HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- FINAL TDH Soils Report Great Falls • Bozeman • Kalispell, Montana Spokane, Washington • Lewiston, Idaho Watford City, North Dakota SOILS REPORT SPORTS COMPLEX BOZEMAN, MONTANA June 2014 CLIENT: City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 ENGINEER: TD&H Engineering 234 E. Babcock Street, Suite 3 Bozeman, MT 59715 Job No. B14-022 SPORTS COMPLEX Table of Contents BOZEMAN, MONTANA i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 2 2.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ................................................................................................. 2 2.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................. 2 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................ 4 3.1 GEOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY ............................................................................. 4 3.2 SURFACE CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. 5 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ....................................................................................... 5 4.0 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 7 4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 7 4.2 SITE GRADING AND EXCAVATIONS ....................................................................... 7 4.3 SHALLOW SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIONS ...................................................... 8 4.4 FOUNDATION WALLS ................................................................................................. 9 4.5 SLABS AND EXTERIOR FLATWORK ........................................................................ 9 4.6 PAVEMENTS ................................................................................................................ 10 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................... 12 5.1 SITE GRADING AND EXCAVATIONS ..................................................................... 12 5.2 SHALLOW SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIONS .................................................... 13 5.3 FOUNDATION WALLS ............................................................................................... 14 5.4 FLOOR SLABS AND EXTERIOR FLATWORK ........................................................ 15 5.5 PAVEMENTS ................................................................................................................ 15 5.6 CONTINUING SERVICES ........................................................................................... 18 6.0 SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY STUDIES ............................................. 19 6.1 FIELD EXPLORATIONS ............................................................................................. 19 6.2 LABORATORY TESTING ........................................................................................... 19 7.0 LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................. 21 8.0 PLAYFIELD SUITABILITY ............................................................................................ 23 8.1 DRAINAGE ........................................................................................................................ 23 8.2 FERTILIZATION/AMENDMENTS ................................................................................. 24 8.3 AERATION ........................................................................................................................ 24 SPORTS COMPLEX Table of Contents BOZEMAN, MONTANA ii APPENDIX  Test Pit Locations (Figure 1)  Logs of Exploratory Test Pits (Figures 2 through 6)  Laboratory Test Data (Figures 7 through 21)  Soil Classification and Sampling Terminology for Engineering Purposes  Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes SPORTS COMPLEX Introduction BOZEMAN, MONTANA 1 SOILS REPORT SPORTS COMPLEX BOZEMAN, MONTANA 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This soils investigation is for the proposed Sports Complex to be located on the southwest corner of E. Baxter Lane and Flanders Mill Road, Bozeman, MT. This report comprises two parts. The first describes the engineering properties of the soils for purposes of constructing roads, parking lots and structures. The second part is concerned with the soil’s suitability to support vegetation such as turf grass for play fields and possible amendments to be considered. From a geotechnical engineering standpoint, we encountered a surficial layer of lean clay overlying dense poorly-graded gravel with sand. The seismic site class is C and risk of seismically induced soil liquefaction or settlement is low. The primary geotechnical concern regarding this project is the presence of compressible lean clay below the anticipated footing elevation. Based on the loadings and typical allowable settlements, conventional footings and slab-on-grade which are founded on lean clay will experience objectionable. Structural loads should be supported by dense native gravel encountered at varying depths. Over excavation of the upper lean clay within the building footprint is warranted where depths to dense native gravel are relatively shallow. Consideration should be given to the placement of structures on-site to avoid excessive over-excavation depths. Building locations overlying questionable clay thicknesses will require additional investigation to evaluate alternative, cost-effective foundation systems. The site is suitable for potential structures using standard foundation construction and associated site improvements provided our recommendations are followed. As a potential play field, the soil is suitable for producing good turf grass, either as native fields or sand modified fields. In either case, fertilizer and aeration are recommended. For more durable professional turf grass fields, sand amendments will also be needed. SPORTS COMPLEX Introduction BOZEMAN, MONTANA 2 PART I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This report presents the results of our geotechnical study for the Sports Complex project to be located at the souwthwest corner of E. Baxter Lane and Flanders Mill Road. The purpose of the geotechnical study is to determine the general surface and subsurface conditions at the proposed site and to develop geotechnical engineering recommendations for support of the proposed facilities. This report describes the field work and laboratory analyses conducted for this project, the surface and subsurface conditions encountered, and presents our recommendations for the proposed site development. Our field work included excavating five test pits across the proposed site. The information obtained during our field investigation was used to develop recommendations for the design of the proposed facilities. Our work was authorized to proceed by Mr. Chris Kukulski by his signed agreement dated February 24, 2014 and amendment dated April 14, 2014. 2.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION It is our understanding that the proposed project consists of 70 acres of grass playing field with associated parking areas, utilities and potential future buildings. Site specific investigations will be required once the exact building locations are determined. It is assumed any structures would be supported on conventional shallow spread footings incorporating slab on grade construction. Structural loads had not been developed at the time of this report. However, for the purpose of our study, we have assumed that wall loads will be less than 4 kips per lineal foot (kpf) and column loads, if any, will be less than 60 kips. If the assumed design values presented above vary from the actual project parameters, the recommendations presented in this report should be reevaluated. SPORTS COMPLEX Introduction BOZEMAN, MONTANA 3 Site development will most likely include landscaping, exterior concrete flatwork, and asphalt pavement for parking lots and access roads. SPORTS COMPLEX Site Conditions BOZEMAN, MONTANA 4 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 GEOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY The site is geologically characterized as containing upper tertiary sediment according to the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG), Geologic Map of Montana. Generally, the surface is composed of varying thicknesses of silt and or clay deposits overlying alluvial fan deposits of well-graded, gravel with sand. The gravel is predominately subrounded to angular and contains cobbles and minor amounts of silt and/or clay. Reportedly, the local alluvial fan deposits extend down to as much as 165 feet. Figure 1. Geologic Map of Bozeman Area (MBMG 2007) The appropriate site class, per the 2009 International Building Code (IBC), for this site is Site Class C. Seismic ground motion values should be determined using the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) recommendations and the above site class. The likelihood of seismically-induced soil liquefaction or settlement for this project is low and does not warrant additional evaluation. SPORTS COMPLEX Site Conditions BOZEMAN, MONTANA 5 3.2 SURFACE CONDITIONS The proposed project site is located at the southwest corner of E. Baxter Lane and Flanders Mill Road in Bozeman, Montana. The majority of the site presently consists of an irrigated planted field. The site generally slopes downward toward the north at a varied slope. Small areas of varied, undulating topography are also present on the site. The topography across the site is best described as nearly level. 