HomeMy WebLinkAbout04- Ferguson, Leland S; 2530 W. Babcock - Temp Access Easement - TEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman, hereinafter City, is planning to construct improvements in and along West Babcock Street; and WHEREAS, the City entered into an agreement with Leland S. Ferguson to purchase a temporary interest in the property along West Babcock Street in order to allow it access to the property during construction of improvements; and WHEREAS, the City, by and through its Consulting Engineer, Morrison-Maierle, Inc., has entered into an agreement with the Grantor, attached hereto as "Exhibit A" for certain improvements to be made to the Grantor's property as part of construction of improvements in and along West Babcock Street; and WHEREAS, this agreement also allows the City to enter the Grantor's property in order to repair or replace any portions of the Grantor's property damaged during the construction; and WHEREAS, the parties recognize that a temporary easement is necessary for City to preserve its right to access the property until construction is fully completed in order to meet its obligations under the construction agreement. NOW THEREFORE, Leland S, Ferguson, owner of the property located at 2530 West Babcock Street, Bozeman, Montana, GRANTOR, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to the City of Bozeman, hereinafter City, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, 411 East Main, Bozeman, MT 59715, any successors and assigns, a temporary access easement in order to allow access to the Grantor's property to construct, repair or replace water and sewer mains lying adjacent to or within West Babcock Street, construct sidewalks adjacent to West Babcock and make certain repairs or improvements to the property occurring during the construction of said improvements to West Babcock Street as set forth in a separate construction agreement. The temporary easement shall be a rectangular strip of property not more than 10 feet wide and 140.25 feet long across the northern edge of Parcel Number 20, West Babcock Street Improvement Project, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana and more particularly described as: A rectangular strip of land 10 feet wide and 140.25 feet long lying parallel and adjacent to the northern edge of that tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M. Gallatin County. Said rectangular strip shall lie adjaccnt and parallel to the City of Bozeman's Right of Way for West Babcock Street, Gallatin County conveyed to and more particularly shown in "Exhibit B" attached hereto. J ~~.~~!!~!!!~!I ~~j! "IIII~I~I ~~t~~?:, I PLATTW9 Said easement is temporary and shall cease automatically upon the completion of all improvements to West Babcock Street. Further, the City agrees to file all documentation necessary to terminate said easement upon the completion of the improvements to West Babcock Street. THE GRANTOR AGREES: (1) At no time, during the life of this temporary easement, will the Grantor build, construct, erect or maintain any permanent structure within the boundaries of said easement without the prior written consent of GRANTEE. (2) The GRANTOR warrants that he is lawfully seized and possessed of the real property described above, that he has a lawful right to convey the property, or any part of it, and that he will defend the title to this property against the claims of all persons. (3) During the life of this temporary easement, the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants and provisions of this easement and agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. DATEDthis~dayOC~ ,200~. GRANTOR: :~~ { CAUf~l(N \('\ STATE OF MO~TT A Tv;\ Sf~~ elM-Co County of~n th On this '3'\l day of .::::rU NE ,2004 before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of M8~~a, personally appeared Leland S. Ferguson known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ) ) ss. ) ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year above written. ~~ @.JAVAMlPAllL': - Commission , 1386066 ' ~ ... Notay PublIc - CalIfom/o Santo Claro County MvComm. esD8cl&2X16 Notary Public for the State of-Montaaa C A JA"'fANTI fATtL Printed Name of Notary Public , I Residing at l~ S" s,tMJ., Wc...// M 1 \ p rW My Commission Expires --:Du.... t \" \ ~Q(, IIIIIIII~III~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~,~4:~~, Snell.y Vanoe-Gallaltn Co MT MISC 30.00 . - ACCEPTED: .~~~ ~ (~~j;,,\.,~~, .J \J ;...... '---...::;;:.... ..,. anager ',1'. ~ __~tf~, ..........', '\ /"'y ,'" ",,; -, " . ..~.,. ~.fil'~'.'{~. ~r1~) \:'~'~_.. {fr '.:'{ '-. ,f/1; ~!l. ~ ,.';1; -.'f"~'~,:, "~,\' '\~AN \",..4' I' , "'~~. ~e~.d.ty Commission 1(7 ~" /;1,.......,.....,. <.' 1:' s~A'T~bFMONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ~ th day of BuKUff , 200t( , before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared RON BREY and ROBIN L. SULLIVAN, known to me to be the Acting City Manager and Clerk of the City Commission, respectively, for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the day and year first above written. . , , " ".. (~tAl;;), ( . () . \n l") ~;~ ~. ;-:. :0 i'i \ ' I ,.'1-:::. :. \'... \ I'" \1Jt(QAf\L ~~ NotarY Public fore State of ontana HellU\~ (::({QAr\ t~ Printed Name of Notary Pu lC Residing in Bozeman, Montant_ My Commission Expires ,3 z/~ /z"oo '7 '/ tTj: ('J : ." : - ' ~k,.~",,_ ,'. ;... ....1'..!!.' , (, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~:t~~~~~R Snalley Vanoa-Gallattn Co MT MISC 30.00 ,~ Jul-iS-04 21 :03 From- r-r;u,'1 . r<:1..lt:.,.. T l'IUWI'l' H.lN ~JI'lCt:;:) , ~~ NU. .~~e ~ ~~~ T-950 P.002/002 F-040 Ul. ~~ ~~ ~e.~=rrl ~~ 07/1~/2004 Dg~5a FAX 408 SI712J8 MORRISON-JlA.IDLR IC!J 0021D02 ATTACHMENT A FOR THE PROPERTY AT 2530 WeST BASCO CONDITIONS FOR CONSTAUCTIN~ IMPROVEME WITHIN THE SOUNDAf'Y OF THI8 PROPERTY TO MAKE THE 1M ROVED WEST BABCOCK ST. COMPATIBLE WITH THE PRO EATV The conditions relative tc Improving this pri~te property are listed & fgl)QwG~ .. 2f530 W-.t Babcock St" Mr, Lelenet Fergl,lSOn, Weter lii8Wer uervlc;e IIn. will be stubbed II'ltO your property at JocetloM llluatrat on tha attaontCl emlbit. ",. ~Clllin. locatlons may be modl"Bd BUg to lVold .ating ImprovtlllTlfilnta. A flll .Jope will be aondltnJctecl at an ap raxlmate 81""1t' of 4 faot horizgntal to 1 foot vertlaal (maximum elope of 3 fe horizOntal to 1 foot vertiCIII) to match the new roadway with your exiSting JI "ama, Your existing fGnce will be repJ8C8Cf wIth It d1aln link fence tha new property line, The driveway win bs replaced tor approDnat.ly (5 feet yond th. back of the new sltlGwalk to match the gr8do, -.mce typa, and wi or the existing driveway surface. The approach will be ~dftd tQ t City of RaZ$man . ret.(ulmmenta, The exlring n8llhedgG in front of the orne will remain In plsae but will be trImmed 8s n8C8HlIJ)' to ecoommad the new 8Id8WElrk. w. will attampt to IMVti all oth.r ttXIJtln8 triM In pIlot however If a true Qf Mot Itrueture Is damaged durIng COnltructJon, the tr.. III be raplsned with G similar type at II minimum 2 inch diameter trunk size. Ilturbed klwn areas shall be restored with sod. All work will b, performed hir'l the construCtion work area illuetrat8d on the attached exhIbit (Mr. lei Ferguson. 