HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 Storm Water CIP Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Anna Rosenberry, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: Adoption of the Storm Water Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY16-20. AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action MEETING DATE: December 8, 2014 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Storm Water Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY16-20. BACKGROUND: Each year, the City Manager is required to prepare a 5 Year Capital Improvements Plan and submit it to the Commission by December 15th. The Public Works and other city staff met in October and November to develop the attached Capital Plan for the equipment and capital needs of the Storm Water Fund. With the anticipated adoption of the new Stormwater Utility rate model (based on the budgeted “bronze plan”), items that were previously unscheduled have now been placed on the 5 year CIP plan for the Stormwater Fund, beginning with fiscal year 2016. Adoption of a new rate model this winter/spring is critical to our ability to implement this plan for capital projects. New items: • STRM04 – Annual Stormwater Pipe Rehab design has been scheduled out at $22,500/year 159 • STRM10 – Annual Stormwater System Enhancement design has been scheduled out at $22,500/year • STRM11 – Contracted Services for tasks outside staff purview has been scheduled out at $25,000/year • STRM12 & STRM13– Annual Stormwater Deferred Maintenance Program & Annual Stormwater Pipe Rehabilitation Program have been scheduled based on the Bronze plan level of funding • STRM16 – Stormwater Facility Plan • STRM17 – Cityworks PLL Permit Software Specific Projects scheduled for system enhancements: • STRM14 = N. 11th & W. Lamme • STRM15 – S. Rouse & E. Lincoln • STRM18 – County Fair Grounds • STRM19 – N. Black & E. Mendenhall • STRM20 – N. Wallace & E. Tamarack • STRM21 – S. Black & W. Cleveland • STRM 22 – S. Bozeman & E. Cleveland • STRM23 – Remaining funds for system enhancements; specific projects are unscheduled until more information is available. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. If the Commission is does not wish to adopt this schedule tonight, it can be scheduled for approval on a later agenda. FISCAL EFFECTS: This step in the process has no fiscal effect. Once adopted, the Capital Improvements Plan becomes the basis of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY16. Report compiled on: November 24, 2014 Attached: Draft Storm Water Fund CIP 160 Storm Water Utility Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Plus: Storm Water Utility Fees Dedicated to Capital -$ 650,000$ 650,000$ 650,000$ 650,000$ 650,000$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs -$ (650,000)$ (650,000)$ (650,000)$ (650,000)$ (650,000)$ (404,300)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (404,300)$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Storm Water Utility Revenue 718,125$ 1,200,000$ 1,212,000$ 1,272,600$ 1,336,230$ 1,416,404$ Estimated Annual Increase - Attributed to Growth 1%1%1%2%2% Estimated Annual Increase - Rate Increase 4%4%4%4%4% Total Estimated Revenues 718,125$ 1,212,000$ 1,272,600$ 1,336,230$ 1,416,404$ 1,501,388$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %0.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to Capital 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 0.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP -$ 606,000$ 636,300$ 668,115$ 708,202$ 750,694$ Projected Projected 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Storm Water Projects 161 CIP PROJECT FUPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY16UnscheduledFY20FY17FY18FY19Storm Water FundSTRM01STORMWATERVALLEY UNIT PARK$80,000STRM02STORMWATERROCKY CREEK STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS$20,000STRM04STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER PIPE REHABILITATION PROGRAM DESIGN$22,500$22,500$22,500$22,500$22,500STRM08STORMWATERROUSE AVENUE INFRSATRUCTURE$279,300STRM10STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM EHNAHANCEMENTS DESIGN$22,500$22,500$22,500$22,500$22,500STRM11STORMWATERCONTRACTED SERVICES$25,000$25,000$25,000$25,000$25,000STRM12STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER DEFERRED MAINTENANCE PROGRAM$161,000$104,000$142,000$152,000$164,000STRM13STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER PIPE REHABILITATION PROGRAM$241,500$206,000$288,000$228,000$246,000STRM14STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ‐ N 11TH AND W LAMME $20,000STRM15STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ‐ S ROUSE AND E LINCOLN$40,000STRM16STORMWATERSTORMWATER FACILITY PLAN$100,000STRM17STORMWATERCITYWORKS PLL PERMIT SOFTWARE$30,000STRM18STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ‐ COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS$150,000STRM19STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ‐ N BLACK AND E MENDENHALL$150,000STRM20STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ‐ N WALLACE AND E TAMARACK$50,000STRM21STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ‐ S BLACK AND W CLEVELAND$50,000162 CIP PROJECT FUPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY16UnscheduledFY20FY17FY18FY19STRM22STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ‐ S BOZEMAN AND E CLEVELAND$40,000STRM23STORMWATERANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS$177,500$60,000STRM24STORMWATERSTORMWATER TV VAN REFURBISHMENT$125,000$650,000$650,000$650,000$650,000$650,000$404,300Totals by DEPARTMENTSummary for  Storm Water Fund (19 items)Totals by year:$650,000$650,000 $650,000$404,300FY20FY16FY17UnscheduledFY19$650,000$650,000FY18163 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM01 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME VALLEY UNIT PARK FY16 $80,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Improvements to the detention pond at Valley Unit Park, as described on page 6-5 in the Stormwater Facility Plan. A new outlet structure and overflow is required to alleviate the current flooding issues. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to experience localized flooding as a result of the detention ponds deficiencies. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Will reduce flooding along Meagher Avenue and Durston Road ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 164 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM02 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ROCKY CREEK STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Improvements to increase and restore the native vegetation cover and diversity, thereby reducing sedimentation and improving water quality in Rocky Creek, as described on page 6-7 of the Stormwater Facility Plan. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED N/A ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Reduced sedimentation and improved water quality. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $20,000 FY20 165 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM04 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER PIPE REHABILITATION PROGRAM DESIGN FY16 $22,500 FY17 $22,500 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contracting of a qualified firm to complete engineering design for rehabilitation projects scheduled each individual fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Utilize internal engineering design services. