HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 Street Maint Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Anna Rosenberry, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: Adoption of the Street Maintenance Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY16-20. AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent MEETING DATE: December 8, 2014 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Street Maintenance Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY16-20. BACKGROUND: Each year, the City Manager is required to prepare a 5 Year Capital Improvements Plan and submit it to the Commission by December 15th. Public Works and other city staff met in October and November to develop the attached Capital Plan for the equipment and capital needs of our Street Maintenance crews. The Street Maintenance CIP encompasses the projects and equipment purchases that are not Curb Replacements or Street Reconstructions in the Street Maintenance Fund. This plan was part of the Public Works Master 15 year plan. New items on this schedule are: • STR49 – Sanders & STR50 – Plows – Rotating replacement schedule of 7 years. The cost of these items has reached the CIP threshold of $10,000, so are now included in the CIP. • STR51 & STR52 – Street improvements: Mill & Overlay and Chip Seals that are customarily funded with Gas Tax dollars have been added to this schedule to reflect this 25 program that address streets in need of repair & maintenance. We will continue to pay for these items out of the Gas Tax Fund. • STR47 – Storage Building Replacement at Vehicle Maintenance Shop Site • STR48 – Used Grain Body Trucks • STR53 – Mendenhall & Babcock Streetscapes – This item will be funded by an Special Improvement District assessment to property owners. The Downtown Partnership and the Downtown TIF are spearheading the design of these improvements. • STR56 – Tack Oil Distribution Unit Changes to previously scheduled items: • Previous STR11 – Median and Boulevard Maintenance has been combined with STR30 – Concrete Repair Program to make: STR30 – Annual Median & Boulevard Maintenance in the FY16-20 CIP request. • STR43 – Self Propelled Self Loading Asphalt Milling Machine w/ Trailer has been moved from unscheduled to FY16. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. If the Commission is does not wish to adopt this schedule tonight, it can be scheduled for approval on a later agenda. FISCAL EFFECTS: This step in the process has no fiscal effect. Once adopted, the Capital Improvements Plan becomes the basis of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY16. Report compiled on: November 24, 2014 Attached: Draft - Street Maintenance Fund CIP 26 Street Maintenance District Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 268,000$ 396,751$ 8,171$ 68,318$ 45,226$ 355,901$ Plus: Street Mtc Revenues Dedicated to CIP 338,751$ 414,920$ 440,147$ 466,908$ 530,674$ 577,374$ -$ Plus: Gas Tax 662,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ Plus: SID - Mendenhall Streetscape 2,076,210$ Plus: Intercap Loan for McKinstry LED Street Lights 226,642$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (436,642)$ (3,541,710)$ (980,000)$ (1,090,000)$ (820,000)$ (890,000)$ (500,000)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 396,751$ 8,171$ 68,318$ 45,226$ 355,901$ 643,274$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Undesignated Annual Street Mtc Revenues 2,820,973$ 2,905,602$ 3,082,263$ 3,269,664$ 3,468,460$ 3,537,829$ Estimated Annual Increase - Attributed to Annexations - 2%2%2%2%2% Total Estimated Revenues 2,820,973$ 2,963,714$ 3,143,908$ 3,335,058$ 3,537,829$ 3,608,586$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %14.0%14.0%14.0%14.0%14.0%15.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%1.0%1.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 14.0%14.0%14.0%14.0%15.0%16.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 394,936$ 414,920$ 440,147$ 466,908$ 530,674$ 577,374$ Projected Projected CURRENT 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Street Maintenance Projects & Equipment 27 CIP PROJECT FUPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY16UnscheduledFY20FY17FY18FY19Street Maintenance DistrictPW01STREETSSHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN$10,000STR20STREETSBIKE PATH IMPROVEMENTS$25,000$25,000$25,000$25,000$25,000STR22STREETSGRADER LEASE$50,000$50,000$50,000$50,000$50,000STR30STREETSANNUAL MEDIAN & BOULEVARD MAINTENANCE$50,000$50,000$50,000$50,000$50,000STR33STREETSASPHALT PATCH TRUCK$150,000STR34STREETSSWEEPERS$75,000$75,000$75,000$75,000$75,000STR35STREETSREGENERATIVE AIR SWEEPER$250,000STR38STREETSMINI LOADER$70,000STR40STREETSDUMP TRUCK WITH PLOW & SANDER$200,000$160,000STR43STREETSSELF PROPELLED SELF LOADING ASPHALT MILLING MACHINE W/ TRAILER$375,000STR44STREETSREPLACE #3081 ‐ 1992 1 TON 2W DRIVE MANUAL FORD F‐350 FOR SIGN & SIGNALS.  CURRENT MILEAGE IS 80,500 WITH 6,180 HOURS.$40,000STR45STREETSSMALL VACUUM UNIT FOR PEDESTRIAN RAMPS & SIDEWALKS$40,000STR46STREETSREPLACE #1134 ‐ 1988 1 TON 2 WHEEL DRIVE CHEVY C‐3500$28,500STR47STREETSSTORAGE BUILDINGS REPLACEMENT AT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP SITE$50,000STR48STREETSUSED GRAIN BODY TRUCKS$50,000$50,000STR49STREETSSANDERS$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000STR50STREETSPLOWS$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000STR51STREETSSTREET IMPROVEMENTS ‐ MILL & OVERLAY$400,000$462,000$400,000$400,000$400,000STR52STREETSSTREET IMPROVEMENTS ‐ CHIP SEAL$200,000$200,000$200,000$200,000$200,000STR53STREETSMENDENHALL & BABCOCK STREETSCAPE$2,076,21028 CIP PROJECT FUPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY16UnscheduledFY20FY17FY18FY19STR55STREETSREPLACE #1456 – 1992 FORD 1 TON FLAT BED 2 WHEEL DRIVE$40,000STR56STREETSTACK OIL DISTRIBUTION UNIT$70,000$890,000$3,541,710$980,000$1,090,000$820,000$500,000Totals by DEPARTMENTSummary for  Street Maintenance District (22 items)Totals by year:$890,000$3,541,710 $980,000$500,000FY20FY16FY17UnscheduledFY19$820,000$1,090,000FY1829 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER PW01 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN FY16 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Shop at the Lower Yards on Rouse Avenue in FY10/FY11 was Phase I in expanding and improving our ability to service equipment, store vehicles, and provide work space for Public Works, Parks, and Facilitiy services. Questions remain about the long-term plan for construction, location, and expansion for: Streets, Sign & Signal, Forestry, Water/Sewer Operations, Solid Waste Collection & Recycling, Facilities, and Parks & Cemetery departments. This project would develop a master plan. In scheduling this project, we are recommending waiting until after the Vehicle Maintenance Division is relocated to its new shop and the interior improvements are made to the Shop at Rouse and Tamarack Street for the remaining divisions. