HomeMy WebLinkAbout11. C9 Comm CIP Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director SUBJECT: Adoption of the Community Development (Planning) Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY16-20. AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent MEETING DATE: December 15, 2014 RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the Community Development Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY16-20. BACKGROUND: Each year, the City Manager is required to prepare a 5 Year Capital Improvements Plan and submit it to the Commission by December 15th. In the past, the Community Development fund has been included in the General Fund CIP request, since the General Fund supports Community Development operations. However, this year it is presented separately, with the idea that the Community Development Fund might be able to fund its capital needs with cash carry-over and revenues from year to year. There are two items requested for this fund: • GF064 – Vehicle Replacement: this item has been on the schedule in the past. • PL01 – Unified Development Code: this item has been added to FY16 for $300,000. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. 56 ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. If the Commission is does not wish to adopt this schedule tonight, it can be scheduled for approval on a later agenda. FISCAL EFFECTS: This step in the process has no fiscal effect. Once adopted, the Capital Improvements Plan becomes the basis of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY16. Report compiled on: December 9th, 2014 Attached: Community Development Fund CIP 57 Community Development FundCapital Improvement PlanFinancial SummaryCurrent YearFY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 UnscheduledProjected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP215,000$            (48,873)$         (12,745)$     (1,618)$         34,510$         Plus:  Planning Revenues Dedicated to CIP36,128$              36,128$          36,128$       36,128$        36,128$       ‐$                Less:  Scheduled CIP Project Costs‐$                 (300,000)$           ‐$                 (25,000)$     ‐$              ‐$              Projected Year‐End Cash Dedicated to CIP‐$                 (48,873)$             (12,745)$         (1,618)$        34,510$        70,638$       Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current YearFY15FY16FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20Estimated Annual Community Development Revenues722,550$           722,550$               722,550$          722,550$       722,550$        722,550$         Estimated Growth in Revenues‐                      0%0%0%0%0%Total Estimated Revenues722,550$           722,550$               722,550$          722,550$       722,550$        722,550$       Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %0.0%5.0%5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%  Plus:  Increase Dedicated to Capital Improvements %0.0%0.0%0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%  Total % Dedicated to CIP0.0%5.0%5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP‐$                    36,128$                 36,128$             36,128$         36,128$          36,128$          ProjectedProjectedCURRENT350,000300,000250,000200,000150,000100,00050,0000Community Development Projects & Equipment58 CIP PROJECT FUPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY16UnscheduledFY20FY17FY18FY19PlanningGF064COMMUNITY DVEHICLE REPLACEMENT$25,000PL01COMMUNITY DUNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE$300,000$300,000$25,000Totals by DEPARTMENTSummary for  Planning (2 items)Totals by year:$300,000FY20FY16FY17UnscheduledFY19$25,000FY1859 CIP Project Fund Planning PROJECT NUMBER GF064 DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NAME VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of the current vehicle, a Honda CRV purchased in 2005. The vehicle is used by Planning Staff for site visits to projects, posting notices on-site, in-town meetings and other department activities (WL01-WL32) . Replacement would be with a fuel efficient small vehicle, possibly a hybrid. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to operate the existing vehicles with increasing maintenance costs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provide functional transportation with reduced maintenance costs. Because of the age of the existing vehicle, maintenance costs are likely to increase to keep it functional. Recent repairs include power windows and routine maintenance. The vehicle needs numerous minor repairs, including dashboard lights, that continue to be deferred. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: No new costs are expected as maintenance is already performed on the existing vehicle. However, maintenance and repair costs are anticipated to increase due to the age of the vehicle. FUNDING SOURCES PLANNING FUND New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $25,000 FY19 FY20 60 CIP Project Fund Planning PROJECT NUMBER PL01 DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NAME UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE FY16 $300,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT For several years, the City has been discussing creating a revised Unified Development Code that is clear, understandable, and addresses the growing list of Code provisions that are outdated or no longer suit the community. This project would look at all provisions within the code that address, transportation, stormwater, and physical layout of developments to ensure the City of Bozeman has a development code that is understandable, reasonable, encourages sustainable practices, and implements the vision of this community in the future. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leave the code as it is. We are currently amending the code provision by provision using staff and the services of professional planners as time and funding allows. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This is an expensive and time consuming process, that being said, it should not keep the City from undertaking the work that will be a benefit to staff, residents, existing and new businesses, and the development community. In 2013 the City Commission made improving customer service one of its primary goals. The update of the UDC is important part of improving customer service. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES PLANNING FUND, ENGINEERING FUND, STORMWATER FUND, WATER FUND, WASTEWATER FUND, New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 61