HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 97- Cook, Turner, Bell Deed . t~ A :'j!:~' (j) C I '1' Y o F B 0 Z E MAN Project No. MNI #4 Parcel NO.__-L~ County of_Q{:lllatin ------ Des ignat ion--'pa!L~S....tL~e t_=--_~1:.):1 Ave. tQ_FO~1..~!t:~'i..tLe;g;...t____".._~____"__",___~_,,____ ~__lL_R_J.LA N T __Y__D~~r-:_. E_J2 TlIIS INDENTURE. made th i s__lr_9__day of _____~_.._APJ:j.L_______~_~_.__L.L~97 : IN CONSIDERATION OF THE SUM OF___$J._Q~.90 D.L (aVC) lawful money of the United States to__LlgHlL_____in hand paid by the CITY OF 130ZEMAN, the rece i pt whereof is hereby acknow I ed,ged. WITNESSETH THAT. Gene E. Cook Bozeman, Hontana Donald A. Turner Bozeman. Montana Fred Be 1 1 Bozeman, Montana does ._.,hereby GRANT.BARGAIN.SELL.CONVEY.WARRANT AND CONFIRM unto the CITY OF BOZEMAN for the benefit and use of its Engineering Department the f [) 1 low i ng des c rib e d rea 1 pro per t y. to - wit: Parcel No.9 on City of Bozeman Project No. MNI #4, Oak Street-N.7th to House. as shown on the Hi.ght of Way Plan for' said project on file in the office of the County Clerk & Recorder in Gallatin County, Montana. Said parcel is also described as a tract of land in Block 4 of Imes Ad<1ition to Bozeman, Montana, containing an area of 0.024 acres. more or less: AS SHOWN by the shaded area OTl the pIaL. cOIlRiRLing of one sheet. attached hereto and made a part hereof. r '. EXCEPTING AND RESEHVTNG. however. all gaR and 0 iI, beneath the sur'face of the ab(jve~desc:ribed and conv0yeu premises. together with the right to extract the same. pr'ovided that in the exercise of such right the sur f a C (J the r' e 0 r s h a 1 I not bed i s L u I' bed. i n t err C~ f'(~ d \v i t h. 0 r' i n Ii. n :n~ a y damaged. FURTHEH EXCEPTING AND HESEHVING unto the grantors. their successors and assi~ns all water, water' ri,l:!hts. ditches. canals, irrigation systems, existing or as relocated. if any, including' buL not 1 imited to. waLeI' stock or shares. bonds. certificates, contracLs and any and all other' indicia, of water. water r'ight and ditch ownership, or any interest therein, appurtenant to the land described herein. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD U10 above descriht~d and conveyed premises. wi th all the reversions. r'cmainders, tenements. hereditaments and appurtenarlCes thereto. unto the CITY OF BOZEMAN. and Lu its successors and assigns for'ever. v' C', ;-'~'L-~ ," d, i~ . " '09+" ~d "' >< ,~ 'I, :'1 ~.:f ~, ~ ~I(~~- u .' , ,', , :lJ :u '" ", ( ') ... .1. , 1'1.1 'U :'"f ( ) .J,] ([J C~ n ::.:~ " " " , r'" C:J < ]:- rn ~- ::n l:...J r~ .< ,.) <) c. n J' ,.... r: c. I' (:l-_ :; _: '~:'~ ~.;: 1/1 ;?~~ ,l~ J ~ ~' ii ~ ;;~ if H }1;.g !:~ !~ ,:J. (1 ~~ :~ e : ~ ~ '-) ,I '~JS'OO /~._'--~-,,,._.- )-.- ~"" r.......... ~....... <I I " I 30' V'lt"'!;JJ-irctJ-" "' ~ 8 .. .... II II ,I II ~~~~ ~ . ~ U'I N~ N ;~ f' '" '" '0 I '0 ,J ~OO 8 ,~_. 1S~OO ~ S SHEET TlTl..E: PROJECT TITlE "U MvlSION .. JIIIP". DATE 111:;i-j/lM/llJOELA11/,PE r~' (11IlIAjiY, 1':191 RIGHT OF WAY OAK STREET [)[SICN[D BY OATE 'Oi tf.j EXHIBIT (NO, 7TH TO ROUSE Jl,i"fKI\',r,I.1 U~~.),()I)I M"'\lPf8'1 fIftO..IECT NO. ~ PARCEL NO.9 C.o.B. PROJ. MNI #4 \;r)I:tIJON l/>JlSON,",L NOi>IWI(!~Il(;N CHECKED BY ru NO.