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES From related divisions: General Fund 20% ($10,000), Water Fund 20% ($10,000), Wastewater Fund 20% ($10,000), Street Maintenance Fund 20% ($10,000), Solid Waste Fund 20% ($10,000). New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 30 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR20 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME BIKE PATH IMPROVEMENTS FY16 $25,000 FY17 $25,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This item would provide for bike-related infrastructure including (but, not limited to) racks, signs, striping, curb-cuts, and separated pathways. The Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan (2007 Update) Section 5.4 Recommended Bicycle Facility Improvements outlines many facilities. The Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (BABAB) gave the City their top 2 priorities: They are listed with City Engineering cost estimates: North 11th Ave - Mendenhall to Durston, $14,500; Willson Ave - Main Street to Kagy Blvd, $54,300. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with existing infrastructure. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Safety will likely be improved. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED No additional operating costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $25,000 FY19 $25,000 FY20 $25,000 31 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR22 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME GRADER LEASE FY16 $50,000 FY17 $50,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to establish at a minimum a 20 year replacement schedule for our graders. Currently our fleet is comprised of a 1994, 1998, 2003, 2007 and 2014. The '94 will be replaced in FY16. Although the industry standard schedules a 15 year replacement we believe with our extensive preventative maintenance schedule will allow us to get 20 years out of a grader. The old grader would be traded in or auctioned. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Budget 250k every 5 years to purchase. Cut back on our use of graders in the residential areas. Continue to use what we have and replace when we have complete failure. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Much more reliable and fuel efficient equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in costs due to newer equipment. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $50,000 FY19 $50,000 FY20 $50,000 32 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR30 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME ANNUAL MEDIAN & BOULEVARD MAINTENANCE FY16 $50,000 FY17 $50,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for money to use for maintaining and upgrading our medians. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Making our currently unmaintained medians into weed free low maintenance show pieces. We are partnering internally with the Water Conservation Manager and externally with MSU to design and install low water easily maintained medians. Also contract out the maintenance on our established medians. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None. Lower water use means lower utility costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $50,000 FY19 $50,000 FY20 $50,000 33 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR33 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME ASPHALT PATCH TRUCK FY16 FY17 $150,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace our 1991 patch truck. At the time of replacement it will be 26 years old. Before we decide on a particular model we will demo several different types to decide which is best for our operations. With advancements in emission reduction this new truck will emit less than ½ the emissions that the truck it replaces. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Contract out patching. Continue to use this truck. Increase response time to pothole requests. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Less emissions. More efficient operations. Decrease response time to pothole requests. Better safety systems on new unit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED No increase in costs. Decrease in costs expected. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 34 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR34 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SWEEPERS FY16 $75,000 FY17 $75,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace a sweeper every 5 years. In the past we depended on the State for funds through the MACI program to purchase a sweeper every five years if funding was available. Funding is very sporadic. Industry standards recommend replacing municipal street sweepers every 4-5 years. We will always pursue a sweeper through the MACI program when it becomes available. Our current fleet of sweepers include a 2009 and two 2012 models. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Budget 200k every year until all sweepers are replaced. Cut back on our sweeping There are no local contractors at this time. Continue to use what we have. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Much improved operations. Better air quality. Improved storm water discharge. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $75,000 FY19 $75,000 FY20 $75,000 35 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR35 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME REGENERATIVE AIR SWEEPER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $250,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a new regenerative air (RA) sweeper. This would an addition to our sweeper fleet. RA sweepers use a blast of air to dislodge the street debris and suck it into the hopper. It reuses the air so no polluted or particulate air is released into the atmosphere. These type of sweepers help us to comply with air quality requirements (particulate matter of 2.5 microns or less) and storm water Best Management Practices. