay. All animal grazingwas restricted to the land west of the homestead.
There has never been a feed lot on the property or on adjacent properties.
There has rcever been a ranch dump on the subject property nor have any drums of
iiquid material orhazard.ous substances ever been stored, burned, or buried on the
There has never been a pole treatment or grain treatment operation on the property'
The property has never been used as a landfarm in which petroleum contaminated
soils were brought on site for remediation.
The only chemical use on the property was restricted to typical spraying of
herbicides or pesticides by Ron Bos.
He was not aware of any underground or aboveground fuel storage tanks that had
ever been used on the ProPertY.
Except for the access and vent pipes associated with the buried irrigation pipe, he is
not ai,Vare of any vent pipes, fill pipes, oI access ways indicating a fill pipe
protruding from the ground on the property or adjacent to any structure located on
any adjacent property.
Except for the recently constructed NorthWestern Energy substation, he is not aware
of ary of the adjoining or nearby properties having been used for commercial or
induitrial use that would have possibly utilized chemicals in their on-site
\Atrhile there is an older well located in the homestead to the west, there has never
been a water well on the subject property and all irrigation water used on the
property is pumped out of the buried pipe that transfers Maynard Border Ditch
water through the ProPertY.
There has never been any gravel pit or other mineral mining on the property.
PrqectCode:14-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter Property
W1/zNWah Section 3,T25, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
- The property was never used or leased out for recreational sport hunting or target
5.2 Agricultural Lessee
On May 30,201.4, a telephone interview was conducted with Ronald Bos. Mr. Bos has
leased agdcultural land from the Anderson/Baxter family since 1986.
- The same questions that were asked of Mr. Anderson were asked of Mr. Bos and Mr.
Bos concurred with all of the answers provided by Mr. Anderson. Mr. Bos further
elaborated on the following issues.
- Mr. Bos is a licensed sprayer and the subject property has been sprayed with various
USDA approved pesticides or herbicides over the last 28 years in minimum
quantities a's was required to address the particular issue with the crop that was
grown during that period. All pesticides or herbicides were mixed off site and
excess liquids were never stored or spilled on the subject property.
- The USDA sponsored the project that transferred the Maynard Border Ditch water
into a 27" diarneter underground pipe upgradient of the subject property. At the
point when the underground pipe enters the south end of the Anderson/Baxter
property the pipe is24" in diameter and is buried at a depth of about 8 feet bgs. At
the point where the main pipe is accessed on the subject property where the electric
power poles and pump are located, orre 6" diameter irrigation pipe connects to the
main pipe and extends underground to the east and one 8" diameter irrigation pipe
connects to the main pipe and extends underground to service the Anderson/Baxter
agricultural lands to the west. Mr. Bos believes that the project was completed
between 1991. and1994.
The objective of this portion of the investigation is to identify prior uses of the property.
Historical sources that provided information regarding past use of the property were
title and deed records, Gallatin Historical society files, United States Geological survey
(USGS) topographic maps, certificates of survey, aerial photographs and Sanborn Fire
Insurance Maps. Records indicate that the property and surrounding properties have
always been used for agricultural operations.
ProjectCode:1"4-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter Property
W% NW% Section 3,T25, RSE, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
Irne'15,201,4 14
6.1 Record of Titles and Deeds
See Appendix C for a complete listing of title and deed records. The oldest easily
attainable warranty deed was dated February 5,1912. In this deed Robert A. Baxter and
Mary A. Baxter conveyed to their only living chiId, Robert G. Baxter one half interest in
the Baxter properties, which included the subject property. Robert G. Baxter and his
wife Marie C. Baxter later conveyed equal shares of their properties, which included the
subject property to their daughters Vesta Fern Anderson and Mary Catherine Nelson.
Therefore, based upon the original homestead date of 187'1, as provided by Michael
Anderson, the Baxter family has held ownership of this land for the last 143 years. A11
information obtained from the record of titles and deeds suggest that the subject
property was used for agricultural operations.