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.3.1 Soils. The subsurface soil conditions appear to be relatively consistent based on our exploratory excavation and soil sampling. In general, the subsurface soil conditions encountered within the test pits consist of a thin layer of topsoil overlying lean clay and poorly-graded gravel with sand at depth. The thickness of topsoil varied from 0.4 to 1.4 feet in thickness and classified as lean clay with sand. The lean clay varied in thickness from 1.7 to 8.8 feet. The poorly-graded gravel with sand extends to a depth of at least 10.5 feet, which was the maximum depth investigated. The subsurface soils are described in detail on the enclosed test pit logs and are summarized below. The stratification lines shown on the logs represent approximate boundaries between soil types and the actual in situ transition may be gradual vertically or discontinuous laterally. Lean Clay with Sand Topsoil Based on our field observations and past experience, we anticipate this material to have a soft to very soft relative consistency. The topsoil contained significant organic content and roots. A sample of the material obtained from TP #2 contained 18.1 percent sand, and 81.9 percent fines (silt and clay). The natural moisture content measured in TP #2 was 27.0% Lean Clay The lean clay appeared soft based on observations during excavation of the test pits. Generally, the relative consistency became weaker with depth. The unconfined compression strength of the lean clay, as measured using a handheld Pocket SPORTS COMPLEX Site Conditions BOZEMAN, MONTANA 6 Penetrometer, measured 0.5 tons per square foot in all testing locations. This material is considered slightly to highly compressible. A sample of the material obtained from TP #2 contained 7.2 percent sand and 92.8 percent fines (silt and clay). The lean clay exhibited a liquid limit of 33 percent and a plasticity index of 14 percent for the sample obtained from TP #1. The natural moisture contents measured varied from 22.5 to 30.9 percent and averaged 26.8 percent. Poorly-Graded Gravel with Sand Based on our field observations and past experience, we anticipate this material to have a dense to very dense relative consistency. The natural moisture contents varied from slightly moist to saturated below the water table. 3.3.2 Ground Water Ground water was encountered in all five test pits. Table 1 summarizes the ground water measurements observed during our investigation. Table 1 Ground Water Measurements Test Pit Depth to Ground Water (ft) TP - 1 8.5 TP - 2 8.5 TP - 3 8.5 TP - 4 9.5 TP - 5 4.0 Measured ground water levels are considered approximate due to disturbances caused by excavating. Accurate ground water levels can only be determined from correctly installed observation wells. Additionally, the presence of observed ground water may be directly related to the time of the subsurface investigation. Numerous factors contribute to seasonal ground water occurrences and fluctuations, and the evaluation of such factors is beyond the scope of this report. SPORTS COMPLEX Engineering Analysis BOZEMAN, MONTANA 7 4.0 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 4.1 INTRODUCTION The primary geotechnical concern regarding this project is the presence of weak near surface clay soils and high ground water. The near surface clay soils have poor strength properties that are further diminished when wetted. Saturated clay observed at the contact with the native water bearing gravel had little to no strength. The near surface clay soils are not suitable to support structural loads; therefore, it will be necessary to extend all load bearing foundation elements through the weak clay into the dense native gravel. Proper preparation and compaction of the native gravel subgrade prior to placement of concrete footings and slabs will be critical to the long-term performance of the structures. Slabs-on-grade and pavements can be constructed on the weak clay provided they are supported by an adequate granular base underlain by a geosynthetic and are structurally separated from the foundation walls; however based on the ever-present potential for increases in soil moisture, it is our opinion that slab-on-grade construction for interior floors and exterior flatwork may be used, provided the Owner is willing to accept the risk of some potential slab movement The only positive method to control, or otherwise prevent, potential floor slab movement is to construct a structural floor system incorporating a void or crawl space between the subgrade and the slab or by completely removing all weak soil from within the individual structure footprints. A properly-supported elevated floor system incorporating a crawl space will negate the detrimental effects of a weak subgrade. The floor system can be supported by a series of grade beams in turn supported by a foundation system. 4.2 SITE GRADING AND EXCAVATIONS The ground surface at the proposed Sports Complex is gently sloping with areas of localized undulation. Based on our field work, lean clay will be encountered in foundation excavations to conventional depths. Based on the test pits, ground water may be encountered in excavations to the depths required to remove all compressible lean clay. Due to the relatively flat area, limited site grading is anticipated in areas surrounding the structure. SPORTS COMPLEX Engineering Analysis BOZEMAN, MONTANA 8 The ground surface at the proposed Sports Complex site is nearly level and slopes between 1 and 2 percent down toward the northwest. Based on our field work, lean clay overlying gravel with sand will be encountered in foundation and utility excavations to the depths anticipated. Due to excess moisture, we anticipate the lean clay will not be suitable as backfill for foundations or utilities; therefore, an excess of this material may be generated during construction. Imported material will be necessary as backfill around foundation walls and in utility excavations. If fine- grained material, absent of organics, is used for purposes other than landscaping, extensive moisture conditioning will be required to remove excess moisture in order to obtain adequate compaction. Testing indicates the average natural moisture content of the lean clay is approximately 26.8 percent while the optimum moisture is only 18.6 percent. The long-term performance of this material will be directly related to the compactive effort applied during construction. In-place density testing should be conducted to monitor compliance with the recommendations. Dense native gravel will also be encountered in foundation and utility excavations to the depths anticipated. The dense gravel, exclusive of large cobbles and boulders, will be suitable for most site grading and trench backfill applications. Due to the amount of cobble sized material present in the native gravel, it will be necessary to follow good utility bedding practices during construction. Based on the exploratory test pits, abundant ground water should be anticipated in utility and foundation excavations. Dewatering should be anticipated in order to construct the proposed buildings and utilities. 