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Only use mechanical sweepers which discharge dust when sweeping. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL We could improve our discharge into the storm water system. Spring sweeping of the winter sand would generate less dust therefore eliminating complaints from citizens and DEQ. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Normal sweeper maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 36 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR38 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME MINI LOADER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This request is for a mini loader that would be used for sidewalk maintenance including plowing, removal and repairs. Currently we are using 30+ year old CJ5 Jeeps to plow the sidewalks because they fit on the 5 foot wide sidewalks. Replacing these is getting tougher because of availability. This loader would accept many attachments that we already have such as brooms, sweepers and plows. This loader would be available for use in other departments. It would be useful in tight situations where a full size loader wouldn’t fit such as when the mini excavator is being used and material needs to be moved off site. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED No comparable equipment is available for rent. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL If we are going to continue to maintain city owned sidewalks in the manner we require businesses and residents to then we need to find some sort replacement of the Jeeps for the over 2 miles of sidewalks we plow. This does not include what the Parks Department plows. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Less than what is spent on the Jeeps. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $70,000 FY19 FY20 37 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR40 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME DUMP TRUCK WITH PLOW & SANDER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $200,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This request is for a single axle dump truck with a 4 yard box. A plow and sander would also be included. This will replace a 1990 underpowered gasoline engine dump truck that averages about 3 MPG when used for plowing operations. The new truck could be fueled with alternative fuels such as Biodiesel. Estimates shows that the 1990 spews over 30 tons of CO2 into the air per year and by removing this from our fleet will help us in our goal of reducing municipal greenhouse emissions 15% below 2000 levels by 2020. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with 1990 model. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Efficiency, less emissions, safety, fuel savings and more reliable equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Less than current model. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $160,000 FY19 FY20 38 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR43 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SELF PROPELLED SELF LOADING ASPHALT MILLING MACHINE W/ TRAILER FY16 $375,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This will be a milling machine to do projects larger than patching. This machine grinds off the top 2” of asphalt so that a new layer can be replaced. We would be able to pave larger areas of streets and alleys. Repairs of streets with multiple utility cuts could be done without waiting to contract it out or just let it deteriorate. We will need to rent a truck to pull this or borrow the tractor/truck from the WRF. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Contract out or wait until street needs to be reconstructed. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Savings to street budget from doing large repairs before street falls apart. Repave a single block when only the one block needs to be repaved. Mill intersections so pavement crossings can be replaced with hot tape. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Operating costs plus the additional asphalt that will be used in our expanded street repair programs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Funds New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 39 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR44 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #3081 - 1992 1 TON 2W DRIVE MANUAL FORD F-350 FOR SIGN & SIGNALS. Current FY16 $40,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This will replace the sign installation response truck. This truck is used to replace downed signs and install new signs. 4 Wheel drive is needed as sometimes it is necessary to get off the road to replace or install signs. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue using current truck. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A 4 wheel drive truck can be used year round. Newer technology will give the truck better fuel mileage and less emissions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 40 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR45 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SMALL VACUUM UNIT FOR PEDESTRIAN RAMPS & SIDEWALKS FY16 $40,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This a request for a self propelled vacuum unit to vacuum up the winter sand and debris from the pedestrian ramps and sidewalks. Currently when the temperatures are above freezing we wash the sand into the street and then sweep it up with a sweeper. The process involves 3 workers and 2 pieces of equipment. With the vacuum unit it could be done with one person. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue as we do now. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Cost savings. Can be done at lower temperatures and use little or no water. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Maintenance on unit. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 41 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR46 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #1134 - 1988 1 TON 2 WHEEL DRIVE CHEVY C-3500 FY16 $28,500 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This will replace a worn out inefficient 2 wheel drive one ton pickup that is used for fueling equipment on site and also picking up dead animals with the Tommy Lift®. Currently has 118,795 miles. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Drive it until it dies. