HomeMy WebLinkAbout02- Gallatin Center; Lot 9.1 - Release and Reconveyance of Pubilc Utility Easement ... RELEASE AND RECONVEYANCE OF PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT COMES NOW the City of Bozeman, 411 E. Main, Bozeman, MT 59715, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana hereinafter ("GRANTOR") and does hereby release and reconvey the following described easements unto Gallatin Center Limited Partnership, a Montana Limited Partnership, P.O. Box 906, Bozeman MT. 59715 as follows: WITNESSETH WHEREAS the Grantor is the legal record titleholder of a Public utility easement situated across a portion of Lot 9.1 of the Gallatin Center Subdivision P.D.D.- Phase II, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. WHEREAS the above Public utility easement was shown and granted on the Pinal Plat of Lot 9, The Gallatin Center Subdivision P. U.D.- Phase II, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County Montana and recorded on December 12, 2000 in Book J of Plats page 305, at the Clerk and Recorder's Office of Gallatin County, Montana. WHEREAS the above Public utility easement is currently occupied by a municipal waterline and an alternate location is being provided for the above-mentioned waterline. WHEREFORE, the Grantor does hereby release and reconvey to Gallatin Center Limited Partnership, a Montana Limited Partnership, that portion ofthe public utility easement located on the above described real property as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto together with any right, title, or interest that the Grantor may have in said public utility easement. This reconveyance shall not affect the remainder of public utility easements shown on said final Plat of The Gallatin Center Subdivision P.D.D.-Phase II, Plat J-305 of record in the Clerk and 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~~j~f~~'~A c....,- 'If' . J Shallay Vanoa-Gallatin Co ~T ~lSC 18.00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIII~III ~IIII~ Iii II ~~;~~:6:~~, Shallay Vanoa-Oallatin Co MT MlSC 18.00 Recorder's office of Gallatin County, Montana. DATED this 16th day of December ,2002 . ACCEPTED: City of Bozeman r~. ~':';:2 . "T- : -, -,' .-,...................." ,. " "'.,' r ATTEST' . -----,....:->:, (]4....f.fpi~~~~..... ~'" ....,..".'.';: ....:. -; ." ''".: : .,: . ~. - - . " - '.,".... j ... Robl~:5~~~~'9~~~ of Commission it :t., ~, .......--.,1 ;, \ STATE (#.'M0I'-JTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this /c, \.of day of ~ , 2Clf-b before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared CLARK V. JOHNSON and ROBIN L. SULLIV AN, known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk of the City Commission for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. ~ 1- 1 Clark Johnson, City Manager In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affi written above. d my seal on the day anq year first \'''' <" ~ , '\ 2 ~ z - b r.fl -b ~Z <~~ i:....... f!... r.fl ro< ~~~ ,.".., r.fl >-< ~<b ~~- ::r= H ~ ~b ~~ ~~U r.....'1 :r: - ~bH ~PCl Z~ - ~ o :r: r.fl ~~ ~~ ~~ "'~ "'Ii' ~~ ;a: ~ !> 'il> \ o. ?, (>. t, "J> 7e,\ <; ~~ ,.). ~(>. \ ~ \ 't -;; i, \\ 0<. 't-'%, ~"' ~"t> 1;", "'if, ~.,>, \\ .l>~ ot "~ ~ aVOl:l 311and 031 Y.JI0:30 gOlM.o9 ;mU;'lAV X1:W " b_ - -g- . :;j ;~ "" '" ~'l I-:~ %0 ~ ~? ~~\ ,.). "1m 0,," 't~ "' ~ = 'S = 's., " ~ o '2 '0 i:l. J ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ '" '" 'i t.~ '\ 'Ib ~(>.~ <t.'l," u1.~ \~(>., 'ls\t. "'0,... '" ,,~ ~.~ 'ls~ '% ~ % -~-0 W ...J (3 C/) o l- I- o Z ffi ~~~ ~~~ ffi~!p ffi~~ ""'~ o z w (9 W ...J ,r/" .~ ~ ~ & ~~ \ .~/ .' .'" " ~ c.. U') o "7 ..., c::: UJ c.. I- Z UJ ~ W (/J <( UJ C) z i= (/J X UJ ~t~ -r: on !i ~ q I on - '" ... <>~7 = 2? ~ t;! ~ :i ~ ~ Go Go t: ~ ;2 tj ~ ., - t:: :::1 0 ." <7 ,_ Q .,.. ("I t"-- >- ~ 00 "? ~:;~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ :!, a ~ g ~ ~ III ~ I.J.. ell <:: 'I:; OIl " '2 .5' ,5 !l i)> ff ,= i>: ~ ff a ~ ~ "'0 .~ c;:: i3 .E .~ ,...l g u '0 " o Qg ~ ~1>l ' _0<1 ~ ....:I~ ~ ....:IS ~ <:~ ~ a: N ~ ~<'I~ &O_~ ~O\!ll <'IN m uOl &&:: N:~ \!lI -~ -~ - -~ E - I- _IE: 8 -c -- ---.. -- - : ~ ~ -. ---- > ~ -- .. -.I:. =11) Cl W (/J ~ ...J UJ c::: C) z W co I- Z UJ ~ W (f) <( w C) z i= (f) ~ U') o "7 ..., ~ c.. (9 z ii: <( w co LL. o (f) (j) <( co LL. o ~ c::: <( HllJON -