HomeMy WebLinkAbout03- Smith, Roger H. & Rosalind I.-Oak St. Lot 5, Annie Sub Ph II - Storm Sewer Pipeline Easement I <<~ 0::; 0< c..=> u..O ou :E ~~ ~. ~ ... l") ~o to- .... enO 2;:c A" 'PLA TTE"'it ! II~ I~I ~I~ II~IIIII~ IIIIIIIIIII~ II~ ~~ II r::t~~ 1 ~ ~ Shell~ Vanoe~Gallatln Co MT MISC 24.00 [0! ~ (nJ '.[JIHLlP r;'l :: I . I ~;[P 0 9 2003 i . I { " '.,'..' .. -r.-r-r-'l-n.l::'.'. i L ,-""..~ V':;;I LJ U U L.l L,/ --~_____w._~.__~__~._~__ STORM SE'\VER PIPELINE ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT Ro ger H. Smith and Rosalind 1. Smith, with a mailing address of23 05 W. Durston Road, Bozeman, MT 59718, the GRANTORS, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grant(s) to the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, 411 East Main, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230, the GRANTEE, its successors'and assigns, a perpetual easement to lay, construct and maintain storm sewer pipelines with the usual services, cOlli1ections, accessories and appUlienances for tbe purpose of transmitting st01111 ,vater, through, and across a strip ofland situated in Gal1atiD County, lV1:ontana, being 20 feet \vide, to be located on tl1e fol1owing described real propeliy: f.f.iT 5~ /\JJJlie SUL1Ui\T'is-.ioll Phase 2, according to tIle p1at tb.ereof, OIl fl1e and (c.c/.Jrd ir office of the Clerk and Recorder, G2l11atin County, Montana, and located in the NE 114 of Sec. 2, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. ofP.M.M.. The Easement is more pmiicularly described and shown on the attached Easement Exhibit, whicb by this reference is made a part hereof. This grant includes the right of the GRANTEE, its successors, permittees, licensees, and assigns and their agents and employees, to enter at all times upon the above described land by Llsing existing roads or trails or otherwise by a route causing the least damage and inconvenience to the GRANTORS in order to survey and establish the route and location ofthe easement and the pipeline and to: (1) Construct, operate, patrol, repair, substitute, remove, enlarge, replace, and maintain the pipeline, services, connections, accessories and appurtenances; Trim, remove, destroy, or othenvise control any trees and brush inside or outsieJe the 'hGrLlldc~'rjcs cf t:.1le ease11Jent \vbjcb iTJ.C:LYJ "i'n tIle cpl11io~J of the C)-I<~../\1:yrrI2'E!c .i1.J.te.';~D:~T:~ (;T" thIc2ten to interfere with or be hal.,::rdous to the cOllstnlctioTl) opc:"8tiC11 2;ncl tllainicr;iTic.c; n[' d1e pip::~lj-ne; (3) Grade,ne l2cnd sui:,-jecL to this easefnent aud cxtt;ud the cuts and fiUs of this gracing i~lto on t11e lan.cl adjacent to that 7/h1Ch is s;ubjcct to this easernent to the extent Gf<.ANTEE may find reasonably necessary; and (4) Support the pipeline across raviDes and water courses \'lith structures wblch GRANTEE deems necessary. The GRANTEE agrees: (1) That, in cOill1ection ,'lith constructing, operating, patrolling, repamng, substituting, removing, enlarging, replacing, and maintaining of said stonn sewer pipeline(s), it will repair or replace, at its sole expense, or pay to GRANTOR the reasonable value of any damages to growing crops, existiIlg fences, ditches and other applnienances of said lal1d that .. >- IX to- g:t c..=>> u..O aU ii~ c:() &0 t-.... "'0 ~:c ...' 1.~llllllIllllllllllIlllm 1I1111111111111111111 g~~ 1:~~ Shelley Vanoe-Gallatln Co MT MISe 24.00 may be disturbed by its operation. (2) That, during operations involving excavation, it will remove the topsoil frOln the trenched area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil, whichever is less, and stockpile said top soil for replacement over the trench. It will remove from the site <my large rocks or surplus excavating material or any debris that I'nay have been exposed by the excavation and remains after backfilling is completed. And, it will leave the finished surface in subst,mtial1y the same condition as existed prior to the begilming of operations except that the surfaee of backfilled areas may be mounded suffici