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A much more useable truck that is more fuel efficient and lower emissions. We will downsize to a ¾ ton 4 wheel drive truck. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 42 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR47 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME STORAGE BUILDINGS REPLACEMENT AT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP SITE FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The four rusted buildings that were moved from the old Public Works site on Rouse in 1975 are in need of replacement. Three are used by the Street Department and one by the Water Department. Three of the buildings are used for storage of equipment and one is storage of winter deicing material. We would hire a firm to evaluate the options of replacing these buildings at the current location (Entry Way Corridor) or at a different site. These would include a design of the new buildings. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Let them become historic buildings or rust away. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Clean up the Rouse corridor and make the buildings more usable. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES Possible split between Water and Streets New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 43 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR48 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME USED GRAIN BODY TRUCKS FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled $50,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace one of the two grain body trucks we use for hauling sweepings, leaves and snow. The current trucks are retired 1987 garbage trucks with 15,000+ hours on them. We need something more reliable and efficient. With the future development on Mendenhall we see the need to haul snow on possibly a weekly basis. We think a used 2000 or newer will fit our needs. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use what we have. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More reliable, more fuel efficient and less emissions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 44 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR49 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SANDERS FY16 $10,000 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Sanders wear out every 5 years depending on the winter. We have seven sanders so we will make them last 7 years. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More reliable sanders. Less failures in the middle of a storm. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $10,000 FY19 $10,000 FY20 $10,000 45 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR50 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME PLOWS FY16 $10,000 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is to replace the worn plow blades. We have 7 large plows so they will be on a 7 year replacement schedule. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A straight blade is easier to replace the cutting edge and is quieter when plowing. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $10,000 FY19 $10,000 FY20 $10,000 46 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR51 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME STREET IMPROVEMENTS - MILL & OVERLAY FY16 $462,000 FY17 $400,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Mill and Overlay Projects ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increase the life of our streets. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Gas Tax New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $400,000 FY19 $400,000 FY20 $400,000 47 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR52 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME STREET IMPROVEMENTS - CHIP SEAL FY16 $200,000 FY17 $200,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This money will be used to increase our pavement preservation program. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increase in the life of the streets. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $200,000 FY19 $200,000 FY20 $200,000 48 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR53 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME MENDENHALL & BABCOCK STREETSCAPE FY16 $2,076,210 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT <div>The streetscapes will be replaced between Rouse and Grand Avenues. The new streetscape design will replicate those in place along Main Street and many of downtown's north-south side streets. Streetscape elements will include new concrete sidewalks; &quot;historic&quot; streetlamps; street or boulevard trees; pedestrian benches; trash receptacles; and bike racks. </div> ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL "Complete Streets" to better serve all modes of transportation. Increased pedestrian amenities. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal annual maintenance costs FUNDING SOURCES 100% SID New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 49 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR55 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #1456 – 1992 Ford 1 TON FLAT BED 2 WHEEL DRIVE FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This will replace a 2 wheel drive truck with a 4 wheel drive truck. The current truck is a manual transmission and the worn out clutch linkage is no longer available. Mileage is 81433. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Drive it until it dies. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A much more useable year round truck. Better fuel mileage and lower emissions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $40,000 FY19 FY20 50 CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR56 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME TACK OIL DISTRIBUTION UNIT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is to replace a 1971 unit. This unit is obsolete. This is used to spray tack oil on asphalt patches and paving. Currently we are doing it by hand with our patch truck. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use what we have when it runs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More reliable and safer unit. Less chance of major spill. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Costs will be less with the newer unit. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $70,000 51