6.2 Gallatin Historical Society
An inquiry with the Gallatin Historical Society regarding the history of the Baxter
family resulted in biographies of Robert A Baxter and Robert G. Baxter that were
published in "A History of Montana" by Burlingame and Toole in1957. Copies of the
bibliographic pages from the book are provided in Appendix C. The Baxter family
contributions to the Gallatin Valley farm and ranch communities are provided in the
6.3 Aerial Photographs
Four aerial photographs were observed in the offices of the Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS) in Bozeman, Montana. The oldest photographic series
available for this area of the Gallatin Valley was flown in September 1937 and
reproduced at a scale of 4": orremile. \Alhile this series did not include a photo of the
subject property it did provide photographs of the surrounding area, which is all
agricultural land.
The oldest photograph available for the subject property was flown in September 1954
and reproduced at a scale of 8"= one mile. The surrounding area is all agricultural land.
As previously described in Section S.4regarding the 1987 Topographic Map, the
Maynard Border Ditch is shown flowing along Flanders Mill Road after it flows under
Durston Road and then being redirected to the west along the southern property
boundary and again redirected to flow northerly down the middle of the subject
property. However, in contrast to the topographic map, the ditch continues to flow
Project Code: 14-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter Property
WlzNWl/a,Section 3,T25, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
under Baxter Lane on northward through the fields in Section 34. This is consistent
with the site reconnaissance findings of where the ditch historically flowed under
Baxter Lane. The only structures within proximity of the subject property include the
Baxter family homestead to the west a small group of buildings north of the Baxter
complex across Baxter Lane and one building on the northeast corner of Baxter Lane
and Harper Pucket Rd.
The photographs taken in September 1979 and September 1990 all show the
surrounding area much as it did in1954except for one additional house located across
Baxter Lane on the west side of Maynard Border Ditch.
The Augustl995 aerial photograph provided by Google Earth's historical imagery
collection still shows the agricultural nature of the property and the surrounding
sections. The primary change to the subject property is the completion of the USDA
Maynard Ditch project in which the field is already in full crop production. The August
2003 aerial photograph provided by Google Earth is the first photo that shows the initial
developments of the Gallatin County Regional Park, Baxter Meadows subdivision and
early subdivisions north of Durston Road. There are still no changes to the agricultural
aspects of the subject property.
The most recent aerial photograph is from 2009-2012 Digital Globe imagery and is
included in Appendix A. The photo shows the subject property and the surrounding
area much as it appears today. The most notable feature missing in this photograph is
the 2013 construction of Meadowlark School south of the subject property.
6.4 Sanborn Fire Insurance Rate Maps
Sanborn Fire Insurance Rate Maps were originally prepared for use by fire insurance
companies in the late 1800s and were periodically updated, often through the 1960s.
The maps may show specific construction materials and building footprints for
individual properties in an urban setting. Additionally, the maps often show the
location of fuel storage tanks at service stations or railroad facilities. Due to the location
of subject property outside of the city limits, no Sanborn maps were available for the
subject property or surrounding area.
ProjectCode:1Ae967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter Property
W% NW% Section 3,T25, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
7.1, Standard Environmental Record Sources, Federal and State
State and Federal lists were reviewed to determine past and present potential
environmental hazards. Following ASTM guidelines for minimum search distances, the
following lists were searched for concerns near the subject property:
. Underground Storage Tank (UST) List;
. Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) List;
o National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Sites;
o Montana Non-NPL, or SPL Sites (CECRA);
o Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Lists, which include Corrective
Action Sites (CORRACTS), TSD, and large and small generators of hazardous waste;
o Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information
System (CERCLIS) Sites;
o Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) List;
o State Brownsfield Sites LisU
o State Response Actions List including Voluntary Cleanup Sites;
o Solid Waste Landfills, Incinerators, or transfer stations (SWLF).
There is no evidence to suggest that any of the upgradient properties have negatively
impacted the environmental conditions of the subject property.
7J1..1. Underground Storage Tank (UST) Sites
Underground storage tanks did not have to be registered with the Montana Department
of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) prior to1986. Additionally, underground farm
tanks 1,1,00 gallons or less used for storing motor fuel or heating oil are exempt from
registration requirements under Montana's regulations. Therefore, abandoned
underground storage tanks could exist near the subject property and may not be listed
with the Montana UST Program.