4.3 SHALLOW SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIONS Considering the subsurface conditions encountered and the nature of the proposed construction, the structure can be supported on shallow spread footings bearing on native gravel with sand or structural fill extended down to native gravel with sand. The native gravel was encountered between 3.0 and 10.0 feet below ground surface. Excess native gravel removed from portions of the project may be recompacted to reduce the overall amount of imported gravel required; however, some imported structural fill should be anticipated to transmit structural loads down to the native gravel. The thickness of required structural fill will vary across the site and is dependent on the finished floor elevation, structure location and the amount of excess gravel removed to reach adequate frost depth. Based on our experience, the theory of elasticity, and using an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf), we estimate the total settlement for footings will be less than SPORTS COMPLEX Engineering Analysis BOZEMAN, MONTANA 9 3/4-inch. Differential settlement across the structure should be on the order of one-half this magnitude. The lateral resistance of spread footings is controlled by a combination of sliding resistance between the footing and the foundation material at the base of the footing and the passive earth pressure against the side of the footing in the direction of movement. Design parameters are given in the recommendations section of this report. 4.4 FOUNDATION WALLS Foundation walls will be subjected to horizontal loading due to lateral earth pressures. The lateral earth pressures are a function of the natural and backfill soil types and acceptable wall movements, which affect soil strain to mobilize the shear strength of the soil. More soil movement is required to develop greater internal shear strength and lower the lateral pressure on the wall. To fully mobilize strength and reduce lateral pressures, soil strain and allowable wall rotation must be greater for clay soils than for cohesionless, granular soils. The lowest lateral earth pressure against walls for a given soil type is the active condition and develops when wall movements occur. Passive earth pressures are developed when the wall is forced into the soil, such as at the base of a wall on the side opposite the retained earth side. When no soil strain is allowed by the wall, this is the "at-rest" condition, which creates pressures having magnitudes between the passive and active conditions. The distribution of the lateral earth pressures on the structure depends on soil type and wall movements or deflections. In most cases, a triangular pressure distribution is satisfactory for design and is usually represented as an equivalent fluid unit weight. Design parameters are given in the Recommendations section of this report. 4.5 SLABS AND EXTERIOR FLATWORK The natural on-site clay soils are marginally acceptable for support of floor slabs. It will be necessary to improve the underslab conditions by providing a layer of structural fill capable of distributing the anticipated slab and construction loads to the subgrade. The actual thickness of the structural fill layer is dependent on the condition of the subgrade and magnitude of the loads. For purposes of this analysis, and for constructability reasons, we have assumed 18 inches of structural fill over the clay subgrade with a Mirafi 600X or equivalent geotextile. In addition to SPORTS COMPLEX Engineering Analysis BOZEMAN, MONTANA 10 structural fill, a leveling course of granular fill directly below the slab is recommended to provide a structural cushion. Based on the ever-present potential for increases in soil moisture, it is our opinion that slab-on- grade construction for interior floors and exterior flatwork may be used, provided the Owner is willing to accept the risk of some potential slab movement. The only way to eliminate the risk of slab movement is to remove the full depth of native clay below the proposed slabs and replace with properly compacted structural fill or construct a structural floor system incorporating a void or crawl space between the subgrade and the slab. 4.6 PAVEMENTS A pavement section is a layered system designed to distribute concentrated traffic loads to the subgrade. Performance of the pavement structure is directly related to the physical properties of the subgrade soils and the magnitude and frequency of traffic loadings. Pavement design procedures are based on strength properties of the subgrade and pavement materials, along with the design traffic conditions. We have assumed that traffic for parking lots and access roads will be limited to busses, passenger-type vehicles, and occasional delivery trucks. The potential worst case subgrade material is lean clay which is classified as an A-6 soil, in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) classification. AASHTO considers this soil type to be a poor subgrade. Typical California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values for this type of soil range from less than 1 percent to 10 percent. The fill should be selected, placed, and compacted in accordance with our recommendations. A geotextile acting as a separator is recommended between the pavement section gravels and the soft clay subgrade. The geotextile will prevent the upward migration of fines and the loss of aggregate into the subgrade, thereby prolonging the structural integrity and performance of the pavement section. Proper installation of the geotextile is necessary for the long term performance of the pavement. The subgrade must have a suitable moisture content and be rolled to a smooth surface prior to placement of the geotextile. Subgrade which is too wet to facilitate proper placement of the geotextile and compaction of the overlying base gravel, should incorporate a geogrid to provide added stability. If a geogrid is utilized, the pavement subbase section can be reduced. For purposes of this analysis, our design assumes a Tensar TX140 geogrid will be used. Geogrids are not always interchangeable; therefore, any substitution requests will require an independent pavement analysis. SPORTS COMPLEX Engineering Analysis BOZEMAN, MONTANA 11 The pavement sections presented in this report are based on an assumed CBR value of 1 percent, assumed traffic loadings, recommended pavement section design information presented in the AASHTO Design Manuals, and our past pavement design experience in the Bozeman area. SPORTS COMPLEX Recommendations BOZEMAN, MONTANA 12 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 SITE GRADING AND EXCAVATIONS 1. All topsoil and organic material, asphalt, concrete and related construction debris should be removed from the proposed building and pavement areas and any areas to receive site grading fill. For planning purposes, a minimum stripping thickness of 18 inches is recommended. Thicker stripping depths may be warranted to remove all detrimental organics as determined once actual stripping operations are performed. 2. All fill and backfill should be non-expansive, free of organics and debris and should be approved by the project geotechnical engineer. All fill should be placed in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness for fine-grained soils and not exceeding 12 inches for granular soils. All fill and backfill shall be compacted to the following percentages of the maximum dry density determined by a standard proctor test which is outlined by ASTM D698 or equivalent (e.g. ASTM D4253- D4254). a) Below Foundations or Spread Footings ............................................. 98% b) Below Slab-on-Grade Construction................................................... 95% c) Below Streets, Parking Lots, or Other Paved Areas .......................... 95% d) General Landscaping or Nonstructural Areas ................................... 90% e) Utility Trench Backfill, To Within 2 Feet of Surface ........................ 95% 3. Imported structural fill should be non-expansive, free of organics and debris, and selected per the following gradation requirements: Screen or Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 3-inch 100 1½-inch 80 – 100 ¾-inch 60 – 100 No. 4 25 – 60 No. 200 10 maximum SPORTS COMPLEX Recommendations BOZEMAN, MONTANA 13 Native gravel which are screened to remove cobbles and boulders larger than 3- inch should satisfy this gradation requirement for structural fill. 4. Develop and maintain site grades which will rapidly drain surface and roof runoff away from foundation and subgrade soils; both during and after construction. 5. Downspouts from roof drains should discharge at least 10 feet from the buildings or convey directly to a storm drain system. 6. Site utilities should be installed with proper bedding in accordance with pipe manufacturer’s requirements. 7. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide safe working conditions in connection with underground excavations. Temporary construction excavations greater than four feet in depth, which workers will enter, will be governed by OSHA guidelines given in 29 CFR, Part 1926. For planning purposes, subsoils encountered in the test pits classify as Type C for the lean clay and wet to saturated gravel with sand. 5.2 SHALLOW SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIONS The design and construction criteria below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. The construction details should be considered when preparing the project documents. 