HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920309 THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA March 9. 1992 Page 1 of 3 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 1. Roll Call - 3:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - February 24 and March 2, 1992 4. Oecision - Request for $10,000 grant from COBG Revolving Loan Fund for Motion and vote 3/2/92, Item 6 Microbusiness Oevelopment Center - for Fiscal Year 1992-1993 - Human Resource Oevelopment Council 5. Ordinance No. 1344 - zone map change - M-1 to R-3A - Blocks 51 and 52, Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for 3/2/92, Item 1 7 Northern Pacific Addition (between Plum and Ida, Fridley and Peach) (3:45 p.m.) adoption 6. Commission Resolution No. 2854 - adopting the design objective plans Motion and vote to adopt 7. Concept plan review - "Overbrook at Westridge" - Oan Kamp for Gene Graf - allow construction of 38-unit condominium PUO on 4.5 acre tract on north side of Westridge Orive (Figgins Addition) (3:50 p.m.) 8. Concept plan review - PUO to allow construction of tri-plex in addition to existing single family residence on single lot - Richard Pence for Heinz Boeckmann - 412 W. Hayes Street (4:00 p.m.) TOP PRIORITY GOALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 * Increase hours at Library * Implement volume-based garbage rates * Provide and promote recycling * Maintain clean air/quality groundwater * Promote joint solid waste study * Provide for safe disposal of oil and other contaminants * Evaluate street and tree maintenance districts * Finalize master plan and zone code, including parks master plan * Protect landfill by limited input of yard wastes, wood, cardboard * Provide for better communication about City services and programs * Landscape and maintain attractive city, beginning w/City properties * Extend water/sewer service boundaries, study policies on annexation THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA March 9. 1992 Page 2 of 3 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 9. Commission discussion - garbage collection system (4:10 p.m.) 2/18/92, Item 6 b 10. Oiscussion - FYI Items (5:00 p.m.) , - City Managers report 11. Consent Items - Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions a. Request for modification to conditions for approval of CUP - James Marshall, Sacajawea Backpakers Hostel (405 W. Olive Street) - eliminate one of the required off-street parking spaces; per ORB recommendation b. Authorize City Manager to sign - agreement with Montana Highway Traffic Safety Administrator (safety analysis of up to 20 off-system intersections within city limits) c. Authorize City Manager to sign - pipeline permit agreement with Montana Rail Link - 6-inch water main extension on Front Street between Broadway and McAdow d. Reappoint Mike Money to TIFIO Board THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA March 9. 1992 Page 3 of 3 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission e. Authorize expenditure of additional $1,150.90 for completion of design objective plans (transfer from General Fund to Planning to be included in third quarter budget review) 12. Recess 13. Reconvene at 7:00 p.m. 14. Commission Work Session - discussion of sign code issues 15. Adjournment (9:00 p.m.) Motion and vote to adjourn Reminder: Interagency Breakfast - Wednesday, March 11, 7:00 a.m. - Baxter Hotel