ProjectCode:L4-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/Baxter Property
W% NW% Section 3,TZS, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment has been performed in conformance with the
scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E2247-08 on the Anderson f Baxler Property
located at the southwest corner of Flanders Mill Road and Baxter Lane, Gallatin County,
Montana. No exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice were encountered in the
preparation of this report. These key findings should be used in conjunction with the
full text of the Phase I ESA Report.
8.1 On-SiteRecognizedEnvironmentalConditions
This assessment has revealed no evidence of any recognized environmental conditions
in connection with the property. Based upon site conditions and the data that was
collected, analyzedand interpreted as part of the Phase I ESA services, Phoenix
Engineering does not recommend any additional follow-up Phase II or Phase III
services to be conducted on the subject property.
8.2 Off-site Conditions
Based upon our review of the federal and state standard environmental record sources
and our site inspection, it was determined that none of the adjacent or upgradient
properties currently have impacted or are expected to have a negative impact upon the
environmental status of the subject property.
8.3 HistoricalRecognizedEnvironmentalConditions
This assessment has revealed no evidence of any historical recognized environmental
conditions in connection with the subject property.
8.4 Agricultural Chemical Use
All agricultural chemical use appeared to have been conducted in compliance with
industry standards for off-site storage and mixing processes and on-site field
Project Code: 14-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter Propert5r
W1/zNWl/a. Section 3,T25, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
applications of herbicides and pesticides. Since the normal application of an
agricultural chemical does not constitute a "release" and no chemical spills were
documented, the use of agricultural chemicals on the subject property did not have a
negative effect on the environmental status of the property.
Treated Wood Products
Fence posts and utility poles observed throughout the property are suspected of being
treated with pentachlorophenol, creosote or an arsenic mixture. All of these treated
poles and posts are perfectly suitable for either fencing or exterior construction
materials. The primary environmental and safety concerns for treated woods are
related to their use, the potential for direct physical contact with the treated wood and
the methods utilized to dispose of the wood. Direct exposure of chemically treated
wood to humans and animals by either ingestion or dermal absorption can possibly
cause severe physical harm. Treated wood can typically be disposed of by ordinary
trash collection or rural burial. Treated wood should not be burned in open fires or
stoves, fireplaces, or residential boilers because toxic chemicals may be produced as
part of the smoke and ashes.
8.5 Electrical Transformers
Three pole-mounted transformers were observed on the subject property. While it
appears that these transformers are lairly new, none of the transformers had obvious
exterior labels describing the oil quality, therefore the oil in these transformers is
suspected of containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) until Northwestern Energy
can verify that they are non-PCB units. Due to PCB characteristics of non-flammability,
chernical stability, high boiling point, and electrical insulating properties, PCBs were
used in hundreds of industrial and commercial applications including eleckical, heat
transfer, and hydraulic equipment. Although PCBs have not been used extensively
since the late 1970s when the EPA phased out their use, the chemical continues to be
found in older facilities typically in electrical transformers and equipment.
The on-site transformers appeared to be in good condition with no sign of leaks and
have not negatively affected the environmental status of the subject property.
However, it is recommended that a regular visual inspection of the transformers be
completed so that the local power company can be notified in the event an oil leak is
Code:74-967 PHOENIX
Anderson/ Baxter Proper$r
W% NW% Section 3,T25, RSE, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
June15,2014 20
9.'1, Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment
The following business envirorunental risk conditions were not reviewed or completed
as they were beyond the scope of work for this project: wetlands, regulatory
compliance, culfural and historical resources, industrial hygiene, health and safety,
ecological resources, endangered species, indoor air quality, high-voltage power lines,
performing a mold or asbestos inspectiory sampling for asbestos, lead-based paint,
radon, urea formaldehyde insulation, and PCBs.
