HomeMy WebLinkAboutTitle_11 Eminent Domain Powers -----.-.-.----------- --...---..- ..-.-... ..-...---.- Title 11 EMINENT DOMAIN POWERS Chapters: 11.01 Use of Eminent Domain Powers XI~1 10/2005 ..-..,...--..---- Chapter 11.01 USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN POWERS Sections: 11.01.010 Extent of Power 11.01.020 Initiation of Condemnation 11.01.030 Effect of Resolution 11.01.040 Eminent Domain Procedure 11.01.050 State Law Superseded 11.01.010 Extent of Power The City shall have the power, known as eminent domain, to condemn and take property for all public purposes and City uses and purposes. The extent of the power and authority shall not be limited to the uses described in MCA Title 70, Chapters 30 and 31 (sections 70-30-101 et seq. and 70-31-101 et seq.) and Urban Renewal Law, MCA Title 7, Chapter 15, parts 42 and 43 (sections 7-15-4201 et seq. and 7-15-4301 et seq.); but shall be limited as follows: A. Prohibiting Eminent Domain for Economic Development. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, neither this City nor any of its subdivisions shall use eminent domain to take private property for economic development without the consent of the owner. S. Economic Development. The term "economic development" means the use of powers of eminent domain to acquire private property for private use in the implementation of an urban renewal project or similar redevelopment plan. C. Prohibiting Transfer of Condemned Property to Private Parties. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, private property acquired through eminent domain without the consent of the owner shall not be dedicated, sold, leased in substantial part, or otherwise transferred to a private person, partnership, corporation, or any other entity for a period of ten (10) years following the acqUisition of the property by the City, except that property may be transferred or leased: 1. to private entities that are public utilities or common carriers such as a railroad or toll road; and 2. to private entities that occupy an incidental area in a public project, such as a retail establishment on the ground floor of a public building." (Ord. 1652 S 1,2005; Ord. 1552 S 1,2001) 11.01.020 Initiation of Condemnation The city shall initiate all eminent domain actions by the City Commission passing a resolution declaring the public purpose for which the condemnation is being made, which resolution shall describe the property to be taken, and the extent of the interest condemned. The resolution shall authorize the city officials to proceed. (Ord. 1552 S 1,2001) 11.01.030 Effect of Resolution The passage of the resolution, initiating condemnation and taking of private property for any public use declared in the resolution, is conclusive as to the necessity of the taking. (Ord. 1552 S 1, 2001) 11.01.040 Eminent Domain Procedure The eminent domain procedures shall follow the state statutes. (Ord. 1552 S 1, 2001) XI-2 10/2005 11.01.050 State Law Superseded MCA 7-5-4106 is hereby superseded and the Urban Renewal Law as set forth in MCA Title 7, Chapter 15, Parts 42 and 43 where inconsistent herewith is hereby superseded. It is the intent of this chapter that the City may take full advantage of the Urban Renewal Law by following the procedures set forth herein and shall not be restricted in the exercise of powers of eminent domain for the purposes described in the Urban Renewal Law by the provisions thereof. (Ord. 1552 S 1, 2001) XI-3 10/2005