HomeMy WebLinkAbout02- Burgard, Cris; Lot 1A-2, Minor Sub 41B - Public Drainage Easement . . " PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT Cris Burgard, of31 7 West Griffin Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715, the GRANTOR, in consideration of One Dollar ($1. 00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation ofthe State of Montana, 411 East Main, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230, the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement for pub I i c drainage purposes, for storing and transmitting storm water runoff from Osterman Dri ve, in, through, and across the following tract ofland situated in Gallatin County, Montana: Lot 1A-2, Minor Subdivision No. 41B, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the office ofthe Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana, and located in the SE 1/4, Section 9, T. 2 S., R. 6 E. of P .M.M. The Easement is more particularly described and shown on the attached Easement Exhibit, which by this reference is made a part hereof. The GRANTOR warrants that it is lawfully seized and possessed ofthe real property described above, that it has lawful right to convey the property, or any part of it, and that it will forever defend the title ofthe property against the claims of all persons. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants and provisions of the easement and agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. DATED this If daYOf~~ ,2002. GRANTOR: STATE OF MONTANA } } ss. COUNTY OF GALLA TIN } On this ~ day of ~ ~ ~~iXVr-J , 2002, before me the undersigned, CAt i~ 13tLJ::t4a/l..L.L ~PUblic in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Cris Burgard, kR6wn to me to be the person whose name IS subscribed to the wIthm mstrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. I "IIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~~;~df:~~p L p'--"'" ~~V Shelley Vance-Gallatin Co MT MISC 18.00 . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~ 1111111111111111111111111111111 ~~~~4:~~p Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co MT MISC 18.00 In witness whereof, I have hereunto set by hand and affixed by official seal the day and year first above wri tten. ~~wl2 ~<I'~ NOTARY UBLIC FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA - ~--L ,\\\1111" ,"'\~e A, FlIA~/, .:..' h\'..... .. , · . ,.,,~', ,~ ~~: . . :r~ ~ .;: ~, ~ ~RIAL ' -:P -:. ,- J..; '..:!!..O ' oM-' ,- c( , ""10" ,"'" , ..... -, SEA~ ~:, c..~ [\:\,.,' ~~' ... iC ,\J~ , ~... '... .n' ,-,,'{. .... . .,~ ...7:.tJ' , , , , . O~. ,.... ~11.,1'e'OF~ \,' ""H'P\\ K lfIfE/2/ Ai b /J" R/1/~~"-' . (Printed Name) Residing at !3l'fYYLCl 17 My Commission expIres ~~o /t).,006 ACCEPTED: Clark Johnson~JCity Manager for CITY OF BOZEMAN , "'~' "" ...J-Uoc\,} ~~ ~ (,~ I " ",',~~. ..,').....,.~,',"'''''~..~:~~< :," ,1\ ~~T:, .:.""';:"\:' . !.~t \ '~."..'.1..'."""0'~.'.'i...."""'. : .~. ...... "~:' ::'\/~ . " 0 ,C~f:lf~~i~_Ihission .,if, t (' ,,,. "1. 1""", .. . ~ .1' . . ;if,,;" { . :;). ST AlqQFMONt ANA } .. " (': " ',' } ss. } On this~.J.?' 'f"1 dayof ,200&, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, pe ona ly appeared Clark Johnson and Robin L. Sullivan, known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk ofthe City Commission, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf ofthe City of Bozeman. hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first written ,!j.'_'l';, ~. r I ," ...~t ,~..'\ " Y OTARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA . ;;~ . -, . ",..4" jIi1:<:,::ci". . '" . , '--t: .., 'It: , ,Ec! fh /!/iJAJ If){!e~ (Printed Name) Residing at ~.A/?-'V'~ My commiss~ '/..J-""; lJ(}ji SEAL: '~;t .",. ..}. y' :.~." ~, ~ . ,,.. .~' ~ ~,- i~>' j I . 'oIi" 1 " ~: . ~ 10 .,' :r '\ I' \ g: \c&h \02\02223 \office\Pu blic Drainage Basemen t EASEMENT EXHIBI LOT 1A-,2 MNOR SUBDIVISION 418 SE 1/4, SEC170N ~ T. 2 S., R 6 E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Lot 1A-2, Minor Subdivision No. 418, located in the SE 1/4 of Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 6 East of P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana, and further described as follows: Commencing at the North East Corner of said Lot 1 A-2; thence southerly 179' 53' 00", assumed azimuth from north, 31.75 feet along the east line of the said Lot thence westerly 269' 53' 00" azimuth 24.50 feet thence north westerly 300" 17' 28" azimuth 32.10 feet thence northerly 016" 04' 11" azimuth 29.43 feet to north property line of said Lot thence south easterly 1 06" 04' 11" azimuth 45.80 feet to point of beginning. D- at) :g tf) .;:. .....Eo .... _ N tf)o~ ClO"'~ .rot. ii :; ~1Il- N:~ ~1i9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ ===~ - - --- - =u -CIJ -.... =-IE: ~1- -IE: === (> ~u ~~ ---. ---- = ~- =0 -. -- _0 =1: -- -> --- ,. -~ -.... -1 _CIJ 1J;s. q,. lDltllJ Cly No. 10 r-.;r POINT OF BEGINNING NE CORNER OF lOT 1A-2 PROPOSED PUBliC DRAINAGE EASEMENT TOTAl AREA;1.702 SO FT 0.0391 ACRE 269'53'00" :?; 24.50 ,.j '" EXISTING 24.5' . 33.5' PUBUC DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BE RETAINED BY CITY. 60 I I 18 Scale In Feet o ~ o Scale In Meters 18 60 I ,--, w,....... · lY r-- '-' N 0 ;""'0 on ci gg 2S LOT 1 A-2 1.417 ACRES ~ 'ir~ .1 1"'1.........0 .!; N <0 P 'OJ- r-- J .o? ~ gJ 8 _ !:!2, f- Z W :::;: W ~ w Z :J Fnd 5/8" rebar with 1 1/4" Plastic Cap 194.25 R [S89'53'OO"W] LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ "0 '" " in lOT 1 A-2, MINOR SUBDMSION 41 B SE 1! 4, SECTION 9, T2S, R6E. CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALlATIN COUNTY Sheet 1 of 1 #02223(D)