9.2 Special Terms and Conditions
Phoenix Engineering has developed and performed this study in conformance with the
standards and practices set forth in "A11 Appropriate Inquiry" Final Rule (40 C.F.R. Part
312). This study is consistent with current standards for the performance of
Environmental Site Assessments as outlined in the American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Environmental site Assessments: Phase I Site
Assessment Process, ASTM DesignationE2247-}S. The Phase I Environmental site
Assessment Process is intended to permit a user to satisfy one of the requirements to
qualify for the innocent landowner, contiguous property owner, or bona fide
prospective purchaser limitations on CERCLA liability (hereinafter, the "landowner
liability protections," or "LLPs "):
Phoenix Engineering has performed this work in accordance with generally accepted
practices and procedures of other consultants undertaking similar sfudies at the same
time in the same geographical area. The findings and conclusions of Phoenix
Engineering are opinions based upon professional judgments of the significance of data,
or the absence of data, gathered, produced or discovered in the course of this
investigation. Consequently, Phoenix Engineering represents only that it has used its
professional judgment in making such findings and conclusions, and no other
representations or warranties of the accuracy or soundness of such findings and
conclusions are implied or intended.
The findings and conclusions generated or produced as a result of the work herein are
intended exclusively for the use of Soccer Education Foundation, Inc. and the City of
Bozeman. No other person or entity is authorized to rely in whole or in part on any
report, opinion, or data produced or generated by Phoenix Engineering.
ProjectCode: L4-967 PHOENIX
by: Tim R. Marcinko, P.E.
Anderson/ Baxter Property
W1/zNW1/+Section^ 3,TZS, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report
I declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definitionof Environmental Professional as defined in 5312.10 oi +O Crn 212 and.I have thespecific qualifications based on education, trainin g, andexperience to assess a propertyof the nature, history, and setting of the subject pr-operty. f hurr" developed andperformed the all appropriate inquiries in con-for-ir,." with the standaids andpractices set forth in 40 CFR part312.
Thank you for choosing Phoenix Engineering for your environmental consulting needs.Please call if you have any questions regardi^g orr findings and conclusions.
Phoenix Engineering
45. 42'3" N
Custom Soil Resource RePort
Soil Map
45"41'32'N " I
491800 491900 492000 492rN 4922ffi
Z)il wap Scale: 1:4700 if printed on A poffait (8.5" x 11") sheet.
I ,Meters
= N o 50 1oo 2oo 3ooA _Feetl\ o 2oo 4oo 8oo 12ool{ Map projedon:Web Mercator Comercoodinates: WG$4 fugetjcs: UTM Zone 12N WGS84
450 41 32" N
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Custom Soil Resource RePort
Map Unit Legend
Map Unit Descriptions
The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils
or misce.llaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the
maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit'
A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more
major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named
aciording to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. \Mthin a taxonomic
class theie are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape,
however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability
of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend
beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic
class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic
classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up,of the soils or miscellaneous areas
for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes
other than those of the major soils.
Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the
map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called
noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a
particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties
and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different
management. These are called contrasting, ordissimilar, components. They generally
are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used.
Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified
by a special symbol on the maps. lf included in the database for a given area, the
contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with
some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been
observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially
where the pattern was so complex that itwas impractical to make enough observations
to identify allthe soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape.
The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness
or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic
classes but ratherto separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that
have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments
on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. lf
Gallatin Counti Area, lllontana {MT622)
illlap Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acre6 in AO!Percent ofAOl
53B Amsterdam silt loam, 0 to 4
pereent slopes
76.9 96.3%
51 0B Meadowcreek loam, 0 to 4
Dercent sloPes
3.0 3.7o/o
Totals for Area of lnterest 79.9 100.0%
Custom Soil Resource Report
intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to
define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas.
An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each
description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties
and qualities.
Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a so/ serles. Except for
differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons
that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement.
Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity,
degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such
differences, a soil series is divided into so/ phases. Most of the areas shown on the
detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly
indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0
to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series.
Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas.
These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups.
A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate
pattern"or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The
pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all
areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example.
An assoclaflon is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or
miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or
anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical
or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and
relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha-
Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example.
An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that
could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar
interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of
the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be
made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up
of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example.
Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material
and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example.
