HomeMy WebLinkAbout12. C10 Fire Cap CIP Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Anna Rosenberry, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: Adoption of the Fire Capital and Equipment Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY16-20. AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent MEETING DATE: December 15, 2014 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Fire Capital and Equipment Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY16-20. BACKGROUND: Each year, the City Manager is required to prepare a 5 Year Capital Improvements Plan and submit it to the Commission by December 15th. Fire Department and other city staff met in October to develop the attached Capital Plan for the needs of the Department that could be appropriately funded through the 4-mill levy for Fire Capital and Equipment Replacement. 1. There are no added items to the schedule this year. 2. FE06 – Portable Radio Replacement Program was increased by $25,000 for FY17 3. FE07 – Fire Staff Vehicle Replacements were increased by $5,000 for FY16 & FY17. We are currently underway with an analysis of light-vehicle replacements in order to “green our fleet,” to improve fuel economy, carbon-related impacts and utilization. We expect information from the analysis to be available at budget time – where we will have a more refined recommendation on exactly what type of vehicle to purchase. 62 4. FE08 – Fire Station #1 Remodel would occur with the assistance of grant funding of estimated $800,000. 5. FE11 – Boiler Replacement at Fire Station #1 – This item was originally the General Fund’s contribution to the remodel and has been moved to the Replacement Fund to occur with the Station Remodel project. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. If the Commission is does not wish to adopt this schedule tonight, it can be scheduled for approval on a later agenda. FISCAL EFFECTS: This step in the process has no fiscal effect. Once adopted, the Capital Improvements Plan becomes the basis of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY16. Report compiled on: December 3, 2014 Attached: Draft - Fire Capital and Equipment Fund CIP 63 Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 18,070$ 337,320$ 661,843$ 818,655$ 888,405$ 274,739$ Plus: Dedicated Tax Revenues 4 Mills 356,250$ 364,523$ 371,813$ 379,249$ 386,834$ 394,571$ -$ Plus: Anticipated Grant Revenue 800,000$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (37,000)$ (40,000)$ (215,000)$ (309,500)$ (1,800,500)$ (160,000)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 337,320$ 661,843$ 818,655$ 888,405$ 274,739$ 669,310$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Tax Revenues 357,375$ 357,375$ 364,523$ 371,813$ 379,249$ 386,834$ Estimated Annual Increase - 2%2%2%2%2% Total Estimated Revenues 357,375$ 364,523$ 371,813$ 379,249$ 386,834$ 394,571$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 357,375$ 364,523$ 371,813$ 379,249$ 386,834$ 394,571$ Projected Projected CURRENT 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Fire Equipment & Capital Replacements 64 CIP PROJECT FUPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY16UnscheduledFY20FY17FY18FY19Fire Equip & Capital ReplacementFE06FIREPORTABLE RADIO REPLACEMENT PROGRAM$175,000FE07FIREFIRE STAFF VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS$40,000$160,000$40,000FE08FIREFIRE STATION #1 REMODEL$1,540,000FE10FIRESELF‐CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (SCBA) REPLACEMENTS$309,500FE11FIREBOILER REPLACEMENT AT FIRE STATION #1$260,500$40,000$215,000$309,500$1,800,500$160,000Totals by DEPARTMENTSummary for  Fire Equip & Capital Replacement (5 items)Totals by year:$40,000 $215,000$160,000FY20FY16FY17UnscheduledFY19$1,800,500$309,500FY1865 CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE06 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME Portable Radio Replacement Program FY16 FY17 $175,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This plan allows for aging fire portable radios to be replaced, including all of the software, programming and peripheral accessories. This is a planned replacement of radios at the end of their predicted usable life, estimated between six and ten years. This will provide for seamless communication and response capabilities as the radios become less reliable and repair is no longer a financially prudent option. Portable (or handheld) radios are an essential item in the operation of the Bozeman Fire Department. Fire radios must be available for fire use 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These radios are assigned to the three stations, captains and management staff and are used daily. These radios will be replaced only when they are unserviceable which could result in pushing the anticipated purchase date out a year or two. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Replace radios as they fail. This ultimately results in a broad mix of different manufacture / make/ model radios in service and can ultimately result in higer long term maintenance costs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This ensures safe and reliable emergency communications and response. Program allows for planned and predictable need for equipment replacement. Clear and dependable communication allows for quick and efficient emergency deployment and the required level of firefighter safety. We potentially may see some trade in value or resale value for some of the replaced units depending on their condition. