HomeMy WebLinkAbout3-27-14 Historic Preservation Advisory Board MinutesMinutes of the March 27, 2014 meeting
Members Present: Lora Dalton (chair), Steve Keuch, Courtney Kramer (staff liaison), Lisa
Verwys, Ryan Olson, Matt Kennedy, Mark Hufstetler, Jillian Bowers
I. Call to order- meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm
II. Approval of prior meeting minutes- Minutes from the February 27 meeting were
unanimously approved as presented
III. Public comment- none
IV. Disclosure of ex parte communication- none
V. Introduction of invited guests- Marsha Fulton and Crystal Alegria of the Extreme
History Project, City Attorney Anna Saverud
VI. Decision Items
a. Collaboration with Extreme History Project (EHP) and allocation of $500 in
funding to support walking tours
i. Crystal Alegria reported on the fall 2013 walking tours that received
funding from the board. 8 tours were given in October 2013 (2 cemetery
tours and 6 downtown tours). 52 people attended the tours (all locals, no
tourists), good turnout especially given the off-season and the lack of a
marketing budget.
ii. EHP would like to expand the walking tour program beginning in May
2014. 7 walking tours have been developed in collaboration with Derek
Strahn and Dale Martin. Tours would occur on a regular basis with up to 6
tour guides. EHP requests $500 in funding support from the BHPAB to
support walking tour program.
iii. BHPAB has $900 in budget (fiscal year ends June 30, 2014) and no plans
in the foreseeable future to use the funds. Motion made (SK) to approve
$500 allocation of funds, seconded (MK), and unanimously passed.
b. Discussion of the preservation and demolition memo
i. Issue 1- definition of historic properties
1. General discussion and agreement that the 1984 survey is outdated
with erroneous information and that it should not be used as a basis
for definition of historic property, but that it may contain
information useful to future surveys. MH- 1984 survey was not
prepared to professional standards and may not/would not stand up
to legal scrutiny.
2. If a new cultural resources survey (option 2 in memo) were
required to define historic properties, it could be funded by
community development block grants, surcharges on major COAs
(this fund currently has $80,000; $15,000 currently bookmarked
for survey work this spring on commercial properties), or from the
general fund. Discussion about the difficulties in keeping a survey
updated; issues with a survey being a snapshot in time that may no
longer be accurate as structures age and change
3. Discussion regarding option 3 (age- 50 years) as definition for
historic property. LV- concerned that this leaves younger
properties vulnerable. MH- any younger properties that would
have qualified as historic have been demolished. MH- personal
recommendation would be a combination of options 2 & 3: require
evaluation of any property over 50 years old for potential historic
property eligibility prior to demolition. JB- concerned about
financial burden for evaluation placed on homeowners and
concerned that homeowners will invest significant amounts of
money prior to finding out that they must have their property
evaluated; education should be part of formal recommendation.
CK- have required individuals to finance evaluations in the past for
structures in conservation overlay district. General discussion
regarding need for education of property owners and architects,
need for dissemination of information/education through materials
distributed by city staff. LD- education could also come from the
board’s outreach activities.
4. MH moves to support a proposal to require properties over 50
years old to be evaluated prior to demolition for eligibility to the
National Register or potential contributing status to National
Register Historic District. Seconded (RO) and passed
ii. Issue 2- Affirmative Maintenance
1. Discussion begins with understanding that ordinance is written as a
broad/basic, that “good condition” refers to weather tight and
secure, and that enforcement is TBD and not expected to be
common occurrence.
2. MK- How will owners know if they have a historic property if
there is not a survey of historic properties? Use of “historic
property” may depend on which definition is adopted in issue 1.
Discussion regarding substituting “conservation overlay district”
for “historic property” in the ordinance, MH- concerns over
including phrase “historic character” which is not easily definable
and which may no longer exist in a property that is in disrepair.
LD- a broader definition may be more workable. Anna Saverud-
ordinance must be construed to address specific properties.
3. Additional discussion regarding concerns over how issues of
economic disparity will be addressed.
4. BHPAB recommends that the City Commission takes this
discussion into consideration.
iii. Issue 3- Timing of demolition and redevelopment permits
1. CK- deals with ability to give preliminary yes or no so that there is
not incentive to let a property fall into neglect. Chris Saunders-
gives higher level of protection for historic properties. LD- issue
and recommendations are in line with past BHPAB discussions
iv. Issue 4- Clarifying two year stay of demolition
1. Clarification of code necessary to ensure that implied meaning and
public interpretation matches.
2. Discussion regarding what occurs during a stay of demolition: time
allows for alternate proposals to be made by interested parties;
there is no requirement for property owners to let interested parties
access the property in order to propose alternate solutions. LD-
there is no incentive for property owners to find alternate solutions
when they can simply wait out the stay. RO- financial incentive for
owners (not cheap to let a property sit unused). Is there a way to
encourage property owners to find alternate solutions or engage
with the community for alternate proposals? MH- suggests
addition to provision: if a demolition has been denied, subsequent
requests should be accompanied by a description of efforts made to
preserve historic structure.
3. Lack of clarity regarding liability of properties during a stay of
demolition. Is the city or the property owner liable for the structure
during a stay?
VII. Chair’s Report
a. Expiring terms
i. 7 board member terms expire in June 2014 (Mark Hufstetler, Jillian
Bowers, Ryan Olson, Lisa Verwys, Jessie Nunn, Nicole Becker, Lora
Dalton). Board members should be thinking about recruitment.
ii. RO will not be continuing on the board and will need to pass on
committee duties, specifically regarding Historic Preservation Awards.
iii. Possibility of reducing the size of the board via bylaw revision. MH and
LD will work on this.
b. Budget
i. After approval of Extreme History Project allocation, there is $400
remaining in the budget. Ideas for use are welcome.
ii. Possible use of funds for Bill Grabow oral history. CK will speak with Bill
about sitting for an interview and LV will speak with historian Betsy
Watry regarding a proposal for conducting the interview.
VIII. Committee Reports
a. Outreach
i. LV, SK, BL met regarding history alliance; sketched out broad plan for a
meeting in September. Committee will meet again April 14, 6:30pm at
Coldsmoke Coffeehouse to finalize a name and meeting details. As
requested, LV will send a reminder to board so other interested members
can attend.
ii. LD has Pete Brown’s presentation as MP3, CK will work on making it
available via the website. If anyone wants a copy, email LD (32mb
powerpoint and 69mb recording)
IX. Staff Liaison Report
a. Received COA application for Willson Auditorium. Recommending that thorough
documentation of space occur prior to renovations. Modifications are not
appropriate historically.
b. Working on Community Development Block Grant to evaluate the Conservation
Overlay District as a zoning approach
c. Re-surveying 100 properties in the B-3 area. Findings of potentially historic
properties will be reported to the board.
d. Streetlamps (SAT grant) are ready to be installed.
e. Story Mansion appraisal is in, not currently slated as an agenda item for the City
X. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm. Next meeting set for April 24, 6:30 PM
End of Minutes
Secretary: Lisa Verwys