8. Both interior and exterior footings should bear on compacted native gravel with sand or structural fill extending down to native gravel with sand and should be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf provided settlements as outlined in the Engineering Analysis are acceptable. The limits of over-excavation and replacement with compacted structural fill should extend downward and outward laterally from the bottom edges of the footings at a 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) projection. Structural fill should be selected and placed in accordance with items 2 and 3 above. 9. The top 12 inches of gravel with sand subgrade should be compacted per Item 2 above. Soils disturbed below the planned depths of footing excavations should be recompacted according to the requirements of Item 2 above. SPORTS COMPLEX Recommendations BOZEMAN, MONTANA 14 10. To reduce structural distress cause by slab movements, all interior load-bearing walls should be supported on separate spread footings bearing on the underlying native gravel or on structural fill extending to the native gravel. Conventional slab-on-grade construction consisting of interior walls bearing directly on the slab or thickened portions of the slab is not recommended for this project and site conditions. 11. Footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches for wall footings and 24 inches for column footings. 12. Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be placed at least 48 inches below finished exterior grade for frost protection. 13. The bottom of the footing excavations should be free of cobbles and boulders to avoid stress concentrations acting on the base of the footings. 14. Lateral loads are resisted by sliding friction between the footing base and the supporting soil and by lateral pressure against the footings opposing movement. For design purposes, a friction coefficient of 0.50 is appropriate for footings bearing on native gravel or imported structural fill. Lateral resistance pressures of 100 and 350 psf per foot of depth are appropriate for the native clay and gravel, respectively. 15. A representative of the project geotechnical engineer should observe all footing excavations and backfill phases prior to the placement of concrete formwork. 16. Alternate foundation systems can be evaluated to help reduce the overall amount of fill. To evaluate the systems, additional site specific investigation will be required once building locations have been determined. 5.3 FOUNDATION WALLS 16. Walls which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount of deflection should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of 55 pcf for backfill consisting of the native gravel. SPORTS COMPLEX Recommendations BOZEMAN, MONTANA 15 17. The allowable bearing pressure and lateral resistance of wall footings can be determined using the parameters given in Items 9 and 14 above. 18. Backfill placed against the sides of the footings and the base of the walls to resist lateral loads should be placed and compacted per Item 2 above. 19. Backfill should be selected, placed, and compacted per Items 2 and 3 above. Care should be taken not to over-compact the backfill since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the walls. Only hand-operated compaction equipment should be used within 5 feet of foundation walls. Native wet clay should not be used as backfill due to the high natural moisture and the difficulty to compact properly. Native gravel with sand, less particles greater than 3 inches, should be suitable as backfill. 5.4 FLOOR SLABS AND EXTERIOR FLATWORK 20. For normally loaded, slab-on-grade construction, a minimum 18-inch cushion course consisting of free-draining, crushed gravel should be placed beneath the slabs and compacted to the requirements of items 2 and 3 above. The gravel should be separated from the native clay using a Mirafi 600X geotextile, or equal. This material should consist of minus 3/4-inch aggregate with no more than 10 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. Prior to placing the cushion course, the upper six inches of subgrade should be rolled smooth to facilitate fabric installation. 21. Geotechnically, an underslab vapor barrier is recommended. A vapor barrier is normally used to limit the migration of soil gas and moisture into occupied spaces through floor slabs. The use of a vapor barrier should be determined by the architect and/or structural engineer based on interior improvements and/or moisture and gas control. 22. If no acceptable risk can be assumed by the Owner, the only positive method to control potential slab movements is to construct a structural floor system isolated from the subgrade or remove all lean clay below the slab areas. 5.5 PAVEMENTS SPORTS COMPLEX Recommendations BOZEMAN, MONTANA 16 23. The following pavement sections or an approved equivalent section should be selected in accordance with the discussions in the Engineering Analysis. SPORTS COMPLEX Recommendations BOZEMAN, MONTANA 17 Geotextile Option Section Component Normal Section Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 3 1.5-inch minus Crushed Leveling Course 6 4-inch minus Subbase 20 600X Geotextile Total (inches) 29 Geogrid and Geotextile Option Section Component Normal Section Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 3 1.5-inch minus Crushed Leveling Course 6 4-inch minus Subbase 14 Tensar TX140 Geogrid 600X Geotextile Total (inches) 23 24. Gradations for the base and subbase courses shall conform to Sections 02234 and 02235 of the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications (MPWSS). 25. Where the existing grades will be raised more than the thickness of the pavement section, all fill should be placed, compacted and meet the general requirements given in Items 2 and 24 above. 26. The asphaltic cement should be a Performance Graded (PG) binder having a 58- 28 grade in accordance with AASHTO MP1. 27. Lean clay subgrade should be compacted per Item 2 above SPORTS COMPLEX Recommendations BOZEMAN, MONTANA 18 5.6 CONTINUING SERVICES Three additional elements of geotechnical engineering service are important to the successful completion of this project. 28. Consultation between the geotechnical engineer and the design professionals during the design phases is highly recommended. This is important to ensure that the intentions of our recommendations are incorporated into the design, and that any changes in the design concept consider the geotechnical limitations dictated by the on-site subsurface soil and ground water conditions. 29. Observation, monitoring, and testing during construction is required to document the successful completion of all earthwork and foundation phases. A geotechnical engineer from our firm should observe the excavation, earthwork, and foundation phases of the work to determine that subsurface conditions are compatible with those used in the analysis and design. 30. During site grading, placement of all fill and backfill should be observed and tested to confirm that the specified density has been achieved. We recommend that the owner maintain control of the construction quality control by retaining the services of a construction materials testing laboratory. We are available to provide construction inspection services as well as materials testing of compacted soils and the placement of Portland cement concrete and asphalt. SPORTS COMPLEX Summary of Field and Laboratory Studies BOZEMAN, MONTANA 19 6.0 SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY STUDIES 6.1 FIELD EXPLORATIONS The field exploration program was conducted on May 1, 2014. A total of five test pits were excavated to depths ranging from 6.0 to 10.5 feet at the locations shown on Figure 1 to observe subsurface soil and ground water conditions. The tests pits were excavated using a CAT 305CR excavator. The subsurface exploration and sampling methods used are indicated on the attached test pit logs. The test pits were logged by Mr. Ahren Hastings, P.E. of TD&H Engineering. The locations and surface elevations of the exploratory test pits shown on Figure 1 were determined by TD&H Engineering surveying personnel in the field. Measurements to determine the presence and depth of ground water were made in the test pits using a measuring tape shortly after excavation. The depths or elevations of the water levels measured, if encountered, and the date of measurement are shown on the test pit logs. 6.2 