HomeMy WebLinkAbout03- State of Montana & MSU; Tr B & D Garfield St - Public Street and Utility Easement v Sn.ll.y Vano.-Gallatin Co ~T ~ISC 31,11 "CUll '~V.~V ,..-n.v~vo) i:I1UlCnmenl II:. Page 1 r (1lA rnr--_,c:.. · / - . , . IIII~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~III~IIII ~~~?:r~~: PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT Garfield Street & Fowler Avenue THE STATE OF MONT ANA. for the use and benefit of the Agricultural Experiment Station and MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY (formerly known as Montana State College and/or the Agricultural College of the State of Montana) of Bozeman, Montana, GRANTOR, in consideration of $ 1.00 and for other and valuable considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to The City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59715, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual street and utility easement for the use of the public, in, through, and across a strip of land situated in Gallatin County, Montana, thirty-two and one-half 02.5) feet wide for Garfield Street and fifty (50) feet wide for Fowler Avenue to be located on the following described real property: The easement is located across Tract D of Certificate of Survey 1243A, an unplatted tract of land in the northwest quarter of Section 14, and Tract B of Certificate of Survey 1243 more particularly described and depicted on the attached Exhibit(s) A and B which by this reference are made a part hereof. The GRANTOR states that they possess the real property described above and that they have a lawful right to grant an easement thereon. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The tenns, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. DA TED this-Ptf~ay of ..5Effe-~/?; &~. 20t73 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY (fonner1y known as Montana State College and/or the Agricultur College of fMo an) ~etuYrL to". Gv an+r U a.boJ{J.-J ITEM 120-2014-R0903 attachment 2 Page 2 STATE OF MONT ANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this~tlday of 51e/fChJ~~ , 2Q.Q3, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the Sta~f~ontana, personally appeared, COEtJFFRP/'-.b/JF1l,tjLc , known to me to be the /-',eFS/ 1J~lt/ T of /?7f)l1/rI7Nr/ .::nrTtl/AI/~-! and the person whose ?~~ is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledgep to e that he executed the wIthm mstrument for and on behalf of I?lO/l/7;fN;<f S'71ik /..1v /t/E5~JI / rlQ,l?VI71E/\f,.' Pf,BLiG 9TReeT .-1N}) C/TILITY elT5."E/J7e:NT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL) , ..,./ ,,' " (1,.\ .. .' ."\,.... ,- -.J ,'- \) ',........,.;:. ~.... .='~.~ <~,' " " ~~;;~-&4 ~ pu'6lic.. for the State of Mo. ntana /;J , . 1-) fl-teYL L. / J1oN/C()e-O/LCJrrl (Printed Nam~ Residing in c,,/JL LI/TI r( &//7 E IV ~ / ),bN7 /fAIl! My Commission Expires TI7Nt.JRIC y ';;;000 \ \:;. ~~ r\ ........:. ....... \1,.... .,' "-... ACCEPTED: -~~:~,~ ~ --4 1 -- CITY OF BOZEMAN by Clark V. Johnson City Manager ...."'::'"'"'~ '.\~ -.... ~.....' ~.\.......4 ~~d~.~ Clerk ofthe'C~mlsSion ~ -'. ... -..... .-..~ ~"....,,"~ ....,~,=_~~~r-" _ ~ STATE OF.MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this (0 ~ day of OcfnhPy , 2003, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared CLARK V. JOHNSON and ROBIN L. SULLIVAN, known to me to be the City Manager and Clerk of the Commission for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on tht( day and year first above written. (SEAL) ~ f'.... ,.~! ;j./ ~'~ '"......."\ ~ ( ,(~ .' ~~;j \ ~\.~ o ~j /' '\'-"; 'I - ... , "" '. \,., llo '" . '- ,,~:, r~. c I (J,. ,.., ...,\ ... ,:' ~ ~~eAIU~ Nota~y Public f~r t State of ontana ~p -flP" ~t11 j t1tfr (Printed Name) Residing in f61np ~} YJAf My Commission Expires ? I Z6"" /2-007 H:\3638\OO1 \02Idocs\MSUJowler & Garfield.doc IIII~I II liD 1111/0 II IIn ''''~ 11111111 111//11/ ~:t~12:~: Sh.ll.y VaMo.-GallatiM Co MT MISC 30.00 EXHIBIT A ITEM 120-2014-R0903 attachment 2 Page 3 A public street and utility easement across Tract D of Certificate of Survey 1243A, as filed with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, Tract B of Certificate of Survey 1243, as filed with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, and a tract of land in the northwest quarter of Section 14, all located in Section 14, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, as shown on Exhibit B, and being more particularly described as follows: A 32.50-feet wide strip of land lying south of the following described line: / Commencing at the northeast comer of said Tract D, being the True Point of BegilUling; Thence along the north line of said Tract D, also being the north sixteenth line of the northeast quarter of said Section 14, South 89050'45" West a distance of2524.19 feet, to the northwest comer of said Tract D, also being the center-north sixteenth comer of said Section 14; Thence along the north sixteenth line of the northwest quarter of said Section 14, South 89034 '27" West a distance of 1346.10 feet, to the northwest sixteenth corner of said Section 14; Thence continuing along said north sixteenth line, South 89031 '43" West a distance of 1345.82 feet, to the southeast comer of said Tract B; Thence continuing along said north sixteenth line, South 89031 '43" West a distance of 50.00 feet; Together with, a 50.00-feet wide strip ofIand lying westerly of the following described line: Commencing at said southeast corner of Tract B; Thence along the east line of said Tract B, North 00015'24" West a distance of 608.73 feet, to the northeast corner of said Tract B, and the end of said line. The length of the easement sideline being adjusted, as required, so as to begin on the east line of said Tract D, and end on said north line of Tract B. Said easement contains 4.62 acres, more or less. H:\2368'004\DOCS\SURVEY\EXHIBIT A-ST A TE..()F.MT.doc III~ I~I ~I~ I~II ~g II ~II~II ~~ III ~'~~:~2~' Shallav Vanoa-Gallatln Co MT MISC 30.00 . ITEM 120-2014-R0903 attachment 2 Page 4 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~ ~12:~: S~elley Vanoe-Gallatln Co MT MISC 30.00 N Jot') .... ..,. .... , , 0:: w>- a." 0= ~.....J ......ow 3=z!!,! . I I J: WlL..Ua. wow O::II-z t;~oo l.&.J- 9~U~ ~_ ~ 0 lL..U")oal O::N<::l (3rt'l (f) ,,~::.:: zl-~ ~:5a. xa. w B~~I') O::N3=""" 1-1') ,N (f) lL.. o(!)o~ .....J~I ~t;~o:: lL..-(!)w 0:: X_a. (3WO:: :JlflN:ifAlf H.L61 H.LflOS I I in 0:: .w..... Na.v I') CD ,,'21') zl.&.J~ j::::iv (f)WN 8~"'" ~ .q. CC'-,\ \- OV'\ ~O \-<.) 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