HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-2005 (Deputy) Mayor Jeff Krauss Oath of Office CIPY' OP (]jOZP'9t(}f!I(, 9rf.09fl.M(jl OjlTJ{ OP OPPI(!E State of :Montana ) County of qa[Catin ) ss City of CBozeman ) I, Jeffrey 1( 1(rauss, ao soCemnEy swear that I wire support, protect ana aefena the Constitution of the Vnitea States, and the Constitution of the State of :Montana, and the Charter of tlie City of CBozeman; and that I wire discharge tlie auties of my office with fideEity, SO J-IlELP :tfE qCXD. ((~- Su6scri6ea ana sworn to 6efore me this 5 tli aay of January, fl. CfJ. 2004. 9i:c/~ CJ{CXBI:N L. S-VLLlo/)lN CCerf{,of Commissimi_ - , ~--- =~ ~.. --- . ,- - . .,.~.