LABORATORY TESTING Samples obtained during the field exploration were returned to our materials laboratory where they were observed and visually classified in general accordance with ASTM D2487, which is based on the Unified Soil Classification System. Representative samples were selected for testing to determine the engineering and physical properties of the soils in general accordance with ASTM or other approved procedures. Tests Conducted: To determine: Natural Moisture Content Representative moisture content of soil at the time of sampling. Grain-Size Distribution Particle size distribution of soil constituents describing the percentages of clay/silt, sand and gravel. Moisture-Density Relationship A relationship describing the effect of varying moisture content and the resulting dry unit weight at a given compactive effort. Provides the optimum moisture content SPORTS COMPLEX Summary of Field and Laboratory Studies BOZEMAN, MONTANA 20 and the maximum dry unit weight. Also called a Proctor Curve. Atterberg Limits A method of describing the effect of varying water content on the consistency and behavior of fine-grained soils. The laboratory testing program for this project consisted of 10 moisture-visual analyses, one sieve (grain-size distribution) analysis, and one proctor (moisture-density) test. The results of the water content analyses are presented on the test pit logs, Figures 2 through 6. The grain-size distribution curve and proctor (moisture-density) test are presented on Figures 7 and 8. In addition to the laboratory testing required for geotechnical analysis, representative samples were also selected for testing to determine the effectiveness of the soil to grow sod for the playing fields. The results of these tests are presented in Figures 9 through 12. SPORTS COMPLEX Limitations BOZEMAN, MONTANA 21 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in this area for use by the client for design purposes. The findings, analyses, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions encountered and further assume that the results of the exploratory test pits are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site, that is, that the subsurface conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclosed by the subsurface study. If during construction, subsurface conditions appear different from those encountered during our study, this office should be advised at once so we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations, when necessary. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined by a limited number of soil test pits. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to obtain a properly constructed project. Therefore, some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra costs. If substantial time has elapsed between the submission of this report and the start of work at the site, or if conditions have changed because of natural causes or construction operations at or adjacent to the site, we recommend that this report be reviewed to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations considering the time lapse or changed conditions. If you desire, we will review those portions of the plans and specifications which pertain to earthwork and foundations to determine if they are consistent with our recommendations. In addition, we are available to observe construction, particularly the placement and compaction of all fill, preparation of all foundations and quality control testing of asphalt paving and Portland cement concrete. SPORTS COMPLEX Limitations BOZEMAN, MONTANA 22 This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the owner and architect and/or engineer in the design of the subject facility. It should be made available to prospective contractors and/or the contractor for information on factual data only and not as a warranty of subsurface conditions such as those interpreted from the test pit logs and presented in discussions of subsurface conditions included in this report. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Ahren Hastings, P.E. Craig R. Nadeuu, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer Geotechnical Engineer SPORTS COMPLEX Playfield Suitability BOZEMAN, MONTANA 23 PART II 8.0 PLAYFIELD SUITABILITY 8.1 DRAINAGE 1. Native Soil Field Option- Native soil fields are those developed with the natural soils existing at the site or in part from topsoil hauled to the site. These fields should be designed with a turtle-back crown to ensure adequate surface drainage. An engineered soccer field should have minimum of 1-1.5% slope on fields which are surface drained and made up of native soil. Because these soils compact readily, especially in the surface inch, internal drainage within the playing area normally is not recommended; but perimeter drainage with open catch basins are necessary to rapidly remove the concentration of surface water coming off the field crown. Native soil fields can be developed at a lower cost than modified soil fields, but are more susceptible to compaction and are slower to drain. Regular maintenance and consideration of when and how the fields are being used helps mitigate some of the compaction problems, but eventual renovation of the field may be necessary. The existing sand content of the soil is shown in Figure 7. Note the sand content was measured at different depths in the soil horizon, at each location. In test pit 1, the natural sand content is 7.2% at a depth of 4 feet. In test pit 2, the natural sand content is 18.1% at a depth of 6 inches. 2. Sand Modified Field Option- Sand modified fields are typically much more durable and resistant to compaction than native soil fields, so they are often used in professionally constructed sports complexes. These high quality fields are constructed with a course physical amendment, such as sand, mixed uniformly with the existing soil. Most of these types of fields require 50% or more coarse amendment to be added to make an improvement of these soils and require subsurface drainage systems to remove excess water between the root zone with the amended soil and the native soil below. This sand/soil matrix minimizes the potential for canceling games due to standing water or muddy soil conditions. Sometimes sand modified fields have poor surface stability. Excess salts and many plant nutrients are more easily leached from sand based root zones. As a result, sand based fields require more frequent applications of smaller amounts of fertilizer. Good surface drainage is also necessary for removing excess rainfall; the field should be crowned and sloped at 1%. The initial construction costs as well as the recommended drainage and irrigation system costs far exceed those of native soil fields. In most areas there are few contractors with the expertise to build an effective sand modified field. Because the maintenance is difficult for a general institutional grounds keeping crew, it may be necessary to hire a professional turf grass manager unless one is already on staff. SPORTS COMPLEX Playfield Suitability BOZEMAN, MONTANA 24 Note: Information source for native soil fields and modified fields was developed using research from Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences; Athletic Fields – Specification outline, construction, and maintenance. Building Sports Fields on Restricted Budgets by James C. Thomas, David R. Chalmers and James A. McAfee 8.2 FERTILIZATION/AMENDMENTS 1. Introduction-The primary macronutrients required for turf grass growth include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Energy Laboratories conducted soil tests on three test pits (results provided) on the subject property and based on their findings they recommend the following fertilizer in actual pounds per acre: Soil TP-4 TP-1 TP-2 Condition Preplant* Preplant* Preplant* Est. Grass* Nitrogen 25 32 25 170 Phosphrus 120 150 120 135 Potassium 100 125 115 135 Compost 0 5T 5T 0 Gypsum 0 0 0 0 2. Recommendations-“TP” in the table above refers to the test pit location, where the sample was taken (see appendix Figure 1). “Pre-plant" fertilizer recommendation above is the actual nutrients needed per acre. To get these nutrients, use 11-52-0 and 0-0-60 fertilizers. Apply compost as recommended and incorporate 1-2 inches deep along with pre-plant fertilizer. Once the grass has been mowed, apply the "Est. Grass" fertilizer in the following manner. The amounts listed are for the actual nitrogen, phosphate, and potash needed per acre per growing season for medium fertility. To get these amounts, apply two applications of 75-35-35 fertilizer per acre April 15 and July 1. Then apply 20- 35-35 September 1. There are no salt or sodium issues with the any of the soils. TP-1 is the least desirable soil due to it being a silty clay loam. The other 2 are silty loams which will drain better. Recommend planting turf fescue and perennial ryegrass as they grow slower, take less water, and take more abuse than Kentucky bluegrass. * “Pre-Plant” refers to the fertilizer required prior to planting; this fertilizer is incorporated into the soil. “Est. Grass” refers to the fertilizer required once the turf is established and amounts required per growing season. 