HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 897: Levying a Special Assessment of Taxes in SID No. 77 ~~~~:;"j;/) . COUN07LRESOLUTION NO. 897. .4 Oouno:iil Resolution levying a speoial assessment of' taxes upon all property in Speoial Improvement Distriot No. 77 in the Oi tyofBozeman, Montana. to defray the cost and' expense of the maintenanoeofthe improve- ment!:l installed and established under and by virtue of the ~'esOlution oreating district, for the year 1918. Resolution No. 576 being the Iiesolu.ti6n Of.Irlte1?-tldnto 'Improvement Distriot No. 77 is h3rebyfeferred t(,~n.dIn8diapart mreof further particulars in respeot to thebound,arle$ of:6a:l:,d'J~1~trlct. the ~ ,," 1 " < I ." , ' , : " , , ",,: " , " " ,,: ":, ,,: "" " , ' ,'''" "",' ,,: , ",' , ",' ":",, , "" '''" """,,,' ": ' , ' ": '" ",' ": -.: ' , , : ~ ",," \ 'i , I' , ' , ' i" . , estimated ooat of said improvements and the roothod ofaS6eisSi~~,~b,e sam~ agaln~t the property within said distriot and the charaoter oithe improveOO\>x,.:i!):\; menta. ":'" . Whereas,sa1d improvements as contemplated in were established andinstallecl and whereas, the cost for the.mainte:n,ance tlle same for the,year.19l8, is estimated at the sum of $185.52. THEREFORE BElT RESOLVE:p BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA:' Seoti on L l'hat to defray the coat ar.vii!expense of maintaining said improvements in said, Special Improvement Distr~ct No. '77 for the year 'there be and there tshereby levied and assessed, ataxup.on ,all in said Special Improvement DistriqtNo. 77, amounting to the sum that a desoription of eaoh lot or paroel ofls nd with thE! n~me of theoV\'I}3,r and the sum assessed aga'inst him for such maintenance for as is shown in the .assessment list hereto attached, marked.nExhibitA" and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the oyvr;ters and describeti lots and parcels of land be, anci the seme,are ly levied and assessed upon and against said de.scri bed lots and parcels of Hand to defray the cost and expense of the maintenance of said improvements !for the year 1918; end that the several sums so assessed be respecti V'e>owmrs of said lots or parcels 0 f land descrtbed list as required by law; that the payment of said sums sballbe made the first Monday of October 1918, and the 30th day of Nov\3mber 1918, manner and in aocordance with the law governing theoo.llection of spe:oial Improvement taxes; failure to pay suoh assessments shall make said a,ndparcels 0:f If,Wd liable to the ssme penaltites providedpy to de Ul1QueI1,ttexe.s. Section 2. 'J.'hat the. Qi ty,C ounc 11 in session in the Counoil Chamber in the the IGth day of August 1918, at andplaoeth,e. -89'7- Section 3. That the City Clerk of the City of is authorized end directed to publish at le-ast 011.ge in flnewspaper published in the City of Bozeman, to,.-wi t: TheWe,ekly Courter,. €I not ice signed by the:: C1 ty , ~,. c~erk, statJng thete Msol~ti~n levying a speci818~sea,sment.to. defray the oost end expense of maintaining the improve!Ilents in s.!.ddSpecial Improvement District' No. '7'7 for the ~eer 1918, is on file in h18office, sub~ect to inspection for five ~eya, that said notice shall state the time and place at wh1chobjections wjlll be heard ,by the Oi ty Counoil to the final ad.option of this Resolution; that said notioe shall be published at least fiye days before the date set by the City Council f"r the hearing of object! 0:00 an~ final adoption Otthis Resolution. I Passed and adopted this 1st day of Aup;ust 1918. n i :. AJ;>proved by the Meyor this 1st day of August 1918. i 'I '"..J L. w. Truitt. May"o r. Attest: O. A. Spieth.. City Clerk. ---.