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Professional design will be incorporated into all rehabilitation projects allowing for the accurate assessment and selection of repair type. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $22,500 FY19 $22,500 FY20 $22,500 166 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM08 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ROUSE AVENUE INFRSATRUCTURE FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $279,300 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to be completed in coordination with the MDOT improvements to Rouse Avenue. It entails the upsizing of Stormwater Infrastructure on Rouse. We will need to be prepared to fund this project in according the construction timeline established by MDOT, which is fairly fluid at this point. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED MDOT covers the cost for all improvements. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The pipe segment under Rouse Avenue has seen past failures and continues to function in a severely degraded state. Improvements to this section of pipe are necessary to avoid future structural and public safety issues. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 167 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM10 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM EHNAHANCEMENTS DESIGN FY16 $22,500 FY17 $22,500 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contracting of a qualified firm to complete engineering design for system enhancement projects scheduled each fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Utilize internal engineering design services. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Professional design will be incorporated into all system enhancement projects ensuring an effective improvement and reduction of pollutants is achieved. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $22,500 FY19 $22,500 FY20 $22,500 168 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM11 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME CONTRACTED SERVICES FY16 $25,000 FY17 $25,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Annual funding appropriated for contracted services including public relations consulting, community outreach material development, and infrastructure modeling. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leverage internal resources necessary to complete tasks. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Consistent program branding, a professionally developed community education campaign, and an improved technical understanding (through annual modeling) of the City’s stormwater pipe network. These services are all critical in supporting the Stormwater Programs goals, maximizing efficiency, and ensuring MS4 Permit compliance. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $25,000 FY19 $25,000 FY20 $25,000 169 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM12 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER DEFERRED MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY16 $104,000 FY17 $142,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contracting of a qualified firm on an annual basis to complete city-owned stormwater infrastructure deferred maintenance. Historically, the City has completed minimal system maintenance allowing its contained pipes, inlets, and detention ponds to accumulate excessive amounts of sediment, vegetation, rocks, and debris. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED City staff completes all backlogged stormwater system maintenance in addition to recurring annual operating activities. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The use of contracted services to clean and dredge deferred issues will reduce the strain on internal resources allowing crews to focus on typical recurring maintenance activities, pollution response, and structural spot repairs. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stornwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $152,000 FY19 $164,000 FY20 $161,000 170 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM13 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER PIPE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FY16 $206,000 FY17 $288,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contracting of a qualified firm on an annual basis to conduct underground pipe repair. Types of work include full replacement and slip lines. Condition scoring, underground assessment video, and close coordination with other utility improvemetns will determine the type of repair(s) necessary for each individual pipe segment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to administer a response based program limited to staff addressing issues as they become apparent or obvious through system failures. Past failures include flooding, pipe collapse, and regulatory warnings. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Funding will allow the City to be proactive in the repair of stormwater infrastructure that has or is likely to fail reducing flooding, meeting permit requirements, and improving public safety. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $228,000 FY19 $246,000 FY20 $241,500 171 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM14 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - N 11TH AND W LAMME FY16 $20,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of N 11th and W Lamme. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 4-Acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Mandeville Creek. In addition, this device will be located adjacent to the Bozeman High School Property and be leveraged as a public outreach tool through the use of educational signage. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Mandeville Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in an urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Mandeville Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 172 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM15 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - S ROUSE AND E LINCOLN FY16 $40,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of S Rouse and E Lincoln. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 100 acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Bozeman Creek. In addition, this device will be located adjacent to the Christie Fields Park and be leveraged as an outreach tool through the use of educational signage. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Bozeman Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in a large urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 173 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM16 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME STORMWATER FACILITY PLAN FY16 $100,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A planning update and modeling effort that will identify insufficiencies within Bozeman’s current Stormwater Program, update past recommendations, and identify components of the City’s pipe network that requires improvement. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use and implement recommendations established in Bozeman’s 2008 Stormwater Facility Plan. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Receipt of an updated Stormwater Facility Plan that will contain recommendations and guidance to ensure Bozeman is on track to meet regulatory compliance, is making cost effective investments, is strategically addressing infrastructure issues, and is staying consistent with industry standard codes and requirements. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 174 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM17 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME CITYWORKS PLL PERMIT SOFTWARE FY16 $30,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Stormwater Program is in the process of developing and implementing a new Construction Site Inspection Program. This program will require permit management software and reporting capabilities that allows for custom development, maximization of efficiencies, spatial capabilities to leverage existing GIS data, and the ability to integrate with historic asset management information. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Exploration of alternative software options. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Leverages existing city-owned software (Cityworks AMS) and manages all stormwater construction site permits, inspections, reports, and local response practices. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual maintenance fees may be required. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 175 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM18 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS FY16 FY17 $150,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a regional detention pond, designed to hold accumulated stormwater until it infiltrates into the ground, on Gallatin County Fairground property treating an 80 acre residential urban drainage area and a portion of the fairgrounds that currently discharges directly into Bozeman Creek. This project will offer a collaborative opportunity between the City/County and be leveraged as a highly visible educational space. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Pursue other alternatives such as acquiring the land to the south of the proposed Rouse Justice Center or installing localized treatment solutions throughout the contributing system. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Installation will allow the City to implement an effective treatment system, leverage rare green space within the downtown core, offer a quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provide a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 176 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM19 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - N BLACK AND E MENDENHAL FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater underground regional detention pond, designed to hold and infiltrate polluted runoff, collected from a 250 acre urban drainage area encompassing the downtown core. This project will be completed in coordination with the Parking Commission’s planned reconstruction of the N Black and E Mendenhall parking lot. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Installation of numerous system improvements throughout the network upstream that would achieve a similar pollutant reduction. Decisions regarding the long-term plan for this parking lot must be considered prior to moving this project forward. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within the City’s largest urban drainage area while maintain the parking lots size and functionality, leverages rare available space within the downtown core, offers a quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $150,000 FY19 FY20 177 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM20 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - N WALLACE AND E TAMARA FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of N Wallace and E Tamarack. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 71 acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Bozeman Creek. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Bozeman Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in a large urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $50,000 FY19 FY20 178 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM21 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - S BLACK AND W CLEVELAND FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of S Black and W Cleveland. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 121 acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Bozeman Creek. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Bozeman Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in a large urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $50,000 FY20 179 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM22 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - S BOZEMAN AND E CLEVELAN FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of S Bozeman and E Cleveland. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 20 acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Bozeman Creek ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Bozeman Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in a large urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $40,000 FY20 180 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM23 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The allocation of annual funding for stormwater system enhancements necessary to comply with permit requirements, meet federal water quality standards, reduce pollutant discharge into local rivers, and protect community health. Improvements will include the installation of treatment devices, pervious surfaces, regional detention ponds, and other industry best practice treatment solutions designed to clean stormwater runoff. Individual projects will be selected and formally introduced through future CIP processes. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to administer a program that does not proactively address known issues and continues to be in violation of both state and federal requirements. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Appropriating funding will allow the installation of system enhancements on an annual basis. In addition, having a defined funding level will allow City staff to proactively identify and pursue unique collaborative opportunities with local organizations, developers, residents, and businesses. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $60,000 FY20 $177,500 181 CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM24 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME STORMWATER TV VAN REFURBISHMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $125,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Refurbishment of existing Stormwater TV Van routinely completed every 5 years to replace worn parts and remain consistent with new technology. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Purchase a new TV Van at an estimated cost of $250,000. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the timely replacement of critical maintenance equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 182