8.3 AERATION Aeration involves the mechanical methods of perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. Aeration is an important practice for maintaining SPORTS COMPLEX Playfield Suitability BOZEMAN, MONTANA 25 turf grasses. Aeration also helps in the correction or alleviation of soil compaction, and a reduction in thatch accumulation. Different methods of aeration include hollow tine aeration, solid tine aeration, shatter coring, water jet coring, slicing, vertical mowing, spiking, deep tine, and deep drill/drill and fill. Hollow tine aeration is the most popular type of aeration and is considered essential for a turf grass area to be successful. To sustain turf at a desired level of quality, aeration practices should take place only when turf grasses are actively growing. Aeration should not take place during periods of stress or limited growth. Cool-season grasses should not be aerated during hot, dry periods as this can cause extreme stress to plants and inhibit recovery. Cool-season grasses are in a semi dormant state during the summer and do not have the recovery potential of actively growing plants. Research indicates that monthly aeration during active turf grass growth is optimal; field use often makes it difficult for aeration to take place this frequently. We recommend to core aerate once in the spring and twice in the fall. More frequent aeration will benefit turf grasses, especially in heavy wear areas, as long as the pitch is not under too much stress and temperatures are favoring growth. Note: Information source for aeration recommendations from Sports Turf Managers Association, STMA’s Guide to International Soccer Pitch Maintenance. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Jana Cooper, PLA David J. Crawford, P.E. Professional Landscape Architect Professional Engineer SPORTS COMPLEX Appendix BOZEMAN, MONTANA 26 APPENDIX Tested By: WH WH/TJ Checked By: Lean CLAY Lean CLAY with Sand Report No. A-9321-206 Report No. A-9322-206 inches number size size 0.0 0.0 7.2 92.8 CL 33 19 14 0.0 0.0 18.1 81.9 CL 43 22 21 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #80 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.5 98.7 97.9 97.2 92.8 100.0 99.5 98.8 97.8 95.9 93.6 91.2 81.9 Location: TP-1 Depth: 4.0 ft Sample Number: A-9321 Location: TP-2 Depth: 0.5 ft Sample Number: A-9322 City of Bozeman Sports Complex Bozeman, Montana B14-022 PL PI+3" % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % CLAY USCS LL SIEVE PERCENT FINER SIEVE PERCENT FINER Material Description GRAIN SIZE REMARKS: D60 D30 D10 COEFFICIENTS Cc Cu Client: Project: Project No.:FigurePERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.00010.0010.010.11101006 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: BT Checked By: Moisture-Density Test Report Dry density, pcf99 101 103 105 107 109 Water content, % 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 18.6%, 106.0 pcf ZAV for Sp.G. = 2.70 Test specification:ASTM D 698-07 Method A CL 2.7 Lean CLAY (Visual) B14-022 City of Bozeman Elev/ Classification Nat.Sp.G. LL PI % > % < Depth USCS AASHTO Moist.#4 No.200 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project No. Client:Remarks: Project: Location: Native Figure Maximum dry density = 106.0 pcf Optimum moisture = 18.6 % Sports Complex Bozeman, Montana Tested By: WH/TJ/CS Checked By: Lean CLAY 33 19 14 99.5 92.8 CL Lean CLAY with Sand 43 22 21 97.8 81.9 CL B14-022 City of Bozeman MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 USCS Project No. Client:Remarks: Project: Figure Location: TP-1 Depth: 4.0 ft Sample Number: A-9321 Location: TP-2 Depth: 0.5 ft Sample Number: A-9322PLASTICITY INDEX0 10 20 30 40 50 60 LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 CL-ML C L or O LCH or O H ML or OL MH or OH Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils 47 LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT Report No. A-9321-207 Report No. A-9322-207Sports Complex Bozeman, Montana ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORTANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORTANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORTANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT The analyses presented in this report were performed by Energy Laboratories, Inc., 1120 S 27th St., Billings, MT 59101, unless otherwise noted. Any exceptions or problems with the analyses are noted in the Laboratory Analytical Report, the QA/QC Summary Report, or the Case Narrative. The results as reported relate only to the item(s) submitted for testing. If you have any questions regarding these test results, please call. Lab ID Client Sample ID Collect Date Receive Date Matrix Test Report Approved By: B14050439-001 TP-4 0-6 Inches 05/01/14 9:00 05/06/14 Soil Metals by ICP/ICPMS, Water Extract. Metals, NH4OAc Extractable Conductivity Lime Nitrate as N, KCL Extract Organic Matter/Organic Carbon-WB pH, 1:X Water Extractable Phosphorus-Olsen Water extraction NH4AC Soil Extraction Extraction for sulfate Sulfate, Water Extractable Texture B14050439-002 TP-2 0-6 Inches 05/01/14 9:00 05/06/14 Soil Same As Above B14050439-003 TP-1 0-6 Inches 05/01/14 9:00 05/06/14 Soil Same As Above B14050439-004 MSU Int. Field Top Soil 03/26/14 11:00 05/06/14 Soil Same As Above TD and H Engineering Project Name:Sports Complex Work Order:B14050439 1800 River Dr N Great Falls, MT 59401-1301 May 21, 2014 Energy Laboratories Inc Billings MT received the following 4 samples for TD and H Engineering on 5/6/2014 for analysis. Page 1 of 15 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client:TD and H Engineering Project:Sports Complex Lab ID:B14050439-001 Client Sample ID:TP-4 0-6 Inches Collection Date:05/01/14 09:00 Matrix:Soil Report Date:05/21/14 DateReceived:05/06/14 Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Analyses Result Units Analysis Date / ByRL Method MCL/ QCLQualifiers PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 05/15/14 09:57 / srmSiLTextureASA15-5 - C = Clay, S = Sand(y), Si = Silt(y), L = Loam(y) CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 05/15/14 10:58 / srm0.02%3.26Organic Matter ASA29-3 05/12/14 16:04 / srmMediumLime, Semi-Quantitative Visual 05/15/14 03:07 / rbf0.3mg/kg4.8Sulfate as S ASA10-3 05/14/14 10:34 / srm1mg/kg20Phosphorus, Olsen ASA24-5 05/12/14 15:27 / srm1mg/kg14Nitrate as N, KCL Extract ASA33-8 METALS, AMMONIUM ACETATE EXTRACTABLE 05/13/14 21:22 / mas10mg/kg340Potassium SW6010B WATER EXTRACTABLE CONSTITUENTS (1:2) D 05/12/14 16:04 / srm0.1mmhos/cm0.3Conductivity, 1:2 ASA10-3 05/12/14 16:04 / srm0.1s.u.7.3pH, 1:2 ASA10-3 05/13/14 22:20 / mas0.02meq/100g0.47Calcium Equivalents SW6010B 05/13/14 22:20 / mas0.02meq/100g0.03Sodium Equivalents SW6010B Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit.MCL - Maximum contaminant level. QCL - Quality control limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 2 of 15 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client:TD and H Engineering Project:Sports Complex Lab ID:B14050439-002 Client Sample ID:TP-2 0-6 Inches Collection Date:05/01/14 09:00 Matrix:Soil Report Date:05/21/14 DateReceived:05/06/14 Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Analyses Result Units Analysis Date / ByRL Method MCL/ QCLQualifiers PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 05/15/14 09:57 / srmSiCLTextureASA15-5 - C = Clay, S = Sand(y), Si = Silt(y), L = Loam(y) CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 05/15/14 10:58 / srm0.02%2.52Organic Matter ASA29-3 05/12/14 16:04 / srmNoneLime, Semi-Quantitative Visual 05/15/14 03:52 / rbf0.3mg/kg6.5Sulfate as S ASA10-3 05/14/14 10:35 / srm1mg/kg12Phosphorus, Olsen ASA24-5 05/12/14 15:27 / srm1mg/kg30Nitrate as N, KCL Extract ASA33-8 METALS, AMMONIUM ACETATE EXTRACTABLE 05/13/14 21:26 / mas10mg/kg260Potassium SW6010B WATER EXTRACTABLE CONSTITUENTS (1:2) D 05/12/14 16:04 / srm0.1mmhos/cm0.3Conductivity, 1:2 ASA10-3 05/12/14 16:04 / srm0.1s.u.7.0pH, 1:2 ASA10-3 05/13/14 22:28 / mas0.02meq/100g0.28Calcium Equivalents SW6010B 05/13/14 22:28 / mas0.02meq/100g0.05Sodium Equivalents SW6010B Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit.MCL - Maximum contaminant level. QCL - Quality control limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 3 of 15 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client:TD and H Engineering Project:Sports Complex Lab ID:B14050439-003 Client Sample ID:TP-1 0-6 Inches Collection Date:05/01/14 09:00 Matrix:Soil Report Date:05/21/14 DateReceived:05/06/14 Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Analyses Result Units Analysis Date / ByRL Method MCL/ QCLQualifiers PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 05/15/14 09:57 / srmSiLTextureASA15-5 - C = Clay, S = Sand(y), Si = Silt(y), L = Loam(y) CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 05/15/14 10:58 / srm0.02%2.76Organic Matter ASA29-3 05/12/14 16:04 / srmNoneLime, Semi-Quantitative Visual 05/15/14 04:07 / rbf0.3mg/kg4.7Sulfate as S ASA10-3 05/14/14 10:37 / srm1mg/kg19Phosphorus, Olsen ASA24-5 05/12/14 15:29 / srm1mg/kg14Nitrate as N, KCL Extract ASA33-8 METALS, AMMONIUM ACETATE EXTRACTABLE 05/13/14 21:30 / mas10mg/kg290Potassium SW6010B WATER EXTRACTABLE CONSTITUENTS (1:2) D 05/12/14 16:04 / srm0.1mmhos/cm0.1Conductivity, 1:2 ASA10-3 05/12/14 16:04 / srm0.1s.u.6.2pH, 1:2 ASA10-3 05/13/14 22:32 / mas0.02meq/100g0.08Calcium Equivalents SW6010B 05/13/14 22:32 / mas0.02meq/100g0.08Sodium Equivalents SW6010B Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit.MCL - Maximum contaminant level. QCL - Quality control limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 4 of 15 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client:TD and H Engineering Project:Sports Complex Lab ID:B14050439-004 Client Sample ID:MSU Int. Field Top Soil Collection Date:03/26/14 11:00 Matrix:Soil Report Date:05/21/14 DateReceived:05/06/14 Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Analyses Result Units Analysis Date / ByRL Method MCL/ QCLQualifiers PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 05/15/14 09:57 / srmSiLTextureASA15-5 - C = Clay, S = Sand(y), Si = Silt(y), L = Loam(y) CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 05/15/14 10:58 / srm0.02%4.00Organic Matter ASA29-3 05/12/14 16:04 / srmNoneLime, Semi-Quantitative Visual 05/15/14 04:22 / rbf0.3mg/kg16.5Sulfate as S ASA10-3 05/14/14 10:38 / srm1mg/kg34Phosphorus, Olsen ASA24-5 05/12/14 15:30 / srm1mg/kg5Nitrate as N, KCL Extract ASA33-8 METALS, AMMONIUM ACETATE EXTRACTABLE 05/13/14 21:34 / mas10mg/kg430Potassium SW6010B WATER EXTRACTABLE CONSTITUENTS (1:2) D 05/12/14 16:04 / srm0.1mmhos/cm0.2Conductivity, 1:2 ASA10-3 05/12/14 16:04 / srm0.1s.u.7.0pH, 1:2 ASA10-3 05/13/14 23:10 / mas0.02meq/100g0.24Calcium Equivalents SW6010B 05/13/14 23:10 / mas0.02meq/100g0.04Sodium Equivalents SW6010B Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit.MCL - Maximum contaminant level. QCL - Quality control limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 5 of 15 TO:TD & H Engineering LAB NO.: B14050439-001-004 ADDRESS:Attn: Ahren Hastings DATE: 5/20/14 234 E. Babcock Suite 3 Bozeman, MT 59718 Soil TP-4 TP-1 TP-2 MSU Int Fld Condition Preplant Preplant Preplant Preplant Est. Grass Nitrogen 25 32 25 21 170 Phosphrus (P2O5)120 150 120 100 135 Potassium (K2O)100 125 115 75 135 Compost 0 5T 5T 0 0 Gypsum 0 0 0 0 0 COMMENTS: PREPARED BY: Neal Fehringer, Certified Professional Agronomist, C.C.A., (406) 860-3647. Sports Complex FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATIONS Fertilizer Suggested in Actual Pounds per Acre "Pre-plant" fertilizer recommendation above is the actual nutrients needed per acre. To get these nutrients, use 11-52-0 and 0-0-60 fertilizers. Apply compost as recommended and incorporate 1-2 inches deep along with preplant fertilizer. Once the grass has been mowed, apply the "Est. Grass" fertilizer in the following manner. The amounts listed are for the actual nitrogen, phosphate, and potash needed per acre per growing season for medium fertility. To get these amounts, apply two applications of 75-35-35 fertilizer per acre April 15 and July 1. Then apply 20-35-35 September 1. There are no salt or sodium issues with the any of the soils. TP-1 is the least desirable soil due to it being a silty clay loam. The other 3 are silty loams which will drain better. The best soil is the the one from the MSU Int. Field as it has the highest organic matter & fertility and has a neutral pH. I recommend planting turf fescue and perennial ryegrass as they grow slower, take less water, and take more abuse than Kentucky bluegrass. Page 6 of 15 Project:Sports Complex Client:TD and H Engineering Work Order:B14050439 QA/QC Summary Report 05/21/14Report Date: Analyte Result %REC RPDLow Limit High Limit RPDLimitRLUnits QualCount Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Method:ASA10-3 Batch: 79700 Lab ID:MB-79700 05/15/14 01:51Method Blank Run: IC202-B_140512A Sulfate as S 0.32 mg/kg Lab ID:LCS-79700 05/15/14 02:06Laboratory Control Sample Run: IC202-B_140512A Sulfate as S 84 50 1501.3639 mg/kg Lab ID:B14050136-001APDS 05/15/14 02:36Sample Matrix Spike Run: IC202-B_140512A Sulfate as S 100 50 1500.07172.0 mg/kg Lab ID:B14050136-001ADUP 05/15/14 02:52Sample Duplicate Run: IC202-B_140512A Sulfate as S 300.067 5.95.47 mg/kg Method: ASA10-3 Batch: R223656 Lab ID:LCS-R223656 05/12/14 16:04Laboratory Control Sample Run: MISC-SOIL_140512A pH, 1:2 101 90 1100.107.50 s.u. Lab ID:B14050136-001A DUP 05/12/14 16:04Sample Duplicate Run: MISC-SOIL_140512A pH, 1:2 100.10 0.07.30 s.u. Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 7 of 15 Project:Sports Complex Client:TD and H Engineering Work Order:B14050439 QA/QC Summary Report 05/21/14Report Date: Analyte Result %REC RPDLow Limit High Limit RPDLimitRLUnits QualCount Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Method:ASA24-5 Batch: 14051401-PS3 Lab ID:LCS 05/14/14 10:18Laboratory Control Sample Run: FIA201-B_140514A Phosphorus, Olsen 91 50 1501.012.1 mg/kg Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 8 of 15 Project:Sports Complex Client:TD and H Engineering Work Order:B14050439 QA/QC Summary Report 05/21/14Report Date: Analyte Result %REC RPDLow Limit High Limit RPDLimitRLUnits QualCount Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Method:ASA29-3 Batch: R223804 Lab ID:B14050136-001A DUP 05/15/14 10:58Sample Duplicate Run: MISC-SOIL_140515A Organic Matter 300.020 3.86.95 % Lab ID:LCS-1405151058 05/15/14 10:58Laboratory Control Sample Run: MISC-SOIL_140515A Organic Matter 87 50 1500.0202.43 % Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 9 of 15 Project:Sports Complex Client:TD and H Engineering Work Order:B14050439 QA/QC Summary Report 05/21/14Report Date: Analyte Result %REC RPDLow Limit High Limit RPDLimitRLUnits QualCount Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Method:ASA33-8 Batch: 14051201-NNS2 Lab ID:LCS 05/12/14 15:08Laboratory Control Sample Run: FIA201-B_140512A Nitrate as N, KCL Extract 103 50 1501.07.61 mg/kg Lab ID:MBLK-KCL 05/12/14 15:10Method Blank Run: FIA201-B_140512A Nitrate as N, KCL Extract 0.010.07 mg/kg Lab ID:B14050141-001AMS 05/12/14 15:22Sample Matrix Spike Run: FIA201-B_140512A Nitrate as N, KCL Extract 103 50 1502.9348 mg/kg-dry Lab ID:B14050582-001BMS 05/12/14 15:32Sample Matrix Spike Run: FIA201-B_140512A Nitrate as N, KCL Extract 108 50 1501.02190 mg/kg-dry Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 10 of 15 Project:Sports Complex Client:TD and H Engineering Work Order:B14050439 QA/QC Summary Report 05/21/14Report Date: Analyte Result %REC RPDLow Limit High Limit RPDLimitRLUnits QualCount Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Method:SW6010B Analytical Run: ICP203-B_140513A Lab ID:QCS 05/13/14 11:59Initial Calibration Verification Standard3 Calcium 103 90 1101.041.0 mg/L Potassium 102 90 1101.041.0 mg/L Sodium 103 90 1101.041.2 mg/L Lab ID:ICSA 05/13/14 12:02Interference Check Sample A3 Calcium 95 80 1201.0477 mg/L Potassium 1.0-0.0805 mg/L Sodium 1.00.0179 mg/L Lab ID:ICSAB 05/13/14 12:07Interference Check Sample AB3 Calcium 96 80 1201.0482 mg/L Potassium 101 80 1201.020.2 mg/L Sodium 102 80 1201.020.3 mg/L Method:SW6010B Batch: 79680 Lab ID:MB-79680 05/13/14 20:40Method Blank Run: ICP203-B_140513A Potassium 0.020.4 mg/kg Lab ID: LCS-79680 05/13/14 20:44Laboratory Control Sample Run: ICP203-B_140513A Potassium 99 50 15010300 mg/kg Lab ID:B14042490-001A DUP 05/13/14 20:51Sample Duplicate Run: ICP203-B_140513A Potassium 50108.3260 mg/kg Lab ID:B14042616-001AMS2 05/13/14 20:59Sample Matrix Spike Run: ICP203-B_140513A Potassium 110 70 130101900 mg/kg Method:SW6010B Batch: 79699 Lab ID:MB-79699 05/13/14 22:05Method Blank Run: ICP203-B_140513A4 Calcium 0.010.3 mg/kg Sodium 0.7ND mg/kg Calcium Equivalents 6E-050.001 meq/100g Sodium Equivalents 0.003ND meq/100g Lab ID:LCS-79699 05/13/14 22:09Laboratory Control Sample Run: ICP203-B_140513A4 Calcium 85 50 1505.0790 mg/kg Sodium 94 50 1505.01100 mg/kg Calcium Equivalents 84 50 1500.0243.9 meq/100g Sodium Equivalents 93 50 1500.0224.6 meq/100g Lab ID: B14050136-001A DUP 05/13/14 22:16Sample Duplicate Run: ICP203-B_140513A4 Calcium 305.0 0.857 mg/kg Sodium 305.0 5.010 mg/kg Calcium Equivalents 300.024 0.80.28 meq/100g Sodium Equivalents 300.022 5.00.045 meq/100g Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 11 of 15 Project:Sports Complex Client:TD and H Engineering Work Order:B14050439 QA/QC Summary Report 05/21/14Report Date: Analyte Result %REC RPDLow Limit High Limit RPDLimitRLUnits QualCount Prepared by Billings, MT Branch Method:SW6010B Batch: 79699 Lab ID:B14050439-001AMS2 05/13/14 22:24Sample Matrix Spike Run: ICP203-B_140513A4 Calcium 94 70 1305.0190 mg/kg Sodium 110 70 1305.0120 mg/kg Calcium Equivalents 74 50 1500.0240.93 meq/100g Sodium Equivalents 88 50 1500.0220.50 meq/100g Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit.ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 12 of 15 Shipping container/cooler in good condition? Custody seals intact on all shipping container(s)/cooler(s)? Custody seals intact on all sample bottles? Chain of custody present? Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received? Chain of custody agrees with sample labels? Samples in proper container/bottle? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test? All samples received within holding time? (Exclude analyses that are considered field parameters such as pH, DO, Res Cl, Sulfite, Ferrous Iron, etc.) Container/Temp Blank temperature: Water - VOA vials have zero headspace? Water - pH acceptable upon receipt? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Not Present Not Present Not Present No VOA vials submitted Not Applicable 20.2°C No Ice 5/6/2014Randa Nees FedEx NDA mlk Date Received: Received by: Login completed by: Carrier name: BL2000\jklier 5/7/2014 Reviewed by: Reviewed Date: Contact and Corrective Action Comments: None Temp Blank received in all shipping container(s)/cooler(s)? Yes No Not Applicable Lab measurement of analytes considered field parameters that require analysis within 15 minutes of sampling such as pH, Dissolved Oxygen and Residual Chlorine, are qualified as being analyzed outside of recommended holding time. Solid/soil samples are reported on a wet weight basis (as received) unless specifically indicated. If moisture corrected, data units are typically noted as –dry. For agricultural and mining soil parameters/characteristics, all samples are dried and ground prior to sample analysis. Standard Reporting Procedures: Workorder Receipt Checklist TD and H Engineering B14050439 Page 13 of 15 Page 14 of 15 Page 15 of 15 Great Falls, Kalispell, Bozeman, Montana Spokane, Washington, Lewiston, Idaho THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINSEngineering Consultants SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND SAMPLING TERMINOLOGY FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES 12" 3" 3/4" No.4 No.10 No.40 No.200 <No.200 SILTS & CLAYSBOULDERSCOBBLESGRAVELSSANDS PARTICLE SIZE RANGE (Distinguished By Atterberg Limits)FineCoarse FineMediumCoarse Sieve Openings (Inches)Standard Sieve Sizes CL - Lean CLAY ML - SILT OL - Organic SILT/CLAY CH - Fat CLAY MH - Elastic SILT OH - Organic SILT/CLAY SW - Well-graded SAND SP - Poorly-graded SAND SM - Silty SAND SC - Clayey SAND GW - Well-graded GRAVEL GP - Poorly-graded GRAVEL GM - Silty GRAVEL GC - Clayey GRAVEL * Based on Sampler-Hammer Ratio of 8.929 E-06 ft/lbf and 4.185 E-05 ft^2/lbf for granular and cohesive soils, respectively (Terzaghi) STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (ASTM D1586) RELATIVE DENSITY*RELATIVE CONSISTENCY* Granular, Noncohesive (Gravels, Sands, & Silts)Fine-Grained, Cohesive (Clays) Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense Very Soft Soft Firm Stiff Very Stiff Hard 0-2 3-4 5-8 9-15 15-30 +30 0-4 5-10 11-30 31-50 +50 Standard Penetration Test (blows/foot) Standard Penetration Test (blows/foot) PLASTICITY CHART 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 60 50 40 30 20 107 4 C L or O LC H or O H ML or OL MH or OH CL-ML "U - LIN E""A - LIN E"LIQUID LIMIT (LL)PLASTICITY INDEX (PI)For classification of fine-grained soils and thefine-grained fraction of coarse-grained soils. Equation of "A"-line Horizontal at PI = 4 to LL = 25.5, then PI = 0.73 (LL-20) Equation of "U"-line Vertical at LL = 16 to PI = 7, then PI = 0.9 (LL-8) Great Falls, Kalispell, Bozeman, Montana Spokane, Washington, Lewiston, Idaho THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINSEngineering Consultants ASTM D2487 CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES Flow Chart For Classifying Coarse-Grained Soils (More Than 50 % Retained On The No. 200 Sieve) Flow Chart For Classifying Fine-Grained Soils ( 50 % Or More Passes The No. 200 Sieve) <5% fines 5-12% fines >12% fines <5% fines 5-12% fines >12% fines Well-graded GRAVELWell-graded GRAVEL with sandPoorly-graded GRAVELPoorly-graded GRAVEL with sand Well-graded GRAVEL with silt Well-graded GRAVEL with silt and sandWell-graded GRAVEL with clay (or silty clay)Well-graded GRAVEL with clay and sand (or silty clay and sand) Poorly-graded GRAVEL with silt Poorly-graded GRAVEL with silt and sand Poorly-graded GRAVEL with clay (or silty clay)Poorly-graded GRAVEL with clay and sand (or silty clay and sand) Silty GRAVELSilty GRAVEL with sandClayey GRAVELClayey GRAVEL with sandSilty, clayey GRAVEL Silty, clayey GRAVEL with sand Well-graded SAND Well-graded SAND with gravel Poorly-graded SANDPoorly-graded SAND with gravel Well-graded SAND with silt Well-graded SAND with silt and gravel Well-graded SAND with clay (or silty clay)Well-graded SAND with clay and gravel (or silty clay and gravel) Poorly-graded SAND with siltPoorly-graded SAND with silt and gravelPoorly-graded SAND with clay (or silty clay) Poorly-graded SAND with clay and gravel (or silty clay and gravel) Silty SANDSilty SAND with gravelClayey SAND Clayey SAND with gravel Silty, clayey SAND Silty, clayey SAND with gravel <15% sand>15% sand <15% sand >15% sand <15% sand>15% sand <15% sand >15% sand <15% sand>15% sand<15% sand>15% sand <15% sand>15% sand<15% sand>15% sand<15% sand >15% sand <15% gravel >15% gravel <15% gravel>15% gravel <15% gravel>15% gravel<15% gravel>15% gravel <15% gravel >15% gravel<15% gravel>15% gravel <15% gravel >15% gravel<15% gravel>15% gravel<15% gravel>15% gravel Lean CLAYLean CLAY with sandLean CLAY with gravelSandy lean CLAY Sandy lean CLAY with gravel Gravelly lean CLAY Gravelly lean CLAY with sand Silty CLAY Silty CLAY with sand Silty CLAY with gravel Sandy silty CLAYSandy silty CLAY with gravelGravelly silty CLAYGravelly silty CLAY with sand SILT SILT with sandSILT with gravelSandy SILTSandy SILT with gravel Gravelly SILT Gravelly SILT with sand Fat CLAYFat CLAY with sand Fat CLAY with gravel Sandy fat CLAYSandy fat CLAY with gravelGravelly fat CLAYGravelly fat CLAY with sand Elastic SILT Elastic SILT with sand Elastic SILT with gravelSandy elastic SILTSandy elastic SILT with gravelGravelly elastic SILT Gravelly elastic SILT with sand %sand > %gravel %sand < %gravel <15% gravel>15% gravel<15% sand>15% sand %sand > %gravel %sand < %gravel<15% gravel>15% gravel<15% sand >15% sand %sand > %gravel%sand < %gravel <15% gravel>15% gravel<15% sand>15% sand %sand > %gravel%sand < %gravel<15% gravel>15% gravel<15% sand >15% sand %sand > %gravel %sand < %gravel <15% gravel>15% gravel<15% sand>15% sand fines=ML or MH fines=CL or CH (or CL-ML) fines=ML or MH fines=CL or CH (or CL-ML) fines=ML or MH fines=CL or CH fines=CL-ML fines=ML or MH fines=CL or CH (or CL-ML) fines=ML or MH fines=CL or CH (or CL-ML) fines= ML or MH fines=CL or CH fines=CL-ML <30% plus No. 200 >30% plus No. 200 <30% plus No. 200 >30% plus No. 200 <30% plus No. 200 >30% plus No. 200 <30% plus No. 200 >30% plus No.200 <30% plus No. 200 >30% plus No. 200 Cu>4 and 1<Cc<3 Cu<4 and/or 1>Cc>3 Cu>4 and 1<Cc<3 Cu<4 and/or 1>Cc>3 Cu>6 and 1<Cc<3 Cu<6 and/or 1>Cc>3 Cu>6 and 1<Cc<3 Cu<6 and/or 1>Cc>3 CL CL-ML ML CH MH PI>7 and plotson or above"A" - line 4<PI<7 andplots on or above"A" - line PI<4 or plotsbelow "A" - line PI plots on orabove "A" - line PI plots below"A" - line GRAVEL%gravel > %sand SAND%sand >%gravel LL>50(inorganic) LL<50(inorganic) GW GP GW-GM GW-GC GP-GM GP-GC GM GC GC-GM SW SP SW-SM SW-SC SP-SM SP-SC SM SC SC-SM <15% plus No. 20015-29% plus No. 200 %sand > %gravel %sand < %gravel <15% plus No. 200 15-29% plus No. 200 %sand > %gravel %sand < %gravel <15% plus No. 200 15-29% plus No. 200 %sand > %gravel %sand < %gravel <15% plus No. 20015-29% plus No. 200 %sand > %gravel %sand < %gravel <15% plus No. 20015-29% plus No. 200 %sand > %gravel %sand < %gravel