HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 97- Westlake, George and Martinen, Kay Deed -.... . .,; -.--~ (i) C I l' Y o F B 0 Z E MAN Pro j eeL N () . ___UN) ,_'#.4_____________ Par eel s No, ___~1__j;_, _Q,___ C () U n t y 0 f _ _Qa, lL~L Lu De s i g na t i 0 n__Q~\.J~ S -.L[H e J__ -=_...N-'-___'L t ~Y~,-,--_ to 1]0 U:'it;LBJ~.Tl)t:._L_______" ,----------- W__A..R__JLh._ti__ T__1_____I>_E.: E D TnT S I NDENTUHE. made I. II i s 17 ft/tla:-/ () f J\ 4\f~ ,1D~17: IN CONSIDEHATION OF THE SUM OF___.$J,D_,_Q9__Q_I_~__(()YJ;J_ lawful money of the UniLed States L()_JJlg~____ill hand paid bj! the CITY OF BOZEMAN, Llle receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. WITNESSETll THA'r, George E. Westlake 15008 S. E. Graham Road Vancouver, WA 98684 Kay II. MarLinen 401 SUllllyslope Road Yakima. WA 98909 cJoes _hereby GHANT.BAHGATN.SELL.CONVEY.WAHRANT AND CONFIRM unto the CITY OF UOZEMAN for the ben(~fi t and use of i ts Elu~inccring Department the following described r('~al proper'Ly, to-wit: Parcel No.4 on City of Bozeman Peojecl No. l'INI #4, Oak Street-N.?th to Huuse Steent. as :.::;l1own on the Hi,\,tht or Way Plan for said projc'ct OIl fi Ie ill Lhe offic:e of the County (;lc'l'1\ &; HCCOl'd(~r in GiJllatin County, l'IonLana. Said parcel i:.::; al~~o desc['ihF~d as iI tracl of land in Lot 3 of ~1jnor Subdivision No, lO~l and SEl/4NEl/,l, Section 1, TOh'nship 2 South, li,ange 5 East l).H.~l., Gallatin County, Hontana, as shown by Lhc~ shaded a,rea onLhe IlIaL, cl)n~~isLin,i4 of 1 shel:L (8) \ atLa(~hed 1H'I'cLu and made a P:II'!. hC'r'I~()r c'onLaillin,~; an ar'ca of O.12G aCI'(:':'::;, more 0[' 1 css: ALSO: P:Jrccl~.'(). ;:; 011 City of Bozemall I'1'ojecl: No, ~lNT #4, Oak SLeeet-N.7th to House Street, as shown on tlll:~ Right of Way Plan fo\' sa iel project on file' in the office of Lhe County Clerk &, HecoI'dc'r ill Gallatin County, Hontana. Said p:lI'eel is also dcseril>c:d as a tl'act of land in S\H/4NWl/4, Section 6, Township 2 Suuth, Range r:; Ea.:,;t P.H.H., Gallatin County, HonLana, as shown bJ' the shaded aeea. 011 the plat. consisting of 1 sheet (8), attached heroto ,HId made 1.1. part hereof containing an <:ll'ea of O.5Gl acr(-~s, more or less: f\S SHOWN by Fxl1ibits "AU and "8", ('()llsi~till\! of on(~ 811(,('t, atlached 111"1'('10 and mad(~ a pal't hCl'l~of. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, however, a I I gas a,nd 0 iI, bunea t h tIlU ~u r' race of the above-dcscribt!d and conveyed premises, to,l5,ether witl) tlll~ right to extract the ::4ame, provided that in th(~ exercise of such right the surface thereof :"hal] not be disturbed, int(-H'f'Jred with. or in anYh'<lY danwged. FURTHEH EXCEPTING AND HESERVING unto theg'nwtors, their SUCGcssors and assigns all waLeI', waLer' rights. ditches, canals, ierigaLion s~'sterns, existing 0[' as relocated. if any, incll1din,~ but not I imited to. wate'!' stock 01' share:.::;, bonds, ccr'LificaLes, conLra,cts and an;,{ and all cl\:h('r indicia, of \<Iater, water I'ight and ditch ownership, or' any interest therein, appurtenant to the land described herein. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above clescr'ibed and conveyed premises, wi th (I,ll t1H) reversions, rf~rnainders. tenements, hen-'ditament:,; and appurtenances thereto. unto Lhe CITY OF BOZEMAN, ,I.IH1 to i Ls successors and ass igns forever. .;, ~'"l .-............. '-'~_ " '~ n G ::1 r~ "'" L " " -< '" ) -. .~,.1 .> : ) , "c ',> <0 '" :0 U 1'1 ~ '" ~ .. '" '" '" ,:, "' ": l II":;! 0 -iZ.bQ'lou;ll"'i ~ ~ ~; ~ ~I . q~ e "' o s '" :; -< '" .. '" ~ I ~ L. ~ e ~ .. '" ~ ~ ONSf. PM. L~ ,~' , 2'" ': ' "I I I I I I I I I I :~:~ ;f\ / :~ ,'. 22 +81. 64 B/~.EX R/" I END AcaUISITlON LI. 1'0 FTJ Y;i;, ~'., . ;... . -, ~ . 'i"'. .... j.,. ~- I '" '" I "' '" .. [1' ..... ._'" n ___ __: ~. ---...-.-.-.---.--..-.---------~.-.. I I:.:':" I/:,t., sl.e r. I i' 2 :.;:.. ri~,T.~- I' ... €;-.-..-- - . I I '"'d ~ SHEET llTl..E; PROJECT TITLE SYM Mv""",, .. .tWR. DAtE .,IISJlI\M 1Il11.1L11\~1{, I' I I ~-II'~I..;^I~ T, I'J~ / RIGHT OF iY OAK STREET DE:SlCNED BY DATE ~ ~ EXHIBIT {NO. 7TH TO ROUSE J".F tiP.l..', 9~~ J,~l(1I (lII:AWH By PROJ!:CT NO. H;:. PARCEL N .4 C.o.B. PROJ. MNI #4 Gllll:JIJN L AI~'..I)N I' N()6Ill'f04,llCN CHECKED BY f"u: NO. cO ;.,~..,,~ ", 0', ,,, l (') iT:1 " ~ II , ~ "tl~ tf.j C1 SHEET TITLE: RIGHT OF W/iY EXHIBIT I:) PARCEL NO.5 '" '" " ~ H~ H I ! ,J,2S' IJ i I ~ "' " " "- .. ) '" '" '" '" ~ " ~ b'i 'O!hrr Jd PROJECT TITLE OAK STREET (NO. 7TH TO ROUSE C.o.B. PROJ. MNI #4 I I -- r--' 140 FT. I ,. ~ 25+00 @ 30+00 30+00 @ 35+01.29 35+00 :! :; " " " " ................... j" III';IIAM AI'lllfl "']I~, ,'f f'EllRuA"!T', Ill,,! DE:SICfIED 8Y DME J!,II. Kl~. t' ,I, I l/~~.,\ !JI!I MA*N illY PROJECT L'ifO. CU"llIJN LAi~~()N, I' ,( NDB~"'f"(l~'"Il(.N CHECKED 9v FILE NO, SYM ..v..... BY ~. OAT!