--- - ~89,?- WHEREAS ,th~ ~bovEj,ent:itled Hesolu~1on sfgJ?e~byth, M;f.lyd.J:' and.C,:j;ty Clerk of the said City wasflled in ~he offioeoffH.lid on the let day of August 1915, and has ever since been on file in to, insPection and the s~id City Clerk having'givEjn notioe of the a:qd filing of said Resolution, 'by p-abJ:1shlngl'lald,noti(je 'ir.!.,Tlle , . .... '. . .... . .': 'i:,"., ,; Weekly' Oourier,' a newspaper published1n ,sa1dOi~y, ..atl~ae~f~ivedaysbe:f'ore the da;? ,set for .hefjrir.l.g all objeo~i(ms,to thefiualad!OptiCln ,,;1', t,: '::>,I~{, ' \< I i ,~,'\;::i'>',i';'L;'" I;" , ti on as ,.herein .deBari bed, anct theOtt~ ,.O,o:u;n:c1:bli~'vie.irg,I'F?bee~t11f).~es:e'$onpursu8nt .... ... . '.' .' ,". "".' .......... . '. ...., .' '. '.,il,\I",r,<I":'51;i<U.,),i:,",.. ...... to and at the time so fixed for hear1ngobjecttous\to'itheE fd/rte,;Jiad'opt:tonof' '.' . . .' .................. ........ .... ....... """.;:"..1",...,........'. Res.oluti onl;ind the time a 0 fi:x:e'o}hav:tng 'alread:yjlp~'~:$,l:!dlan4!' I ..... .' .."., ,<,,',. .... '.. ..... ...... i': ""::.!' ';':I'I,!:,..~.>: .' ..'......'....... owner..., of prop~rty Wi thin sa1(l~p~eOial. "III.l'pr'ovemeni;:"Distr:J:q't'i. qr Qtheirperson , ',\::,.:' ,,', '":;,,.i: ", " " " or o~jegti~~;<tO\~h~'~~optioriO:tr~~~d.:t}eSp:LuAji oxi'or.the ',,,} ','" " :,",:", ,.:, '", ":', '!' :" . ", :,:', ,:". ,:,: ", ' , : '/ ',,'<~,: "~I: ""~" 'I'," '::,;; 'Oi tY.''9.9unO~;L,''.'t1i#j;'?the assessments.8110tll:d......be;mad$ as in Reso.lutionprovided; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above entitled Resolution be and the same hereby is, finally adopted and the special assessments therein provided for be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed acoord:ingly. Finellypassed oytheCityOounoll this 22nd day of August Ulla. L. w. Truitt. '. M/v' 0It . Attest: O. A. Spieth. Gftyd,lerk; .....------ ..-.----. --,----- -.,.-..-- ASSESSME1;JTLIST AGAINS,T'<8;Ji1~C~.~:jj;r:~ROV~J.'IT,;I?+ 8TR! CT NO. 77 FORMAINTAInE]10EOF'J?~RKIN(}S.. 1918,'" .... Rate of assessment $0.094125 t:er f:tont foot. Total Ta including 6% accrue inteJ;'est to Nov.30 Name. L ot s . Block Addition Fro nj'b,age 1918 . 1. EmilyID.Sumnel" lto 12 39 west Park 300 28 . 24 2. Mrs. J .L.Guiler 13 to 1ti 40 Park 100 9.41 3. E. V. Blankenship 17 to 22 40 " 150 14.12 4. R. C. Simpson 23 &24 40 " 50 4.71 5. Ue1son Story, Jr. 13 and surplus south of 13 40 " 80.5 7.55 6. S. & B. 1\oss, Daly City, Cal. 14 to 20 49 " 1!ZB 16.47 7. E11enRaymond, 21 & 22 49 " 50 4.71 8. S. K. $uver1y 23& 24 49 " 50 1i..71 9. Jonas Henderson 1-2-3 50 W. I'ark 76 7.06 10. Hannah Andrews. 4-5-6 60 " ''76 7.06 11. J. L. Ketterer 7-8-9-10 60 " 100 9.41 12 .Anna:t4,:D'Ivight estate 11 & 12 50 " 50 4.71 13. Wm. Iita;pes 13 & 14 50 " 5,5.5 P.24 14. :~~.((}.W'. . Hudson 14.,.15-8 6ft of 16 6 Oap.H~ll J5I? $~:l.6 15. N. J. .'White 17-18-N 20ft of 16 5 " . i~Q6,:o59 16 .D..P. {~tone 19-20-21 5 " Ii 7 .06 n t . 17. Qeo.$. Watson 22 & 23 5 II '...b 4. 71 r. J 18. C.M.C. Morrison 24-25-26 5 " . "SO ,'t.'P'1 L_J .19. Montana StateOo1lege 1 to 13 6 " "!31"1"07 ';;""19" $~'t2 :' :'.: ,.:.)},;:,>",:". ",'::::,::,'::;i'::,<~/:.!:,t~.. July 30 ,1918. l;he:re~Y c.~.rttfy ,thEittheoost ofM.ai:tJ.tenanoe in Special Improve~erit Pt,liI- trict No. 77 ,for,th~se.l;I,son of 1918, is $185.62; and that the foregoing iSA'< ", " full, tTueanqcorrect list of all property within ~aid d1strd:ot su.';pject to speoia1 assessmento~ aooount of said maintenanoe. C. ~. Widener. qityEngineer. .. - -.-.---...----- . . ------.-----