Custom Soil Resource RePort
County Area, Montana
S3B-Amsterdam silt loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes
Map Unit Setting
Elevation: 4,400 to 5,550 feet
Mean annualprecipitation: 15 to 19 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 37 to 45 degrees F
Frost-free Period: 90 to '1 10 daYs
Map Unit GomPosition
Amsterdam and similar so/s: 85 percent
Minor comPonents: 15 Percent
Description of Amsterdam
Landform: Stream terraces
Down-sloPe shaPe: Linear
Across-s/oPe shaPe: Linear" Parent material: Loess
Typical profile
A - 0 to 8 inches: neutral, silt loam
Bw - I to 15 inches; neutral, silt loam
Bk - 15 to 42 inches: moderately alkaline, silt loam
2C - 42 to 60 inches: moderately alkaline, very fine sandy loam
Properties and qualities
Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches
Naturat drainage c/ass. Well drained
Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat); Moderately high (0.20
to 0.57 in/hr)
Depth to water table: More than 80 inches
FrequencY of f/oodrng: None
FrequencY of Pondtng: None
Calcium carbonate, maximum in profile: 35 percent
Salinity, maximum in profile: Nonsaline (0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm)
Availabte water storage in profile: High (about 10.9 inches)
Interpretive grouPs
Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland
Lan d capabil ity cl assification (i rrig ated) : 3e
Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e
Hydrologic Soil GrouP: C
Ecotogicats/e: Silty (Si) 15-19" p'2. (R044XS355MT)
Minor Components
Percent of maP unit: 5 Percent
Landform: Stream terraces
Down-sloPe shaPe: Linear
Across-s/oPe shaPe: Linear
Ecologicatslfe: Limy (Ly) 15-19" p.z. (R044XS357MT)
Custom Soil Resource Report
Percent of map unit: 5 percent
Landform: Stream terraces
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-s/op e shape: Linear
Ecologicalsde: Silty (Si) 15-19" p.z. (R044XS3SSMT)
Percent of map unit: 3 percent
Landform: Stream terraces, alluvial fans
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-s/ope shape : Linear
Ecologicalsfe: Silty (Si) 15-19" p.z. (RO 4XS3SSMT)
Percent of map unit: 2 percent
Landform: Stream terraces, alluvial fans
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-s/op e shape: Linear
Ecologicalsde; Silty (Si) 15-19" p.z. (R044XS3S5MT)
510B-Meadowcreek loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes
Map Unit Setting
Elevation: 4,200 to 5,950 feet
Mean annual precipitation: 12to 18 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 3g to 45 degrees F
Frost-free period: 90 to 1 10 days
Map Unit Composition
Meadowcreek and similar soils; 85 percent
Minor components: 15 percent
Description of Meadowcreek
Landform: Stream terraces
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-s/ope shape: Linear
Parent material: Alluvium
A - 0 to 11 inches: stightly alkaline, loam
Bg - 11 to 25 inches: neutral, silt loam
2C - 25to 60 inches: neutral, very gravelly sand
Properties and qualities
Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches
Natural drainage c/ass: Somewhat poorly drained
Custom Soil Resource RePort
Capacity of the most timiting tayer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high
(0.57 to 1.98 in/hr)
Depth to water fable: Aboul24lo 42 inches
FrequencY of f/oodrng: None
FrequencY of Pondrng: None
Satinity, maxiium in'profite: Nonsaline to very slightly saline (0'0 to 4'0 mmhos/cm)
Availinte water storatge in profite: Low (about 5'1 inches)
lnterpretive grouPs'Farmland classification; Prime farmland if irrigated
Land capability ctassification (irigated): 2e
Land capabitity classification (noninigated): 3e
Hydrologic Soil GrouP: C
Ecotogicatsife: subirrigated (Sb) 15-19" p.z. (R044XS359MT)
Minor ComPonents
Percent of maP unit: 10 Percent
Landform: Terraces" Down-slope shaPe: Linear
Across-s/ope shaPe: Linear
Percent of maP unit: 5 Percent
Landform: Stream terraces, alluvial fans
Down-sloPe shaPe: Linear
Across-s/oPe shaPe: Linear
Ecotogicat srfe: dhallow to Gravel (SwGr) 15-19" p.z. (R044XS354MT)