ently to prevent tbe formation of depressions after final settlement bas taken place. The GRANTORS agrees: (I) Ai no tline will they build, construct, erect or 111:alntalnUany perma11ellT st1;uctLlre vi;;tbJri t11e boundaries of said easement without the prior written consellt of GRANTEE. (2) At no time will they modify the finished grade of the land over the pipeline by removal of existing sailor by placement of fill material within the boundaries of said easement without the prior written consent of the GRANTEE. (3) That where the subj ect improvements are not located under improved public or private streets or other provided access, a 12 foot ",vide all-weather access road may be constructed '1/ithin the easement \vhere at the City's discretion Slich access is required for operation a11d rnaintenance pUlvoses. (4) 'fhe GRANTORS warrant that t11ey m:e lavvfully seized and possessed ofthe real property described above, that they have a lawfhl right to convey the propel1y, or any parT of it, and 1:bat t1~ey \\Til1 forever defend tIle title to this property against tl1e claims of aU ocrsons. (5) n)e GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights aDd privjhg~s berein ,2.rantecJ \/Y'ithout any internlptioD by Jle GRANTORS. The terms, covenants and prmrisions ofthis easement and agreelTlent shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assi,gns of t1,e parties hereto. DATED this ? dayO~ ,2003. GRANTORS: ROGER H. SMITH & ROSAI.Jt\T]) L SMITH ) "If~~d I.~ Rosalind I. Smjtb ....... >- ac I- O::i 0<1( 0..;:\ 1100 QU :c ~~ "'. <.') :;:)0 ~.... U:' 0 l:c ... ~ IIIII~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~:t~~l ~?" Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co MT MISC 24.~~ STATE OF MONTANA } } ss. COUNTY OF GALLA TIN } On this L day of l ",~<J2;) ,2003, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, pers:Jily appeared Roger H. Smith and Rosalind LSmith, lmown to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and ackno\vledged to me that they executed the same. rN \VITNESS \VHEREOF, Thave hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarjed seal the day and "/~"IJ' '1''''1 'l1)')",'0 '''J-: '",,-,,' . \ \ \ \ fi '" I _",c... L."c C c v__ " .11.1.~.II. ",\ 'f;. ". RI I" ~/ () /::.J <"'<t~~, · , · , · ~-t ..~, _ /all&/Z~ '.. ,,__~(~ _ ,;: 4, · · D IAt.',~ ~ .... -t" O,,\~n ,~. Priri~e1Zar~f~~~~~T1LJ~;~~~~a~: c.~~\..:;J Residing at t3()~ ?--/n~ ._ ,~it · "d'" "#:' ~..." .'. . "- My Commissio expires q / p;J.CJ Ja,. A..o/)h S'2~ · · · , , · ($ " / r VI ,,~reOf~\" ~ ",,,,,\\\ ACCEPTED: . ",'~ }j 0~~ P' \ " .~ ~;..."....~' ~j~ Y;'I'~.'}:.J)ftilp 6j1V ~Tr..jmjssjOJl "1 "tt~....1 C; Q. .,," '.,' Sm ,iI\,~l N~,A;~1~~(r"' ~ 1\ T ,\ I l., 1, L, j .:.........' \..JJ '"J\j,~",J.:." ~ ) 1..1~'\rl ( ") ,,!r'1 f ~,::'I. ~ \-.~ CITY OF BOZEMAN by its City Manager CCT~\; - rJPC?-}.LLATIN On this~aL._ clay of_ .. ._____, 200?, before me a Notary Public fI')r the State of TvTontc;na, perso aJJ:'l appeared CLARK V. JOI-:INSON and ROBD'1 L. SULLrlA,N, knovvil to me to be the City Jvianager and Clerk ofthe City Commission for the City of Bozeman, and the persons whose names are sub sClib ed to the within instrument, and admowlec1ged to me that they executed the same for and 011 behalf of the City of Bozemal1. g:\c&h\Ol \01500\office\Ea~el11ellt I 25 \ t> \ ~ ~~\ ~ ! ~ ~~\I ~ I s:, I \1 \ ~ :~ I\I'I\I: ; - VJ Z(/) , \ :v 0 I'lb '0 \Ici b~ \ f3 '@ ~;:: \ 1 @ 7 ~" \ ~ \ -1 z (J) I~ z I~ --l I~ 5: s: I~ r=" fTl i'1 ill Ii! Ii' U \ IIIII~~ 1111110 ~IIIIIIIIIIIII ~:t~i.~? ~ ~p Shelley Vanoe-Oallatin Co ~T ~ISC OJ 0 '"-J :- "'U :'l Q 0 "'U Z -i -'1 :::0 0 0 N "'U "'T] +"- (/)0 fTl(/) OJ :::0 :EfTl f'Tl 0 f'TlO G") -0 :::0 Z tv f"TlO Z @ P ~ Z 0 (/):E GJ f"Tl_ .. ... OJ 5:0 (:; f"Tlf"Tl Z -i(/) -1 0 :::0 ~ i ."il i c:: @ z i ---I :I~ ~~ (f C' ~'~ ~~ N!::' :::c . ~ ~ f2+>- " )>(0 ~~ Giil ~ ~=: "~ ~ ~ ~~ n N-0J1 .>.<>"1 (j(/) I \ ~ +>-=\ I' ~&S<19'" ~ :I:~ .Ij ~TE~F ~ ~ LOT LINE /-: I ~-g\~I. 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