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED As these are replacement radios we anticipate very little increases operating costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 66 CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE07 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME FIRE STAFF VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS FY16 $40,000 FY17 $40,000 Unscheduled $160,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Fire Department utilizes numerous vehicles for Department needs. As we continue to implement the Battalion Chief positions we are evaluating the needs of the command vehicles on this list. Several of the utility type vehicles and some of the command vehicles will be used for their serviceable life span and then ultimately not replaced. See attached Table on the following page. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Could continue to utilize existing vehicles longer. However, many of these vehicles are emergency response vehicles for the Fire Department. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The Department will have adequate, properly sized vehicles for emergency response and other operational functions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Newer vehicles are expected to be more fuel efficient. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 67 Fire Department Light Vehicle ReplacementsAsset #Current Make/FeaturesModel YrCurrent MileageReplacementFY16FY17FY18FY19UnscheduledFY20Currently Assigned toUnit #3076Chevy Suburban2002128,824 To be replaced with Ford Interceptor$40,000Operations ChiefF22764Chevy Tahoe2000121,660 4x4, SUV style, mid‐sized vehicle, with emergency lighting, radios, MDT.Fire Inspector (FY15)F12760Chevy Tahoe2000116,970 Replace with a 4x4, SUV style, mid‐sized, code‐capable (lights & sirens) vehicle.Training OfficerF53247Chevy Tahoe2004115,431 4x4, SUV style, mid‐sized vehicle, with emergency lighting, radios, MDT.$40,000Emergency Management Staff CaptainF43153Chey Suburban200394,278 To be replaced with Ford Interceptor$40,000Batallion ChiefsBC13332Chevy Tahoe200758,443 4x4, SUV style, mid‐sized vehicle, with emergency lighting, radios, MDT.$40,000Fire InspectorF63275Ford F150200541,950 Pickup with full‐sized box, 4x4, tow capacity.$40,000Plowing/Fire Investigations/Prevention TruckU43363Dodge Durango200733,402 4x4, SUV style, mid‐sized vehicle.Fire MarshallF33158Chevy Silverado ‐ Crew Cab200328,516 Pickup with full sized box, 4x4, tow capacity.$40,000Public Ed/ InvestigationsU31535Ford Truck199317,979HazmatB13260Trailer2004HazmatHM T$160,000$40,000$40,000Totals68 CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE08 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME FIRE STATION #1 REMODEL FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The purpose of this project is to expand the second floor of Fire Station One out to the existing building foot print and remodel the interior spaces increasing facility size and functionality, decreasing maintenance costs and increasing energy efficiency. Also included in this project is a significant seismic upgrade to the entire structure, including the office area on the first floof. The second floor of this station has been remodeled many times. Windows do not completely close, electrical and plumbing maintenance is becoming more frequent and kitchen cabinetry is beginning to fail. Office space is limited and safety hazards have been identified in the recent facility surveys. The living quarters upstairs are not conducive to female firefighters. Separate and equal restroom, bath and sleeping facilities are needed should we hire a female firefighter. The station remodel will include sleeping quarters, bathrooms, and living spaces for up to ten firefighters of either sex. All standard areas commonly found in modern stations will be included in this facility such as kitchen space, office space and physical training area. As our 2007 station location and staffing study showed, the location of this station is ideal for the area it serves. We intend to remain here for the foreseeable future. We are proposing this remodel to improve the current living conditions, increase space for existing Firefighters and our new Battalion Chiefs and prepare for future increases in staffing as our community continues to grow. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with utilizing the existing station as is. Maintain facility as reasonably as possible. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This project would significantly improve the living conditions and operational functionality of Fire Station One. This project remedies the safety hazards identified in recent facility surveys. This project will decrease ongoing maintenance costs compared to the existing facility. New construction will be “green” and more energy efficient. Creates sleeping quarters and office space for Battalion Chiefs. Separate and equal restroom, bath and sleeping facilities for when we hire a female firefighter in the future. In House Physical fitness area - firefighters currently have to leave the station for physical fitness activities. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Operating cost should maintain similar to what is currently budgeted. Although the facility will be getting larger, a more energy efficient newer facility will balance with the increase in size. FUNDING SOURCES Total Costs, including Boiler, is $1.8 Million. Would be constructed concurrently with GF170 - Boiler Replacement at Fire Station #1.(estimated $260,500.) Depending on features of the project,the Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement, potentially Impact Fees, and Federal Pre-Disaster New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $1,540,000 FY20 69 CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE10 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Replacements FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will fund the replacement of the department’s SCBA units. The useable service life of our existing SCBA’s is 8 -10 years. The units being replaced were purchased in FY 10. Repair and maintenance is a consideration when deciding when to replace existing equipment. We currently expend approximately $5000 per year on preventative maintenance and minor repairs. As the equipment gets older we will no longer be able to repair minor failures, we will have to completely replace parts. Replacement parts for our existing SCBA are extremely expensive and take a significant amount of time to be delivered. This project will completely replace all SCBA harnesses, spare tanks and backup regulators on our engines. Also individual fire fighter personal masks, and Rapid Intervention Crew kits will get replaced in this project as well. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use current SCBA units until they fail or spare parts become unavailable. Used units are not a viable alternative as departments typically upgrade when old units become obsolete or fail to meet annual testing requirements. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Firefighters use SCBA’s to enter hazardous atmospheres in all aspects of their jobs; firefighting, confined space entry, and hazmat response. The health and safety of our personnel, as well as the ability of our fire department to perform its function, is greatly dependent on these units. The new SCBA units are safer than current units as they are certified for chemical, biological, and radiological emergencies. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED The department spends about $5,000 annually on SCBA maintenance. Yearly checks and certification is required regardless of SCBA age although maintenance costs would decline with new units as replacement parts would not be needed. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $309,500 FY19 FY20 70 CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE11 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME BOILER REPLACEMENT AT FIRE STATION #1 FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT **This project is most ideally timed with the Station #1 Remodel in the Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Fund.** The old steam boiler at Fire Station #1 has reached the end of its useful cycle. The fact that the unit is no longer serving the old City Hall means that is working even less efficient because it is now oversized. The current plan was to replace the existing boiler with another steam boiler. When the steam lines were disconnected from old City Hall the condition of the pipes could be assessed. The pipes were found to be severely corroded and in poor condition. An engineer was hired to size the boiler for servicing only Fire Station #1 and to assess other features of the 1964 vintage system. Three options were proposed to upgrade the system for both building comfort and energy efficiency. The third option proposed in the study is the most efficient and has the best payback. This project significantly effects building occupant comfort/quality (PM05) and potentially generates emergency and non- emergency repairs (PM01-3). Staff has been working to keep the boiler running properly, and monitoring the chemical condition of the boiler water to try to increase the useful life of the boiler. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Replacement of the current boiler with another steam boiler is no longer an option after assessing the condition of the steam distribution lines and other components of the older system. Three options were reviewed and a summary report for each option was included in the analysis done by the engineer. The least expensive solution is to stay with a stem system. The project will now include boiler replacement, distribution line replacement, and changing out the old pneumatic controls with a digital ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The proposed option will better address the variable heating needs of the building – work areas, living areas, and fire bays. The proposed system is designed for the current configuration of the building and could be supplemented to handle the additional square footage proposed when the dorm area of the station is increased. The proposed system is in line with the Municipal Climate Action Plan. Planning for the replacement of the current boiler prior to failure of the unit will be most cost effective. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED The recommended system would result in an approximate $9,000 per year in energy savings at current utility rates. The payback would be about 28 years. FUNDING SOURCES Fire Equipment and Capital Replacement New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $260,500 FY20 71