2530 W_ a~bcock St. 59718). The loeatro" of the eewm- 8GMCB In. to serve the ~. --", exlDtlng dwelling ahall btt coordInated between Ray C, t.er. Leland Fergu on:C IinClin-r, .nd Greg Stratton prior to construction, The acatlo" at an . addltlonsl 88WQr ..rvlce to aery. a tutu,. .Natura at . rear. of 'the property shall .'.0 be caardln8111d be1wtitel'l Ray Ceo., .nd $tratton. 'M18 additional aervlr:e to be paid for by 1t1e property owner, The Ifgnatul'88 below signify the acceptance of the condftlon, II.. above. IInd that these condItione represent the fUll amount of rBql.dfllm.nt8 for the raperly In qLle.tlcl'!, This dQcument .110 prOVld.s notice that the ContractDr may proce d with the work under the 'enn. of the ConB1nletfon Contract wltl'l th. Olty of Elazeman. he work shall be pfilrfotmed and complqd by the Contritctot 88 p.rt of the West bcook su.t ImprowmentS Pl'Qjeot. All work on the pl'Qperty will be performed nder the U8b1l1ty Insurange l1IquJremems of tha Con~r for thll proJect. All wark Bhall be covered under 8 one-ye~r warranty, and the correotlon d any probl.m. or Duro. within that period shalt be comPleted by the Camrlccorunderthe ten11l or Co tr8ctwlth the City" SOMman. Agllllld: ~........~ . Loeland filrgulIOI1. tlroperty owner END H;VM'1\~,-"", ~TTACrtMINTA,fto 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 ~~t~~f::~R Sn.lley Vanoe-Gallaltn Co MT MISC 30.00 lilt !. It) OJ _10& .. -... Q'og UJID~ ..& .... : ~ N:~ ~& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & _::l ~ iiiiiiiiii - =u -II) iiiiiiiiii E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =.... _a: >(,.\,1r.:1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 _U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C =.....-4. -... -- -- -=; = <!I _I -- _0' =c ~ 5: -€AS -~ =- iiiiiiiiii .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L _CI> ct """)[5 -~ l:JP:: l::l~1<) P:: ~ I ~~'Z '<-- CARL E. MARTIN LOT 1 BLOCK 1 o ---11 CON STRU C. WORK AREA TOE DE DRIVEWAY TO 5' BEHIND SIDEWALK NEW 3/4" WATER SERVICE REMOVE EXISTING FENCE AND REPLACE WITH CHAIN LINK FENCE TO EASEMENT LINE NEW 6" ~ SEWER SERVICE ::; >- t: w D- o 0:: D.. ~~ <:J 0-- ()-.J w z ::; >- ~ W D.. o 0:: D.. LELAND S. FERGUSON 176 FM 3850 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 _ fjl 15 I--- ~ I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch :: 30 ft. VICINITY MAP 30 I LEGEND: ('-"""V--rV) '~~"f;~A.., . . EXISTING VEGETATION I TREES ".A. NEW VEGETATION I TREES SIDEWALKS OVERHEAD POWER (OHP) TELEPHONE LINE (TEL) GAS MAIN (GAS) SANITARY SEWER MAIN (55) WATER MAIN (WTR) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE WATER VALVE ~0f9- -TEL'-- . iNV J:h MORRISON cJ::lJ MAIERLE,INc, .. . ~, _ , J ..... - - - - .... - PO .. 1111 .. ........ ... ~ IIA'. I!IIm1 . I"IIn: ., 117-mt F'aI: (at 817..m' CUENT' FIELD WORK' DRAWN BY: KDJ/KSS CHECKED BY.GJS DATE: OS/21/04 SCAlE: 1"-30' PROJ 0417/039 Exhibit "B" TIMOTHY H. RIGBY NAOM RIGBY LOT 1 BLOCK 2 EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN IN PLACE ALONGFR~~TOFPRtER 7---><'-~ -- '-,...-" -,"'", J ~ l3 A'--' )6"" ~ -.,.-" C\j c::i C:l -.J ~ a C:l ~ l'--. I,{) [E lIJ 'Q, TOE OF SLOPE . STORM WATER SEWER WATER SERVICE SEWER SERVICE CULVERT POWER PEDISTAL TELEPHONE PEDISTAL OVERHEAD POWER POLE .._~,.,~-""~"-~ --,..,--~"".._- "~.-- FIRE HYDRANT ~ MAIL BOX Mr. Leland Ferguson 2530 W. Babcock St. Bozeman, MT 59718 PLOTTED DATE: May/21/2004 09:45:00 llm DRAWING NAME: tt\0417\OJt\Aood\E>ch_ROW\ LJorv-.dlro SHEET ---L- OF ---1...- PIDT1m In':